"Falta surra" - Claudio Botelho critica Laverne Cox e defende violência contra transexuais
O diretor Claudio Botelho fez comentários preconceituosos e violentos contra transexuais em uma rede social neste fim de semana.
Após Chico Buarque, Claudio Botelho 'ataca' atriz transexual
Diretor Claudio Botelho volta à polêmica com comentário transfóbico no Facebook
Modelo trans é nova promessa na moda
Garota-propaganda da L’Oreal Paris, Valentina Sampaio foi a sensação em desfile da São Paulo Fashion Week
Ronaldo Fraga transforma desfile em manifesto pelo fim da violência contra transexuais
Com apenas mulheres trans na passarela, apresentação emocionou o SPFW.
Desfile-manifesto de Ronaldo Fraga coloca apenas mulheres trans na passarela
"Presas, espancadas e mortas": relatos de travestis sobre a Ditadura Militar
Travestis e transexuais na ditadura militar e suas histórias de silenciamento foram os temas da primeira mesa do 2º Workshop Regional da Rede Trans Brasil, etapa Sudeste, que ocorreu em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, no último sábado (22).
La diputada Carla Antonelli denuncia que sigue recibiendo amenazas de muerte en Twitter
Un anónimo amenaza con matar a la diputada y "violar a su hija de paso"
Carla Antonelli arropada en Twitter tras recibir amenazas de muerte por defender los derechos LGTBI
El nuevo modelo de Salut que despatologiza la transexualidad es pionero en Europa
Desde el lunes 24 de octubre de 2016 los transexuales en Cataluña que quieran iniciar un tratamiento hormonal para cambiar de sexo ya no requerirán el diagnóstico psiquiátrico de disforia de género. El Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya ha presentado hoy un nuevo modelo de atención a la salud de las personas trans que es pionero en Europa.
El Gobierno de Canarias condena la muerte de una mujer por violencia machista en Tenerife
El martes 25 de octubre, a las 19:00 horas, en la Plaza de la Candelaria (Plaza 15M) de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, el Foro contra la Violencia de Género, la Asociación LGBTI Algarabía y laFundación Triángulo Canarias convocan unaCONCENTRACIÓN de denuncia y repulsa ante el ASESINATO POR VIOLENCIA MACHISTA de Lorena Reyes Mantilla, una mujer transexual fallecida ayer en la isla de Tenerife al tratar de huir para salvar su vida, tras ser amenazada y agredida por un cliente en la vivienda donde ejercía la prostitución.
Una mujer transexual, última víctima de violencia machista en Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Bisexual Pop Star Pete Burns Dead at 57
British musician and reality show regular Pete Burns died Sunday after suffering a devastating heart attack.
"It is with the greatest sadness that we have to break the tragic news that our beloved Pete Burns of (Dead Or Alive) died suddenly yesterday of a massive cardiac arrest," read a statement on Burns's website. "All of his family and friends are devastated by the loss of our special star."
Councillor who called transgender rival 'he' is refusing to take part in restorative justice scheme
Guy Harkin, a former mayor of Bolton, says it was just a slip of the tongue
Transgender prisoner at all-male jail slashed across the face
A transgender prisoner said she ‘doesn’t feel safe around men’ after she was slashed across the face by another inmate in a ‘transphobic’ attack, a court heard.
Marcia Walker, who is living as a woman in a male prison, suffered a 9cm long cut from a ‘sharp implement’ during the attack at Long Lartin Prison in Worcestershire.
Bar Bloc staff receive death threats after manager tells transgender man 'You look like a woman'
Bar staff at a popular city venue have received death threats after a "tired manager" mistook the gender of a transgender customer.
Out trans DJ Stephanie Hirst set to take to BBC Radio 2
Radio 2 could get its first out trans DJ as Stephanie Hirst goes into talks with the BBC.
Transgender woman branded 'man in dress' by vile Facebook trolls has perfect response to cruel taunts
Kimberly Foster posted two photographs wearing a dress with a fluffy cream jacket over the top and was almost immediately inundated with offensive comments
Transgender woman attacked by stranger outside Hull pub says transphobia must be stamped out
A woman who was attacked outside a west Hull pub because she is transgender says attitudes must change. Michelle Dee was verbally abused by a stranger at the Polar Bear pub in Spring Bank and then dragged to the floor outside.
Improving awareness and understanding of transgender issues – Will Huxter
The Chair of the NHS England Gender Task & Finish Group looks at what NHS England is doing to improve health services for transgender and non-binary people
Exmouth teenager Ray talks about being born the wrong gender - Interview
Ray wanders out from the seaside cafe where we've arranged to meet, milkshake in one hand, reaching out to receive my handshake with the other. He's tall with crew-cut hair and a lip piercing, and is casually dressed with a not too baggy T-shirt so as not to accentuate his chest area.
Transgender author from Horley 'very proud' to be shortlisted for prestigious book award
'Trans' shares Juliet Jacques thoughts, fears and experiences as she underwent gender reassignment surgery over a two-year period
Transgender Joanne Latham found hanged at HMP Woodhill after delay in receiving make-up brushes
A suicidal transgender woman hanged herself when make-up brushes she had ordered were not delivered to her on time, an inquest at Milton Keynes Council civic offices heard today (Monday September 12).
Inquest hears of transgender prisoner Joanne Latham's 'complex' nature
Call to legally recognise transgender under-18s
Campaign groups have called on the Government to extend legal recognition for transgender people to those under the age of 18.
Intersex Germans call for 'third gender' option
Germany is the first European country that gave parents of intersex people the option of not having to choose a sex at birth. But now the country's intersex citizens want more than a blank box.
Some assumptions I made about transgender people
Trans means “beyond” or “changing thoroughly”. Therefore, a meaningful understanding of transgenderism means we have to go beyond a binary gender notion and accept a more fluid one unconfined by fixed definitions. After interviewing 4 trans people for this piece, I discovered that one-size-fits-all stereotypes are not only wrong in many cases, but often fail to consider the diverse personal experiences and perceptions of people who are in fact transgender.
