Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, agosto 23, 2015

Polícia investiga demissão de professora por preconceito
Professora assume transgeneridade, ato de se identificar com sexo oposto.
De acordo com o delegado, inquérito irá investigar se houve preconceito.

Rebecca Root interview: ‘I’m not fighting myself any more’
Rebecca Root is about to become the first transgender star of a British television show. She talks about changing perceptions, feeling sexy – and why she wishes she had the nerve of Caitlyn Jenner

Vietnam's lawmakers support gender reassignment, call it basic human right
Many members of the National Assembly's legal committee on Tuesday urged the government to recognize gender reassignment as a human right.

Transgender rights activist wants province to cover surgery
Michelle Leard says gender reassignment surgery should be covered by New Brunswick medicare

Petition to ban conservative LGBT group from Ottawa Pride parade
LGBTory excited to march and include all members of community, says member

Money being raised for Jack Saddleback's transgender surgery
Raising $10,000 to complete transition

Radical Ottawa school board ‘transgender’ draft policy blasted as ‘frightening,’ ‘totalitarian’
A radical draft policy being proposed for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board would inject "transgender" issues in every aspect of the curriculum, while students suffering gender dysphoria will be allowed to use the bathrooms and changerooms of their preferred gender, no matter their biological sex.

'Family Group' Takes Aim At Jazz Jennings With Despicable Campaign
We don't follow this group's logic, but when have they been logical?
One Million Moms Goes After I Am Jazz

Candis Cayne, From Chelsea Drag Queen to Caitlyn Jenner’s Sidekick
Long before Laverne Cox made the cover of Time magazine as a “transgender tipping point,” and long before Caitlyn Jenner made global headlines as a former Olympian transitioning from male to female at age 65, there was Candis Cayne.

NCAVP mourns the deaths of Kandis Capri of Phoenix, AZ; Elisha Walker of Rowan County, NC; and Tamara Dominguez in Kansas City, MO.
NCAVP mourns the deaths of Kandis Capri of Phoenix, AZ; Elisha Walker of Rowan County, NC; and Tamara Dominguez in Kansas City, MO. This spike in violence now brings the total number of reported homicides against transgender or gender non-conforming people to 17.

Pentagon officials meet to dismantle transgender ban
Top Pentagon leaders met this week for the first time to begin dismantling the military's ban on transgender troops, a senior Defense Department official told USA TODAY.

Death or transition: A transgender woman’s journey to happiness
It’s been a year since Juneau resident Jennifer Fletcher started to publicly present herself as a woman, less than two years since she first started to shed her male identity and rebuild herself as female. But the inner journey to get to that point began long before then.

Tempe bar won't face discrimination claim; Briana Sandy claims she was asked to leave
A bar in Tempe accused of discriminating against a transgender woman will not face any fines from the city.
Transgender woman asked to leave bar blasts Tempe ruling on discrimination complaint

Battle over transgender people and student athletics continues in South Dakota
The battle over setting people's gender in South Dakota probably will carry into the 2016 legislative session.

The Southern Comfort Conference Celebrates 25th Year in Fort Lauderdale
The largest transgender conference in the nation has relocated to Fort Lauderdale to celebrate its 25th year.

Chavismo’s LGBT Problem
A couple of weeks ago, CC fellow blogger Audrey M. DaCosta wrote about Tamara Adrian, Venezuela’s fist-ever transgender candidate for public office. Her story made headlines and shone a much needed spotlight on the LGBT agenda in Venezuela. Now, thanks to Chavismo’s handling of their own gay and transgender candidacies, Adrian’s run for office has also given the opposition coalition (MUD) an edge in shaping the debate around this issue, and courting the LGBT electorate during the upcoming campaign.

La CPM exige el cumplimiento de sentencias judiciales
La Comisión Provincial por la Memoria (CPM) denuncia el incumplimiento de las medidas ordenadas hace más de 60 días por el Juzgado de Garantías Nº 6 de Mar del Plata, para mejorar de manera urgente las condiciones de detención de la población trans alojada en la Unidad Penitenciaria 44 de Batán. A la fecha, incluso, muchas de estas condiciones han empeorado.