TranSquat app locates gender-neutral bathrooms
New to Apple’s App store is TranSquat, an iPhone application assisting people looking for gender-neutral rest rooms.
[Czech Republic]
Dozens of pro-family leaders denounce U.S. embassy’s participation in Czech ‘gay pride’ parade
Dozens of pro-family leaders have signed a petition to condemn the participation of the U.S. embassy in the Czech Republic in this year’s “gay pride” parade to be held in Prague later this month.
Lebanese protest against anal exams on suspected gays
Dozens of people demonstrated outside the law courts in the Lebanese capital on Saturday to protest the use of anal "tests" on men suspected of homosexuality, which is a criminal offence in the Arab country.
Now, transgenders to be included in railway statistics
The Government Railway Police (GRP) has started a new website, displaying figures of the number of men, women and transgenders who have fallen victim to railway accidents. This is the first time that transgenders have been included in the GRP administration statistics.
Rights group backs title change campaign
The National Human Rights Commission is encouraging transvestites to stage a campaign to change their titles from "Mr" to "Miss" in line with their gender.
Journalism student uncovers ‘transphobic and homophobic culture’ at major Australian newspaper
A journalism student at the University of Melbourne has exposed what she described as a “sexist, transphobic and homophobic culture” at the Herald Sun, one of the country’s biggest newspapers.
Stick it up your undergrad
Australian 'Mole' Intern Reveals 'Sexist, Homophobic' Culture At Herald Sun Newspaper
When Does a Boy in a Dress Become Something More?
What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress? asks the headline of The New York Times magazine. What follows is a complex study of an even more complex topic: the world of boys who don’t conform to their gender expectations.
Democratic Platform Draft Supports Gay Marriage, Transgender Protections
A Democratic Party platform draft includes support for gay marriage and transgender workplace protections.
Meeting last month in Minneapolis, the platform drafting committee unanimously approved the language. The full committee will gather in Detroit this weekend to finalize the platform.
The Wachowskis Say They're Still Best Friends
The Wachowski siblings reveal there's been no change in their working relationship since Larry's transition to Lana, in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly.
Physician Fails To Inform Transgender Man of Cancer Diagnosis
Transgender man Jay Kallio is shining a light on LGBT discrimination in the medical community -- after his own physician failed to inform him of a cancer diagnosis.
[USA] [Commentary]
Gender Dysphoria: New Medical Term For Transgenders
Gender Identity Disorder is now an eradicated term as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has announced they will be replacing it with the new term “gender dysphoria."
Judge to Pregnant Man I Don't Believe You're REALLY a Guy ... Dude
An Arizona judge isn't convinced the Pregnant Man's marriage should be recognized in the Grand Canyon state ... because both man and wife have vaginas ... which might equate to same sex marriage ... which isn't legal in AZ.
The dispute is the latest speed bump in Thomas Beatie's divorce proceedings from wife Nancy ... who Thomas married in Hawaii back in 2003. The two represented themselves as a heterosexual couple because Thomas, a transgender man who was born a woman, had a state authorized change of sex before the wedding. Thomas says he has state-sanctioned legal docs to prove it.
Police chief joins rally, walk against anti-LGBT violence
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier, a contingent of police officials, two members of the City Council, and civic activists from the city’s Bloomingdale and Eckington neighborhoods participated in a rally and walk Thursday night against anti-LGBT violence.
[DC, USA] [Commentary]
DC to institute campaign against anti-transgender discrimination
The District of Columbia has had recent problems vis-a-vis the transgender community, what with a rash of transwomen being shot or otherwise killed, including at least one time by an off-duty police officer. In 2000 a government study of the DC trans community showed a 42% unemployment rate and that 47% of the community did not have health insurance.
'I would never spend a dollar in that business again'
Three transgendered women called out the owner of a North Portland bar Thursday, saying he left voicemails telling them to stay away.
The voice on the phone identifies himself as the owner of the P Club Bar, and it sounds exactly like owner Chris Penner. While he declined to speak about the controversy Thursday, his former customers spoke out.
[Commentary] Portland Bar Owner Told "Trannys" Not To Come Back.
Exigen respuesta a policías por crímenes
Representantes del Ministerio Público y la Policía Nacional se reunieron con los miembros de la comunidad gay y lésbica para conformar una mesa de diálogo y darles seguimiento a los casos de abuso y muertes violentas.
Polichacao amenaza de muerte a personas trans en Caracas
Esta denuncia la formulan nuestros compañeros de Venezuela Diversa. En la capital venezolana un grupo de policías agrede y amenaza de muerte personas Trans. Los hechos ocurrieron el 19 de julio del 2012 en la Urbanización El Rosal en Chacao. Los efectivos son de Polichacao. Les coloco una parte de la nota publicada por Yonathan Matheus.