First transgender Serbian army veteran celebrates new identity as woman
Helena Vukovic became a cause celebre last year when she came out as the Balkan country's first transgender army officer
Sex-change surgery is now legal in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates has just passed a federal decree that introduces substantial changes to healthcare in the Gulf state, and challenges prevailing cultural norms.
Sex reassignment surgery is now legal in the United Arab Emirates
120 people with rare gender condition seek help to get IDs
More than 100 Kenyans with a gender identity crisis have petitioned Parliament for the government to issue them with identity cards after their sex becomes apparent in adulthood.
'I wasn’t made to be raped and ridiculed' - trans woman makes a stand in Pakistan
Despite being recognised as the third gender, the marginalised hijiras of Pakistan suffer violence and abuse. Now one brave woman is demanding justice
3 transvestites among 6 killed in Mansehra road accident
Six persons, three of them transvestites, were killed and eight others sustained injures when a vehicle fell into a ravine near Pulrah area of the district on Wednesday.
A music group from Taxila was returning after performing at a wedding party in
Pulrah when the speeding vehicle plunged into the ravine while negotiating a sharp turn. The locals rushed to scene and shifted the injured and bodies to King Abdullah Teaching Hospital where doctors pronounced six people, including three transvestites, dead.
Manipuri actor to fly the rainbow in Thailand
Transgender Bishesh Huirem will compete in the Miss International Beauty Queen event
[Hong Kong]
Hong Kong hospital sets up one-stop clinic for gender reassignment and psychiatric treatment
It currently takes 70 weeks for patients to be seen for the first time
Up to 5,000 Vietnamese have recently undergone sexual reassignment therapy: health official
Between 4,000 and 5,000 Vietnamese have undergone different methods of sexual reassignment therapy in recent years, a health official told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper on Tuesday.
Tired of insults, Sofea Ilias returns as transgender
22-year-old cosmetics millionaire Sofea Ilias said she missed her life as a transgender where she felt empowered. Cosmetics millionaire Sofea Ilias has gone back to being a transwoman after a brief stint living in her biological male identity.
Malaysia’s Muslim trans community in a struggle for human rights
Malaysia's Muslim trans community are targeted by religious police in the country.
Miss Fa'afafine: Behind Samoa's 'third gender' beauty pageant
Bright lights, glittering dresses and dazzling smiles are a feature of every beauty pageant, but Samoa's Miss Fa'afafine is a pageant with a difference - an annual celebration of the island nation's third gender tradition.
[New Zealand]
Waitlist for MtF surgery almost 50 years
With now over 85 people on the waiting list for gender reassignment surgery and taking into account the current rate these surgeries are being undertaken, those on the list are facing a wait of almost 50 years.
50 year wait "completely unacceptable"
A transgender 4-year-old is transitioning before kindergarten
A 4-year-old trans kid is set to begin their transition in Australia.
Karl Stefanovic's apology for 'tranny' slur has earned him an LGBTI media award nomination
Activists often joke about handing out medals and cookies to straight white men who do the absolute bare minimum and expect congratulations. Like make offensive jokes about transgender people on national television, repeatedly use the word 'tranny' and then apologise after being called out.
Human Rights Commissioner wants to end “unnecessary” sterilisation of intersex Australians
Australia's new Human Rights Commissioner highlighted intersex rights as a key issue to tackle over the coming year.
Victorian Liberal MP Louise Staley under fire for transphobic comments
Liberal MP Louise Staley criticised preoperative trans women, saying they 'mansplain' what it means to be a woman.
Local transgender person wants WRDSB to follow Peel and put in gender neutral washrooms
It’s a hot-topic issue in our province: should schools have gender neutral bathrooms?
What about here, in your child’s school?
Anna Paquin to star in transgender crime drama
Fresh from appearing on our screens in Roots, former True Blood star, Kiwi ex-pat Oscar-winning star Anna Paquin has scored herself the lead role in the Canadian transgender crime drama Bellevue.
Anna Paquin to star in upcoming CBC-TV mystery drama 'Bellevue'
Transgender woman asked for ID after using washroom in Prince Albert, Sask. casino
A complaint is being filed with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
Vancouver Public Library posts signs welcoming transgender patrons into men's and women's washrooms
The Vancouver Public Library is taking steps to make transgender, gender-variant, and two-spirited residents feel more at home in its branches.
Edmonton Catholic policy fails LGBTQ students, critics say
Students still ‘don’t have the protection’ under board that triggered province-wide debate
Alberta education minister demands Baptist school board comply with LGBTQ legislation
David Eggen sent pastor Coldwell a letter on Friday demanding written assurance
Alberta education minister could defund Baptist school board defying LGBTQ law
Transgender rights supported by most Canadians, poll finds
84% support legislation protecting gender identity from discrimination in Canadian Human Rights Act
Most Canadians support transgender rights but divided on bathroom policy
Hespeler firefighter no longer hides who she really is
"I remember what it’s like to feel alone. If you understand that, then you get it."
Rights fight prompts new trans-inclusive rules for Ontario hockey
Changes sparked by Jesse Thompson, a transgendered teenaged boy from Oshawa who filed a human-rights complaint in Ontario against Hockey Canada
Transgender hockey player wants Ontario inclusivity policies to spread across Canada
The joy of being me: Peterborough's transgender community open up about their struggles, their fears and the peace of being themselves
In the first of a three part series on the transgender community in Peterborough we speak with a trans man, trans woman and a non-binary person. In the second part of the series on Sept. 16 we look at the medical side of the transition.
Transgender woman demands StatsCan include transgender people in census
Not being included on census means 'we don’t exist,' says transgender woman
Toronto: This Michelle Rodriguez Sex-Change Thriller Is a Total Disasterpiece
This afternoon at the Toronto Film Festival, as the third season of the acclaimed Transparent premiered in a special screening, a more disreputable project debuted across town starring Michelle Rodriguez as a hit man forced into a sex change. Dubbed (re)Assignment, it may be 2016’s biggest what-were-they-thinking fiasco, and when it comes to trans issues, this throwback movie is about as woke as a coma.
