IAAF requires athletes to strip genital history
On the 1st May 2011, the International Amateur Athletic Federation outlined new regulations governing the eligibility of athletes who have "undergone sex reassignment" to compete in women's competition.
EU Commission says it is important to support trans rights
The EU Commission answered a written request from members of the European Parliament. In her response Commissioner Reding highlights the significance to take up issues transgender people are facing.
Response to the parliamentary question on promoting equality for transgender people
Transgenders call for skilled heath care
SKILLED health care for transgender people was requested by the State Federation for Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB) in their first meeting with the Valencian Ministry of Health. The meeting aimed to advance issues of equality and dignity for transgender people, according to FELGTB.
Early Suspension of Puberty for Gender Variant Adolescents
The Tavistock Clinic in London, England, has obtained the ethical and other approvals required for its research into the suspension of puberty in gender variant adolescents. This will feature the same careful assessment of candidates for treatment as is applied by their Dutch colleagues.
The Tavistock is due to start its research programme later this month.
This treatment will greatly relieve the stress of inappropriate pubertal development that these young and their families have experienced.
House where five transgender people were living set on fire
On 27 April 2011 five transgender people in Albania were put at risk because the house where they stood was set on fire by unknown persons.
The PINK Embassy - an organization working to protect the rights of LGBT community in Albania - informs on the incident in a press release:
[South Africa] [VIA EMAIL]
Transgender Raped in Pretoria
On the 5th May 2011, a 14 years old transman was raped in Attredgeville, Pretoria. He was left unconscious and traumatized by the perpetrators. The transman is believed to have been raped on his way to school. According to the victim’s mother, the school phoned her after one teacher realized that the victim was crying and bleeding from his genitals. The mother also says that the victim does not want to reveal what has happened to him. It was obvious to the teachers and mother that the child had been raped. He is admitted at Kalafong hospital after he was discovered to have had major internal damage.
His mother is also traumatized by this matter. According to her the victim was heavily bleeding and she believes that her son had been attacked by people who knew him. Apparently last week the victim was harassed by old men from his community. The harassment began after the victim was asked whether he is a girl or a boy. The victim ran home crying and told his mother about the incident.
The rape case has been opened and the investigation is taking place. The victim is under the care of a psychologist, social workers and a gender reassignment doctor who will be taking care of his wish to transition as the victim has made a strong request regarding that.
Tebogo Nkoana, the director of Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA), went to visit the victim at the hospital and met with his family as well. According to him the family supports their child and wish for fair justice.
Transgender and Intersex Africa make a call to LGBTI activists to assist in fighting for non-discriminatory justice in this case.
Transgender and Intersex Africa will follow up on the case and make sure that it is taken serious and justice put on place.
[Pakistan] [Commentary]
Justice for eunuchs – a quest for dignity
In the wake of the much criticised Mukhtar Mai decision handed down a couple of weeks ago, a significant judgment by the Supreme Court of Pakistan has sadly gone unnoticed; on April 25, the court, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhury, directed NADRA to issue national identity cards to transgenders (commonly known as hijras in South Asia) with a specific gender category of ‘khwaja sira’ instead of the rather inappropriate ‘male’ and ‘female’.
Judge allows sex change for 10-year-old boy
A ten-year-old boy has been given the go-ahead by an Australian court to have sex change treatment.
Transgender people face 'social isolation'
Transgender and intersex people living in the ACT are six times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population and have difficulty accessing health services, a new survey shows.
Town to host transgender 'spring fling' next week
In what is becoming a yearly tradition, Gananoque is again playing host to The Gals Spring Fling - a transgender weekend of dining, dancing, shopping, learning and fun. This is the third time the event has been hosted locally.
GLAD Holds Transgender Legal Representation Webinar
More than 80 people from across the country participated in a Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders-sponsored Webinar on Wednesday, May 4, about how to better represent transgender people in family law cases.
Obama admin first to host ‘transgender’ meeting at White House
This past Friday, the Obama Administration became the first administration ever to host a meeting at the White House focusing exclusively on the discussion of federal policy related to “transgender” issues.
Governor signs bill to end discrimination
Gov. Neil Abercrombie has signed into law House Bill 546, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression as a public policy matter and specifically with regard to employment.
