De quitinete a cobertura, estilista das travestis faz sucesso internacional
Com a roupa certa que “dá axé”, travestis podem “cabanar” pelas ruas de São Paulo e do mundo. O verbo ganhou espaço no bajubá - linguagem usada pelo grupo - após o sucesso da marca Tereza Cabana, a precursora da moda trans no País e que é cultuada por suas clientes há 23 anos. A ousadia das costureiras Terezinha Cabana, de 70 anos, e sua filha Cris Cabana, de 45, ganhou um público marcado pelo preconceito e conhecido pelas práticas ousadas para esconder a identidade. “Mulher encontra calcinha em qualquer lugar, travesti não”, defendeu Cris a sua peça, que promete “aquendar a neca” (segurar o pênis).
Transexuais: quero ser mulher também no meu RG
Nascida no corpo de um homem, a modelo carioca Felipa Tavares foi percebendo desde a infância que a sua identidade era feminina. Hoje, aos 26 anos, ela tem a convicção de que é uma mulher, inclusive se veste e se porta como tal. Porém, o seu RG ainda contraria o que ela sente, a identificando como uma pessoa do sexo masculino.
CBN MIXBRASIL FALA COM LEANDRA LEAL SOBRE DOCUMENTÁRIO DE TRAVESTIS Leandra Leal fala ao CBN MixBrasil sobre seu documentário com travestis. Ouça
O programa CBN MixBrasil desta semana conversa com a atriz Leandra Leal sobre o documentário que ela está fazendo para contar uma história de amizade de 50 anos entre travestis, o “Divinas Divas”. Atriz fala, em entrevista, sobre sua experiência na direção e sobre sua relação com as artistas de seu filme.
Turkey’s Democracy Reform Package fails LGBT citizens
At the end of last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented a ‘Democracy reform package’, including constitutional reforms, an anti-discrimination bill and a proposal for an amendment to hate crime and hate speech law. Unfortunately, the package leaves out measures that would protect LGBT people from violence and discrimination.
Transgender activists praise Independent on Sunday for Pink List selection
Leading figures in the transgender community have praised the The Independent on Sunday for naming a transgender person at No 1 on its Pink List of Britain’s 101 most influential LBGT people.
North pledges to repeal homosexuality ban
The turkish Cypriot political leadership yesterday pledged to repeal the ban on homosexuality in the breakaway regime, an antiquated remnant of colonial law, within two months.
LGL welcomes Government’s decision to reject a proposal to ban gender reassignment
In November 2012 three members from the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (i.e. A. Matulas, V. M. Čigrijienė and A. Dumčius) submitted a draft amendment to the Civil Code, prohibiting gender reassignment surgeries in Lithuania.
Moldova repeals ‘gay propaganda’ ban
The former Eastern Bloc country of Moldova has decided to repeal its ban on the so-called propaganda of homosexuality to minors in the hopes of building greater ties with the European Union
Gay rights protest in St Petersburg ends in clashes
Police arrest 67 during protest against law introduced in June banning 'homosexual propaganda' directed at children
Unos 70 detenidos en San Petersburgo en choques entre gays y oponentes
Unos 20 detenidos en un acto de la causa homosexual
Dozens arrested in Russia as anti-gay activists harass LGBT protesters
Medical tests 'violate rights': Amnesty International
International human rights group Amnesty International has added its voice to calls for the GCC to shun controversial medical tests, which could allegedly detect gay expats.
Kuwait MPs lash out at Amnesty for questioning homosexuals ban
Call To Tighten Security In Malls During Eid
Transvestite found stabbed to death in flat
A transvestite was murdered in his rented low-cost flat at Taman Pantai Bersih in Bagan Ajam here.
The body of S. Athiswaran, 31, was covered with blood and his hands and legs were tied with a string. His face was also covered with plastic.