Study that claimed no one is born LGBT was “a political act, not an academic act”
A highly-cited study finding no genetic link to LGBT identity may be politically motivated
Transgender Inmate Denied Access to the Courts
The American courts are not kind to the poor, and are downright hostile to at least one poor, transgender woman.
Many possible answers for why some are transgender, scientists say
Hundreds of thousands of Americans identify as transgender, and experts in biology and psychology across the country disagree on why.
Radical Feminists and Conservative Christians Team Up Against Transgender People
The right has been using the writings of trans-exclusive radical feminists to justify their crusade. It’s not the first time the far left and far right have teamed up.
FDA’s Blood Donation Rules Out Trans People
Blood donation centers that require physical appearance to match birth gender are unnecessary and harmful to the trans community
Top LGBT Leaders Are Divided Over Compromising On The Bathroom Fight
Conservatives have blocked LGBT nondiscrimination bills by claiming transgender people pose a threat in women’s restrooms. How to break the logjam? Some LGBT leaders say it’s time to support bills that cover housing and employment, but not public accommodations — and largely avoid the bathroom issue. The second article in a BuzzFeed News series on transgender rights in America.
Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike to Protest Prison Treatment
Chelsea Manning has reached a breaking point with what she calls bullying and mistreatment at the hands of military officials, and has started to refuse food.
Chelsea Manning Gets Promise of Gender-Affirming Surgery, Ends Hunger Strike
People are sharing videos of attacks on trans people for entertainment, report says
Videos of attacks on transgender people are being uploaded to social media sites like YouTube for entertainment, and viewed tens of millions of times, according to a report published Tuesday.
Alexis Arquette, Transgender Actress and Activist, Dies at 47
She is survived by famous siblings Patricia, Rosanna, Richmond and David Arquette
Trans Actress Alexis Arquette Dead at 47
Why a transgender woman robbed a bank, threw cash in the air and waited for police
It was late morning on July 27 when Linda Thompson walked into a bank in Cheyenne, Wyo., armed with only a note written on a piece of cardboard.
Trans in the South: A Guide to Resources & Services
We're living in a dynamic moment across the South. Trans and Gender Non-Conforming folks are stepping up and speaking out in incredible ways in the Southern equality movement. At the same time, we're seeing a new wave of legislation, litigation and rhetoric that targets transgender individuals for simply being for who they are and living authentic lives.
Milo Yiannopoulos Takes Transphobia on Tour
Milo Yiannopoulos is preaching hatred of the transgender community at colleges across the country.
University of Delaware Hosts Transphobic Alt-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos
Reported Anti-Transgender Assault Spurs Hiring by Security Firm
The reported assault of a transgender woman by a D.C. private security guard spurred a different security firm in the area to make some new hires.
Friends thankful for arrest in connection to transgender woman's murder
Since July, friends and family members have waited for justice for Gregory Dodds, who identified as a transgender woman. She went by the name Deeniquia Dodds, according to police. Thursday afternoon her friends tell ABC7 that justice was served.
Maryland man arrested in transgender woman’s killing in D.C.
Man pleads guilty to transgender murder
The family of a transgender man, shot and killed in 2012, achieved justice in court on Wednesday.
Woman, mistakenly jailed as a man, files lawsuit in Miami
A Dominican woman who was arrested and mistakenly placed in a holding cell with men is suing the Miami-Dade jail system.
Transgender woman claims bathroom discrimination at Lenox Square Mall
A transgender woman claims security guards denied her entrance to the restroom at Lenox Square Mall.
Transgender student fights back after judge refuses name change
Lambda Legal is fighting back after a superior court judge refused to allow a transgender Georgia State graduate student to legally change his name.
Lambda Legal Urges Georgia Appeals Court to Grant Name Change for Second Transgender Man
The Lady Chablis, sassy transgender figure in Savannah book, movie, dies at 59
The Lady Chablis, a transgender performer who became an unlikely celebrity as a figure in the 1994 best seller “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” and who acted in the 1997 film of the same name, died Sept. 8 at a Savannah hospital. She was 59.
South Georgia transgender community rallies for support
Mina Couture grew up as a boy in South Georgia, and is now going through a life-changing procedure.
Transgender woman found slain on Chicago's West Side
A West Side transgender woman, T.T. Saffore, was found murdered in Chicago's West Garfield Park neighborhood the evening of Sept. 11, 2016.
According to the Chicago Police Department and subsequent reports by the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune, the body was discovered in the 4500 block of West Monroe Street. The throat had been cut and a knife was found nearby.
Friends seeking answers after transgender woman’s murder
Trans Woman Murdered in Chicago, But Police Refuse to Acknowledge Gender
NCAVP mourns the homicide of T.T. Saffore, a transgender woman of color killed in Chicago, Illinois
Transgender immigrant fights Indiana for a simple name change
A law designed to fight fake identities is blocking one man’s real identity.
Transgender Man Sues Gov. Mike Pence And Other Indiana Officials
Transgender Law Center and MALDEF file lawsuit against Indiana Gov. Mike Pence challenging discriminatory name-change law
Body Found Floating in Kennebec River Identified
Police have determined that a body found in the Kennebec River Tuesday morning was that of a homeless transgender female.
Lexxi Sironen, 43, of Waterville was found floating in the reservoir at the Brookfield Facility on Water Street.
New lawsuit involves transgender Virginia high school student
Several students and parents at Virginia High School are suing the district over transgender locker room policies.
Group sues Virginia school district over restroom policy
Religious Right sues small northern MN school for being transgender inclusive
Families sue feds, Minnesota school district for violating student privacy
New Lawsuit Demonizes Transgender Girl For Acting Like A Girl
MSU fraternity suspends pledge accused of harassing transgender woman
A fraternity pledge at Missouri State University was disciplined this week, hours after allegations surfaced that he harassed a transgender woman.
