More toilets on University of Brighton campus to be gender neutral
More toilets in university campuses will be altered to be gender neutral.
Our transgender triplet brother Andy is on his way to becoming our sister
Kirsty, Andy and Gemma Tambling, 20, were raised to be individuals – so Gemma has come out as gay, Andy is a woman and Kirsty is a mum
Inspiring stories from Swansea's transgender community to feature in a new behind-the-scenes TV show
Swansea Sparkle is billed as Wales's biggest transgender event — and BBC One Wales viewers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the preparations.
BBC’s Trans Documentary ‘Swansea Sparkle’ Gets Things So Wrong
Self-determination for Trans People in Norway could soon be a reality
TGEU welcomes the proposed legal reforms for legal gender recognition by the Norwegian Ministry of Health today. The proposals would allow individuals to self-determine their gender without having to undergo any compulsory requirements, like sterilisation.
Transphobic Murder in Çorlu
The transphobic murderer and Aleda started fighting in Aleda’s home for mysterious reasons. Subsequently, he stabbed Aleda and fled the crime scene. He then took a cab, with his clothes covered in blood, and told the driver he killed someone. The driver called the cops as soon as he dropped off F.T. Police found Aleda’s dead body at the address provided by the driver. Aleda’s body was taken to Çorlu State Hospital morgue for autopsy.
Same-sex couple find the ultimate loophole to get married in Russia
'I sincerely hope any homophobes burst with impotent rage.'
This Trans Man Is Fighting Back After Being Fired For Wearing Men’s Clothes
“My litigant is a transgender man, but in mainland China, nobody really know what that means,” the man’s lawyer told BuzzFeed News.
[Hong Kong]
Hong Kong gender identity disorder sufferers are a forgotten minority
Individuals who feel trapped between male and female identities lack help in a city experts say is ill-equipped to treat patients who need not only medical and social assistance, but understanding of their plight
First GID doctors certified in Japan
The Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder on Sunday certified its first group of GID specialist doctors to ensure patients receive proper medical treatment.
Aceh regency restricts LGBT employment
Bieureun regency in Aceh has banned the employment of openly transgender people at beauty parlors, expressing concern about the influence of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community on the youth.
Victorian transgender student credits a support program and Safe Schools in helping with his gender transition
After years of bullying at a previous school, Kieran Atkins from central Victoria, found acceptance through the suicide prevention program WayOut and his new school, which is a member of the Safe Schools Coalition.
Minus18 speaks out about changes to Safe Schools
Aussie millionaire comes out as trans
Australian multi-millionaire and financial wizard, Savannah Jackson, has come out as transgender on national television.
Transgender sex worker on HIV charge to make new bail bid in Perth
A transgender sex worker who is being held in a male prison will be making a new application for bail on charges of infecting a client with HIV, the Perth Magistrates Court has been told.
[New Zealand]
Red Cross campaign hightlights story of trans woman
The Red Cross have highlighted the story of a trans woman in their latest campaign ‘Together we can make a big difference’.
Abby Stein tells students, “you are not alone”
Stein shares her experience to help others struggling with gender identity
Trans students pleased by LU's gender-neutral bathrooms
Expect to see more of these washrooms: transgender activist
GYPSD approves gender-diversity policy
Tough talks about gender-neutral bathroom use continued at the GYPSD public board meeting on March 16. The board discussed and approved the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression policy with a few amendments to the document.
Gorgeous Georgie, shy GI, who said “hej hej” to being a guy
From the time he was small, he knew he was different from all the other boys. After years of struggle, George finally found happiness and success as a woman in Denmark
Hondureña transgénero intercede por comunidad LGTB en la Casa Blanca
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, la primer mujer transgénero de origen hondureño en llegar a la Casa Blanca de Estados Unidos, será el principal enlace entre la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transgénero) y el Gobierno de Estados Unidos por órdenes del presidente Barack Obama, según informó este jueves BuzzFeed News.
[USA/Republica Dominicana]
Lo que inicio como un ataque al embajador de los EEUU en RD, hoy es una campaña homofobica en contra de todos los LGBT dominicanos
Lo que inicio como un ataque al Sr. James W. Brewster Embajador de los Estados Unidos en República Dominicana hoy es una promoción desmedida de la homofobia y la transfobia.
