Adidas quietly allows 'gay' and 'lesbian' on customisable trainers, but still bans 'bi' and 'trans'
A month on from criticisms faced for banning the words “gay” and “lesbian” from its range of customisable trainers, Adidas has allowed them, but still bans “bi” and “trans” from being used.
Travesti é executada com tiro na nuca dentro de casa em Iguatu
Caiu morto sobre a cama de seu quarto o jovem Marciano Ricardo da Silva, de 22 anos, residente na Rua do Arame, bairro João Paulo II, na cidade de Iguatu. O crime aconteceu na tarde desta segunda-feira (24) e ainda está envolto de mistério.
Ex-participante do Big Brother revela ser mulher transexual e faz mídia escorregar na transfobia
Em 2009, um brasileiro fez sucesso no Big Brother Britânico e chamou atenção da revista Gay Times ao posar com o bumbum de fora. Nessa terça-feira, 25, foi noticiado no Huffington Post que a celebridade em questão assumiu ser uma transexual há dois anos, tem o nome social Rebeca Lopes, acaba de passar por uma cirurgia que colocou 440 ml de silicone nos seios e enfrenta dificuldades para adentrar no mercado formal de trabalho.
RTÉ under fire over ‘transphobic’ new sitcom
Irish broadcaster RTÉ has received complaints over the negative portrayal of a transgender sitcom character.
Complaints made to RTÉ over new ‘transphobic’ Irish sitcom
RTÉ receives 24 complaints over transgender character in new sitcom ‘The Centre’
Complaints made to RTÉ over new ‘transphobic’ Irish sitcom
RTÉ airs new sitcom 'The Centre' which mocks transgender people
The joke's on us with RTE's latest comedy
Indian transgender community not keen on voting
Most members of India's transgender community are not keen on voting in the upcoming parliamentary elections despite winning the right to vote. Activists say this reflects their lack of trust in the electoral system.
For This Transgender, Election is a Step Forward
Trans Indians mocked and left to die by health workers
Transphobic health workers mock their patients and even put their lives at risk through their negligence, report says
Transgender plans to be atop Everest
Manoj Shahi Monika, 35, who describes herself as a transgender, has announced her plan to climb Mt Everest soon.
Intersex advocates address Parliament on involuntary sterilisation
In thirty historic minutes in the Commonwealth Parliament on 25 March 2014, senators from each of the three main political parties spoke on intersex health issues to mark World Health Day 2014. OII President Morgan Carpenter reports.
Historic intersex rights inquiry in Senate
'My daughter was born a boy'
The mother of a transgender daughter has opened up about her experience and initial shock after finding out her son identified as a woman.
Gender identity amendment in Mental Health Bill passed
An important amendment was passed by the Victorian lower house as it debated the Mental Health Bill (2014) this week stating that refusal or failure to express a particular gender identity does not constitute mental illness.
Should sex be taken off of birth certificates in Saskatchewan?
A Saskatchewan mom wants a person's sex to be taken off birth certificates. We speak with a transgender person, activist Christin Milloy about the idea, and we take your calls. Milloy says, 'To a person who is not trans, it seems like a no-brainer. You're M or your F and if you forget you can check your pants, but it's not that simple.'
Mother of transgender child wants sex removed from birth certificates
Victoria hosts first conference on archiving trans history
Organizer Aaron Devor has been building archives for almost a decade
Ken Norman wants Saskatchewan laws to protect gender expression
Former Human Rights commissioner says laws here lagging behind
Opponents of transgender rights law ask court to certify referendum for California ballot
Opponents of a new California law that provides transgender students certain rights in public schools are challenging the secretary of state's finding that they failed to gather enough voter signatures for a referendum to repeal the law.
Opponents Of California Transgender Student Protections Law Take Repeal Fight To Court
California transgender law opponents file suit against Secretary of State
Lawsuit Asserts Enough Signatures For Co-ed Bathroom Bill Referendum
Trans* events to mark diversity
This coming weekend will see two important trans*-related events in Chicago—and the genesis of these happenings is pretty intriguing.