Transgender inmate sues Greene County jail staff over strip search
A transgender woman is suing the sheriff, claiming her civil rights were violated during a strip search at the Greene County Jail.
Transgender man sent to prison for sex crimes against 13-year-old
A Lucedale transgender man will serve 12 full years for sex crimes he committed against a transgender who was 13 years old at the time.
Prosecutor: Navy seaman borrowed knife before stabbing transgender woman
A sheriff’s investigator testified Monday in Jackson County court that the transgender woman killed in a hotel room in St. Martin in July was stabbed more than 100 times, stabbed in the face and her throat was cut three times.
CLE transgender woman files federal lawsuit against CMHA after alleged attack
A homeless transgender woman has filed a lawsuit in federal court saying CMHA police failed to uphold her rights after she was beaten at a CMHA apartment complex back on June 20.
Transgender inmate files complaint against jail
A transgender woman awaiting trial on prostitution charges on Tuesday filed documents seeking a bail reduction, arguing she is not getting adequate medical care and is being subjected to “derisive comments” by inmates and guards.
Disciplinary hearing for transgender inmate
Four years later, mother of slain trans woman still looking for closure
A lot has changed for Dawn Maher in the last four years.
Trans woman convicted of harassment, disorderly conduct
Kate Lynn Blatt, a trans woman who allegedly caused a disturbance at a Walmart store in St. Clair, has been convicted of harassment and disorderly conduct.
Transgender woman alleges complaints about discrimination, harassment resulted in termination
A Houston resident alleges that Sanderson Farms, Inc. mistreated her because she is transgendered and fired her for complaining to her superiors.
Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick’s top 2017 priority? A transgender bathroom bill
Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick addressed the Dallas regional chamber of commerce Friday making a case for a bill outlawing transgender people from restrooms calling it “The Women’s Privacy Act”. His first statement while doing so was defensive, showing that his rationale for the bill was considered flawed and had been previously questioned by many in the room.
Monica Roberts honored by GLAAD
TransGriot blogger Monica Roberts was honored by GLAAD San Francisco at a Sept. 8 gala.
Texas Army soldier arrested on murder charges for stabbing transgender woman to death
An Army soldier currently stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas has been arrested for the August murder of a transgender woman.
Transgender woman's death checked for hate crime
Facilities Access For Transgender Students Goes To The Supreme Court
The case of Gavin Grimm, 17 year old student from Gloucester County, Virginia regarding public school bathroom and locker room accommodation for transgender students will be heard by the US Supreme Court. The decision to hear the case was announced late Friday, and promises to solve the issue once and for all.
Analizan resolución sobre cambio de nombre
En la sede del Poder Judicial de Nayarit, profesionales del derecho e integrantes de la comunidad LGBT, estudiaron la resolución de la Suprema Corte de Justicia mexicana sobre el derecho al cambio de nombre conforme a la identidad sexual.
Las amenazas de muerte que denuncia la comunidad Lgbti en el Caribe
En dos municipios del Atlántico circulan panfletos de las 'Águilas Negras' contra esta población.
Bolivia's transgender celebrate new identity cards
Transgender citizens in Bolivia receive new identity cards under a new gender law, a landmark move in the conservative country. Yiming Woo reports.
Colectivo LGBT anuncia campañas para frenar el maltrato en colegios
Pamela Valenzuela fue posesionada, este viernes, como presidenta del Consejo Ciudadano de las Diversidades Sexuales.
Comunidad LGBT marabina marchó entre banderas multicolor y consignas de igualdad
Bajo consignas de igualdad, respeto, tolerancia y reconocimiento a la unión de parejas del mismo sexo, la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gay, bisexual y transexual) de Maracaibo marchó este domingo por las principales avenidas de la ciudad con banderas multicolores y pancartas alusivas al orgullo gay.
“No somos gays ni homosexuales: somos maricones”
Durante la conmemoración de la muerte de la artista visual y performista Hija de Perra, el colectivo de estudiantes "Lemebel" se presentó en Centro Cultural Manuel Rojas con la acción terrorista: Nupcias transgénicas. Sus integrantes hablaron sobre la disidencia sexual y cómo la viven día a día fuera del arte.
Chilean Senate commission advances transgender rights bill
A Chilean Senate commission on Monday dispatched a bill that would allow transgender adults to legally change their name and gender without going before a judge.
Derecho a la identidad de género pasa a Sala para su debate en particular
La norma fue despachada con importantes cambios: los menores de 18 años no podrán efectuarse cirugías para cambiar su sexo. Sí les estará permitido registrar esa voluntad a nivel administrativo.
Defensoría del Pueblo envió recomendaciones sobre la población LGTBI a instituciones del Estado
Documento presenta una serie de puntos con miras a garantizar el efectivo ejercicio de sus derechos fundamentales.
Atletas trans: Hombre o mujer ya no alcanza para dividir las categorías deportivas
Una asociación de hockey le prohibió competir a una jugadora trans de Chubut. Lo denunciará en el Inadi.
Deportistas transexuales discriminadas llevan su causa al Congreso argentino
Varias jugadoras de hockey transexuales de Argentina, que tuvieron que dejar de competir por casos de discriminación institucional, explicaron hoy en el Congreso argentino su situación y recordaron que la Ley de Identidad de Género ampara a todos los ámbitos, incluido el deporte.
Travesti fue asesinada a golpes en la cabeza y abandonada en una fosa
Una pequeña fosa de una estación de servicio abandonada. Ese fue el lugar en el que encontraron a una trabajadora sexual en la tarde de ayer, con el rostro prácticamente desfigurado debido a los golpes que le habían dado muerte.
Los investigadores ahora están detrás de su pareja, identificada como Junior, un hombre en situación de calle. Una testigo fue quien los vio ingresar por última vez a la escena del crimen e incluso describió que el sospechoso la llevaba inconsciente al hombro.
