"Me aceitar como trans foi processo lento. Ficava tentando me convencer de não"
Luc Athayde-Rizzaro vive abertamente como homem há quatro anos. Em entrevista ao iGay ele conta como foi o processo de se entender, se convencer, assumir o gênero com o qual se identifica e de contar para o pai, Marcelo Tas
Jovem transexual tenta usar banheiro masculino e é agredido dentro de bar
Episódio ocorreu em estabelecimento de São Carlos, SP, no fim de semana.
Procurado, o proprietário do pub não quis se manifestar sobre a denúncia.
São Paulo oferecerá salário mínino para qualificação de travestis
Uma iniciativa da prefeitura de São Paulo em prol da população LGBT será anunciada no fim deste mês. Travestis e transexuais da capital receberão bolsa de um salário mínino, mensal, para voltar aos estudos, através de cursos do Pronatec. A ideia é pioneira no Brasil e na América Latina.
El bendito encuentro entre Francisco y Diego
El Papa recibió ayer en El Vaticano a un placentino que se siente fuera de la Iglesia desde que se sometió a una reasignación de género
Creyente y católico practicante desde la niñez, pide al Santo Padre que le ayude a encontrar su rincón en la casa de Dios
Transgender worker ‘sacked’ for using female toilets
A trans woman has alleged she was sacked by an employer because she refused to stop using the women’s toilets.
UKIP General Secretary: If you love shemales, come to the UK
Recordings have emerged of UKIP General Secretary Matthew Richardson using a slur to refer to transgender women.
Gender Recognition Events
This week the long-awaited Gender Recognition Bill was debated in the Seanad, and the debate will continue over the next number of weeks. This is a key and crucial moment in the history of trans rights in Ireland.
Transgender Individuals In Italy Share Stories And Photos
When he first realized that he wasn’t interested in playing with dolls or trying on his mother’s makeup, he was seven years old, dressed in lacy pink clothing and at that time regarded as first of four sisters. Forty years have gone by since then. Four decades full of vacations, love stories, disappointments and hormone therapies. Today Loris is a respected engineer and has fallen crazy in love with Carla.
Thailand's Leading Modeling Agency Announces Transgender Board
Apple Model Management Agency, Thailand's leading modeling agency, has announced the worldwide launch of its new Transgender board. Claiming to be the very first in the world to represent transgender models, the agency is at the forefront of a positively changing trend in the fashion industry.
Transgenders in Malaysia ‘vulnerable and marginalised’
The transgender community in Malaysia is facing increasing barriers in day-to-day living, according to Dorian Wilde, an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) activist and founder of Transmen of Malaysia (ToM).
[New Zealand]
Applause as Loh's gender acknowledged
A small round of supportive applause greeted a short address by a young trans woman during the funeral of Charlotte Loh this morning.
Teenager puts face on transgender movement
The apparent suicide of a 17-year-old transgender girl in Ohio has touched the lives of thousands.
Transgender group wants new rules for birth certificates
Kaleo Ramos said he was 9 when he contemplated suicide. He had been born a girl, and his birth certificate indicated he was female. But he identified as a male, and life at school was hard.
Out at CHM opens series with transgender resilience
The Chicago History Museum began its 12th annual Out at CHM series on January 22 with Transmopolitan: Transgender Resilience.
A Lakewood Detective Played Aerosmith's 'Dude (Looks Like a Lady)' While a Transgender Woman Was Being Interviewed
After being arrested for shoplifting at Sapell's in Lakewood, Robin Spitfire Adelmann found herself at the Lakewood Police Department on Dec. 21, 2014.
Lakewood officer punished after playing 'Dude Looks Like a Lady' during transgender woman's questioning
Meet the Trans Woman Named Pennsylvania's Next Physician General
With nearly three decades of medical experience, Dr. Rachel Levine is ready to become her state's next top doctor.
