Garçon é executado em Carpina
Um homem foi executado com cinco disparos de arma de fogo, na noite deste domingo (19), no município do Carpina. O crime foi registrado pro volta das 23 h numa localidade conhecida como Matinha, após o Engenho Petribu II, ás margens da PE-053, em Carpina.
A área pertence a Usina Petribu e os vigilantes da Usina acionaram a polícia após ouvir os disparos.
Homossexual foi assassinado em Carpina Pernambuco

(Facebook))É lamentável o triste episódio ocorrido na madrugada do último sábado (18) na BR 040 próximo ao chifrudo entre Valparaíso e Santa Maria onde esta travesti conhecida por Gaby 26 anos foi assassinada a pauladas, a crueldade foi grande que ainda tiveram o sangue frio de passar com um carro por cima do corpo da vitima segundo informações, o caso já está sob investigação pela 33ª Delegacia de Polícia Civil de Santa Maria, eu repudio a transfobia, e todos crimes de ódio, considerando a alta vulnerabilidade e o risco de morte que assombra Lésbicas, gays, travestis, transexuais e transgêneros,e deixando os meus pêsames aos amigos e parentes de mais uma vitima da intolerância que recai sobre a comunidade, e me preparo para demostrar a minha indignação no dia 16 de agosto em Valparaíso...

Dos detenidos como sospechosos del asesinato de una mujer transexual en Alicante
Dos hombres de nacionalidad francesa, de 31 y 21 años, han sido detenidos como presuntos autores de este violento homicidio.
Una mujer transexual ha sido hallada este martes muerta en el ascensor de un edificio de la playa de la Albufereta de Alicante y se ha detenido a dos personas en relación con este suceso, según han informado fuentes próximas al caso.
Hallado muerto un travesti brasileño en un ascensor en Alicante
Italian Supreme Court rules against sterilisation requirement
Transgender Europe welcomes a decision of the Italian Supreme Court from July 20, that interprets medical intervention and sterilisation as not necessary for having one’s gender legally recognized.
Italy says operation not needed for sex change
[South Africa]
Transgender in Focus: Past, Present, Future
In recent weeks, Daily Maverick has focused on transgender rights. This is the last instalment in the series.
Wait list for transgender program
A new program designed to help people transitioning — or thinking about transitioning — from one gender to the other has filled to capacity in London.
BC Liberals called hypocrites over trans issue
While another proposed BC NDP bill to include gender identity in the BC Human Rights Code is likely to fail in the legislature, trans activists say it’s critical the Liberals support it to honour their pledge to the Vancouver Pride Society.
Trans Supermodel Joins Taylor Swift's Performing BFF Squad
During her concerts, pop superstar Taylor Swift brings her famous female friends on stage to belt out songs with her — Sunday's show in Chicago was no exception.
Transgender Youth Have Typical Hormone Levels
Study reveals baseline characteristics of youth seeking care for gender dysphoria
Obamacare Nondiscrimination Protections Lead to Hospital Settlement for Trans Patient
This month, more than five years after enactment of the Affordable Care Act, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its first case resolution under the law’s civil rights provision. The agreement reached with a New York City hospital is based on a trans woman’s complaint that she was harassed and improperly placed with a male roommate while a patient there. This action by HHS—which is poised to finally issue implementing rules on this section of the health law—shows that the ACA’s gender nondiscrimination mandate can and should offer real protection for LGBT people in health care settings.
Pre- and Post-operative Care With Associated Intra-operative Techniques for Phalloplasty in Female-to-male Patients
Abstract and Introduction
Phalloplasty, or creation of the penis, is one of the steps in gender confirming surgery for a female-to-male patient and for males with absence or malformation of the penis. Here, the most common techniques for phalloplasty, along with the pre-operative and post-operative care are discussed.
Transphobic Breitbart Editor Claims Zoey Tur Assaulted Him On-Air
An officer with the Los Angeles Police Department has taken a report, in which Benjamin Shapiro claims he is a victim of battery, but it does not name the transgender journalist.
Right-wing pundit files assault charges against trans reporter after on-air spat
NCTE Sues TSA to Compel New Privacy Protections for Travelers
In the latest development in efforts to protect transgender travelers’ privacy, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) joined a legal action with other privacy advocates to compel the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to finalize clear rules regarding airport passenger screening.
Department of Education to include gender identity in national bullying and hate crimes survey
The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics has announced it will include gender identity in the 2016 School Survey on Crime and Safety.
Trans Prisoner Raped After Request For Transfer Denied
Early this year, a transgender woman filed a federal lawsuit demanding better protections, alleging she has been raped seven times, punched, stomped, and knocked unconscious. Now, in the midst of her legal battle, Ashley Alton Diamond claims she was raped again and pressured to stay silent about it.
Attorney: Transgender Ga. inmate seeking safe housing raped again
Authorities meet with LGBT leader over woman's arrest
The Polk County Sheriff's Office released more information Monday on the detention of a transgender woman whose case is gaining national attention.
Transgender Woman Accuses Bar Owner Of Discrimination
It was a pretty ordinary Thursday night for Billie Matthews and a few of her friends who were barhopping around downtown Buffalo and Allentown.
New Education Guidelines Point the Way Toward Safe & Supportive Schools for Transgender Students
Today, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) released crucial guidance to school districts on how to promote a safe and supportive environment for transgender and gender nonconforming students. Advocacy organizations, including Empire Justice Center, the Empire State Pride Agenda, the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), worked in close consultation with the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Advocates for Children, the Cornell School of Law LGBT Clinic and Lambda Legal, to partner with NYSED over the past several months in developing the guidance document. The groups enthusiastically applaud the release of this new resource, which will have an immensely positive impact on transgender and gender nonconforming students across the state.
State Issues Guidance on Transgender Students
Teachers told to refer to students by pronoun of their choice
Transgender woman collected benefits as a man
Oregon resident fraudulently received $250,000
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