"Falta surra" - Claudio Botelho critica Laverne Cox e defende violência contra transexuais
O diretor Claudio Botelho fez comentários preconceituosos e violentos contra transexuais em uma rede social neste fim de semana.
Após Chico Buarque, Claudio Botelho 'ataca' atriz transexual
Diretor Claudio Botelho volta à polêmica com comentário transfóbico no Facebook
Modelo trans é nova promessa na moda
Garota-propaganda da L’Oreal Paris, Valentina Sampaio foi a sensação em desfile da São Paulo Fashion Week
Ronaldo Fraga transforma desfile em manifesto pelo fim da violência contra transexuais
Com apenas mulheres trans na passarela, apresentação emocionou o SPFW.
Desfile-manifesto de Ronaldo Fraga coloca apenas mulheres trans na passarela
"Presas, espancadas e mortas": relatos de travestis sobre a Ditadura Militar
Travestis e transexuais na ditadura militar e suas histórias de silenciamento foram os temas da primeira mesa do 2º Workshop Regional da Rede Trans Brasil, etapa Sudeste, que ocorreu em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, no último sábado (22).
La diputada Carla Antonelli denuncia que sigue recibiendo amenazas de muerte en Twitter
Un anónimo amenaza con matar a la diputada y "violar a su hija de paso"
Carla Antonelli arropada en Twitter tras recibir amenazas de muerte por defender los derechos LGTBI
El nuevo modelo de Salut que despatologiza la transexualidad es pionero en Europa
Desde el lunes 24 de octubre de 2016 los transexuales en Cataluña que quieran iniciar un tratamiento hormonal para cambiar de sexo ya no requerirán el diagnóstico psiquiátrico de disforia de género. El Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya ha presentado hoy un nuevo modelo de atención a la salud de las personas trans que es pionero en Europa.

El Gobierno de Canarias condena la muerte de una mujer por violencia machista en Tenerife
El martes 25 de octubre, a las 19:00 horas, en la Plaza de la Candelaria (Plaza 15M) de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, el Foro contra la Violencia de Género, la Asociación LGBTI Algarabía y laFundación Triángulo Canarias convocan unaCONCENTRACIÓN de denuncia y repulsa ante el ASESINATO POR VIOLENCIA MACHISTA de Lorena Reyes Mantilla, una mujer transexual fallecida ayer en la isla de Tenerife al tratar de huir para salvar su vida, tras ser amenazada y agredida por un cliente en la vivienda donde ejercía la prostitución.
Una mujer transexual, última víctima de violencia machista en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Bisexual Pop Star Pete Burns Dead at 57
British musician and reality show regular Pete Burns died Sunday after suffering a devastating heart attack.
"It is with the greatest sadness that we have to break the tragic news that our beloved Pete Burns of (Dead Or Alive) died suddenly yesterday of a massive cardiac arrest," read a statement on Burns's website. "All of his family and friends are devastated by the loss of our special star."
Councillor who called transgender rival 'he' is refusing to take part in restorative justice scheme
Guy Harkin, a former mayor of Bolton, says it was just a slip of the tongue
Transgender prisoner at all-male jail slashed across the face
A transgender prisoner said she ‘doesn’t feel safe around men’ after she was slashed across the face by another inmate in a ‘transphobic’ attack, a court heard.
Marcia Walker, who is living as a woman in a male prison, suffered a 9cm long cut from a ‘sharp implement’ during the attack at Long Lartin Prison in Worcestershire.
Bar Bloc staff receive death threats after manager tells transgender man 'You look like a woman'
Bar staff at a popular city venue have received death threats after a "tired manager" mistook the gender of a transgender customer.
Out trans DJ Stephanie Hirst set to take to BBC Radio 2
Radio 2 could get its first out trans DJ as Stephanie Hirst goes into talks with the BBC.
Transgender woman branded 'man in dress' by vile Facebook trolls has perfect response to cruel taunts
Kimberly Foster posted two photographs wearing a dress with a fluffy cream jacket over the top and was almost immediately inundated with offensive comments
Transgender woman attacked by stranger outside Hull pub says transphobia must be stamped out
A woman who was attacked outside a west Hull pub because she is transgender says attitudes must change. Michelle Dee was verbally abused by a stranger at the Polar Bear pub in Spring Bank and then dragged to the floor outside.
Improving awareness and understanding of transgender issues – Will Huxter
The Chair of the NHS England Gender Task & Finish Group looks at what NHS England is doing to improve health services for transgender and non-binary people
Exmouth teenager Ray talks about being born the wrong gender - Interview
Ray wanders out from the seaside cafe where we've arranged to meet, milkshake in one hand, reaching out to receive my handshake with the other. He's tall with crew-cut hair and a lip piercing, and is casually dressed with a not too baggy T-shirt so as not to accentuate his chest area.
Transgender author from Horley 'very proud' to be shortlisted for prestigious book award
'Trans' shares Juliet Jacques thoughts, fears and experiences as she underwent gender reassignment surgery over a two-year period
Transgender Joanne Latham found hanged at HMP Woodhill after delay in receiving make-up brushes
A suicidal transgender woman hanged herself when make-up brushes she had ordered were not delivered to her on time, an inquest at Milton Keynes Council civic offices heard today (Monday September 12).
Inquest hears of transgender prisoner Joanne Latham's 'complex' nature
Call to legally recognise transgender under-18s
Campaign groups have called on the Government to extend legal recognition for transgender people to those under the age of 18.
Intersex Germans call for 'third gender' option
Germany is the first European country that gave parents of intersex people the option of not having to choose a sex at birth. But now the country's intersex citizens want more than a blank box.
Some assumptions I made about transgender people
Trans means “beyond” or “changing thoroughly”. Therefore, a meaningful understanding of transgenderism means we have to go beyond a binary gender notion and accept a more fluid one unconfined by fixed definitions. After interviewing 4 trans people for this piece, I discovered that one-size-fits-all stereotypes are not only wrong in many cases, but often fail to consider the diverse personal experiences and perceptions of people who are in fact transgender.
