ASSASSINATO corpo de homem de 20 anos foi encontrado na zona norte e com sinais de violência Jovem é encontrado morto em S. José
Um jovem de 20 anos foi encontrado morto com sinais de violência na manhã de ontem em uma estrada rural no bairro Jaguari, na zona norte de São José dos Campos. Até a noite dessa segunda, ninguém foi preso.
Segundo a DIG (Delegacia de Investigações Gerais), responsável pela investigação do crime, o jovem chamava-se William -- ainda não há informações do sobrenome. O corpo foi identificado pela família no fim da tarde. Ele estava desaparecido desde domingo.

Paudalho: corpo de homossexual é encontrado às margens do Rio Carpibaribe
Um homossexual identificado por José Wilson da Silva, de 24 anos, foi encontrado morto na manhã desta quinta-feira (27), às margens do Rio Capibaribe, nas imediações da Ponte do Itaíba, na cidade de Paudalho.
Nino como era conhecido, foi encontrado com lesões na cabeça, provavelmente provocado por pancada com uma pedra, que foi encontrada perto do corpo.
Homem foi encontrado morto próximo a ponte do Itaíba em Paudalho

Travesti é encontrada enforcada com cinto
Uma travesti de 27 anos foi encontrada sem vida em um apartamento na Rua 1.600, esquina com a Avenida Brasil, no Centro de Balneário Camboriú, na noite de segunda-feira (31).
Segundo informações da Polícia Militar, um dos vizinhos da vítima ouviu dois homens brigando e achou que eles estavam muito alterados, por isso decidiu chamar a polícia.
Travesti é asfixiado e morto no centro de Balneário Camboriú
Corpo de travesti é encontrado enforcado em apê
Travesti é assassinado no Centro de Balneário Camboriú
Travesti é assassinado no Centro de Balneário Camboriú

Travesti é assassinada a tiros em bairro de Arapiraca
Vítima foi baleada na cabeça e nas pernas; polícia investiga crime
A Polícia Civil vai investigar a execução de uma travesti, ocorrida na manhã desta quinta-feira (03), em trecho da Rua Antônio Pituba, no bairro Ouro Preto, no município de Arapiraca. A vítima foi atingida por tiros na cabeça e nas pernas.
Travesti é morta a tiros próximo a bar em Arapiraca
Travesti é assassinada a tiros no bairro Ouro Preto, em Arapiraca
Imagens fortes: Travesti é assassinada a tiros próximo a bar em Arapiraca

Travesti assassinada e adolescente detido como suspeito
Crime aconteceu às margens do Rio Paraíba, no Jardim Carioca
Uma travesti foi assassinada a tiros no início da tarde desta quinta-feira (03), em Campos. O crime ocorreu às margens do Rio Paraíba, na Avenida Francisco Lamego, no Jardim Carioca, em Guarus, próximo a uma casa lotérica.
Travesti é assassinado próximo ao SESI em Guarus
Menor que matou travesti em Guarus é preso instantes após o crime

Corpo com mãos e pés amarrados é encontrado na região do Jardim Ipanema
Um corpo de estado de putrefação foi localizado na noite desta quinta-feira (3) em uma mata na região do Jardim Ipanema e USP II, em São Carlos. Uma pessoa que passava pelo local avistou o cadáver seminu e acionou a Polícia Militar.
O corpo estava com as mãos e pés amarrados. Ainda não se sabe se trata-se de uma homem ou uma mulher, mas tudo leva a crer que seja do sexo masculino ou até mesmo de um travesti, já que vestia calcinha e uma sandália.
Morador encontra corpo seminu em área de mata de São Carlos, SP
Corpo é encontrado em decomposição em São Carlos
Corpo com mãos e pés amarrados é encontrado na mata em São Carlos, SP

Homicídio na Cidade de Laranjeiras
na noite de ontem 02/11/2016.
Segundo informações o mesma era vendedor de milho em Areia Branca.
E natural de Rosario do Catete e segundo informacões ele é homossexual
Frases transfóbicas de diretor brasileiro desmascaram hipocrisia que ronda as artes
Atrizes e atores trans raramente tem representatividade em novelas, filmes, séries, seriados, musiciais e outros espaços artísticos. Um reflexo da sociedade transfóbica que não dá oportunidade de emprego para tais pessoas em qualquer área. Porém quando existe essa cobrança – sobretudo quando pedem para que PELO MENOS personagens trans sejam feitos por artistas trans – a maré de desculpas surge.

