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quarta-feira, janeiro 28, 2015

Travesti Piu, passista da Beija-Flor, é torturada e assassinada em favela do Rio
A travesti Piu, conhecida como uma das integrantes mais fieis da escola de samba Beija-Flor, foi torturada e assassinada na última semana por criminosos do Morro da Mina, em Nilópolis, na baixada Fluminense.
De acordo com o jornal Extra, os integrantes da escola de samba estão revoltados com o crime contra a integrante de 25, que frequentava religiosamente todos os ensaios.
Travesti passista da Beija-Flor é encontrada morta após tortura em favela

Travesti é encontrado morto na Lagoa das Flores
No início da manhã de hoje (segunda-feira), o corpo de um homem foi encontrado com sinais de diversas perfurações oriundas de disparos por arma de fogo em uma estrada de terra na Lagoa das Flores. As primeiras informações são de que se trata de um travesti natural do Rio Grande do Sul, conhecido como Leo.
O que motivou o crime ainda não foi descoberto pela polícia. Com informações e foto do Blitz Conquista

Trans adolescente que cometeu suicídio é lembrada em sarau no Aracaju; veja
Reunindo cerca de 500 pessoas, foi promovido nesta terça-feira (20) mais uma edição do Sarau Debaixo, no Viaduto do Dia, em Aracaju. Desta vez, o evento ocorreu como uma das ações que antecedem a Semana da Visibilidade Trans da cidade.

Una menor transexual opta por primera vez a reina del Carnaval de Las Palmas
Lola, una adolescente de 16 años, es la primera menor transexual que aspira a convertirse en reina del Carnaval. Su objetivo es claro, "demostrar que todos los transexuales como diversidad". Su familia no para de animarla, especialmente su abuela, quienes aguardan a verla el próximo día 13 sobre el escenario para lograr el sueño de su vida.

Transgender man has private audience with Pope Francis
A transgender man from Spain had a private audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Saturday.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s top aide goes on trans women rant
Indicates a UKIP government would cancel funding for treating gender dysphoria

Germaine Greer: transgender women don’t know what it’s like to ‘have a big hairy smelly vagina’
Germaine Greer tried to steer debate away from the ‘side issues’ of her past transphobia in a question and answer session at the Cambridge Union

There's no wrong way to be a woman
Neuroscience Proves What We've Known All Along: Gender Exists on a Spectrum

Gender reassignment in prison, approved!
Y.A., a 28 year-old convict having issues with their sexual identity, applied to the court while in Maltepe prison to change their name and gender. Last year in January, following the issue of a doctor’s report stating that they had gender dysphoria, Y.A. legally changed her name to Asli A. at the 6th Anatolia Civil Court. Within a month of the name change, Asli A.’s request to change their gender was approved.

Öykü Ay: “The Lord helped and we’ve opened the first trans shelter” in Turkey
Turkey’s first trans shelter is opening. The hero of this initiative is Öykü Ay. Also known to the trans community as “the veiled,” Öykü says, “The Lord helped and we’ve opened the first trans shelter. Thousands of thanks to all the girls. It boosted our morale. It showed us that we can handle any difficulty once we’re united.” Here is the most encouraging story of late…

‘Born a woman, but always been a man’
Transman Dorian Wilde believes that his life story reflects the marginalisation and vulnerability of the transgender community in the country.

Gender dysphoria in children going undiagnosed: Brisbane support group
GPs are struggling to properly diagnose children with gender dysphoria, also known as gender identity disorder, according to a Brisbane transgender support network.

The man who's had TWO sex changes: Incredible story of Walt, who became Laura, then REVERSED the operation because he believes surgeons in US and Europe are too quick to operate
Walt Heyer had sex change to become a woman when he was 42 years old
After eight years living as Laura Jensen, he reverted back to being a man
He believes the desire to change gender stems from psychological trauma
Heyer controversially disputes that Gender Dysphoria is a genetic disorder
Now 74, he acts as a counselor to those considering a sex change surgery
Psychological vetting of patients before operation is inadequate, he claims

Learning to Talk Like a Woman
For many transgender people, achieving a feminine voice can be difficult. A singer-turned-vocal coach specializes in helping them adjust.

Police release identity of Fern Valley Motel murder victim
Police have released the identity of a man found shot to death at the Fern Valley Motel Jan. 9.
Twenty-year-old Sherman Edwards of Indianapolis died from a single gunshot wound to the chest.
Police were called to the 2700 block of Fern Valley Road and when officers arrived the found Edwards' body on the motel property. He was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Another African-American Trans Woman Killed In Kentucky

New Yorkers must wait seven months to apply for city ID card
City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said Sunday that the wait is about seven months. Some 100,000 people have made appointments to apply for the cards.

Transgender woman calls Lakewood detective's punishment appropriate
It's become the most unoriginal and offensive way to get under Robin Adelmann's skin. Whenever someone in a public setting wants to humiliate her, they play the Aerosmith song "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)."

Trans woman nominated to top PA post
Just a few days before his inauguration, Gov. Tom Wolf announced the nomination of a transgender woman to his top level of administrators.

Trans woman challenges GID exclusion
Trans woman Kate L. Blatt this week filed a legal challenge of the Americans with Disabilities Act’s exclusion of gender-identity disorder as a protected disability.

Texas Trans Woman Fatally Shot; Police Search for Leads
No arrests have been made yet in the murder of Ty Underwood, but friends of the victim say police should consider the attack a hate crime.
Ty Underwood, a 24-year-old transgender woman of color, was fatally shot early Monday morning in North Tyler, Texas, reports local news station KYTX.
Police found Underwood when responding to a 911 call from a woman who said her children had heard gunshots and that a car had run into a telephone pole nearby. Detective Andy Erbaugh told reporters he believes that Underwood was near or inside the car when shots were fired at it; Underwood was likely struck while she was trying to drive away.

The Movie That Proves Why Trans Actors Should Play Trans Roles
With humor and humanity, Tangerine vividly captures a world unknown to most audiences.

Columbus approves transgender policy
Students transitioning genders will now have clear guidelines for co-curricular participation in the Columbus School District. The board approved a policy at Monday night’s school board meeting.

¿Sergio o Andrea Carolina?... El maestro travesti que puso en jaque a secundaria
Padres de familia toman la escuela en Zapopan hasta que Educación intervenga. Dicen que los adolescentes se sienten confundidos e intimidados

“Esto así no va a quedar, quiero que echen a los camilleros”, dijo la mujer trans abusada en el Hospital Rossi
Andrea Elizabeth Fernández, una mujer trans de 47 años que denuncia haber sido insultada, golpeada y abusada por dos camilleros del Hospital Interzonal Rossi aseguró que iniciará acciones legales para que sus victimarios no vuelvan a trabajar en el nosocomio