When boys wear dresses: What does it mean?
Lori Duron worried when her son C.J. discovered Barbie at age 2 and became an instant fan. She worried a few months later when C.J. fashioned a "dress" from her tank top and accessorized with her plum-colored heels. She worried when her confident, cheerful little boy gravitated to all things pink, sparkly and fabulous, from nail polish to Disney Princesses.
Scott D. Pierce: Jenner betrays transgender community
Caitlyn Jenner has been criticized for being a symbol of rich, white privilege rather than a champion for the transgender community — and Season 2 of her reality show goes out of its way to validate that criticism.
Laura Jane Grace Announces Forthcoming Memoir, Tranny
The Against Me! singer's book will recount her transition and her struggles with dysphoria.
Disputed Health Law Rule Would Broaden Transgender Rights
Big companies are pushing back against proposed federal rules they say would require their medical plans to cover gender transition and other services under the nondiscrimination mandate of President Barack Obama's health care law.
Psychiatric diagnoses in young transgender women
About 41 percent of young transgender women had one or more mental health or substance dependence diagnoses and nearly 1 in 5 had two or more psychiatric diagnoses in a study of participants enrolled in a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention intervention trial, according to an article published online by JAMA Pediatrics.
Repeal 130 submits petition
Group protesting anti-discrimination ordinance collected more than 2,600 signatures aimed at getting measure on ballot
Texarkana, AR could vote on repeal of anti-discrimination ordinance in June
Duggar-loving lawmaker accused of threatening to wave his penis at woman he thought was a man
A Fayetteville councilman with a history of hostility toward the LGBT community is under fire for confronting a woman he thought might be a man and threatening to wave his penis at her in a packed restaurant.
Anti-trans politician loudly offers to whip out his penis to ‘prove he’s a man’ in crowded restaurant
Transgender pioneer out of prison, on a new path
“I come from a hostile planet,” says Michelle-Lael Norsworthy.
Transgender inmate planning to have surgery on her own
Transgender woman is fatally shot on skid row: 'Everybody loved her'
A transgender woman was fatally shot Wednesday afternoon on skid row, and the alleged gunman was taken into police custody, authorities said.
Los Angeles Trans Woman of Color Killed on Skid Row
Fashion show breaks gender boundaries to help youth feel more accepted
This fashion show did not promote a certain designer or store. It was not about the latest trends.
Transgender birth certificate change fails in Colorado
A bill to make it easier for transgender people to change their birth certificates has failed in a Republican Colorado Senate committee.
Judge says transgender doctor covered by gender bias laws
A Connecticut hospital's claim that sex discrimination laws do not apply to a transgender surgeon who was denied a job doesn't cut it, a federal judge has ruled in the latest case extending civil rights protections to transgender workers.
Federal Court in Connecticut Finds Transgender Plaintiff’s Sex Discrimination Claim Actionable Under Title VII
Transgender students find safe spaces at New College
School more accommodating than most to transgender students
Falcons Owner Opposes Georgia Religious Exemptions Bill
Mindful of Atlanta's bid to host the Super Bowl, Falcons owner Arthur Blank said Friday he opposes a bill approved by the Georgia Legislature that protects opponents of same-sex marriage amid concerns it could lead to discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people.
NFL, Apple Come Out Against Georgia’s Discriminatory ‘Religious Liberty’ Bill
Group brings up questions regarding apparent transgender substitute
A group of four people had questions for the Vigo County School Corporation board members about an apparent transgender substitute teacher.
Teachers unions back open restrooms bill
Two prominent teachers unions in Massachusetts have come out in favor of a transgender bill which would open up all public restrooms, showers and changing facilities to biological males.
Massachusetts AG presses for transgender rights bill
For Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, few Beacon Hill fights feel quite as personal as the stalled effort to toughen civil rights protections for the state’s transgender population.
Waterville Senior High School moves to gender-neutral graduation gowns
Members of the senior class voted Thursday to approve a change that eliminates different color gowns for girls and boys, instead everyone will wear purple.
