Travesti é acusada de comandar rede de tráfico de pessoas em Goiás
A novela “Salve Jorge” terminou, mas o tráfico de pessoas – principal tema explorado pelo folhetim – está bem longe de acabar.
Em Goiás, a travesti Josyel Vieira, mais conhecida como Erica Cafetina, está sendo acusada de chefiar uma quadrilha que traficava jovens travestis do Pará para Goiás para explorá-las.
Commissioner Reding refuses to take leadership or step up EU action on LGBTI issues
Today the EU’s Agency for Fundamental Rights presented the results of the largest LGBT Survey of its kind in the world. 93,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people from the 27 EU Member States and Croatia responded and shared their experiences of discrimination, harassment and violence.
EU Appeals to Russia Not to Introduce Gay Propaganda Law
The European Union appealed to Russia on Sunday not to introduce a law banning so-called “gay propaganda,” the EU said.
Georgian PM congratulates police for protecting LGBT demonstrators
Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili thanked the police for their actions on May 17, when a small group of LGBT advocates was attacked by a crowd of thousands of Orthodox radicals.
Day after violence, LGBT campaigners call for accountability
In Ukraine, Where Homophobia Runs So Deep 'Gay' Doesn't Even Exist
The way his dad found out was not good. On the other hand it was his own fault. He’d left his laptop open, and when his father came to visit him at his student apartment he started clicking around on it and found pictures of him kissing his boyfriend Petja.
Skinheads Taunt Gays at First Rally Since Russian Propaganda Ban
Skinheads armed with smoke bombs taunted gays in central St. Petersburg in the first sanctioned gay rally in Russia’s second-largest city since it banned so-called homosexual propaganda last March.
Transgender footballer has a heart attack on pitch
Trans rights advocate Martine Delany is recovering in hospital after a heart attack on pitch during a game for Tasmania's women's league
On a winger and a prayer
Family of transgender woman, 21, forced to move from Queensland regional area due to lack of support
A school principal and her family are moving to Brisbane because her transgender child, 21, cannot get sympathetic help from allied health professionals in their regional area.
Controversies in Gender Diagnoses
This article presents the author's thoughts on gender diagnosis controversies during his tenure at the DSM-5 Workgroup on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders and the ICD-11 Working Group on the Classification of Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health.
Adoptive parents sue over son’s sex-assignment surgery
In a groundbreaking lawsuit, the adoptive parents of an intersex child, identified as M.C., are suing the South Carolina Department of Social Services, Greenville Hospital System, and the Medical University of South Carolina for performing medically unnecessary sex-assignment surgery when the toddler was 16 months old and in foster care.
When to do Surgery on a Child With 'Both' Genitalia
Thousands attend Puerto Rico LGBT rights march
Thousands marched through the streets of the Puerto Rican capital on Friday in support of LGBT rights.
Más de 630 crímenes de odio en 10 años, acusa Conapred
En México, pese a los avances en el marco legal para sancionar la conducta homofóbica, en los pasados 10 años se han reportado poco más de 630 crímenes de odio, pese a que no está tipificado como un delito en 31 entidades, reconoció Ricardo Bucio Mújica, presidente del Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (Conapred), quien subrayó que en materia educativa y de prevención aún nos falta mucho por avanzar.
Discriminan a enfermos con VIH en hospitales
Falta mucho por sensibilizar al personal hospitalario sobre los pacientes con VIH-SIDA, así lo informó Fernando Pineda, Presidente de la Fundación Pintando una Vida Morelos, AC., en el marco del Día Estatal de Respeto a la Diversidad Sexual.
Marchan por la diversidad sexual en Naucalpan
Las movilizaciones buscan que no se señale a los chavos gay, que puedan asistir a cualquier lugar sin que sean sacados, y a las chicas les que no se les discrimine
Cientos de nicaragüenses marchan contra homofobia y por diversidad sexual
Cientos de nicaragüenses, en su mayoría homosexuales y activistas, marcharon hoy por las calles de Managua contra la homofobia y para demandar respeto por los derechos de la diversidad sexual en este país centroamericano.
Comunidad LGBTI se movilizo contra la homofobia y transfobia en Caracas
Bajo la consigna unidad, organización y movilización se llevo a cabo la 2da Caminata Contra la Homofobia y Transfobia en Caracas 2013 con la asistencia de más de un centenar de personas, que deslindándose, por segunda vez, del contenido festivo que desafortunadamente han caracterizado a muchas de las movilizaciones de este sector, para tomar así las banderas reivindicativas, profundizar en la conciencia de lucha y corresponsabilidad para lograr avanzar con paso firme en el reconocimiento de sus derechos humanos.
Frente a la Homofobia, Bifobia y Transfobia en Venezuela: Unidad, Organización y Movilización
Marcha en Caracas a favor de los derechos de la comunidad LGBTI
VIDEO: Denuncian casos de homofobia y transfobia en Cali
Los casos más comunes de discriminación contra personas homosexuales o transexuales en Cali, se relacionan con el rechazo a sus expresiones sentimentales en sitios públicos y privados.