First transgender Serbian army veteran celebrates new identity as woman
Helena Vukovic became a cause celebre last year when she came out as the Balkan country's first transgender army officer
Sex-change surgery is now legal in the UAE
The United Arab Emirates has just passed a federal decree that introduces substantial changes to healthcare in the Gulf state, and challenges prevailing cultural norms.
Sex reassignment surgery is now legal in the United Arab Emirates
120 people with rare gender condition seek help to get IDs
More than 100 Kenyans with a gender identity crisis have petitioned Parliament for the government to issue them with identity cards after their sex becomes apparent in adulthood.
'I wasn’t made to be raped and ridiculed' - trans woman makes a stand in Pakistan
Despite being recognised as the third gender, the marginalised hijiras of Pakistan suffer violence and abuse. Now one brave woman is demanding justice

3 transvestites among 6 killed in Mansehra road accident
Six persons, three of them transvestites, were killed and eight others sustained injures when a vehicle fell into a ravine near Pulrah area of the district on Wednesday.
A music group from Taxila was returning after performing at a wedding party in
Pulrah when the speeding vehicle plunged into the ravine while negotiating a sharp turn. The locals rushed to scene and shifted the injured and bodies to King Abdullah Teaching Hospital where doctors pronounced six people, including three transvestites, dead.
Manipuri actor to fly the rainbow in Thailand
Transgender Bishesh Huirem will compete in the Miss International Beauty Queen event
[Hong Kong]
Hong Kong hospital sets up one-stop clinic for gender reassignment and psychiatric treatment
It currently takes 70 weeks for patients to be seen for the first time
Up to 5,000 Vietnamese have recently undergone sexual reassignment therapy: health official
Between 4,000 and 5,000 Vietnamese have undergone different methods of sexual reassignment therapy in recent years, a health official told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper on Tuesday.
Tired of insults, Sofea Ilias returns as transgender
22-year-old cosmetics millionaire Sofea Ilias said she missed her life as a transgender where she felt empowered. Cosmetics millionaire Sofea Ilias has gone back to being a transwoman after a brief stint living in her biological male identity.
Malaysia’s Muslim trans community in a struggle for human rights
Malaysia's Muslim trans community are targeted by religious police in the country.
Miss Fa'afafine: Behind Samoa's 'third gender' beauty pageant
Bright lights, glittering dresses and dazzling smiles are a feature of every beauty pageant, but Samoa's Miss Fa'afafine is a pageant with a difference - an annual celebration of the island nation's third gender tradition.
[New Zealand]
Waitlist for MtF surgery almost 50 years
With now over 85 people on the waiting list for gender reassignment surgery and taking into account the current rate these surgeries are being undertaken, those on the list are facing a wait of almost 50 years.
50 year wait "completely unacceptable"
A transgender 4-year-old is transitioning before kindergarten
A 4-year-old trans kid is set to begin their transition in Australia.
Karl Stefanovic's apology for 'tranny' slur has earned him an LGBTI media award nomination
Activists often joke about handing out medals and cookies to straight white men who do the absolute bare minimum and expect congratulations. Like make offensive jokes about transgender people on national television, repeatedly use the word 'tranny' and then apologise after being called out.
Human Rights Commissioner wants to end “unnecessary” sterilisation of intersex Australians
Australia's new Human Rights Commissioner highlighted intersex rights as a key issue to tackle over the coming year.
Victorian Liberal MP Louise Staley under fire for transphobic comments
Liberal MP Louise Staley criticised preoperative trans women, saying they 'mansplain' what it means to be a woman.
Local transgender person wants WRDSB to follow Peel and put in gender neutral washrooms
It’s a hot-topic issue in our province: should schools have gender neutral bathrooms?
What about here, in your child’s school?
Anna Paquin to star in transgender crime drama
Fresh from appearing on our screens in Roots, former True Blood star, Kiwi ex-pat Oscar-winning star Anna Paquin has scored herself the lead role in the Canadian transgender crime drama Bellevue.
Anna Paquin to star in upcoming CBC-TV mystery drama 'Bellevue'
Transgender woman asked for ID after using washroom in Prince Albert, Sask. casino
A complaint is being filed with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
Vancouver Public Library posts signs welcoming transgender patrons into men's and women's washrooms
The Vancouver Public Library is taking steps to make transgender, gender-variant, and two-spirited residents feel more at home in its branches.
Edmonton Catholic policy fails LGBTQ students, critics say
Students still ‘don’t have the protection’ under board that triggered province-wide debate
Alberta education minister demands Baptist school board comply with LGBTQ legislation
David Eggen sent pastor Coldwell a letter on Friday demanding written assurance
Alberta education minister could defund Baptist school board defying LGBTQ law
Transgender rights supported by most Canadians, poll finds
84% support legislation protecting gender identity from discrimination in Canadian Human Rights Act
Most Canadians support transgender rights but divided on bathroom policy
Hespeler firefighter no longer hides who she really is
"I remember what it’s like to feel alone. If you understand that, then you get it."
Rights fight prompts new trans-inclusive rules for Ontario hockey
Changes sparked by Jesse Thompson, a transgendered teenaged boy from Oshawa who filed a human-rights complaint in Ontario against Hockey Canada
Transgender hockey player wants Ontario inclusivity policies to spread across Canada
The joy of being me: Peterborough's transgender community open up about their struggles, their fears and the peace of being themselves
In the first of a three part series on the transgender community in Peterborough we speak with a trans man, trans woman and a non-binary person. In the second part of the series on Sept. 16 we look at the medical side of the transition.
Transgender woman demands StatsCan include transgender people in census
Not being included on census means 'we don’t exist,' says transgender woman
Toronto: This Michelle Rodriguez Sex-Change Thriller Is a Total Disasterpiece
This afternoon at the Toronto Film Festival, as the third season of the acclaimed Transparent premiered in a special screening, a more disreputable project debuted across town starring Michelle Rodriguez as a hit man forced into a sex change. Dubbed (re)Assignment, it may be 2016’s biggest what-were-they-thinking fiasco, and when it comes to trans issues, this throwback movie is about as woke as a coma.