Business leaders oppose Missouri religious objections bill
Top executives from some of the St. Louis area’s largest companies said Friday that Missouri‘s proposed religious freedom law could have a devastating impact on the state’s economy.
Transgender Woman Loses Anti-Discrimination Case Against Blood Bank
A jury found there was a business interest in CSL Plasma turning away Lisa Scott.
New London-Spicer schools consider gender-inclusive policies
The New London-Spicer School District in west-central Minnesota, is considering the implementation of a gender-inclusive policy. The Grand Forks Herald spoke with leaders at the school who say the policy is important to increasing safety for LGBTQ students:
MN GOP Senators want to block transgender employees from using the bathroom
Republicans in the Minnesota Senate introduced a bill on Friday that would block businesses and other employers from providing gender-neutral restrooms or from enacting policies that allow transgender employees to use appropriate restrooms. Senate File 3002 amends the 1993 Minnesota Human Rights Act — the nation’s first nondiscrimination law to include gender identity.
DFL bill would codify MN State High School League’s gender-inclusion policy
A bill (House File 3215) introduced by DFLers in the Minnesota House last week would codify the gender-inclusive appeals process developed by the Minnesota State High School League in late-2014.
North Carolina Conservatives Threaten to Repeal Charlotte Trans 'Bathroom Bill' Protections
Conservative lawmakers in North Carolina are threatening to repeal an ordinance that allows trans people to use public restrooms corresponding with their gender identity.
Group asks for changes to Charlotte's LGBT protections
Opponents want lawmakers to block adopted ordinance
How Charlotte Media Are Helping Anti-LGBT Advocates Attack The City's Non-Discrimination Ordinance
Legislature could return this week to address Charlotte transgender bathroom issue
Speaker: Special session needed to protect women and children
Lawmakers returning to work on Charlotte transgender act
General Assembly to hold special session on Charlotte transgender ordinance
NC Gov Pat McCrory signed the anti LGBT bill into law
For Transgender New Yorkers, a Center of Their Own in the Bronx
Eli Berry cannot go to stores or restaurants without being asked if he is a man or a woman. A mall security guard once demanded that he show identification to use a public men’s room.
Springfield school board seeks public input on four draft policies
Public review and input is being sought on four draft policies awaiting approval by the school board, possibly as early as next month.
Gender inclusive housing options formalized for Fall 2016
Morgan & Lewis apartments and McGill Hall to offer co-ed double bedrooms; additional co-ed floors established in Branscomb, Towers and Blakemore House.
Petition started to urge Haslam to veto bathroom bill
The Tennessee Equality Project is calling on Governor Bill Haslam to veto the so-called bathroom bill making its way through the state legislature.
Fight over Washington's transgender rule isn't over as opponents start petitions
The fight over a controversial Washington rule that allows transgender people to use the facilities for the gender they identify with seems far from over.
Lamentable transfobia que ejerce la delegación Miguel Hidalgo en operativos: PRD
Durante el “operativo” encabezado por el “City Manager” de la Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Arne aus den Ruthen, durante la madrugada de este día, se pone de manifiesto la transfobia y la falta de argumentación legal con la que el funcionario público trató de detener a cinco mujeres transexuales que se encontraban en el cruce de Bahía de Corrientes y Ejército Nacional en la colonia Verónica Anzures de dicha demarcación.
16 Year old Brazilian trans girl murdered
In the early hours of Sunday (20) a body was found in the backyard of the Machado Victoria Regia supermarket at Blairo Maggi Av. It was the lifeless body of M.M.C. 16, which was confirmed by her mother at the police station.
Brazilian Trans Woman Denied Operation at Risk
On Wednesday, nurse technician student Kauana Vitória da Silva, 22, was admitted to the State Hospital Adão Pereira Nunes, in Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense area of Brazil. She felt fever and pain caused by complications of a breast silicone prosthesis, emplaced two years ago. Trans woman Kauana Vitória da Silva was diagnosed with mastitis, infection in the breast and claims to have been embarrassed by doctors and staff, who called her “he” and refused to use her authentic name. On her wrist, the patient record is a reminder the of the identity that is no longer hers: Genivaldo Junior da Silva, the birth name. Four days later, the medical promise of removing the prosthesis to treat the infection was not met: Kauana was discharged without surgery.
