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terça-feira, maio 31, 2016

Acusados de matar Laura Vermont terão primeira audiência; família organiza protesto
Depois de quase um ano, os cinco réus acusados de agredir e matar a socos e pauladas a travesti Laura Vermont, de 18 anos, no dia 20 de junho de 2015 terão a primeira audiência nessa quinta-feira (2), às 11h, no Fórum Criminal Ministro Mário Guimarães, em São Paulo. A família de Laura organiza um protesto no mesmo dia, local e horário.

The brothers who grew up to be SISTERS: Siblings now live as women after helping each other come to terms with their gender
Jamie and Daniel O'Herlihy both grew up struggling with their gender
But they felt they couldn't talk about it so both could struggled alone
Said it was a 'huge relief' when they realised they were 'in it together'
Now brothers are living as sisters Jamie, 23, and Chloe, 20, in Ireland

Transgender in Cyprus: a former ‘prisoner’ remembers
I imagine it must be hard for a former convict to remember prison. I have had my own period of confinement, and I have no wish to remember what it felt like. To be honest, my memories have already re-shaped so that those years seem unreal, despite the nearly four decades of my ‘imprisonment’.

[South Africa]
Transgender clinic’s 25-year waiting list
The Transgender Clinic at Groote Schuur Hospital, often referred to as the best unit of its kind in the country, is one of the only healthcare centres tailored to the needs of transgender patients.

[South Africa]
Travails of the transgender
For many transgender people in South Africa, incorrect sex statuses on their IDs pose a huge inconvenience to their everyday lives.

[South Africa]
Finding how to be yourself at school
When a transgender man who goes by the pen name Dylan Marx attended an all-girls school, his school-issued skirt and blouse were a discomfort to him. He cross-dressed under his uniform, but the clothes still identified him as something he was not.

[South Africa]
Battling a double dose of discrimination
When Leigh Davids was 14, her family evicted her because they couldn’t accept she was transgender. With nowhere to go, Davids wound up on the streets of Cape Town and started sex work. On the same day, she also joined a gang and started using drugs.

[South Africa]
'We expect respectful, dignified treatment from doctors'
Seeing a doctor for a diagnosis or prescription is a natural step for anyone who is sick.

Transgender activist critically injured after being shot multiple times in Peshawar
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Trans Action Alliance coordinator has been critically injured after she was shot six times on Sunday night.

Video: Pakistani police caught trying to rape a trans woman walk free
Video was just posted of a foiled rape attempt of trans woman Sidra, district coordinator of TransAction Alliance, Swabi District in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.

Stepfather who abused transgender stepdaughter caught on iPad
A man who regularly had sex with his adult transgender stepdaughter over 13 years was arrested after she covertly recorded his crimes on her iPad, a court has heard.

Ted Cruz Fundraises Off Of Jerry Boykin Getting Fired For Threatening Violence
Earlier this year, the Family Research Council's Jerry Boykin spoke at Liberty Counsel's "The Awakening" conference in Florida where he railed against efforts to protect transgender individuals by allowing them to use the facilities that match the gender with which they identify.

Exploring Issues Trans People Face in the Workplace
Cecilia Gentili is a survivor. Some 15 years ago the transgender woman left her native Argentina, fleeing discrimination, violence and sexual abuse -- trauma so pervasive that even with therapy, she still can't talk about what she endured.

White House: Anti-LGBT provision ‘has nothing to do’ with defense
White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz declined directly to comment Friday on the spectacle on the U.S. House floor after an attempt to defeat an anti-LGBT amendment failed, but slammed lawmakers over the controversial provision.

Target CEO: Trans-Inclusive Bathroom Policy Hasn't Hurt Sales
In the face of a conservative boycott, Target CEO Brian Cornell reaffirmed his belief that diversity is good business.
Target CEO Brian Cornell Embraces Transgender Inclusion

Trevor Noah Goes Off on Transgender ‘Bathroom Predator’ Myth
Trevor Noah takes on so-called bathroom bills.
Time Magazine Cover Story Fact Checks Right-Wing Anti-LGBT “Bathroom Predator” Myth

Yale introduces gender-neutral bathrooms: A college trend?
In addition to the gender-neutral bathroom, Yale will allow transgender graduates to use on the diploma their preferred name rather than the name on their birth certificate.

Transgender bathroom battles: How some parents see it
Parents of transgender children and politicians speak out as the nation wrestles with the issue of gender identity.

How bathroom rights for transgender Americans refueled the culture war
The people of Palatine, Illinois, a middle-class suburb of Chicago marked by generic strip malls and tidy cul-de-sacs, had not spent much time debating the thorny questions of transgender rights. But in late 2013, a transgender high school athlete, so intent on defending her privacy that she is known only as Student A, took on her school district so she could use the girls’ locker room.

What Trans Men See That Women Don't
“Cultural sexism in the world is very real when you’ve lived on both sides of the coin”

Demi Lovato Supports Transgender Rights During 'Cool for the Summer' Performance at 2016 Billboard Music Awards
Demi Lovato continued her Confident streak at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards with a performance of "Cool for the Summer."

Moore supporters declare 'cultural war'
Supporters at Saturday's Roy Moore rally lashed out against same-sex marriage, transgender bathroom guidelines and the "militant homosexual movement"
How Alabama matters in the transgender bathroom debate

Schools take no steps on directive
In LGBT debate, they mostly wait

Mom: Child Kicked Out Of Preschool After Concerns Over Gender Identity Book
A woman says her 4-year-old daughter was kicked out of Montview Preschool after she raised concerns about books involving same sex marriage and gender identity that were read aloud in class.

