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Morre na UTI do Huana a travesti atropelada no bairro Calixtolândia
A travesti atropelada na manhã desta sexta-feira (21) no bairro Calixtolândia não resistiu aos ferimentos e morreu na UTI do Hospital de Urgências de Anápolis (Huana). A confirmação do óbito foi dada pela assessoria de imprensa da unidade de saúde ao Portal6.
Brazilian Trans woman Paula Fernandes dies after hit and run
Travesti morre baleado com dois tiros em ponto de prostituição ao lado da Sefaz
Dentro de carro, suspeito do crime disparou dois tiros contra a vítima; imagens da câmera de segurança de um edíficio flagraram o crime.
Um travesti identificado como Cleteilson Alves, de 23 anos, mais conhecido como Ketelen, morreu com dois tiros na madrugada deste sábado (23), em um ponto de prostituição ao lado da sede da Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (Sefaz), na zona centro-sul de Manaus. As informações constam no relatório de investigação da Delegacia Especializada em Homicídios e Sequestros (DEHS).
Exclusive: Read the Olympics' new transgender guidelines that will not mandate surgery
The International Olympic Committee has received a new recommendation for guidelines it is expected to fully adopt, opening the door for more trans athletes to compete internationally.
Olympics Loosen Rules to Allow Pre-Op M-to-F Transsexuals to Compete with Women
Trans athletes will now be allowed to compete in the Olympics without getting surgery first
The Olympics Just Became Much Friendlier For Transgender Athletes
IOC opening field of competition to trans athletes with new policy
Trans Activists and Allies Mark First International Trans Prisoner Day of Action
On Friday, January 22, trans people and their allies marked the first International Trans Prisoner Day of Action with solidarity events and letter-writing campaigns taking place all over the world, from Toronto to Vienna.
Identity warriors: meet London's no gender tribes
Last year was a milestone for society’s understanding of transgender rights. Now young Londoners are asking whether we should do away with ‘male’ and ‘female’ labels altogether. Amelia Abraham meets the capital’s identity warriors
Brighton College praised by parents for pioneering transgender uniform policy
Senior staff report plaudits for ‘an amazing step forward’ and say other schools are set to follow their lead
Edinburgh Uni bans ‘cross-dressing’ and ‘camp’ Halloween outfits
The students’ union at Edinburgh University is under fire – after banning students from “cross-dressing” or dressing in “camp” costumes at Halloween.
I'm a transgender woman but I still want to have my own child
Supporters and friends helped fund Cal Fox's dream of becoming a parent
British writer Julian Barnes defends Germaine Greer’s controversial transgender comments
Germaine Greer - a leading feminist who has been a source of inspiration for more than 45 years - claimed that transgender women "can’t be women"
Malawi faith leaders, chiefs gang up against US envoy on homosexuality
Influential religious and traditional leaders in the country have asked the visiting US envoy on homosexuality issues to spare time and have an audience with them before he leaves the country.
Welfare board for transgenders at national and state level suggested
A pre-legislative consultation meeting on Rights of Transgender Persons Bill was held recently with representatives from various ministries, legal experts and representatives of the transgender community.
Cuando solo Buda entiende
La comunidad LGBT de Camboya, uno de los países más pobres del sudeste asiático, lucha por salir de su aislamiento y combate la discriminación reafirmándose a sí misma
Thai lesbian and transgender woman partner welcomes newborn son
A lesbian and her transgender woman partner in Thailand are believed to be the first in Thailand to have a child
Transgenderism Attacking Catholic Schools Globally
The transgender agenda is infecting Catholic Schools in Australia
Australian transsexual pageant prize: Sex change surgery
The winner of Miss Transsexual Australia this year will be offered a sex change surgery in Thailand, according to pageant organizers.
Out and proud: Miss Gay and Miss Transsexual Australia comes to Newport for Midsumma Festival
Carlotta - Queen of the Cross
The buzz in the room was electric as soon as you walked in. Old friends shared stories. People greeted each other with generosity and warmth. There was a real sense of fraternity, community, and dare I say it, love.