Travesti é acusada de comandar rede de tráfico de pessoas em Goiás
A novela “Salve Jorge” terminou, mas o tráfico de pessoas – principal tema explorado pelo folhetim – está bem longe de acabar.
Em Goiás, a travesti Josyel Vieira, mais conhecida como Erica Cafetina, está sendo acusada de chefiar uma quadrilha que traficava jovens travestis do Pará para Goiás para explorá-las.
Commissioner Reding refuses to take leadership or step up EU action on LGBTI issues
Today the EU’s Agency for Fundamental Rights presented the results of the largest LGBT Survey of its kind in the world. 93,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people from the 27 EU Member States and Croatia responded and shared their experiences of discrimination, harassment and violence.
EU Appeals to Russia Not to Introduce Gay Propaganda Law
The European Union appealed to Russia on Sunday not to introduce a law banning so-called “gay propaganda,” the EU said.
Georgian PM congratulates police for protecting LGBT demonstrators
Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili thanked the police for their actions on May 17, when a small group of LGBT advocates was attacked by a crowd of thousands of Orthodox radicals.
Day after violence, LGBT campaigners call for accountability
In Ukraine, Where Homophobia Runs So Deep 'Gay' Doesn't Even Exist
The way his dad found out was not good. On the other hand it was his own fault. He’d left his laptop open, and when his father came to visit him at his student apartment he started clicking around on it and found pictures of him kissing his boyfriend Petja.
Skinheads Taunt Gays at First Rally Since Russian Propaganda Ban
Skinheads armed with smoke bombs taunted gays in central St. Petersburg in the first sanctioned gay rally in Russia’s second-largest city since it banned so-called homosexual propaganda last March.
Transgender footballer has a heart attack on pitch
Trans rights advocate Martine Delany is recovering in hospital after a heart attack on pitch during a game for Tasmania's women's league
On a winger and a prayer
Family of transgender woman, 21, forced to move from Queensland regional area due to lack of support
A school principal and her family are moving to Brisbane because her transgender child, 21, cannot get sympathetic help from allied health professionals in their regional area.
Controversies in Gender Diagnoses
This article presents the author's thoughts on gender diagnosis controversies during his tenure at the DSM-5 Workgroup on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders and the ICD-11 Working Group on the Classification of Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health.
Adoptive parents sue over son’s sex-assignment surgery
In a groundbreaking lawsuit, the adoptive parents of an intersex child, identified as M.C., are suing the South Carolina Department of Social Services, Greenville Hospital System, and the Medical University of South Carolina for performing medically unnecessary sex-assignment surgery when the toddler was 16 months old and in foster care.
When to do Surgery on a Child With 'Both' Genitalia
Thousands attend Puerto Rico LGBT rights march
Thousands marched through the streets of the Puerto Rican capital on Friday in support of LGBT rights.
Más de 630 crímenes de odio en 10 años, acusa Conapred
En México, pese a los avances en el marco legal para sancionar la conducta homofóbica, en los pasados 10 años se han reportado poco más de 630 crímenes de odio, pese a que no está tipificado como un delito en 31 entidades, reconoció Ricardo Bucio Mújica, presidente del Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (Conapred), quien subrayó que en materia educativa y de prevención aún nos falta mucho por avanzar.
Discriminan a enfermos con VIH en hospitales
Falta mucho por sensibilizar al personal hospitalario sobre los pacientes con VIH-SIDA, así lo informó Fernando Pineda, Presidente de la Fundación Pintando una Vida Morelos, AC., en el marco del Día Estatal de Respeto a la Diversidad Sexual.
Marchan por la diversidad sexual en Naucalpan
Las movilizaciones buscan que no se señale a los chavos gay, que puedan asistir a cualquier lugar sin que sean sacados, y a las chicas les que no se les discrimine
Cientos de nicaragüenses marchan contra homofobia y por diversidad sexual
Cientos de nicaragüenses, en su mayoría homosexuales y activistas, marcharon hoy por las calles de Managua contra la homofobia y para demandar respeto por los derechos de la diversidad sexual en este país centroamericano.
Comunidad LGBTI se movilizo contra la homofobia y transfobia en Caracas
Bajo la consigna unidad, organización y movilización se llevo a cabo la 2da Caminata Contra la Homofobia y Transfobia en Caracas 2013 con la asistencia de más de un centenar de personas, que deslindándose, por segunda vez, del contenido festivo que desafortunadamente han caracterizado a muchas de las movilizaciones de este sector, para tomar así las banderas reivindicativas, profundizar en la conciencia de lucha y corresponsabilidad para lograr avanzar con paso firme en el reconocimiento de sus derechos humanos.
Frente a la Homofobia, Bifobia y Transfobia en Venezuela: Unidad, Organización y Movilización
Marcha en Caracas a favor de los derechos de la comunidad LGBTI
VIDEO: Denuncian casos de homofobia y transfobia en Cali
Los casos más comunes de discriminación contra personas homosexuales o transexuales en Cali, se relacionan con el rechazo a sus expresiones sentimentales en sitios públicos y privados.
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