Travesti é espancada com socos e pontapés por três homens em Ilhéus
As situações de transfobia – ataques às pessoas travestis e transexuais – estão se multiplicando na Bahia. Na madrugada de ontem, a travesti Kayalla Ayalla que foi brutalmente agredida no bairro Malhado, em Ilhéus. O crime aconteceu por volta das 5h e vítima foi agredida com diversos socos e chutes na cabeça. Além disso, segundo relatos ouvidos no hospital, ela afirmou que eles gritavam vários xingamentos. A polícia civil está investigando o caso e ainda não há indícios de qual teria sido a motivação do crime.
Spotify adds third gender to registration forms for non-binary users
Like listening to music for free but don’t identify as male or female? Spotify may be the player you’ve been looking for.
TGEU's Healthcare Survey
TGEU has launched a survey with the goal of improving access to healthcare for trans people in Europe:
European Parliament calls for further protection LGBTI people at work
In a report on the implementation of the EU’s Employment Equality Directive, the European parliament has called for further measures to improve the protection of LGBTI people at the work floor, and beyond.
Convocan una concentración de repulsa tras la muerte de una mujer transexual en Tenerife
El Foro contra la Violencia de Género, la Asociación LGBTI Algarabía y la Fundación Triángulo Canarias han convocado este martes, a las 19.00 horas y en la Plaza de la Candelaria, una concentración en señal de repulsa por la muerte de una mujer transexual que se precipitó por un edificio mientras huía para salvar su vida.
Transgender soldier becomes first woman on Army front line
A 24-year-old transgender soldier has become the first woman to serve on the front line with the British Army.
Transgender soldier is first female to serve on British army frontline
Life inside Exeter's gender clinic The Laurels which has nearly 600 people on its waiting list
Admitting you were uncomfortable with your gender or wanted to change it was virtually unheard of years ago.
Prison service 'to consider inquest's findings' in wake of transgender prisoner's suicide
A depressed transgender woman prisoner who hanged herself when make-up brushes she had ordered were not delivered to her on time, committed suicide, an inquest jury has concluded.
Transgender prisoner found hanged in Woodhill prison had history of violence and self harm
Mail On Sunday Story On CBBC Transgender Show Slammed As Transphobic
The Mail on Sunday has sparked a huge backlash with its front page story on a CBBC programme about a transgender child.
The Daily Mail Targets Transgender Children