Community Hero: Margot Fink
The Star Observer’s latest monthly spotlight on community champions falls on Margot Fink, who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to combat transphobia in schools. Shannon Power reports.
[New Zealand]
More action urged on trans prisoner safety
Around 150 people gathered on Auckland's Queen Street last evening heard that prisons remain dangerous places for transgender prisoners and that the entire prison ethos needs re-thinking.
Vancouver's transgender barbershop all the buzz
Big Bro's Barbershop offers more than just haircuts. It's also a safe space and resource centre for Vancouver's transgender community.
Showdown: Alberta’s Catholic trustees unite behind bishops against gvmt ‘transgender’ mandate
The association that represents all Catholic school trustees in Alberta has fired back against the New Democrat government’s new guidelines for forming mandatory transgender policies in all schools, including Catholic ones, stating that it’s the bishops, not the government, that provides “moral and theological leadership” to Catholic schools.
Edmonton Archbishop Smith feels 'betrayed' by Catholic school trustees on gender guidelines
Edmonton archbishop: ‘We cannot adopt’ NDP’s gender mandate for Catholic schools
Five questions with Edmonton's Reverend Stephen Penna
Lukaszuk says Eggen must order school boards to adopt LGBTQ policy if they don’t do so by April 1st
Why is a trans woman leading a men's rights group?
She’s young, trans, and thinks feminism has a chokehold on LGBT thought
Government to Reveal Colleges With Title IX Waivers
The Department of Education said on Wednesday that it would create a searchable database that reveals the names of colleges and universities that have received exemptions on religious grounds from federal civil rights protections.
Michaela Mendelsohn becomes the first transgender board member of The Trevor Project
Already known as the first transgender contestant in the Ms. Senior California Pageant and a consultant to Jenji Kohan in the development of Laverne Cox’s character on Netflix’s Hit drama series Orange is the New Black, Michaela Mendelsohn is now adding another new groundbreaking title to her resume.
What It's Really Like to Transition From Male to Female
"It's not a single process, it's 1,095 days of little decisions that you have to take on individually until you're happy."
Trans Billionaire Funds World's First Endowed Chair in Trans Studies
Jennifer Pritzker and the Tawani Foundation continue their pioneering philanthropy with a historic gift to a Canadian university.
Jewish transgender man gives birth, embraces life as a single ‘abba’
‘I didn’t think God made mistakes and I always wanted to be a mommy,’ Rafi Daugherty says
Sarasota transgender student fights for others' rights
A transgender student is taking his fight nationwide starting with the Sarasota County Schools.
Church revives Dist. 211 transgender locker room debate
A month-old agreement between Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 and the U.S. Department of Education to provide a transgender student limited access to the girls locker room at Fremd High School in Palatine remained a matter of public debate at Thursday's school board meeting.
District 211 School Allows Transgender Student to Use Girls’ Locker Room
Opponents worry transgender student won't follow rules
Groups issue statement criticizing anti-trans restroom measure
McDaniel College adopts chosen name policy
Starting Monday, students and employees of McDaniel College will be able to choose a preferred name to appear on class rosters, student IDs, university email addresses and more.
‘Religious freedom’ measure assailed as ‘hateful’
Legislation allowing businesses to refuse to serve gay and transgender people was denounced during a news conference Wednesday as blatant discrimination masquerading as religious freedom – a claim disputed by its sponsors.
Transgender students face obstacles on campus
Choosing a new name is a big step for transgender or gender nonconforming students going to college, but Derrick Wegner did not anticipate that changing names on university rosters and email addresses would be a difficult process.
Dramatic decline in complaints by imprisoned transgender patients after staff LGBT training
A new study of the quality of healthcare provided to transgender patients in the New York City correctional system revealed significant areas for improvement and reported a greater than 50% decrease in patient complaints after the healthcare staff at 12 jail clinics received Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) training. Within 6 months of implementing a revised transgender health care policy, patient complaints dropped to zero, according to the study results published in LGBT Health.
