Voices from the trans community: 'There will always be prejudice'
It's more than 50 years since the UK's first trans person was outed in the press. So how do members of the community think life has changed for them since?
Burly ex-squaddie: Why I longed to become a woman
Dad-of-two Kevin Jackson already dresses his broad frame in women’s clothing, wears a blonde wig, and has changed his name by deed poll to Kristeen Anne Chealsy.
Russia plans to outlaw ‘homosexual propaganda’ nationwide
Legislation that will go to an initial vote in the Russian Parliament later this month could make spreading “homosexual propaganda” a crime punishable by a fine of up to $16,000 across all of Russia.
Nepal to issue citizenship certificates to third gender, rights activists hail decision
An official says Nepal’s government has ordered issuance of citizenship certificates with the label third gender for people who do not wish to be identified as male or female.
Thai trans group complain to IKEA about ad
Thai Transgender Alliance demand response from IKEA Global on 'negative and stereotypical' advert
Trans woman assaulted at New West SkyTrain
Vancouver’s transit police force is investigating an alleged assault on a transgender woman at the New Westminster SkyTrain station, Jan 8.
Dita Brown says a man pushed her and threw hot coffee on her in the station’s lower mall.
Chicago: Transgender man prevented from using men’s shower room at spa
A transgender man has filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights after the manager of a spa near Chicago asked him not to use the men’s shower room.
Meet the 2013 Sundance Filmmakers #46: Marta Cunningham Explores a Complicated Killing in 'Valentine Road'
Autodidact filmmaker Marta Cunningham has made a stunning multi-faceted film about a very high-profile and gruesome killing: the point-blank range school shooting of Larry King, a young student exploring his gender identity in a California mega-suburb, by his classmate. The film, a part of Sundance's U.S. Documentary Competition, will be released later this year on HBO.
Bill protecting Virginia LGBT state employees moves to Senate floor
A bill that would extend protections to Virgina state employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, was moved out of committee on Monday and will be scheduled for a vote in the state Senate.
Ongs de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual exigen justicia en el caso de travesti asesinado
La Fundación Venezolana de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual (Fuvadis), en Maracaibo, repudió el reciente homicidio de un travesti y ataque que fue objeto otro de ellos, el pasado fin de semana, en menos de 24 horas. Al mismo tiempo, exigió a las autoridades a esclarecer el caso y capturar a los culpables.
Después de 11 años la PDI detuvo al presunto asesino de un transexual en Santiago
Carlos Rodríguez habría matado a Claudia Moya Silva en julio de 2001, en el sector de Cuesta Barriga, en la Ruta 68. El Movilh celebró la captura, señalando que "marca un hito en los procesos policiales en torno a estos casos".
Cambio de sexo en Córdoba: las primeras cirugías fueron programadas para febrero
Se realizarán en el Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. Son dos personas que solicitaron el cambio de género masculino al femenino. Se trata de intervenciones inéditas en la provincia.
Voices from the trans community: 'There will always be prejudice'
It's more than 50 years since the UK's first trans person was outed in the press. So how do members of the community think life has changed for them since?
Burly ex-squaddie: Why I longed to become a woman
Dad-of-two Kevin Jackson already dresses his broad frame in women’s clothing, wears a blonde wig, and has changed his name by deed poll to Kristeen Anne Chealsy.
Russia plans to outlaw ‘homosexual propaganda’ nationwide
Legislation that will go to an initial vote in the Russian Parliament later this month could make spreading “homosexual propaganda” a crime punishable by a fine of up to $16,000 across all of Russia.
Nepal to issue citizenship certificates to third gender, rights activists hail decision
An official says Nepal’s government has ordered issuance of citizenship certificates with the label third gender for people who do not wish to be identified as male or female.
Thai trans group complain to IKEA about ad
Thai Transgender Alliance demand response from IKEA Global on 'negative and stereotypical' advert
Trans woman assaulted at New West SkyTrain
Vancouver’s transit police force is investigating an alleged assault on a transgender woman at the New Westminster SkyTrain station, Jan 8.
Dita Brown says a man pushed her and threw hot coffee on her in the station’s lower mall.
Chicago: Transgender man prevented from using men’s shower room at spa
A transgender man has filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights after the manager of a spa near Chicago asked him not to use the men’s shower room.
Meet the 2013 Sundance Filmmakers #46: Marta Cunningham Explores a Complicated Killing in 'Valentine Road'
Autodidact filmmaker Marta Cunningham has made a stunning multi-faceted film about a very high-profile and gruesome killing: the point-blank range school shooting of Larry King, a young student exploring his gender identity in a California mega-suburb, by his classmate. The film, a part of Sundance's U.S. Documentary Competition, will be released later this year on HBO.
Bill protecting Virginia LGBT state employees moves to Senate floor
A bill that would extend protections to Virgina state employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, was moved out of committee on Monday and will be scheduled for a vote in the state Senate.
Ongs de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual exigen justicia en el caso de travesti asesinado
La Fundación Venezolana de Apoyo a la Diversidad Sexual (Fuvadis), en Maracaibo, repudió el reciente homicidio de un travesti y ataque que fue objeto otro de ellos, el pasado fin de semana, en menos de 24 horas. Al mismo tiempo, exigió a las autoridades a esclarecer el caso y capturar a los culpables.
Después de 11 años la PDI detuvo al presunto asesino de un transexual en Santiago
Carlos Rodríguez habría matado a Claudia Moya Silva en julio de 2001, en el sector de Cuesta Barriga, en la Ruta 68. El Movilh celebró la captura, señalando que "marca un hito en los procesos policiales en torno a estos casos".
Cambio de sexo en Córdoba: las primeras cirugías fueron programadas para febrero
Se realizarán en el Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. Son dos personas que solicitaron el cambio de género masculino al femenino. Se trata de intervenciones inéditas en la provincia.
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