Transvestite found dead home
Transgender Fighter Fallon Fox Loses Via TKO to Ashlee Evans-Smith at CFA 12
Transgender mixed martial artist Fallon Fox has suffered the first loss of her professional MMA career to the relatively unknown Ashlee Evans-Smith. The loss came via third-round technical knockout in a featherweight title fight during Saturday night's Championship Fighting Alliance 12 event.
Transgender female MMA fighter loses by knockout
US right wing author compares trans people to anorexic girls and terrorists
David Kupelian, an editor with the gay obsessed far right website WND, has compared transgender people to anorexic girls and children subjected to terrorist indoctrination in attacking psychiatry and LGBT rights
State transgender law stirs schools debate
Yuba-Sutter residents are collecting signatures for a referendum to have a public vote on a law recently signed by Gov. Jerry Brown regarding schools' equal treatment of students who are transgender.
Opponents start ballot effort to dump transgender law
Gender identity complexities
“Aggressive is your strength, your courage,” said Kisha, one of the several women featured in “The Aggressives,” a 2005 documentary by Daniel Peddle that was shown in the Rainbow Center this past Saturday.
WATCH: Transgender, Lesbian Students Crowned Homecoming Royalty
A transgender student was crowned homecoming queen this weekend at the University of Northern Iowa, while a lesbian was elected homecoming king at Central Islip Senior High School in New York.
DePaul student group provides 'crash course' in transgender collegiate experience
Pronouns are more important than you might think. She, he, it, you, they, ze, zir, hir. Such tiny words, but they encompass such large concepts as gender and identity.
Central Islip girl 'standing up' for transgender rights wins homecoming king
Traditionally, the title for homecoming king is bestowed upon a boy.
At Central Islip Senior High School, this year’s title was given to a girl -- Faith Shepherd.
Charla sobre indentidad de género para los cadetes de la policía
La actividad se desarrolló en el marco de la materia Métodos alternativos de resolución de conflictos, a cargo de las docentes Mónica Naverrete y Adriana Abrameto.
De quitinete a cobertura, estilista das travestis faz sucesso internacional
Com a roupa certa que “dá axé”, travestis podem “cabanar” pelas ruas de São Paulo e do mundo. O verbo ganhou espaço no bajubá - linguagem usada pelo grupo - após o sucesso da marca Tereza Cabana, a precursora da moda trans no País e que é cultuada por suas clientes há 23 anos. A ousadia das costureiras Terezinha Cabana, de 70 anos, e sua filha Cris Cabana, de 45, ganhou um público marcado pelo preconceito e conhecido pelas práticas ousadas para esconder a identidade. “Mulher encontra calcinha em qualquer lugar, travesti não”, defendeu Cris a sua peça, que promete “aquendar a neca” (segurar o pênis).
Transexuais: quero ser mulher também no meu RG
Nascida no corpo de um homem, a modelo carioca Felipa Tavares foi percebendo desde a infância que a sua identidade era feminina. Hoje, aos 26 anos, ela tem a convicção de que é uma mulher, inclusive se veste e se porta como tal. Porém, o seu RG ainda contraria o que ela sente, a identificando como uma pessoa do sexo masculino.
CBN MIXBRASIL FALA COM LEANDRA LEAL SOBRE DOCUMENTÁRIO DE TRAVESTIS Leandra Leal fala ao CBN MixBrasil sobre seu documentário com travestis. Ouça
O programa CBN MixBrasil desta semana conversa com a atriz Leandra Leal sobre o documentário que ela está fazendo para contar uma história de amizade de 50 anos entre travestis, o “Divinas Divas”. Atriz fala, em entrevista, sobre sua experiência na direção e sobre sua relação com as artistas de seu filme.
Turkey’s Democracy Reform Package fails LGBT citizens
At the end of last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented a ‘Democracy reform package’, including constitutional reforms, an anti-discrimination bill and a proposal for an amendment to hate crime and hate speech law. Unfortunately, the package leaves out measures that would protect LGBT people from violence and discrimination.