Manchester transgender businesswoman Stephanie Booth killed in tractor crash
Tributes have been paid to a leading transgender businesswoman killed in a tragic tractor crash.
Stephanie Booth, 70, was the face and founder of the Albany Clinic in Prestwich, which gives specialist medical advice and guidance to transsexuals.
She was found dead by her husband David, 72, on Sunday night at her farm in Denbighshire, North Wales.
Tractor death woman was entrepreneur Stephanie Booth
Transgender actor axed from cast of EastEnders
Riley Carter Millington was first transgender actor to play continuing trans character on a UK soap
Revealed: How The Government Is Fighting To Stop Trans Women Getting Their Pension
Four trans women have taken on lengthy legal battles to secure their state pensions, as the UK government opposes them at every turn. BuzzFeed News uncovers their stories for the first time.
Belgrade LGBT Pride Remembers Murdered Transgender Activist Hande Kader
Belgrade's annual LGBT Pride held a moment of silence to remember Hande Kader, a transgender woman brutally murdered in Istanbul, Turkey over the summer.
Reports of a killed trans woman from Dagestan (Russian Federation) are false, Raina is alive, LGBT colleagues in Russia confirmed it. There is limited coverage in Russian that confirms she's alive:
Убийство дагестанского трансгендера оказалось фейком: Раина жива и отдыхает в Таиланде
Трансгендер из Дагестана жив и отдыхает в Таиланде
Israeli comes second in Miss Transsexual final
All the contestants are ‘winners,’ says Ta’alin Abu Hanna from Nazareth, who was beaten to the title by Brazilian rival
Abu Dhabi woman files lawsuit for sex change
Abu Dhabi: An Emirati woman filed a lawsuit with the Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance to obtain an order allowing her to undergo a sex-change operation, her lawyer said yesterday.
Poor shemale yearns for medical treatment
Complaining against the society, community and even her own family, a 22-year old shemale Saveera said she abandoned by all after they came to know she suffered from hepatitis-C.
Malaysian Attorney Siti kassim sues after Jawi invasion of Transgender dinner
Siti kassim flips off those who wouldn’t let her speak at a discussion of the proposed Shariah Bill. The hecklers said afterwards that they objected to the Muslim woman’s attire. kassim responded saying had she known that she would have ‘dressed to the nines.’
Emotional Roman urges Congress to pass anti-discrimination bill
Bataan 1st District Representative Geraldine Roman, the country's first transgender congresswoman, recalls how her late 'macho politician' father fully supported his transgender child
Luveni assures transgender of rights
Not much has been done to address discriminatory remarks made in public against members of the transgender society.
'No more slurs.' Shelton claps back after LGBTIQA protest
Australian Christian Lobby’s (ACL) Lyle Shelton has responded after Mercure Sydney International Airport Hotel yesterday confirmed their event booking had been cancelled following sustained LGBTIQA community backlash. Meanwhile, LGBTIQA activists are claiming Shelton is playing the victim.
LGBTI and health advocates say Louise Staley, Opposition comments threaten transgender people
A central Victorian MP who opposes transgender people having the right to change the sex listed on their birth certificate is threatening the mental health of an already vulnerable community, health and LGBTI advocates have said.
[New Zealand]
NZ questioned on rights of intersex children at UN CRC
Last week representatives of the New Zealand government were questioned at the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in regards to the rights and care of intersex children. The questioning highlighted New Zealand's lack of legislative framework to prevent intersex genital mutilation and the official government stance on some of these issues.
[New Zealand]
40+yr delay for trans ops "about right" - Minister
Health minister Jonathan Coleman believes waits of over forty years for transgender people to have operations aligning their bodies with their gender is "about right."
Trans community struggles to access medical care in Peterborough
In the second of a three part series on the transgender community in Peterborough we look at the barriers to medical care for local trans people.
Halifax transgender teenager finds 'family' in football team
Wide receiver Kenny Cooley describes teammates as 'very open and very accepting'
Transgender model Arisce Wanzer graces cover of Spiegel
Outspoken model Arisce Wanzer is the first transgender woman to make the catalog’s cover since Spiegel was founded in 1865.
Gwen Araujo’s mother speaks about the murder of her transgender daughter
14 years after the murder of Gwen Araujo her mother Alecia Reid carries on the fight to educate while burdened with the memories of the horrific crime. Mother Reid who now lives in a friends car has the goodness of heart to forgive one of the remorseful murders at his parole board.
How This Transgender Supermodel Found Love
On August 29, 1991, Caroline Cossey, the iconic ’80s supermodel also known as Tula, who once illuminated the cover of Playboy Worldwide with her lithe bronzed body and sensual good looks, sat alone at a restaurant — the wrong restaurant — in London’s Brent Cross Shopping Centre, waiting to commence a business lunch with her attorney.