Maryland House committee approves gender identity bill
The Maryland House Health and Government Operations Committee passed SB 212, a bill that would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, credit and public accommodations based on a person's gender identity or expression, by a 13-9 vote Tuesday, sending the measure to the floor to be debated by the full chamber later this week.
Md. House committee advances transgender rights bill
Maryland House committee approves transgender rights bill
Virginia school removes 8-year-old for 'non-Biblical' gender expression
A Christian school in Virginia has removed an 8-year-old who cut her hair short and dressed in boy’s clothes, because her gender expression isn’t ‘Biblical’.
WATCH: Va. Christian School Rejects 8-Year-old Tomboy, Citing 'God-Ordained' Gender Role
Virginia Christian school asks 8-year-old girl to leave for not dressing feminine enough
Little Girl Taken Out Of Christian School After Told She's Too Much Like A Boy
[El Salvador]
Transgender people voted for the first time in El Salvador's history
With victory in tow, rights groups now push new president to end violence, corruption and discrimination.

Hallan cadáver de un transexual en el río Medellín
El cadáver de un transexual fue recuperado por Bomberos de Medellín en la mañana de este miércoles en aguas del río Medellín a la altura del Puente del Mico.
Según indican las primeras versiones, el hallazgo lo hicieron habitantes del sector que avistaron el cadáver a las 6:00 de la mañana de este miércoles y avisaron a las autoridades.
El propio cuerpo nunca puede estar equivocado
Celebramos hablando en primera persona. ¿Hasta cuándo el discurso de las personas trans será mediatizado por la mirada de los demás? Celebramos sin entrevistas ni veredictos. Pablo Gasol, director de teatro y hombre trans, elige algunos episodios de su vida como quien se responde a la pregunta “qué se siente”. Las activistas Silvana Daniela Sosa, Ornella Infante y Nadiha Molina cuentan cómo les cambió la vida la militancia. Diana Sacayán, sin dejar de ser nunca una chica del mal, inaugura aquí sus columnas románticas.
Adidas quietly allows 'gay' and 'lesbian' on customisable trainers, but still bans 'bi' and 'trans'
A month on from criticisms faced for banning the words “gay” and “lesbian” from its range of customisable trainers, Adidas has allowed them, but still bans “bi” and “trans” from being used.

Travesti é executada com tiro na nuca dentro de casa em Iguatu
Caiu morto sobre a cama de seu quarto o jovem Marciano Ricardo da Silva, de 22 anos, residente na Rua do Arame, bairro João Paulo II, na cidade de Iguatu. O crime aconteceu na tarde desta segunda-feira (24) e ainda está envolto de mistério.
Ex-participante do Big Brother revela ser mulher transexual e faz mídia escorregar na transfobia
Em 2009, um brasileiro fez sucesso no Big Brother Britânico e chamou atenção da revista Gay Times ao posar com o bumbum de fora. Nessa terça-feira, 25, foi noticiado no Huffington Post que a celebridade em questão assumiu ser uma transexual há dois anos, tem o nome social Rebeca Lopes, acaba de passar por uma cirurgia que colocou 440 ml de silicone nos seios e enfrenta dificuldades para adentrar no mercado formal de trabalho.
RTÉ under fire over ‘transphobic’ new sitcom
Irish broadcaster RTÉ has received complaints over the negative portrayal of a transgender sitcom character.
Complaints made to RTÉ over new ‘transphobic’ Irish sitcom
RTÉ receives 24 complaints over transgender character in new sitcom ‘The Centre’
Complaints made to RTÉ over new ‘transphobic’ Irish sitcom
RTÉ airs new sitcom 'The Centre' which mocks transgender people
The joke's on us with RTE's latest comedy
Indian transgender community not keen on voting
Most members of India's transgender community are not keen on voting in the upcoming parliamentary elections despite winning the right to vote. Activists say this reflects their lack of trust in the electoral system.
