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segunda-feira, agosto 31, 2015

Conheça a história de uma diretora transexual de escola da Capital
Adriana Souza rege a Escola Estadual General Ibá Ilha Moreira, em Porto Alegre, e fala sobre respeito às diferenças

Assexuais lutam por respeito e visibilidade
Há quem diga - normalmente em tom de brincadeira - que chocolate é tão bom quanto sexo. Para alguns, no entanto, ele é muito melhor. E não somente o chocolate. Na contramão dessa sociedade cada vez mais hipersexualizada, existem indivíduos que dizem haver coisas muito melhores na vida do que transar.

Elliot Kerrigan on transgender drama Boy Meets Girl
Transgender drama Boy Meets Girl is a sitcom about a couple in love first, and a challenge to society second, writer Elliot Kerrigan tells Jay Richardson

De Ali a Fatemeh y de Fatemeh a Amir, la lucha de los transexuales iraníes
Una fetua de Jomeiní abrió la puerta al cambio de sexo. A la sociedad le cuesta aceptarlos

Transgender Pakistanis - Making ends meet
Riffie Khan has a Double Master’s degree from Shah Abdul University in Shikarpur in Economics and Political Sciences. However, despite her academic achievements, she has been unable to hold down a job. In 2003, Khan was forced to leave her job at the National Medical Centre in Karachi, where she worked as front desk officer, because she did not fit in. Khan is one of many transgender people in the country who suffer in their professional and personal lives due to discrimination. “It’s the educated people that upset me the most,” she says. “When they discriminate against people like me, it hurts even more.”

India urged to include intersex people in bill protecting trans rights
Indian’s parliament has been urged to include intersex people in a bill to protect the rights of trans people.

The Sistergirls of Tiwi Islands: How a remote community in northern Australia has the highest population of transgender people in the country - including children as young as six
Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory has the highest population of transgender people in Australia
'Sistergirl' or 'Yimpininni' is a term used to describe transgender, homosexual or bisexual indigenous people
Locals say as many as five per cent of the population consider themselves a Sistergirl
While they are largely accepted in the remote community, there are still many instances of serious abuse
Meet The Transgender “Sistergirls” Of The Tiwi Islands

Transgender Activists See Long Road Ahead Toward Workplace Inclusion
When the White House announced last week that it had hired its first transgender staff member, the move was hailed as a milestone in the fight for equality for one of the most marginalized groups in the U.S. workforce.

Scottsdale City Council may reconsider creating LGBT anti-discrimination law
The Scottsdale City Council could reconsider moving forward on a law that would protect the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Rowan transgender man and wife got license
A transgender man and his wife stepped forward Saturday with paperwork showing that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis apparently issued them a marriage license in February even though she has blocked forms for same-sex couples over the past two months.

A soldier changes gender: From Edward to Jennifer, with stops in Gitmo, Iraq and Afghanistan [video]
Edward Long was a career Army National Guardsman, a fiery sergeant major who guarded suspected terrorists in overseas prisons and guided young soldiers through brutal 12-hour days in some of the most dangerous places on Earth. A model commander, rock-steady, fearless, driven by a spirit of duty.

Dominique Jackson: Her Truth Inspires Transgender Women
On a postcard-perfect August day in New York, the fountain under the landmark Unisphere in Queens is a popular playground for kids on scooters and young lovers chilling in the fountain’s mist. A few yards away, the Emily Baumgaertner—Pulitzer Center inside the Queens Museum is also crowded. Activist and author Dominique Jackson, seated two rows in front of me, is assembling her thoughts of the first screening of My Truth, My Story.

‘I Am Nancy,’ a Brooklyn man’s journey to womanhood: Part 1
Caitlyn Jenner’s gender dysphoria began long before she was rich and famous, says Nancy Owen of Bay Ridge, an authority on women born in men’s bodies.

Another university is scrapping ‘he’ and ‘she’ for gender-neutral pronouns
Another university is trying to be more inclusive by encouraging the use of gender-neutral pronouns.