TranSquat app locates gender-neutral bathrooms
New to Apple’s App store is TranSquat, an iPhone application assisting people looking for gender-neutral rest rooms.
[Czech Republic]
Dozens of pro-family leaders denounce U.S. embassy’s participation in Czech ‘gay pride’ parade
Dozens of pro-family leaders have signed a petition to condemn the participation of the U.S. embassy in the Czech Republic in this year’s “gay pride” parade to be held in Prague later this month.
Lebanese protest against anal exams on suspected gays
Dozens of people demonstrated outside the law courts in the Lebanese capital on Saturday to protest the use of anal "tests" on men suspected of homosexuality, which is a criminal offence in the Arab country.
Now, transgenders to be included in railway statistics
The Government Railway Police (GRP) has started a new website, displaying figures of the number of men, women and transgenders who have fallen victim to railway accidents. This is the first time that transgenders have been included in the GRP administration statistics.
Rights group backs title change campaign
The National Human Rights Commission is encouraging transvestites to stage a campaign to change their titles from "Mr" to "Miss" in line with their gender.
Journalism student uncovers ‘transphobic and homophobic culture’ at major Australian newspaper
A journalism student at the University of Melbourne has exposed what she described as a “sexist, transphobic and homophobic culture” at the Herald Sun, one of the country’s biggest newspapers.
Stick it up your undergrad
Australian 'Mole' Intern Reveals 'Sexist, Homophobic' Culture At Herald Sun Newspaper
When Does a Boy in a Dress Become Something More?
What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress? asks the headline of The New York Times magazine. What follows is a complex study of an even more complex topic: the world of boys who don’t conform to their gender expectations.
Democratic Platform Draft Supports Gay Marriage, Transgender Protections
A Democratic Party platform draft includes support for gay marriage and transgender workplace protections.
Meeting last month in Minneapolis, the platform drafting committee unanimously approved the language. The full committee will gather in Detroit this weekend to finalize the platform.
The Wachowskis Say They're Still Best Friends
The Wachowski siblings reveal there's been no change in their working relationship since Larry's transition to Lana, in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly.
Physician Fails To Inform Transgender Man of Cancer Diagnosis
Transgender man Jay Kallio is shining a light on LGBT discrimination in the medical community -- after his own physician failed to inform him of a cancer diagnosis.
[USA] [Commentary]
Gender Dysphoria: New Medical Term For Transgenders
Gender Identity Disorder is now an eradicated term as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has announced they will be replacing it with the new term “gender dysphoria."
Judge to Pregnant Man I Don't Believe You're REALLY a Guy ... Dude
An Arizona judge isn't convinced the Pregnant Man's marriage should be recognized in the Grand Canyon state ... because both man and wife have vaginas ... which might equate to same sex marriage ... which isn't legal in AZ.
The dispute is the latest speed bump in Thomas Beatie's divorce proceedings from wife Nancy ... who Thomas married in Hawaii back in 2003. The two represented themselves as a heterosexual couple because Thomas, a transgender man who was born a woman, had a state authorized change of sex before the wedding. Thomas says he has state-sanctioned legal docs to prove it.
Police chief joins rally, walk against anti-LGBT violence
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier, a contingent of police officials, two members of the City Council, and civic activists from the city’s Bloomingdale and Eckington neighborhoods participated in a rally and walk Thursday night against anti-LGBT violence.
[DC, USA] [Commentary]
DC to institute campaign against anti-transgender discrimination
The District of Columbia has had recent problems vis-a-vis the transgender community, what with a rash of transwomen being shot or otherwise killed, including at least one time by an off-duty police officer. In 2000 a government study of the DC trans community showed a 42% unemployment rate and that 47% of the community did not have health insurance.
'I would never spend a dollar in that business again'
Three transgendered women called out the owner of a North Portland bar Thursday, saying he left voicemails telling them to stay away.
The voice on the phone identifies himself as the owner of the P Club Bar, and it sounds exactly like owner Chris Penner. While he declined to speak about the controversy Thursday, his former customers spoke out.
[Commentary] Portland Bar Owner Told "Trannys" Not To Come Back.
Exigen respuesta a policías por crímenes
Representantes del Ministerio Público y la Policía Nacional se reunieron con los miembros de la comunidad gay y lésbica para conformar una mesa de diálogo y darles seguimiento a los casos de abuso y muertes violentas.
Polichacao amenaza de muerte a personas trans en Caracas
Esta denuncia la formulan nuestros compañeros de Venezuela Diversa. En la capital venezolana un grupo de policías agrede y amenaza de muerte personas Trans. Los hechos ocurrieron el 19 de julio del 2012 en la Urbanización El Rosal en Chacao. Los efectivos son de Polichacao. Les coloco una parte de la nota publicada por Yonathan Matheus.
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