AVP learns of an incident of anti-transgender bias and harassment at Dallas BBQ in Times Square, Manhattan
On Saturday, January 16th at Dallas Barbecue in Time's Square, André St. Clair, the Events Manager here at the New York City Anti-Violence Project, was subjected to sexual harassment and anti-transgender harassment by a group of patrons at the Dallas BBQ. According to media reports, she was grabbed in a sexually aggressive way by one member of the group, and harassed with homophobic and transphobic remarks by others in the group as well. Her appeals to the staff and management at the Dallas BBQ were not heeded, and while the group was moved to a different table, they were not asked to leave the restaurant. André reported the incident to a police officer parked nearby, who took her information, however the incident was not on file when she and AVP inquired about it.
Judge to decide whether to allow confession in transgender murder trial
A West Price Hill man confessed to police that he shot and killed a transgender woman 18 months ago in Walnut Hills, and a Hamilton County judge will decide whether to allow the man’s videotaped statement to be used at his trial.
Quamar Edwards confesses to murder in transgender case
Oklahoma ‘Bathroom Bill’ worries LGBT community
A bill that would require people to use a bathroom consistent with their biological gender is being hailed as "protective" by its author but "discriminatory" by its opponents, namely the LGBT community.
Transgender woman files $75,000 lawsuit claiming biased employee wouldn't rent to her
A 28-year-old who was born male but now is legally female has filed a $75,000 lawsuit against U-Haul, saying an employee looked at her with contempt before refusing to rent a moving van to her.
Oregon appeals court says Portland bar must pay $400,000 for discriminating against transgender customers
The Oregon Court of Appeals has again affirmed its judgment that a shuttered North Portland bar violated Oregon's Equality Act when it denied service to patrons based on gender identity.
UO Incorporates Gender Inclusive Bathrooms
The University of Oregon is changing the way it labels some of its bathrooms. Over one hundred restrooms on campus are now considered “gender inclusive.”
Education department will out every religious college that discriminates against LGBT people
The U.S. Department of Education announced Wednesday it will publish detailed information about religious schools that receive federal permission to discriminate based on sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, despite receiving federal funds.
Trans veteran Donna Mae Stemmer buried with male name
The only person in the world who would have a pair of star-spangled, beaded bloomers was Donna Mae Stemmer, said Michael Byrne of his friend, the longtime City of Brotherly Love Softball League player and cheerleader who died of a heart attack in June. Stemmer was 82.
ACLU challenges transgender restroom bill
The South Dakota chapter of the ACLU is challenging a bill in Pierre that would require trans-gendered High School students to use bathroom and locker room facilities associated with their birth gender, or ask their school for other arrangements.
Kent School Board approves transgender student policy
The Kent School Board unanimously approved a policy concerning transgender students at its Jan. 13 meeting despite concerns from several residents.
Martinsburg moving forward on anti-LGBTQ discrimination ordinance amendment
In a unanimous vote that was met with a round of applause, the Martinsburg City Council voted in favor of amending the Nondiscrimination Ordinance to include the words “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” after its first and second reading.
Laramie Debates Schools' Transgender Student Policy Proposals
The Albany County School District #1 Board is considering a policy meant to protect the rights of transgender students. The Board has drafted two different proposals to that end.
School Board Hears Comment on Transgender Student Policy Drafts
Murdered Transwoman Nathalia Figueiredo threatened by trans sisters says mother
We have an unexpected twist to report about the murder of Nathalia Figueiredo as allegations of bullying and threats from her own trans sisters comes to light.
Rechazo parcial de Comisión en Asamblea a veto oficial a Ley de Identidad
La Comisión de Gobiernos Autónomos de la Asamblea se ratificó parcialmente en dos de las trece objeciones del Ejecutivo a la Ley de Gestión de Datos e Identidad relativas a la adopción de menores y los datos que deben constar en la cédula de identidad.
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