Study that claimed no one is born LGBT was “a political act, not an academic act”
A highly-cited study finding no genetic link to LGBT identity may be politically motivated
Transgender Inmate Denied Access to the Courts
The American courts are not kind to the poor, and are downright hostile to at least one poor, transgender woman.
Many possible answers for why some are transgender, scientists say
Hundreds of thousands of Americans identify as transgender, and experts in biology and psychology across the country disagree on why.
Radical Feminists and Conservative Christians Team Up Against Transgender People
The right has been using the writings of trans-exclusive radical feminists to justify their crusade. It’s not the first time the far left and far right have teamed up.
FDA’s Blood Donation Rules Out Trans People
Blood donation centers that require physical appearance to match birth gender are unnecessary and harmful to the trans community
Top LGBT Leaders Are Divided Over Compromising On The Bathroom Fight
Conservatives have blocked LGBT nondiscrimination bills by claiming transgender people pose a threat in women’s restrooms. How to break the logjam? Some LGBT leaders say it’s time to support bills that cover housing and employment, but not public accommodations — and largely avoid the bathroom issue. The second article in a BuzzFeed News series on transgender rights in America.
Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike to Protest Prison Treatment
Chelsea Manning has reached a breaking point with what she calls bullying and mistreatment at the hands of military officials, and has started to refuse food.
Chelsea Manning Gets Promise of Gender-Affirming Surgery, Ends Hunger Strike
People are sharing videos of attacks on trans people for entertainment, report says
Videos of attacks on transgender people are being uploaded to social media sites like YouTube for entertainment, and viewed tens of millions of times, according to a report published Tuesday.
Alexis Arquette, Transgender Actress and Activist, Dies at 47
She is survived by famous siblings Patricia, Rosanna, Richmond and David Arquette
Trans Actress Alexis Arquette Dead at 47
Why a transgender woman robbed a bank, threw cash in the air and waited for police
It was late morning on July 27 when Linda Thompson walked into a bank in Cheyenne, Wyo., armed with only a note written on a piece of cardboard.
Trans in the South: A Guide to Resources & Services
We're living in a dynamic moment across the South. Trans and Gender Non-Conforming folks are stepping up and speaking out in incredible ways in the Southern equality movement. At the same time, we're seeing a new wave of legislation, litigation and rhetoric that targets transgender individuals for simply being for who they are and living authentic lives.
Milo Yiannopoulos Takes Transphobia on Tour
Milo Yiannopoulos is preaching hatred of the transgender community at colleges across the country.
University of Delaware Hosts Transphobic Alt-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos
Reported Anti-Transgender Assault Spurs Hiring by Security Firm
The reported assault of a transgender woman by a D.C. private security guard spurred a different security firm in the area to make some new hires.
Friends thankful for arrest in connection to transgender woman's murder
Since July, friends and family members have waited for justice for Gregory Dodds, who identified as a transgender woman. She went by the name Deeniquia Dodds, according to police. Thursday afternoon her friends tell ABC7 that justice was served.
Maryland man arrested in transgender woman’s killing in D.C.
Man pleads guilty to transgender murder
The family of a transgender man, shot and killed in 2012, achieved justice in court on Wednesday.
Woman, mistakenly jailed as a man, files lawsuit in Miami
A Dominican woman who was arrested and mistakenly placed in a holding cell with men is suing the Miami-Dade jail system.
Transgender woman claims bathroom discrimination at Lenox Square Mall
A transgender woman claims security guards denied her entrance to the restroom at Lenox Square Mall.
Transgender student fights back after judge refuses name change
Lambda Legal is fighting back after a superior court judge refused to allow a transgender Georgia State graduate student to legally change his name.
Lambda Legal Urges Georgia Appeals Court to Grant Name Change for Second Transgender Man
The Lady Chablis, sassy transgender figure in Savannah book, movie, dies at 59
The Lady Chablis, a transgender performer who became an unlikely celebrity as a figure in the 1994 best seller “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” and who acted in the 1997 film of the same name, died Sept. 8 at a Savannah hospital. She was 59.
South Georgia transgender community rallies for support
Mina Couture grew up as a boy in South Georgia, and is now going through a life-changing procedure.
Transgender woman found slain on Chicago's West Side
A West Side transgender woman, T.T. Saffore, was found murdered in Chicago's West Garfield Park neighborhood the evening of Sept. 11, 2016.
According to the Chicago Police Department and subsequent reports by the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune, the body was discovered in the 4500 block of West Monroe Street. The throat had been cut and a knife was found nearby.
Friends seeking answers after transgender woman’s murder
Trans Woman Murdered in Chicago, But Police Refuse to Acknowledge Gender
NCAVP mourns the homicide of T.T. Saffore, a transgender woman of color killed in Chicago, Illinois
Transgender immigrant fights Indiana for a simple name change
A law designed to fight fake identities is blocking one man’s real identity.
Transgender Man Sues Gov. Mike Pence And Other Indiana Officials
Transgender Law Center and MALDEF file lawsuit against Indiana Gov. Mike Pence challenging discriminatory name-change law
Body Found Floating in Kennebec River Identified
Police have determined that a body found in the Kennebec River Tuesday morning was that of a homeless transgender female.
Lexxi Sironen, 43, of Waterville was found floating in the reservoir at the Brookfield Facility on Water Street.
New lawsuit involves transgender Virginia high school student
Several students and parents at Virginia High School are suing the district over transgender locker room policies.
Group sues Virginia school district over restroom policy
Religious Right sues small northern MN school for being transgender inclusive
Families sue feds, Minnesota school district for violating student privacy
New Lawsuit Demonizes Transgender Girl For Acting Like A Girl
MSU fraternity suspends pledge accused of harassing transgender woman
A fraternity pledge at Missouri State University was disciplined this week, hours after allegations surfaced that he harassed a transgender woman.