Policía reprime a activistas LGBT en Arequipa
Una protesta que representantes de los colectivos de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales (LGTB) hicieron el domingo en la plaza de armas del Centro Histórico de Arequipa fue interrumpida por los agentes de la Policía Nacional.
Movilh: Tres asesinatos y 45 agresiones físicas por homofobia se registraron en 2015
Ell Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) dio a conocer este martes el XIV Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual.
Gobierno conferirá suma urgencia a proyecto de Ley de Identidad de Género
De lograr aprobación, mayores de edad podrán cambiar de nombre y sexo en el Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación.
Más de 200 personas ya se cambiaron de sexo en el país
Le pusieron Juan Carlos, y gran parte de su vida fue miserable, no solo por el maltrato de sus padres, sino porque a los 12 años le diagnosticaron pseudohermafroditismo femenino masculinizante. De grande se operó y en su documento escribieron Juana Luffi. Era 1997 y fue la primera cirugía por la que un varón se convirtió en mujer por un fallo judicial. Su vida quedó plasmada en un libro: Juan/A. La angustia de vivir en un cuerpo equivocado. Luego hubo otros pocos fallos para autorizar operaciones de cambio de sexo. Todo cambió en 2012, cuando se se sancionó la Ley de Identidad de Género. En cuatro años se operaron 200 personas y otras 250 están en lista de espera para hacerlo.
¿Dónde está la memoria LGBTI?
El Nunca más de la Comisión Nacional de Desaparecidos (CoNaDep), no dice ni una sola vez las palabras travesti, homosexual, puto, gay ni lesbiana. La heterosexualidad se ocupó de registrar sus vejaciones, ahora llegó la hora de la memoria trava, torta y marica: una memoria completa y sin ediciones normativas. Porque hubo persecución en dictadura pero también en democracia, de los milicos a la inteligencia de las provincias interconectada. ¿Solo hubo 400 desaparecidos LGBTI? ¿Será que era difícil distinguir las identidades, que eran tontos los archivos, o que se prefirió ocultarlos?
More toilets on University of Brighton campus to be gender neutral
More toilets in university campuses will be altered to be gender neutral.
Our transgender triplet brother Andy is on his way to becoming our sister
Kirsty, Andy and Gemma Tambling, 20, were raised to be individuals – so Gemma has come out as gay, Andy is a woman and Kirsty is a mum
Inspiring stories from Swansea's transgender community to feature in a new behind-the-scenes TV show
Swansea Sparkle is billed as Wales's biggest transgender event — and BBC One Wales viewers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the preparations.
BBC’s Trans Documentary ‘Swansea Sparkle’ Gets Things So Wrong
Self-determination for Trans People in Norway could soon be a reality
TGEU welcomes the proposed legal reforms for legal gender recognition by the Norwegian Ministry of Health today. The proposals would allow individuals to self-determine their gender without having to undergo any compulsory requirements, like sterilisation.

Transphobic Murder in Çorlu
The transphobic murderer and Aleda started fighting in Aleda’s home for mysterious reasons. Subsequently, he stabbed Aleda and fled the crime scene. He then took a cab, with his clothes covered in blood, and told the driver he killed someone. The driver called the cops as soon as he dropped off F.T. Police found Aleda’s dead body at the address provided by the driver. Aleda’s body was taken to Çorlu State Hospital morgue for autopsy.
Same-sex couple find the ultimate loophole to get married in Russia
'I sincerely hope any homophobes burst with impotent rage.'
This Trans Man Is Fighting Back After Being Fired For Wearing Men’s Clothes
“My litigant is a transgender man, but in mainland China, nobody really know what that means,” the man’s lawyer told BuzzFeed News.
[Hong Kong]
Hong Kong gender identity disorder sufferers are a forgotten minority
Individuals who feel trapped between male and female identities lack help in a city experts say is ill-equipped to treat patients who need not only medical and social assistance, but understanding of their plight
First GID doctors certified in Japan
The Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder on Sunday certified its first group of GID specialist doctors to ensure patients receive proper medical treatment.