For This Transgender, Election is a Step Forward
Trans Indians mocked and left to die by health workers
Transphobic health workers mock their patients and even put their lives at risk through their negligence, report says
Transgender plans to be atop Everest
Manoj Shahi Monika, 35, who describes herself as a transgender, has announced her plan to climb Mt Everest soon.
Intersex advocates address Parliament on involuntary sterilisation
In thirty historic minutes in the Commonwealth Parliament on 25 March 2014, senators from each of the three main political parties spoke on intersex health issues to mark World Health Day 2014. OII President Morgan Carpenter reports.
Historic intersex rights inquiry in Senate
'My daughter was born a boy'
The mother of a transgender daughter has opened up about her experience and initial shock after finding out her son identified as a woman.
Gender identity amendment in Mental Health Bill passed
An important amendment was passed by the Victorian lower house as it debated the Mental Health Bill (2014) this week stating that refusal or failure to express a particular gender identity does not constitute mental illness.
Should sex be taken off of birth certificates in Saskatchewan?
A Saskatchewan mom wants a person's sex to be taken off birth certificates. We speak with a transgender person, activist Christin Milloy about the idea, and we take your calls. Milloy says, 'To a person who is not trans, it seems like a no-brainer. You're M or your F and if you forget you can check your pants, but it's not that simple.'
Mother of transgender child wants sex removed from birth certificates
Victoria hosts first conference on archiving trans history
Organizer Aaron Devor has been building archives for almost a decade
Ken Norman wants Saskatchewan laws to protect gender expression
Former Human Rights commissioner says laws here lagging behind
Opponents of transgender rights law ask court to certify referendum for California ballot
Opponents of a new California law that provides transgender students certain rights in public schools are challenging the secretary of state's finding that they failed to gather enough voter signatures for a referendum to repeal the law.
Opponents Of California Transgender Student Protections Law Take Repeal Fight To Court
California transgender law opponents file suit against Secretary of State
Lawsuit Asserts Enough Signatures For Co-ed Bathroom Bill Referendum
Trans* events to mark diversity
This coming weekend will see two important trans*-related events in Chicago—and the genesis of these happenings is pretty intriguing.
Maryland House committee approves gender identity bill
The Maryland House Health and Government Operations Committee passed SB 212, a bill that would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, credit and public accommodations based on a person's gender identity or expression, by a 13-9 vote Tuesday, sending the measure to the floor to be debated by the full chamber later this week.
Md. House committee advances transgender rights bill
Maryland House committee approves transgender rights bill
Virginia school removes 8-year-old for 'non-Biblical' gender expression
A Christian school in Virginia has removed an 8-year-old who cut her hair short and dressed in boy’s clothes, because her gender expression isn’t ‘Biblical’.
WATCH: Va. Christian School Rejects 8-Year-old Tomboy, Citing 'God-Ordained' Gender Role
Virginia Christian school asks 8-year-old girl to leave for not dressing feminine enough
Little Girl Taken Out Of Christian School After Told She's Too Much Like A Boy
[El Salvador]
Transgender people voted for the first time in El Salvador's history
With victory in tow, rights groups now push new president to end violence, corruption and discrimination.

Hallan cadáver de un transexual en el río Medellín
El cadáver de un transexual fue recuperado por Bomberos de Medellín en la mañana de este miércoles en aguas del río Medellín a la altura del Puente del Mico.
Según indican las primeras versiones, el hallazgo lo hicieron habitantes del sector que avistaron el cadáver a las 6:00 de la mañana de este miércoles y avisaron a las autoridades.
El propio cuerpo nunca puede estar equivocado
Celebramos hablando en primera persona. ¿Hasta cuándo el discurso de las personas trans será mediatizado por la mirada de los demás? Celebramos sin entrevistas ni veredictos. Pablo Gasol, director de teatro y hombre trans, elige algunos episodios de su vida como quien se responde a la pregunta “qué se siente”. Las activistas Silvana Daniela Sosa, Ornella Infante y Nadiha Molina cuentan cómo les cambió la vida la militancia. Diana Sacayán, sin dejar de ser nunca una chica del mal, inaugura aquí sus columnas románticas.
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