Pa.'s new physician general brings an LGBT point of view
Trans Woman Killed in Virginia; Media Again Misgenders Her
Lamia Beard died at a hospital after being shot in the early morning hours last Saturday, and local media outlets are failing to report accurately on the trans woman's death.
NCAVP mourns the death of Lamia Beard, a transgender woman of color killed in Norfolk, Virginia; the first homicide of a transgender woman of color that NCAVP has responded to in 2015
Trans woman of color murdered in Va
Transgender community rallies against conversion therapy
Vigil remembers suicide of transgender teen in Ohio
Activists hold Trans Health Insurance Forum at Gay City
In 2009, Danni Askini was raising hell to debunk “Gender Identity Disorder” from the official list of diagnosable mental illnesses. It’s not like concepts of disease are immutable, after all: Homosexuality was a sickness until 1973, when doctors suddenly agreed that it’s wasn’t. Why shouldn’t transgender people similarly shed the stigma of pathology?
“Soy una mujer de izquierda”: la precandidata transexual del DF
Diana Sánchez Barrios se ha convertido en la primera mujer transexual en buscar una jefatura delegacional en el DF, el sábado pasado se presentó como precandidata del PRD para gobernar la delegación Cuauhtémoc.
La aspirante que dice no alinearse con su mamá
Con bloqueo piden destituir a profesor travesti
Padres de familia de la Escuela Secundaria Mixta número 4, que se localiza en la colonia La Estancia, en Zapopan, Jalisco, tomaron la institución para demandar el despido de un profesor travesti.
De acuerdo con la versión de los inconformes desde el inicio del ciclo escolar se acordó que el mentor de nombre Sergio, impartiría sus conocimientos vestido como hombre, sin embargo a sus hijos los ha descontrolado que su maestro ahora se haya convertido en maestra y les pida que la llamen Andrea Carolina.
TRÍO DE DOS Reporteros se rien de mujer trans asesinada junto a dos que confezaron haberla asesinado
Dos hombres mataron a golpes un sujeto que les pidió sexo, pero no les quiso pagar.
Sucedio en la colonia El Barreal, donde fueron detenidos por policías ministeriales.
Lo presuntos asesinos lo encobijaron y pensaban deshacerse del cadáver de Filiberto García, quien contaba con 35 años.
Una vivencia motiva el primer cuento trans
El próximo 26 de enero será presentado el texto, que escribió la transfemenina Diane Rodríguez. Podrá ser leído desde el portal CuentosTILGB.com.
Trans reciben atención médica en centro especializado
Es un hecho que en Venezuela la población transexual no existe a nivel de políticas públicas. Y eso no es todo: los centros asistenciales no están preparados para atenderla de manera respetuosa. Hay barreras, en muchos casos institucionalizadas, al categorizar a estas personas como locas, pervertidas, delincuentes y una serie de apelativos que nacen de los prejuicios.
Con tutela, transexual logra que Ejército le otorgue libreta militar
Tribunal dice que no hay razón para aceptar alguna discriminación por la orientación sexual.
Transfobia de jueces peruanos demora fallos de cambio de nombre
La lucha de una mujer transexual por cambiarse de nombre demoró seis años. Este proceso usualmente debería tardar entre tres y seis meses, pero debido a la transfobia de los jueces peruanos, la historia se hizo eterna. Y no es una afirmación sin sustento. Para la organización Estudio Para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (Demus), la palabra TRANSFOBIA suena con fuerza en el Perú.
Denuncian a camilleros del Hospital Rossi por grave maltrato a una mujer trans
La propia damnificada informó que tras ser operada de urgencia por una afección intestinal, fue víctima de un abuso verbal discriminatorio, humillando su identidad de género autopercibida. Durante el traslado a la habitación, los auxiliares le profirieron injurias transfóbicas y homofóbicas tales como “maricón”, “puto”, “viejo” y “travesti”. Además, habrían tocado sus pechos y se habrían restregado los genitales en la mano y cabeza de la paciente.