[Commentary] Hawaii Governor Signs HB 546: Employment Protections On The Basis Of Gender Identity
Hawaii Governor signs transgender workplace protections bill into law
As Northampton Pride march marks 30 years, questions arise about its message
When this year's Pride march wends its way up Main Street Saturday, it will mark the 30th anniversary of an event that has become a Northampton tradition. It's a safe bet that, as in past years, there will be crowds, floats, spirited speeches, lots of music, banners and balloons.
Transgender Equal Rights Bill to get hearing in June
A hearing for An Act Relative to Transgender Equal Rights -- also known as the Transgender Equal Rights bill -- has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, at 1 p.m. in Gardner Auditorium at the State House.
Transgender attack victim meets with woman who tried to help
For the first time, the victim of a brutal beating has met the woman who tried to step in and help.
Trans professor denied tenure at SOSU
Despite Rachel Tudor’s research credentials being questioned by the administration, the school will honor her with an award for outstanding scholarship.
[Photo: Rachel Tudor, an assistant professor of English at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, believes she was denied tenure because of school administrators’ bigotry against her identity as a transgender woman.]
[OK, USA] Becoming Katie (Part One)
The lone memento of Luke Hill's unhappy existence hangs like a specter in his former bedroom, piercing blue eyes haunting from a 12-year-old portrait.
Pickax murderer rants at length before getting sentenced to life in prison
Excerpt: During trial French's attorneys said French was transgender and prefers to be referred to as a "she," but French took aim at the media today for referring to French as transgender. French self-identifies as intersex, French said.
Life Sentence Handed Down In Pick Ax Killing
Life sentence for Ore. pickax murder
The Right Way to Fight
In response to the recent attack on Baltimore transwoman Chrissy Polis and the approaching one-year anniversary of the first of three reported pre-Pride queer bashings, Q Patrol and Pride Northwest are hosting a Community Safety Forum Tuesday, May 10 to discuss strategies for visibility and safety.
Sigue en libertad presunto agresor de transexual Francheska González
El presunto agresor de la transexual Francheska González se encuentra en libertad nuevamente después de ser arrestado por segunda ocasión por otro cargo de robo.
José Ortiz Castro, de 22 años de edad y residente del barrio Dos Bocas Trujillo Alto, había sido acusado por la División de Delitos Sexuales por agredir a González. También le habían radicado cargos por robar a un trasvesti en Santurce el pasado 26 de abril, cuando fue arrestado.
(Foto: José Ortiz Castro, de 22 años de edad, continúa en libertad pese a ser sospechoso de la agresión contra Francheska y de varios robos en Santurce y Río Piedras.)
Asesinan a activista transexual en Puebla
Al interior de su departamento en la colonia Santa Cruz Buenavista en la ciudad de Puebla, fue hallado la madrugada del pasado 30 de abril el cadáver de la activista transexual Bárbara Lezama. (Foto)
Exige la comunidad LGBTT esclarecer crimen de transexual ocurrido en Puebla
La PGJ asegura que el asesinato de Bárbara Lezama no es un crimen de odio
Asesinaron a puñaladas a dos transexuales en la Libertador
Las víctimas aún no han sido identificadas. Sin embargo, trascendió que uno de ellos llevaba el apodo de Rubí, de 19 años de edad, mientras que el otro era conocido como La Dominicana, de 39.
Muertos dos transexuales en la avenida Libertador
A puñaladas asesinan a dos transexuales en la avenida Libertador
Continúan en la morgue los cadáveres de transexuales
Uno de los transexuales asesinado en la Libertador era un adolescente
Presentan Frente Nacional por Ley de Identidad de Género
El Frente Nacional por la Ley de Identidad de Género, formado por organizaciones y activistas travestis, transgéneros, trans, intersexuales, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales, fue lanzado hoy en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Se trata de un frente cuya actividad fundamental es desarrollar acciones conjuntas para promover el debate y la pronta aprobación del proyecto de ley de identidad de género, presentado en noviembre de 2010 al Parlamento.
Inadi pide reconocimiento legal para personas trans
El Presidente del Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (INADI), Claudio Morgado, participó del acto de lanzamiento del Frente Nacional por la Identidad de Género que otorgará derechos a las personas travestis, transexuales y transgéneros.
Corte falla a favor de seis mujeres transgénero y les permite cambiar su DNI
Las seis mujeres transgénero presentaron un amparo para cambiar de identidad con urgencia por la proximidad de las elecciones porteñas. Una sentencia inédita les concedió el reclamo. Ahora podrán votar con el nombre que las identifica en sus DNI.