Transgender activists praise Independent on Sunday for Pink List selection
Leading figures in the transgender community have praised the The Independent on Sunday for naming a transgender person at No 1 on its Pink List of Britain’s 101 most influential LBGT people.
North pledges to repeal homosexuality ban
The turkish Cypriot political leadership yesterday pledged to repeal the ban on homosexuality in the breakaway regime, an antiquated remnant of colonial law, within two months.
LGL welcomes Government’s decision to reject a proposal to ban gender reassignment
In November 2012 three members from the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (i.e. A. Matulas, V. M. Čigrijienė and A. Dumčius) submitted a draft amendment to the Civil Code, prohibiting gender reassignment surgeries in Lithuania.
Moldova repeals ‘gay propaganda’ ban
The former Eastern Bloc country of Moldova has decided to repeal its ban on the so-called propaganda of homosexuality to minors in the hopes of building greater ties with the European Union
Gay rights protest in St Petersburg ends in clashes
Police arrest 67 during protest against law introduced in June banning 'homosexual propaganda' directed at children
Unos 70 detenidos en San Petersburgo en choques entre gays y oponentes
Unos 20 detenidos en un acto de la causa homosexual
Dozens arrested in Russia as anti-gay activists harass LGBT protesters
Medical tests 'violate rights': Amnesty International
International human rights group Amnesty International has added its voice to calls for the GCC to shun controversial medical tests, which could allegedly detect gay expats.
Kuwait MPs lash out at Amnesty for questioning homosexuals ban
Call To Tighten Security In Malls During Eid

Transvestite found stabbed to death in flat
A transvestite was murdered in his rented low-cost flat at Taman Pantai Bersih in Bagan Ajam here.
The body of S. Athiswaran, 31, was covered with blood and his hands and legs were tied with a string. His face was also covered with plastic.
Transvestite found dead home
Transgender Fighter Fallon Fox Loses Via TKO to Ashlee Evans-Smith at CFA 12
Transgender mixed martial artist Fallon Fox has suffered the first loss of her professional MMA career to the relatively unknown Ashlee Evans-Smith. The loss came via third-round technical knockout in a featherweight title fight during Saturday night's Championship Fighting Alliance 12 event.
Transgender female MMA fighter loses by knockout
US right wing author compares trans people to anorexic girls and terrorists
David Kupelian, an editor with the gay obsessed far right website WND, has compared transgender people to anorexic girls and children subjected to terrorist indoctrination in attacking psychiatry and LGBT rights
State transgender law stirs schools debate
Yuba-Sutter residents are collecting signatures for a referendum to have a public vote on a law recently signed by Gov. Jerry Brown regarding schools' equal treatment of students who are transgender.
Opponents start ballot effort to dump transgender law
Gender identity complexities
“Aggressive is your strength, your courage,” said Kisha, one of the several women featured in “The Aggressives,” a 2005 documentary by Daniel Peddle that was shown in the Rainbow Center this past Saturday.

WATCH: Transgender, Lesbian Students Crowned Homecoming Royalty
A transgender student was crowned homecoming queen this weekend at the University of Northern Iowa, while a lesbian was elected homecoming king at Central Islip Senior High School in New York.
DePaul student group provides 'crash course' in transgender collegiate experience
Pronouns are more important than you might think. She, he, it, you, they, ze, zir, hir. Such tiny words, but they encompass such large concepts as gender and identity.
Central Islip girl 'standing up' for transgender rights wins homecoming king
Traditionally, the title for homecoming king is bestowed upon a boy.
At Central Islip Senior High School, this year’s title was given to a girl -- Faith Shepherd.
Charla sobre indentidad de género para los cadetes de la policía
La actividad se desarrolló en el marco de la materia Métodos alternativos de resolución de conflictos, a cargo de las docentes Mónica Naverrete y Adriana Abrameto.
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