Aceh regency restricts LGBT employment
Bieureun regency in Aceh has banned the employment of openly transgender people at beauty parlors, expressing concern about the influence of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community on the youth.
Victorian transgender student credits a support program and Safe Schools in helping with his gender transition
After years of bullying at a previous school, Kieran Atkins from central Victoria, found acceptance through the suicide prevention program WayOut and his new school, which is a member of the Safe Schools Coalition.
Minus18 speaks out about changes to Safe Schools
Aussie millionaire comes out as trans
Australian multi-millionaire and financial wizard, Savannah Jackson, has come out as transgender on national television.
Transgender sex worker on HIV charge to make new bail bid in Perth
A transgender sex worker who is being held in a male prison will be making a new application for bail on charges of infecting a client with HIV, the Perth Magistrates Court has been told.
[New Zealand]
Red Cross campaign hightlights story of trans woman
The Red Cross have highlighted the story of a trans woman in their latest campaign ‘Together we can make a big difference’.
Abby Stein tells students, “you are not alone”
Stein shares her experience to help others struggling with gender identity
Trans students pleased by LU's gender-neutral bathrooms
Expect to see more of these washrooms: transgender activist
GYPSD approves gender-diversity policy
Tough talks about gender-neutral bathroom use continued at the GYPSD public board meeting on March 16. The board discussed and approved the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression policy with a few amendments to the document.
Gorgeous Georgie, shy GI, who said “hej hej” to being a guy
From the time he was small, he knew he was different from all the other boys. After years of struggle, George finally found happiness and success as a woman in Denmark
Hondureña transgénero intercede por comunidad LGTB en la Casa Blanca
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, la primer mujer transgénero de origen hondureño en llegar a la Casa Blanca de Estados Unidos, será el principal enlace entre la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transgénero) y el Gobierno de Estados Unidos por órdenes del presidente Barack Obama, según informó este jueves BuzzFeed News.
[USA/Republica Dominicana]
Lo que inicio como un ataque al embajador de los EEUU en RD, hoy es una campaña homofobica en contra de todos los LGBT dominicanos
Lo que inicio como un ataque al Sr. James W. Brewster Embajador de los Estados Unidos en República Dominicana hoy es una promoción desmedida de la homofobia y la transfobia.
When boys wear dresses: What does it mean?
Lori Duron worried when her son C.J. discovered Barbie at age 2 and became an instant fan. She worried a few months later when C.J. fashioned a "dress" from her tank top and accessorized with her plum-colored heels. She worried when her confident, cheerful little boy gravitated to all things pink, sparkly and fabulous, from nail polish to Disney Princesses.
Scott D. Pierce: Jenner betrays transgender community
Caitlyn Jenner has been criticized for being a symbol of rich, white privilege rather than a champion for the transgender community — and Season 2 of her reality show goes out of its way to validate that criticism.
Laura Jane Grace Announces Forthcoming Memoir, Tranny
The Against Me! singer's book will recount her transition and her struggles with dysphoria.
Disputed Health Law Rule Would Broaden Transgender Rights
Big companies are pushing back against proposed federal rules they say would require their medical plans to cover gender transition and other services under the nondiscrimination mandate of President Barack Obama's health care law.
Psychiatric diagnoses in young transgender women
About 41 percent of young transgender women had one or more mental health or substance dependence diagnoses and nearly 1 in 5 had two or more psychiatric diagnoses in a study of participants enrolled in a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention intervention trial, according to an article published online by JAMA Pediatrics.
Repeal 130 submits petition
Group protesting anti-discrimination ordinance collected more than 2,600 signatures aimed at getting measure on ballot
Texarkana, AR could vote on repeal of anti-discrimination ordinance in June
Duggar-loving lawmaker accused of threatening to wave his penis at woman he thought was a man
A Fayetteville councilman with a history of hostility toward the LGBT community is under fire for confronting a woman he thought might be a man and threatening to wave his penis at her in a packed restaurant.
Anti-trans politician loudly offers to whip out his penis to ‘prove he’s a man’ in crowded restaurant
Transgender pioneer out of prison, on a new path
“I come from a hostile planet,” says Michelle-Lael Norsworthy.