"Me aceitar como trans foi processo lento. Ficava tentando me convencer de não"
Luc Athayde-Rizzaro vive abertamente como homem há quatro anos. Em entrevista ao iGay ele conta como foi o processo de se entender, se convencer, assumir o gênero com o qual se identifica e de contar para o pai, Marcelo Tas
Jovem transexual tenta usar banheiro masculino e é agredido dentro de bar
Episódio ocorreu em estabelecimento de São Carlos, SP, no fim de semana.
Procurado, o proprietário do pub não quis se manifestar sobre a denúncia.
São Paulo oferecerá salário mínino para qualificação de travestis
Uma iniciativa da prefeitura de São Paulo em prol da população LGBT será anunciada no fim deste mês. Travestis e transexuais da capital receberão bolsa de um salário mínino, mensal, para voltar aos estudos, através de cursos do Pronatec. A ideia é pioneira no Brasil e na América Latina.
El bendito encuentro entre Francisco y Diego
El Papa recibió ayer en El Vaticano a un placentino que se siente fuera de la Iglesia desde que se sometió a una reasignación de género
Creyente y católico practicante desde la niñez, pide al Santo Padre que le ayude a encontrar su rincón en la casa de Dios
Transgender worker ‘sacked’ for using female toilets
A trans woman has alleged she was sacked by an employer because she refused to stop using the women’s toilets.
UKIP General Secretary: If you love shemales, come to the UK
Recordings have emerged of UKIP General Secretary Matthew Richardson using a slur to refer to transgender women.
Gender Recognition Events
This week the long-awaited Gender Recognition Bill was debated in the Seanad, and the debate will continue over the next number of weeks. This is a key and crucial moment in the history of trans rights in Ireland.
Transgender Individuals In Italy Share Stories And Photos
When he first realized that he wasn’t interested in playing with dolls or trying on his mother’s makeup, he was seven years old, dressed in lacy pink clothing and at that time regarded as first of four sisters. Forty years have gone by since then. Four decades full of vacations, love stories, disappointments and hormone therapies. Today Loris is a respected engineer and has fallen crazy in love with Carla.
Thailand's Leading Modeling Agency Announces Transgender Board
Apple Model Management Agency, Thailand's leading modeling agency, has announced the worldwide launch of its new Transgender board. Claiming to be the very first in the world to represent transgender models, the agency is at the forefront of a positively changing trend in the fashion industry.
Transgenders in Malaysia ‘vulnerable and marginalised’
The transgender community in Malaysia is facing increasing barriers in day-to-day living, according to Dorian Wilde, an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) activist and founder of Transmen of Malaysia (ToM).
[New Zealand]
Applause as Loh's gender acknowledged
A small round of supportive applause greeted a short address by a young trans woman during the funeral of Charlotte Loh this morning.
Teenager puts face on transgender movement
The apparent suicide of a 17-year-old transgender girl in Ohio has touched the lives of thousands.
Transgender group wants new rules for birth certificates
Kaleo Ramos said he was 9 when he contemplated suicide. He had been born a girl, and his birth certificate indicated he was female. But he identified as a male, and life at school was hard.
Out at CHM opens series with transgender resilience
The Chicago History Museum began its 12th annual Out at CHM series on January 22 with Transmopolitan: Transgender Resilience.
A Lakewood Detective Played Aerosmith's 'Dude (Looks Like a Lady)' While a Transgender Woman Was Being Interviewed
After being arrested for shoplifting at Sapell's in Lakewood, Robin Spitfire Adelmann found herself at the Lakewood Police Department on Dec. 21, 2014.
Lakewood officer punished after playing 'Dude Looks Like a Lady' during transgender woman's questioning
Meet the Trans Woman Named Pennsylvania's Next Physician General
With nearly three decades of medical experience, Dr. Rachel Levine is ready to become her state's next top doctor.
