Travesti é morta com cinco tiros no Santa Marta, em Ribeirão das Neves
Vítima não portava documentos e não foi identificada; não há informações de motivação para o assassinato
Uma travesti, não identificada, foi assassinada com cinco tiros, na madrugada desta segunda-feira (29), em Ribeirão das Neves, na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Nenhum suspeito foi identificado ou localizado.

UK’s only transgender military pilot talks of the support she received from Prince William
The woman, who has served alongside the prince as a search and rescue pilot, has spoken out about her life, career and transition process
The RAF’s only openly transgender plane pilot, Flight Lieutenant Ayla Holdom, has given a moving interview to the Mail on Sunday in which she discusses her life – and was full of praise for the way in which her colleagues in Britain's Royal Air Force accepted her transition.

Icelandic Trans Woman Facing Job Discrimination
Jóhanna Erna Guðrúnardóttir has been struggling to gain employment since coming out as transgendered, reports MBL.
“Like most minorities in our society [I face discrimination],” said Jóhanna Erna, 18. “But you just try not to let it get to you.”
While she might try not to let it get to her, trans discrimination is getting in the way of her earning a living.
Supreme Court to hear govt plea against its order on transgenders
Agreeing to examine a string of objections, the Supreme Court has sought replies from the National Legal Services Authority and all states on a plea moved by the NDA government against the historic April 15 judgment that granted constitutional recognition to transgenders as a third gender and gave them the right to have a family.
Student, 17, gets sex-change go-ahead despite parents’ objections
A student has won the right to have gender-changing surgery at just 17 — against the wishes of his parents — after a court ruled he should be free to make his own decisions about medical treatment.
Transgender prisoner held in solitary confinement in Colorado
Unique Taylor is a 37 year old Transgender woman held in solitary confinement in the supermax prison in Florence Colorado. Taylor was convicted for a drug-manufacturing conspiracy but since being imprisoned, has been raped and assaulted and has been fighting to be recognized as a woman. Susan Greene writes about her story in the Colorado Independent and speaks with KGNU’s Angela Palermo.
Kansas City police apologize for anti-transgender posts during ‘tweet-along’
The police department in Missouri said it regrets posting offensive tweets during a live stream detailing two officers' interaction with a transgender prostitute.
Scholar Won't Stop Fighting Alleged Transphobia, Loss of Housing
Meredith Talusan is fighting to have her Cornell-affiliated housing coop address alleged mistreatment by her housemate.

Transgender teen commits suicide, cites Christian parents in blog
After years of abuse and rejection from strict Christian parents, an Ohio transgender teen commits suicide by stepping in front of a moving tractor trailer truck.
Leelah Alcorn, also known as Joshua Alcorn, was struck and killed by a passing semitrailer on southbound Interstate 71 in Union Township Sunday morning. The tragic event appears not to have been an accident, but a suicide.
On her blog at Tumblr, Leelah left a poignant suicide note, detailing a life of pain and rejection, a life dominated by Christian parents who refused to understand, or simply could not understand, that their precious child was a female trapped in the body of a male.
ACLU joins Virginia transgender boy’s fight to use boys’ restrooms at school
Virginia teen Gavin Grimm was ordered by his school board to either use the girls’ bathroom or staff facilities despite his living as a boy since the start of the school year
Transgender Rights Advance In Cuba
The New York Times on Saturday highlighted the story of Ana Rafaela Diaz Gomez, a transgender Cuban woman.
'World's first trans doll' shocks Argentina
A fairy toy dubbed 'the world’s first transgender doll' has shocked parents in Argentina who are afraid it could 'influence' their children’s sexuality.
The discount Fashion Happy doll is made in China and comes with a skirt, high heels, decorative fairy wings — and a penis.
It is unknown whether the 'genitalia' is intentional or a factory defect.
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