Yale's gender neutral bathrooms part of changing climate
Visitors at Yale University's 315th commencement will notice something new on campus this year — gender-neutral bathrooms in 23 buildings.

Transgender Teacher Steps Out To Students
Last month, Dusty Rader had a conversation with his Avon High School students that never would have happened a few years ago.

St. Johns County schools not changing policy on transgender students
The St. Johns County School District will continue its gender-neutral policies in response to a new federal directive concerning transgender student bathroom rights.

Superintendent: Funding not at risk over Obama’s transgender directive
Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. is pledging to stick to a practice of inclusiveness following a recent federal directive advising public schools across the country to allow students to use restrooms that align with their chosen gender identity.

Transgender access denied
Flatwoods City Council bans restroom access

School districts grapple with transgender bathroom policies
When Brandon Adams came out as a transgender teen as he entered the eighth grade at Framingham’s Christa McAuliffe Charter School a year ago, school administrators wouldn’t let him use the boy’s bathroom.

LGBT rights groups urge Charlotte City Council not to compromise with NCGA over HB2
Charlotte City Council members have been meeting with members of the North Carolina General Assembly over HB2 and the expanded Charlotte ordinance that proceeded it. This has sparked concern among the LGBT community that a compromise is in the works, possibly including a symbolic repeal of the expanded ordinance. HB2 overrode all non-discrimination ordinances in the state, rendering them invalid.
Officials: HB2 puts big money at stake for schools
Boycotts over HB2 hurt more than just music fans

If transgender bathroom law like one proposed by Nebraska GOP were passed, it could affect ties to CWS, ability to host championships
Passing a transgender bathroom law could jeopardize Nebraska’s long history with the College World Series and its hopes of hosting future volleyball championships and basketball regionals.

Cops search for three men wanted in brutal assault of transgender victim in Brooklyn
Cops have released photos of three men wanted for the brutal beating of a transgender victim in Brooklyn earlier this month.

Evangelist storms through “Glen Falls” Target, screaming about transgender bathrooms
A nationwide protest has reached the Capital Region.

School districts grapple with transgender guidelines; Ashland has walked the talk for years
Most districts are grappling with new guidelines; Ashland has walked the talk for years

School District of Springfield Township passes first transgender rights policy in Pennsylvania
Debate on the rights of people to identify as a gender other than the one they were born with has reached the national stage this year. But at Springfield Township schools, efforts to understand and accommodate gender-expansive students have been happening for years now, culminating in the passage of the first comprehensive district policy on transgender rights in the state on April 19.

New prison policies designed to protect, respect transgender inmates
Superintendent Robert Gilmore and other top staff at the state prison in Waynesburg formally known as State Correctional Institution at Greene passed around a bag and blindly pulled out a pin reading either “Team Blue,” “Team Pink” or “Team Both.”

Rep. Scott Petri Joins P.A. Lawmakers in Assailing Transgender Bathroom Rule; Reportedly Bails from New Hope Pride Parade
Pennsylvania State Rep. Scott Petri (R-Bucks/Montgomery) decided not to march with other local politicos from Lambertville to New Hope Saturday in the the area’s famed LGBT Pride Parade after last week bashing a new federal directive to make public schools transgender-inclusive, say sources close to the situation.

Youth advocates share model policies with Pa. schools on LGBT identity
The Pennsylvania Youth Congress, a statewide LGBT youth advocacy organization, on Friday sent a model policy for supporting transgender and gender-expansive students to the 50 largest school districts in the commonwealth.

Pee Dee schools, government officials respond to federal transgender letter
School districts in the Florence area are considering ways to respond to a letter from the Obama administration on how to accommodate transgender students. Some officials have already made statements saying they intend to follow federal regulations.

Father threatens to pull child from district due to transgender policy
A parent let the Bamberg School District One Board of Trustees know at its May 16 meeting that he would pursue withdrawing his childfrom the district if it upholds the federal government's directive to public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.

Tennessee Law Strips University Diversity Office Funding
A bill to strip funding from the diversity office at Tennessee's flagship public university became law without Gov. Bill Haslam's signature on Friday.

Ken Paxton I’m a Trans Texan and You’re killing Me
Has Ken Paxton Texas’s highest ranking law enforcement officer desperate for at least one incident to cite in court instructed officers to peek in restrooms?

Gov. Abbott Addresses Transgender Debate At Book Signing
Governor Greg Abbott was in Fort Worth Sunday to sign copies of his new book, “Broken But Unbowed” and weighed in on the debate regarding Fort Worth ISD’s transgender guidelines.

VA school board says transgender bathroom decision based on 'safety concerns'
A county in Southwest Virginia passed an ordinance saying it will prohibit students from using the bathroom of the gender they identify with.

Trans man dies after being attacked in homeless camp
A transgender man has died after being attacked at a homeless camp.
Amos Beede was found in an encampment near Burlington, Vermont on May 22. He had suffered multiple blunt force injuries to his face and head, causing internal bleeding, and numerous broken ribs.

"En la comunidad LGTBI debemos ser conscientes de la necesidad de una ley de identidad de género"
Congresista electo Alberto de Belaunde considera que es necesario 'nivelar la cancha' frente al espacio que en el Congreso de la República se brinda a los miembros de la comunidad LGTBI.