I Can't Afford to Transition: The Unseen Costs of Being Transgender in 2015
Ari Klamka, 28, is a lot like his peers—when he found himself in need of money for a special project, he created a GoFundMe page. But he wasn't looking to make a movie, or support a charity, or run a marathon. He was looking for the right to become himself.
Klamka is transgender, and he's facing an unfortunately common problem in the modern landscape of transgender issues: The cost of fully transitioning is prohibitively expensive.
TGEU Guides on EU Law
TGEU’s two guides on EU law provide an overview and summary of EU law that is relevant for trans people living, working, visiting or claiming asylum in the EU.
Both guides cover the areas of discrimination in employment, discrimination in the access to and provision of goods & services, crime victim’s rights, and asylum.
Homem é preso suspeito de matar travesti em São João Batista do Glória
Guilherme Vítor Flor, de 39 anos, foi morto na madrugada do dia 16 em MG.
Segundo a Polícia Civil, suspeito teria um relacionamento com a vítima.
Um andarilho de 46 anos foi preso suspeito de estrangular um travesti em Sao João Batista do Glória (MG). Guilherme Vítor Flor, de 39 anos, foi morto na madrugada do dia 16, mas o caso só passou a ser tratado como homicídio quando o laudo da necrópsia apontou a esganadura.
Travesti que morava em Cidade Ocidental é morto a pauladas as margens da BR40 próximo ao Pólo JK
Gabriel de 27 anos, morador do bairro Parque Nova Friburgo "A" em Cidade Ocidental, morava com sua vó depois de perder sua mãe anos atrás.
De acordo com uma testemunha que passava pela manhã no local, J.C.L que não quis se identificar avistou o homem travestido com roupas femininas caído no chão sem as roupas e foi verificar a situação, quando chegou mais perto avistou muito sangue e percebeu que a vítima não estava mais com vida, e imediatamente acionou a PM.
Conheça a história da professora transsexual Luiza
Ela é exceção em uma triste realidade na qual pessoas trans são marginalizadas do convívio social e do mercado de trabalho.
10,000 urge Government to let trans people self-identify
A Petition to the UK Parliament to allow transgender people to self-define their own legal gender has gained nearly 10,000 signatures.
Allow transgender people to self-define their legal gender
'I thought about suicide': Caroline Cossey, the first transgender woman to pose for Playboy, reveals how her life fell apart after her gender identity was suddenly exposed
The 60-year-old model first appeared in the magazine in 1981, a year before News of the World outed her as transgender
After attempting suicide, Caroline found her confidence again and eventually revisited the popular magazine
She explained how she saved up for sexual reassignment surgery on her own by working as a showgirl
Sussex Police fly the flag for the trans gender community
To show its support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, Sussex Police will fly the ‘trans flag’ from its base during Brighton’s Trans Pride celebrations this weekend.
Poland parliament passes first trans recognition bill
'It was the first time we heard policymakers recognizing that trans citizens need to have their dignity assured'
Poland passes first gender recognition bill
HDP’s Paylan submits Parliamentary Question to Minister of Interior on LGBTI activist Kemal Ördek, Discrimination, and Violence against LGBTI
Garo Paylan, an HDP member of parliament from Istanbul, asked Minister of Interior Sebahattin Öztürk about the attack against LGBTI activist Kemal Ördek.
Transgender life in Ukraine officially labeled as 'disorder'
Fridrih Chernyshov was 19 years old when he told his parents he wanted to change his sex. Their reaction mirrored that of Ukrainian society to the issue of transgenderism - a lack of understanding, active discouragement, and a breakdown in relations.
Uncovering Mongolia’s transgender community
"I can’t think of anything more terrifying than the idea that a large part of our identity relies on facts and things we can’t control or even know exist.”
Greenwich calls for end to forced trans surgery
Independent Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich MP, has released a discussion paper calling for the NSW government to remove the requirement for trans people to undergo gender reassignment surgery in order to change their gender classification on government records.
Girl to have gender dysphoria treatment to become a boy
A teenager has been cleared by the family court to continue dysphoria treatment to transition from a female to a male.
#InTheirWords: 'A lot of trans people feel like they will never be loved'
Angelica Ross, 34, was engaged once, but her fiancé asked her to keep it a secret. That's because Ross is a trans woman and her fiancé didn't want other people to know.
"A man is able to take me to a restaurant, but he's not able to take me home to mom," Ross said. "Society is still not at a place yet where they see us as family."
India Clarke, K.C. Haggard Are The 10th and 11th Trans Women Killed in 2015
On July 21, 2015, India Clarke, 25, was found in a park at the University Area Community Center in Tampa, Florida. The black trans woman had been beaten to death.