IAAF requires athletes to strip genital history
On the 1st May 2011, the International Amateur Athletic Federation outlined new regulations governing the eligibility of athletes who have "undergone sex reassignment" to compete in women's competition.
EU Commission says it is important to support trans rights
The EU Commission answered a written request from members of the European Parliament. In her response Commissioner Reding highlights the significance to take up issues transgender people are facing.
Response to the parliamentary question on promoting equality for transgender people
Transgenders call for skilled heath care
SKILLED health care for transgender people was requested by the State Federation for Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB) in their first meeting with the Valencian Ministry of Health. The meeting aimed to advance issues of equality and dignity for transgender people, according to FELGTB.
Early Suspension of Puberty for Gender Variant Adolescents
The Tavistock Clinic in London, England, has obtained the ethical and other approvals required for its research into the suspension of puberty in gender variant adolescents. This will feature the same careful assessment of candidates for treatment as is applied by their Dutch colleagues.
The Tavistock is due to start its research programme later this month.
This treatment will greatly relieve the stress of inappropriate pubertal development that these young and their families have experienced.
House where five transgender people were living set on fire
On 27 April 2011 five transgender people in Albania were put at risk because the house where they stood was set on fire by unknown persons.
The PINK Embassy - an organization working to protect the rights of LGBT community in Albania - informs on the incident in a press release:
[South Africa] [VIA EMAIL]
Transgender Raped in Pretoria
On the 5th May 2011, a 14 years old transman was raped in Attredgeville, Pretoria. He was left unconscious and traumatized by the perpetrators. The transman is believed to have been raped on his way to school. According to the victim’s mother, the school phoned her after one teacher realized that the victim was crying and bleeding from his genitals. The mother also says that the victim does not want to reveal what has happened to him. It was obvious to the teachers and mother that the child had been raped. He is admitted at Kalafong hospital after he was discovered to have had major internal damage.
His mother is also traumatized by this matter. According to her the victim was heavily bleeding and she believes that her son had been attacked by people who knew him. Apparently last week the victim was harassed by old men from his community. The harassment began after the victim was asked whether he is a girl or a boy. The victim ran home crying and told his mother about the incident.
The rape case has been opened and the investigation is taking place. The victim is under the care of a psychologist, social workers and a gender reassignment doctor who will be taking care of his wish to transition as the victim has made a strong request regarding that.
Tebogo Nkoana, the director of Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA), went to visit the victim at the hospital and met with his family as well. According to him the family supports their child and wish for fair justice.
Transgender and Intersex Africa make a call to LGBTI activists to assist in fighting for non-discriminatory justice in this case.
Transgender and Intersex Africa will follow up on the case and make sure that it is taken serious and justice put on place.
[Pakistan] [Commentary]
Justice for eunuchs – a quest for dignity
In the wake of the much criticised Mukhtar Mai decision handed down a couple of weeks ago, a significant judgment by the Supreme Court of Pakistan has sadly gone unnoticed; on April 25, the court, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhury, directed NADRA to issue national identity cards to transgenders (commonly known as hijras in South Asia) with a specific gender category of ‘khwaja sira’ instead of the rather inappropriate ‘male’ and ‘female’.
Judge allows sex change for 10-year-old boy
A ten-year-old boy has been given the go-ahead by an Australian court to have sex change treatment.
Transgender people face 'social isolation'
Transgender and intersex people living in the ACT are six times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population and have difficulty accessing health services, a new survey shows.
Town to host transgender 'spring fling' next week
In what is becoming a yearly tradition, Gananoque is again playing host to The Gals Spring Fling - a transgender weekend of dining, dancing, shopping, learning and fun. This is the third time the event has been hosted locally.
GLAD Holds Transgender Legal Representation Webinar
More than 80 people from across the country participated in a Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders-sponsored Webinar on Wednesday, May 4, about how to better represent transgender people in family law cases.
Obama admin first to host ‘transgender’ meeting at White House
This past Friday, the Obama Administration became the first administration ever to host a meeting at the White House focusing exclusively on the discussion of federal policy related to “transgender” issues.
Governor signs bill to end discrimination
Gov. Neil Abercrombie has signed into law House Bill 546, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression as a public policy matter and specifically with regard to employment.