Transgender inmate planning to have surgery on her own

Transgender woman is fatally shot on skid row: 'Everybody loved her'
A transgender woman was fatally shot Wednesday afternoon on skid row, and the alleged gunman was taken into police custody, authorities said.
Los Angeles Trans Woman of Color Killed on Skid Row
Fashion show breaks gender boundaries to help youth feel more accepted
This fashion show did not promote a certain designer or store. It was not about the latest trends.
Transgender birth certificate change fails in Colorado
A bill to make it easier for transgender people to change their birth certificates has failed in a Republican Colorado Senate committee.
Judge says transgender doctor covered by gender bias laws
A Connecticut hospital's claim that sex discrimination laws do not apply to a transgender surgeon who was denied a job doesn't cut it, a federal judge has ruled in the latest case extending civil rights protections to transgender workers.
Federal Court in Connecticut Finds Transgender Plaintiff’s Sex Discrimination Claim Actionable Under Title VII
Transgender students find safe spaces at New College
School more accommodating than most to transgender students
Falcons Owner Opposes Georgia Religious Exemptions Bill
Mindful of Atlanta's bid to host the Super Bowl, Falcons owner Arthur Blank said Friday he opposes a bill approved by the Georgia Legislature that protects opponents of same-sex marriage amid concerns it could lead to discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people.
NFL, Apple Come Out Against Georgia’s Discriminatory ‘Religious Liberty’ Bill
Group brings up questions regarding apparent transgender substitute
A group of four people had questions for the Vigo County School Corporation board members about an apparent transgender substitute teacher.
Teachers unions back open restrooms bill
Two prominent teachers unions in Massachusetts have come out in favor of a transgender bill which would open up all public restrooms, showers and changing facilities to biological males.
Massachusetts AG presses for transgender rights bill
For Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, few Beacon Hill fights feel quite as personal as the stalled effort to toughen civil rights protections for the state’s transgender population.
Waterville Senior High School moves to gender-neutral graduation gowns
Members of the senior class voted Thursday to approve a change that eliminates different color gowns for girls and boys, instead everyone will wear purple.
Business leaders oppose Missouri religious objections bill
Top executives from some of the St. Louis area’s largest companies said Friday that Missouri‘s proposed religious freedom law could have a devastating impact on the state’s economy.
Transgender Woman Loses Anti-Discrimination Case Against Blood Bank
A jury found there was a business interest in CSL Plasma turning away Lisa Scott.
New London-Spicer schools consider gender-inclusive policies
The New London-Spicer School District in west-central Minnesota, is considering the implementation of a gender-inclusive policy. The Grand Forks Herald spoke with leaders at the school who say the policy is important to increasing safety for LGBTQ students:
MN GOP Senators want to block transgender employees from using the bathroom
Republicans in the Minnesota Senate introduced a bill on Friday that would block businesses and other employers from providing gender-neutral restrooms or from enacting policies that allow transgender employees to use appropriate restrooms. Senate File 3002 amends the 1993 Minnesota Human Rights Act — the nation’s first nondiscrimination law to include gender identity.
DFL bill would codify MN State High School League’s gender-inclusion policy
A bill (House File 3215) introduced by DFLers in the Minnesota House last week would codify the gender-inclusive appeals process developed by the Minnesota State High School League in late-2014.
North Carolina Conservatives Threaten to Repeal Charlotte Trans 'Bathroom Bill' Protections
Conservative lawmakers in North Carolina are threatening to repeal an ordinance that allows trans people to use public restrooms corresponding with their gender identity.
Group asks for changes to Charlotte's LGBT protections
Opponents want lawmakers to block adopted ordinance
How Charlotte Media Are Helping Anti-LGBT Advocates Attack The City's Non-Discrimination Ordinance
Legislature could return this week to address Charlotte transgender bathroom issue
Speaker: Special session needed to protect women and children
Lawmakers returning to work on Charlotte transgender act
General Assembly to hold special session on Charlotte transgender ordinance
NC Gov Pat McCrory signed the anti LGBT bill into law
For Transgender New Yorkers, a Center of Their Own in the Bronx
Eli Berry cannot go to stores or restaurants without being asked if he is a man or a woman. A mall security guard once demanded that he show identification to use a public men’s room.