Transgender inmate sues Greene County jail staff over strip search
A transgender woman is suing the sheriff, claiming her civil rights were violated during a strip search at the Greene County Jail.
Transgender man sent to prison for sex crimes against 13-year-old
A Lucedale transgender man will serve 12 full years for sex crimes he committed against a transgender who was 13 years old at the time.
Prosecutor: Navy seaman borrowed knife before stabbing transgender woman
A sheriff’s investigator testified Monday in Jackson County court that the transgender woman killed in a hotel room in St. Martin in July was stabbed more than 100 times, stabbed in the face and her throat was cut three times.
CLE transgender woman files federal lawsuit against CMHA after alleged attack
A homeless transgender woman has filed a lawsuit in federal court saying CMHA police failed to uphold her rights after she was beaten at a CMHA apartment complex back on June 20.
Transgender inmate files complaint against jail
A transgender woman awaiting trial on prostitution charges on Tuesday filed documents seeking a bail reduction, arguing she is not getting adequate medical care and is being subjected to “derisive comments” by inmates and guards.
Disciplinary hearing for transgender inmate
Four years later, mother of slain trans woman still looking for closure
A lot has changed for Dawn Maher in the last four years.
Trans woman convicted of harassment, disorderly conduct
Kate Lynn Blatt, a trans woman who allegedly caused a disturbance at a Walmart store in St. Clair, has been convicted of harassment and disorderly conduct.
Transgender woman alleges complaints about discrimination, harassment resulted in termination
A Houston resident alleges that Sanderson Farms, Inc. mistreated her because she is transgendered and fired her for complaining to her superiors.
Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick’s top 2017 priority? A transgender bathroom bill
Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick addressed the Dallas regional chamber of commerce Friday making a case for a bill outlawing transgender people from restrooms calling it “The Women’s Privacy Act”. His first statement while doing so was defensive, showing that his rationale for the bill was considered flawed and had been previously questioned by many in the room.
Monica Roberts honored by GLAAD
TransGriot blogger Monica Roberts was honored by GLAAD San Francisco at a Sept. 8 gala.
Texas Army soldier arrested on murder charges for stabbing transgender woman to death
An Army soldier currently stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas has been arrested for the August murder of a transgender woman.
Transgender woman's death checked for hate crime
Facilities Access For Transgender Students Goes To The Supreme Court
The case of Gavin Grimm, 17 year old student from Gloucester County, Virginia regarding public school bathroom and locker room accommodation for transgender students will be heard by the US Supreme Court. The decision to hear the case was announced late Friday, and promises to solve the issue once and for all.
Analizan resolución sobre cambio de nombre
En la sede del Poder Judicial de Nayarit, profesionales del derecho e integrantes de la comunidad LGBT, estudiaron la resolución de la Suprema Corte de Justicia mexicana sobre el derecho al cambio de nombre conforme a la identidad sexual.
Las amenazas de muerte que denuncia la comunidad Lgbti en el Caribe
En dos municipios del Atlántico circulan panfletos de las 'Águilas Negras' contra esta población.
Bolivia's transgender celebrate new identity cards
Transgender citizens in Bolivia receive new identity cards under a new gender law, a landmark move in the conservative country. Yiming Woo reports.
Colectivo LGBT anuncia campañas para frenar el maltrato en colegios
Pamela Valenzuela fue posesionada, este viernes, como presidenta del Consejo Ciudadano de las Diversidades Sexuales.
Comunidad LGBT marabina marchó entre banderas multicolor y consignas de igualdad
Bajo consignas de igualdad, respeto, tolerancia y reconocimiento a la unión de parejas del mismo sexo, la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gay, bisexual y transexual) de Maracaibo marchó este domingo por las principales avenidas de la ciudad con banderas multicolores y pancartas alusivas al orgullo gay.
“No somos gays ni homosexuales: somos maricones”
Durante la conmemoración de la muerte de la artista visual y performista Hija de Perra, el colectivo de estudiantes "Lemebel" se presentó en Centro Cultural Manuel Rojas con la acción terrorista: Nupcias transgénicas. Sus integrantes hablaron sobre la disidencia sexual y cómo la viven día a día fuera del arte.
Chilean Senate commission advances transgender rights bill
A Chilean Senate commission on Monday dispatched a bill that would allow transgender adults to legally change their name and gender without going before a judge.
Derecho a la identidad de género pasa a Sala para su debate en particular
La norma fue despachada con importantes cambios: los menores de 18 años no podrán efectuarse cirugías para cambiar su sexo. Sí les estará permitido registrar esa voluntad a nivel administrativo.
Defensoría del Pueblo envió recomendaciones sobre la población LGTBI a instituciones del Estado
Documento presenta una serie de puntos con miras a garantizar el efectivo ejercicio de sus derechos fundamentales.
Atletas trans: Hombre o mujer ya no alcanza para dividir las categorías deportivas
Una asociación de hockey le prohibió competir a una jugadora trans de Chubut. Lo denunciará en el Inadi.
Deportistas transexuales discriminadas llevan su causa al Congreso argentino
Varias jugadoras de hockey transexuales de Argentina, que tuvieron que dejar de competir por casos de discriminación institucional, explicaron hoy en el Congreso argentino su situación y recordaron que la Ley de Identidad de Género ampara a todos los ámbitos, incluido el deporte.

Travesti fue asesinada a golpes en la cabeza y abandonada en una fosa
Una pequeña fosa de una estación de servicio abandonada. Ese fue el lugar en el que encontraron a una trabajadora sexual en la tarde de ayer, con el rostro prácticamente desfigurado debido a los golpes que le habían dado muerte.
Los investigadores ahora están detrás de su pareja, identificada como Junior, un hombre en situación de calle. Una testigo fue quien los vio ingresar por última vez a la escena del crimen e incluso describió que el sospechoso la llevaba inconsciente al hombro.
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