Feriados, violência doméstica e transsexuais abrem 2015 no Parlamento
O Parlamento prepara-se para os últimos meses da XII legislatura e, para a maioria PSD-CDS, o primeiro momento complicado deverá surgir no dia 15 de janeiro.
Corpo de travesti é encontrado dentro do Canal do Trabalhador no Ceará
Segundo a polícia, o corpo foi encontrado por moradores da região.
Corpo da vítima foi estava sem roupas e com marcas de violência.
O corpo de uma travesti foi encontrado na noite desta sexta-feira (26) dentro do Canal do Trabalhador, no município de Pacajus, Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza. De acordo com a Polícia Militar, o corpo foi achado por moradores da região.
Com sinais de violência, corpo de travesti é encontrado em Caucaia
Um travesti, sem identificação, foi encontrado morto na manhã desta quinta-feira (25), no bairro Urucutuba, em Caucaia.
Durante a reportagem, nenhum amigo ou familiar compareceu ao local. Tudo indica que a vítima foi assassinada a pauladas.
O corpo foi encontrado por populares com um short jeans, blusa vermelha e uma peruca, dentro de um capacete.
Three transphobic hate crimes recorded in Gwent last year
Gwent Police is bucking the national trend after fewer transphobic hate crimes were recorded in 2014 than in the year before.
The force said it recorded three gender identity crimes between January and November, compared with seven in 2013 and one in 2012. The crimes included assault, harassment robbery and criminal damage.
Transphobic crimes soared in 2014
Transgender hate crimes on the rise as charity claims cases are 'massively under-reported'
The number of hate crimes against transgender people has risen this year.
Eleven police forces recorded more offences from January to November than the whole of 2013.
Transgender hate crime is on the rise, say new figures
There has been a rise in the number of hate crimes against people in Northern Ireland who have changed gender, according to new figures.
Israeli army aims to become more welcoming for transgender recruits
New policy to help transgender soldiers from the time they get first draft notice through getting gender-appropriate uniforms and housing.
LGBTs in Aceh go underground due to Sharia law
After a new anti-homosexuality law passed in Indonesia's province of Aceh in late October, LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) groups say they are being being forced deeper underground.
Inside A Finishing School for Transwomen
Since the age of six or seven, Wendy Roome knew was something was terribly wrong about her. It was the 1950s. And she was a girl trapped in a boy’s body.
Then known as William, she felt uncomfortable, nervous, and withdrawn and kept even family and good friends at arm’s length lest they find out her deepest, darkest secret.
She would sneak into her mom’s closet and try on her dresses. When Roome graduated from college, she worked enough nerve to buy women’s clothes, but only at stores 50 miles from home and she paid in cash.
Rhode Island drops surgery requirement for transgender birth certificate changes
Civil liberties advocates are praising the state of Rhode Island for making it easier for transgender residents to change their gender designation on their birth certificates.
Feriados, violência doméstica e transsexuais abrem 2015 no Parlamento
O Parlamento prepara-se para os últimos meses da XII legislatura e, para a maioria PSD-CDS, o primeiro momento complicado deverá surgir no dia 15 de janeiro.

Corpo de travesti é encontrado dentro do Canal do Trabalhador no Ceará
Segundo a polícia, o corpo foi encontrado por moradores da região.
Corpo da vítima foi estava sem roupas e com marcas de violência.
O corpo de uma travesti foi encontrado na noite desta sexta-feira (26) dentro do Canal do Trabalhador, no município de Pacajus, Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza. De acordo com a Polícia Militar, o corpo foi achado por moradores da região.

Com sinais de violência, corpo de travesti é encontrado em Caucaia
Um travesti, sem identificação, foi encontrado morto na manhã desta quinta-feira (25), no bairro Urucutuba, em Caucaia.
Durante a reportagem, nenhum amigo ou familiar compareceu ao local. Tudo indica que a vítima foi assassinada a pauladas.
O corpo foi encontrado por populares com um short jeans, blusa vermelha e uma peruca, dentro de um capacete.
Three transphobic hate crimes recorded in Gwent last year
Gwent Police is bucking the national trend after fewer transphobic hate crimes were recorded in 2014 than in the year before.
The force said it recorded three gender identity crimes between January and November, compared with seven in 2013 and one in 2012. The crimes included assault, harassment robbery and criminal damage.
Transphobic crimes soared in 2014
Transgender hate crimes on the rise as charity claims cases are 'massively under-reported'
The number of hate crimes against transgender people has risen this year.
Eleven police forces recorded more offences from January to November than the whole of 2013.
Transgender hate crime is on the rise, say new figures
There has been a rise in the number of hate crimes against people in Northern Ireland who have changed gender, according to new figures.
Israeli army aims to become more welcoming for transgender recruits
New policy to help transgender soldiers from the time they get first draft notice through getting gender-appropriate uniforms and housing.
LGBTs in Aceh go underground due to Sharia law
After a new anti-homosexuality law passed in Indonesia's province of Aceh in late October, LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) groups say they are being being forced deeper underground.
Inside A Finishing School for Transwomen
Since the age of six or seven, Wendy Roome knew was something was terribly wrong about her. It was the 1950s. And she was a girl trapped in a boy’s body.
Then known as William, she felt uncomfortable, nervous, and withdrawn and kept even family and good friends at arm’s length lest they find out her deepest, darkest secret.
She would sneak into her mom’s closet and try on her dresses. When Roome graduated from college, she worked enough nerve to buy women’s clothes, but only at stores 50 miles from home and she paid in cash.
Rhode Island drops surgery requirement for transgender birth certificate changes
Civil liberties advocates are praising the state of Rhode Island for making it easier for transgender residents to change their gender designation on their birth certificates.
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