On July 23, 2015, 66-year-old K.C. Haggard was stabbed on a Fresno, California, street. The transgender woman’s murder was caught on video.
Why Are Blood Banks Rejecting Transgender Women?
Jasmine Kaiser and Lisa Scott are suing one of the world’s largest blood companies for turning them away for being transgender. The company insists all trans women are banned from donating under federal guidelines. Do federal officials agree? They won’t say.
The absurd reason the FDA bans many transgender women from donating blood
White House: DOD plan for trans service the ‘right approach’
President Obama believes the review the Pentagon has set up is the “right approach” to allowing transgender troops to serve in the U.S. military, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Thursday.
Horrifying Murder in Fresno Caught on Tape, Marks 11th Killing of a Trans Woman This Year
Local trans activists held a vigil Thursday night for K.c. Haggard, who was stabbed to death on the street in an altercation caught on a security camera.
Caught On Camera: Transgender Person Stabbed & Killed In Street
Activists call California transgender woman's stabbing death a hate crime
Transgender slaying exposes a gender ‘education gap’
The investigation into the slaying of a transgender woman this week has advocates calling for more sensitivity training for law enforcement officers.
Advocates plan #BaltimoreTRANSUprising march Friday
On the eve of Baltimore Pride, transgender advocates plan to march from Charles Village to Mount Vernon Friday to raise awareness of the struggles trans people face in the city.
SVSU adds gender identity to its nondiscrimination policy
Saginaw Valley State University officials have updated the institution's nondiscrimination policy to include gender identity and genetic information protections.
Charlotte Motor Speedway, other large sports venues clarify transgender inclusion for restrooms
Local transgender activist receives affirming responses from Speedway, Panthers' Bank of America Stadium and Knights' BB&T Ballpark
Charlotte Sports Venues Clarify Transgender Policy for Public Bathrooms
City Council unanimously supports transgender protections
The City Council unanimously approved six ordinances and two resolutions in support of transgender rights at Thursday night’s Finance Committee meeting.
Utah LGBT leader says more help needed for transgender
The new leader of one of Utah’s most important LGBT organizations marvels at the rapid progress made on gay and lesbian issues, but says the growing transgender community still faces harsh discrimination.
I Can't Afford to Transition: The Unseen Costs of Being Transgender in 2015
Ari Klamka, 28, is a lot like his peers—when he found himself in need of money for a special project, he created a GoFundMe page. But he wasn't looking to make a movie, or support a charity, or run a marathon. He was looking for the right to become himself.
Klamka is transgender, and he's facing an unfortunately common problem in the modern landscape of transgender issues: The cost of fully transitioning is prohibitively expensive.
TGEU Guides on EU Law
TGEU’s two guides on EU law provide an overview and summary of EU law that is relevant for trans people living, working, visiting or claiming asylum in the EU.
Both guides cover the areas of discrimination in employment, discrimination in the access to and provision of goods & services, crime victim’s rights, and asylum.

Homem é preso suspeito de matar travesti em São João Batista do Glória
Guilherme Vítor Flor, de 39 anos, foi morto na madrugada do dia 16 em MG.
Segundo a Polícia Civil, suspeito teria um relacionamento com a vítima.
Um andarilho de 46 anos foi preso suspeito de estrangular um travesti em Sao João Batista do Glória (MG). Guilherme Vítor Flor, de 39 anos, foi morto na madrugada do dia 16, mas o caso só passou a ser tratado como homicídio quando o laudo da necrópsia apontou a esganadura.

Travesti que morava em Cidade Ocidental é morto a pauladas as margens da BR40 próximo ao Pólo JK
Gabriel de 27 anos, morador do bairro Parque Nova Friburgo "A" em Cidade Ocidental, morava com sua vó depois de perder sua mãe anos atrás.
De acordo com uma testemunha que passava pela manhã no local, J.C.L que não quis se identificar avistou o homem travestido com roupas femininas caído no chão sem as roupas e foi verificar a situação, quando chegou mais perto avistou muito sangue e percebeu que a vítima não estava mais com vida, e imediatamente acionou a PM.
Conheça a história da professora transsexual Luiza
Ela é exceção em uma triste realidade na qual pessoas trans são marginalizadas do convívio social e do mercado de trabalho.
10,000 urge Government to let trans people self-identify
A Petition to the UK Parliament to allow transgender people to self-define their own legal gender has gained nearly 10,000 signatures.