Springfield school board seeks public input on four draft policies
Public review and input is being sought on four draft policies awaiting approval by the school board, possibly as early as next month.
Gender inclusive housing options formalized for Fall 2016
Morgan & Lewis apartments and McGill Hall to offer co-ed double bedrooms; additional co-ed floors established in Branscomb, Towers and Blakemore House.
Petition started to urge Haslam to veto bathroom bill
The Tennessee Equality Project is calling on Governor Bill Haslam to veto the so-called bathroom bill making its way through the state legislature.
Fight over Washington's transgender rule isn't over as opponents start petitions
The fight over a controversial Washington rule that allows transgender people to use the facilities for the gender they identify with seems far from over.
Lamentable transfobia que ejerce la delegación Miguel Hidalgo en operativos: PRD
Durante el “operativo” encabezado por el “City Manager” de la Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Arne aus den Ruthen, durante la madrugada de este día, se pone de manifiesto la transfobia y la falta de argumentación legal con la que el funcionario público trató de detener a cinco mujeres transexuales que se encontraban en el cruce de Bahía de Corrientes y Ejército Nacional en la colonia Verónica Anzures de dicha demarcación.
16 Year old Brazilian trans girl murdered
In the early hours of Sunday (20) a body was found in the backyard of the Machado Victoria Regia supermarket at Blairo Maggi Av. It was the lifeless body of M.M.C. 16, which was confirmed by her mother at the police station.
Brazilian Trans Woman Denied Operation at Risk
On Wednesday, nurse technician student Kauana Vitória da Silva, 22, was admitted to the State Hospital Adão Pereira Nunes, in Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense area of Brazil. She felt fever and pain caused by complications of a breast silicone prosthesis, emplaced two years ago. Trans woman Kauana Vitória da Silva was diagnosed with mastitis, infection in the breast and claims to have been embarrassed by doctors and staff, who called her “he” and refused to use her authentic name. On her wrist, the patient record is a reminder the of the identity that is no longer hers: Genivaldo Junior da Silva, the birth name. Four days later, the medical promise of removing the prosthesis to treat the infection was not met: Kauana was discharged without surgery.
Policía reprime a activistas LGBT en Arequipa
Una protesta que representantes de los colectivos de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales (LGTB) hicieron el domingo en la plaza de armas del Centro Histórico de Arequipa fue interrumpida por los agentes de la Policía Nacional.
Movilh: Tres asesinatos y 45 agresiones físicas por homofobia se registraron en 2015
Ell Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) dio a conocer este martes el XIV Informe Anual de los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual.
Gobierno conferirá suma urgencia a proyecto de Ley de Identidad de Género
De lograr aprobación, mayores de edad podrán cambiar de nombre y sexo en el Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación.
Más de 200 personas ya se cambiaron de sexo en el país
Le pusieron Juan Carlos, y gran parte de su vida fue miserable, no solo por el maltrato de sus padres, sino porque a los 12 años le diagnosticaron pseudohermafroditismo femenino masculinizante. De grande se operó y en su documento escribieron Juana Luffi. Era 1997 y fue la primera cirugía por la que un varón se convirtió en mujer por un fallo judicial. Su vida quedó plasmada en un libro: Juan/A. La angustia de vivir en un cuerpo equivocado. Luego hubo otros pocos fallos para autorizar operaciones de cambio de sexo. Todo cambió en 2012, cuando se se sancionó la Ley de Identidad de Género. En cuatro años se operaron 200 personas y otras 250 están en lista de espera para hacerlo.
¿Dónde está la memoria LGBTI?
El Nunca más de la Comisión Nacional de Desaparecidos (CoNaDep), no dice ni una sola vez las palabras travesti, homosexual, puto, gay ni lesbiana. La heterosexualidad se ocupó de registrar sus vejaciones, ahora llegó la hora de la memoria trava, torta y marica: una memoria completa y sin ediciones normativas. Porque hubo persecución en dictadura pero también en democracia, de los milicos a la inteligencia de las provincias interconectada. ¿Solo hubo 400 desaparecidos LGBTI? ¿Será que era difícil distinguir las identidades, que eran tontos los archivos, o que se prefirió ocultarlos?
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