Pa.'s new physician general brings an LGBT point of view
Trans Woman Killed in Virginia; Media Again Misgenders Her
Lamia Beard died at a hospital after being shot in the early morning hours last Saturday, and local media outlets are failing to report accurately on the trans woman's death.
NCAVP mourns the death of Lamia Beard, a transgender woman of color killed in Norfolk, Virginia; the first homicide of a transgender woman of color that NCAVP has responded to in 2015
Trans woman of color murdered in Va
Transgender community rallies against conversion therapy
Vigil remembers suicide of transgender teen in Ohio
Activists hold Trans Health Insurance Forum at Gay City
In 2009, Danni Askini was raising hell to debunk “Gender Identity Disorder” from the official list of diagnosable mental illnesses. It’s not like concepts of disease are immutable, after all: Homosexuality was a sickness until 1973, when doctors suddenly agreed that it’s wasn’t. Why shouldn’t transgender people similarly shed the stigma of pathology?
“Soy una mujer de izquierda”: la precandidata transexual del DF
Diana Sánchez Barrios se ha convertido en la primera mujer transexual en buscar una jefatura delegacional en el DF, el sábado pasado se presentó como precandidata del PRD para gobernar la delegación Cuauhtémoc.
La aspirante que dice no alinearse con su mamá
Con bloqueo piden destituir a profesor travesti
Padres de familia de la Escuela Secundaria Mixta número 4, que se localiza en la colonia La Estancia, en Zapopan, Jalisco, tomaron la institución para demandar el despido de un profesor travesti.
De acuerdo con la versión de los inconformes desde el inicio del ciclo escolar se acordó que el mentor de nombre Sergio, impartiría sus conocimientos vestido como hombre, sin embargo a sus hijos los ha descontrolado que su maestro ahora se haya convertido en maestra y les pida que la llamen Andrea Carolina.
TRÍO DE DOS Reporteros se rien de mujer trans asesinada junto a dos que confezaron haberla asesinado
Dos hombres mataron a golpes un sujeto que les pidió sexo, pero no les quiso pagar.
Sucedio en la colonia El Barreal, donde fueron detenidos por policías ministeriales.
Lo presuntos asesinos lo encobijaron y pensaban deshacerse del cadáver de Filiberto García, quien contaba con 35 años.
Una vivencia motiva el primer cuento trans
El próximo 26 de enero será presentado el texto, que escribió la transfemenina Diane Rodríguez. Podrá ser leído desde el portal CuentosTILGB.com.
Trans reciben atención médica en centro especializado
Es un hecho que en Venezuela la población transexual no existe a nivel de políticas públicas. Y eso no es todo: los centros asistenciales no están preparados para atenderla de manera respetuosa. Hay barreras, en muchos casos institucionalizadas, al categorizar a estas personas como locas, pervertidas, delincuentes y una serie de apelativos que nacen de los prejuicios.
Con tutela, transexual logra que Ejército le otorgue libreta militar
Tribunal dice que no hay razón para aceptar alguna discriminación por la orientación sexual.
Transfobia de jueces peruanos demora fallos de cambio de nombre
La lucha de una mujer transexual por cambiarse de nombre demoró seis años. Este proceso usualmente debería tardar entre tres y seis meses, pero debido a la transfobia de los jueces peruanos, la historia se hizo eterna. Y no es una afirmación sin sustento. Para la organización Estudio Para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (Demus), la palabra TRANSFOBIA suena con fuerza en el Perú.
Denuncian a camilleros del Hospital Rossi por grave maltrato a una mujer trans
La propia damnificada informó que tras ser operada de urgencia por una afección intestinal, fue víctima de un abuso verbal discriminatorio, humillando su identidad de género autopercibida. Durante el traslado a la habitación, los auxiliares le profirieron injurias transfóbicas y homofóbicas tales como “maricón”, “puto”, “viejo” y “travesti”. Además, habrían tocado sus pechos y se habrían restregado los genitales en la mano y cabeza de la paciente.
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