Allow transgender people to self-define their legal gender
'I thought about suicide': Caroline Cossey, the first transgender woman to pose for Playboy, reveals how her life fell apart after her gender identity was suddenly exposed
The 60-year-old model first appeared in the magazine in 1981, a year before News of the World outed her as transgender
After attempting suicide, Caroline found her confidence again and eventually revisited the popular magazine
She explained how she saved up for sexual reassignment surgery on her own by working as a showgirl
Sussex Police fly the flag for the trans gender community
To show its support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, Sussex Police will fly the ‘trans flag’ from its base during Brighton’s Trans Pride celebrations this weekend.
Poland parliament passes first trans recognition bill
'It was the first time we heard policymakers recognizing that trans citizens need to have their dignity assured'
Poland passes first gender recognition bill
HDP’s Paylan submits Parliamentary Question to Minister of Interior on LGBTI activist Kemal Ördek, Discrimination, and Violence against LGBTI
Garo Paylan, an HDP member of parliament from Istanbul, asked Minister of Interior Sebahattin Öztürk about the attack against LGBTI activist Kemal Ördek.
Transgender life in Ukraine officially labeled as 'disorder'
Fridrih Chernyshov was 19 years old when he told his parents he wanted to change his sex. Their reaction mirrored that of Ukrainian society to the issue of transgenderism - a lack of understanding, active discouragement, and a breakdown in relations.
Uncovering Mongolia’s transgender community
"I can’t think of anything more terrifying than the idea that a large part of our identity relies on facts and things we can’t control or even know exist.”
Greenwich calls for end to forced trans surgery
Independent Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich MP, has released a discussion paper calling for the NSW government to remove the requirement for trans people to undergo gender reassignment surgery in order to change their gender classification on government records.
Girl to have gender dysphoria treatment to become a boy
A teenager has been cleared by the family court to continue dysphoria treatment to transition from a female to a male.
#InTheirWords: 'A lot of trans people feel like they will never be loved'
Angelica Ross, 34, was engaged once, but her fiancé asked her to keep it a secret. That's because Ross is a trans woman and her fiancé didn't want other people to know.
"A man is able to take me to a restaurant, but he's not able to take me home to mom," Ross said. "Society is still not at a place yet where they see us as family."
India Clarke, K.C. Haggard Are The 10th and 11th Trans Women Killed in 2015
On July 21, 2015, India Clarke, 25, was found in a park at the University Area Community Center in Tampa, Florida. The black trans woman had been beaten to death.
On July 23, 2015, 66-year-old K.C. Haggard was stabbed on a Fresno, California, street. The transgender woman’s murder was caught on video.
Why Are Blood Banks Rejecting Transgender Women?
Jasmine Kaiser and Lisa Scott are suing one of the world’s largest blood companies for turning them away for being transgender. The company insists all trans women are banned from donating under federal guidelines. Do federal officials agree? They won’t say.
The absurd reason the FDA bans many transgender women from donating blood
White House: DOD plan for trans service the ‘right approach’
President Obama believes the review the Pentagon has set up is the “right approach” to allowing transgender troops to serve in the U.S. military, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Thursday.

Horrifying Murder in Fresno Caught on Tape, Marks 11th Killing of a Trans Woman This Year
Local trans activists held a vigil Thursday night for K.c. Haggard, who was stabbed to death on the street in an altercation caught on a security camera.
Caught On Camera: Transgender Person Stabbed & Killed In Street
Activists call California transgender woman's stabbing death a hate crime
Transgender slaying exposes a gender ‘education gap’
The investigation into the slaying of a transgender woman this week has advocates calling for more sensitivity training for law enforcement officers.
Advocates plan #BaltimoreTRANSUprising march Friday
On the eve of Baltimore Pride, transgender advocates plan to march from Charles Village to Mount Vernon Friday to raise awareness of the struggles trans people face in the city.
SVSU adds gender identity to its nondiscrimination policy
Saginaw Valley State University officials have updated the institution's nondiscrimination policy to include gender identity and genetic information protections.
Charlotte Motor Speedway, other large sports venues clarify transgender inclusion for restrooms
Local transgender activist receives affirming responses from Speedway, Panthers' Bank of America Stadium and Knights' BB&T Ballpark
Charlotte Sports Venues Clarify Transgender Policy for Public Bathrooms
City Council unanimously supports transgender protections
The City Council unanimously approved six ordinances and two resolutions in support of transgender rights at Thursday night’s Finance Committee meeting.
Utah LGBT leader says more help needed for transgender
The new leader of one of Utah’s most important LGBT organizations marvels at the rapid progress made on gay and lesbian issues, but says the growing transgender community still faces harsh discrimination.
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