[Commentary] Hawaii Governor Signs HB 546: Employment Protections On The Basis Of Gender Identity
Hawaii Governor signs transgender workplace protections bill into law
As Northampton Pride march marks 30 years, questions arise about its message
When this year's Pride march wends its way up Main Street Saturday, it will mark the 30th anniversary of an event that has become a Northampton tradition. It's a safe bet that, as in past years, there will be crowds, floats, spirited speeches, lots of music, banners and balloons.
Transgender Equal Rights Bill to get hearing in June
A hearing for An Act Relative to Transgender Equal Rights -- also known as the Transgender Equal Rights bill -- has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, at 1 p.m. in Gardner Auditorium at the State House.
Transgender attack victim meets with woman who tried to help
For the first time, the victim of a brutal beating has met the woman who tried to step in and help.

Trans professor denied tenure at SOSU
Despite Rachel Tudor’s research credentials being questioned by the administration, the school will honor her with an award for outstanding scholarship.
[Photo: Rachel Tudor, an assistant professor of English at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, believes she was denied tenure because of school administrators’ bigotry against her identity as a transgender woman.]
[OK, USA] Becoming Katie (Part One)
The lone memento of Luke Hill's unhappy existence hangs like a specter in his former bedroom, piercing blue eyes haunting from a 12-year-old portrait.
Pickax murderer rants at length before getting sentenced to life in prison
Excerpt: During trial French's attorneys said French was transgender and prefers to be referred to as a "she," but French took aim at the media today for referring to French as transgender. French self-identifies as intersex, French said.
Life Sentence Handed Down In Pick Ax Killing
Life sentence for Ore. pickax murder
The Right Way to Fight
In response to the recent attack on Baltimore transwoman Chrissy Polis and the approaching one-year anniversary of the first of three reported pre-Pride queer bashings, Q Patrol and Pride Northwest are hosting a Community Safety Forum Tuesday, May 10 to discuss strategies for visibility and safety.

Sigue en libertad presunto agresor de transexual Francheska González
El presunto agresor de la transexual Francheska González se encuentra en libertad nuevamente después de ser arrestado por segunda ocasión por otro cargo de robo.
José Ortiz Castro, de 22 años de edad y residente del barrio Dos Bocas Trujillo Alto, había sido acusado por la División de Delitos Sexuales por agredir a González. También le habían radicado cargos por robar a un trasvesti en Santurce el pasado 26 de abril, cuando fue arrestado.
(Foto: José Ortiz Castro, de 22 años de edad, continúa en libertad pese a ser sospechoso de la agresión contra Francheska y de varios robos en Santurce y Río Piedras.)

Asesinan a activista transexual en Puebla
Al interior de su departamento en la colonia Santa Cruz Buenavista en la ciudad de Puebla, fue hallado la madrugada del pasado 30 de abril el cadáver de la activista transexual Bárbara Lezama. (Foto)
Exige la comunidad LGBTT esclarecer crimen de transexual ocurrido en Puebla
La PGJ asegura que el asesinato de Bárbara Lezama no es un crimen de odio

Asesinaron a puñaladas a dos transexuales en la Libertador
Las víctimas aún no han sido identificadas. Sin embargo, trascendió que uno de ellos llevaba el apodo de Rubí, de 19 años de edad, mientras que el otro era conocido como La Dominicana, de 39.
Muertos dos transexuales en la avenida Libertador
A puñaladas asesinan a dos transexuales en la avenida Libertador
Continúan en la morgue los cadáveres de transexuales
Uno de los transexuales asesinado en la Libertador era un adolescente
Presentan Frente Nacional por Ley de Identidad de Género
El Frente Nacional por la Ley de Identidad de Género, formado por organizaciones y activistas travestis, transgéneros, trans, intersexuales, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales, fue lanzado hoy en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Se trata de un frente cuya actividad fundamental es desarrollar acciones conjuntas para promover el debate y la pronta aprobación del proyecto de ley de identidad de género, presentado en noviembre de 2010 al Parlamento.
Inadi pide reconocimiento legal para personas trans
El Presidente del Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (INADI), Claudio Morgado, participó del acto de lanzamiento del Frente Nacional por la Identidad de Género que otorgará derechos a las personas travestis, transexuales y transgéneros.
Corte falla a favor de seis mujeres transgénero y les permite cambiar su DNI
Las seis mujeres transgénero presentaron un amparo para cambiar de identidad con urgencia por la proximidad de las elecciones porteñas. Una sentencia inédita les concedió el reclamo. Ahora podrán votar con el nombre que las identifica en sus DNI.
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