Death row cheated: Alleged killer of transgender woman dies of cancer
An Orange County jail inmate died at a hospital Friday morning while awaiting trial on charges of murdering a transgender woman in Santa Ana in 1989 with whom he had a sexual relationship.
Berkeley: Protest planned ahead of hearing on transgender woman’s in-custody death
More than three years after a transgender woman died in a struggle with Berkeley police, a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the woman’s family is set to go to trial and protesters are planning a march Tuesday evening to draw attention to the case.
Suspects in slaying targeted transgender women for robberies, police say
Two men with prior arrests who had set out to rob transgender women are responsible for crimes including a deadly July shooting in Northeast, according to authorities and court papers.
Trial underway for transgender woman brutally murdered
On Tuesday, opening statements began as prosecutors try to bring justice for Yaz’min Shancez, a transgender woman shot, tortured and killed.
Morton IL school votes down Alliance Defending Freedom authored policy
The virulently anti-transgender Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) authored policy introduced by board member Jeff Schmidgall was voted down Tuesday after a heated comment period. The amendment authored by Arizona lawyers would have required that district school restrooms and locker rooms be used only by members of the same biological sex.
Transgender woman raped inside Orleans Parish jail with guard absent for over an hour, lawsuit says
A transgender woman booked on municipal warrants last year was assaulted and raped at the city's new jail by a male cellmate who was awaiting trial on armed robbery charges, according to a lawsuit.
Trans woman shot, killed in Baltimore
Crystal Edmonds, 32, a transgender woman, died Friday afternoon from a gunshot wound she received to the back of her head at 3:18 this morning.
Transgender woman shot, killed in Northwest Baltimore
Transgender advocate reacts to murder of Baltimore transgender woman
Murder of trans woman in Baltimore ties grim national record
Vigil planned for transgender woman shot, killed in NW Baltimore
Texas AG facing 99 years for fraud asks MS court to reconsider ban on LGBT discrimination
TX AG Ken Paxton, while relentless in his religious crusade aginst LGBT people is facing renewed felony charges and 99 years in prison.
Facilities Access For Transgender Students Goes To The Supreme Court
The case of Gavin Grimm, 17 year old student from Gloucester County, Virginia regarding public school bathroom and locker room accommodation for transgender students will be heard by the US Supreme Court. The decision to hear the case was announced late Friday, and promises to solve the issue once and for all.
La comunidad LGBT convoca a una marcha
A través de facebook se está convocando a la población de Tijuana a participar en la "Marcha por los Derechos LGBT" la cuál se realizará el próximo 30 de septiembre a las 2 de la tarde en el Cecut en Zona del Río.
Marcha no servirá a la comunidad LGBT
272 personas Lgbti sustituyeron sexo por género en su cédula en el país
Según el Registro Civil, 272 integrantes de la comunidad de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgénero e Intersexuales (Lgbti) del Ecuador realizaron la sustitución del campo sexo por el de género en su cédula de ciudadanía, desde el 3 de agosto hasta ayer, 15 de septiembre del 2016. Este procedimiento se registró en las oficinas del Registro Civil de Guayaquil, Quito, Manta y Cuenca.
Trans woman attacked, Sister defends, Police are forced to respond
The brutal beating of Taísa Silva, a Brazilian transgender woman would have been regulated to back page news and offbeat blogs if not for her cisgender sister Luciana. A video recorded by bystanders of her defending her unconscious sister against three young ‘men’ and shared on social media went viral making it impossible for law enforcement to ignore.
Amelia pertenece a la comunidad GLBT de Venezuela y le ganó una demanda al instituto donde está próxima a graduarse de TSU La causa de la demanda: discriminación de género
Amelia Sofía Montilla nació en San Felipe estado Yaracuy un 19 de mayo de 1994, en su partida de nacimiento y en el resto de su documentación aparece como Anthony Carl Barrasa Montilla, hija de Carmen Montilla natural de Betijoque estado Trujillo y Antonio Barrasa oriundo de Santa Marta-Colombia, es el segundo de tres hijos de esta unión, además tiene otro hermano menor fruto del segundo matrimonio de su madre, ya que su papá murió cuando él tenía tan solo 6 años de edad.
"Con la ideología de género se destruye a la familia, el matrimonio y la vida", afirma Cipriani
El cardenal mencionó que Perú es un Estado laico, pero que este mantiene acuerdos históricos con el Vaticano.
Uruguay apunta a concienciación por LGBT en septiembre, mes de la diversidad
La concienciación ciudadana ante la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, bisexuales, gais y transexuales) es el principal objetivo marcado por las autoridades uruguayas para el mes de septiembre, declarado el de la diversidad sexual, y cuyos actos fueron presentados hoy en Montevideo.
[Uruguay - Latin America]
Ciudades de A.Latina comparten en Uruguay experiencias de integración LGBT
Representantes de los Gobiernos de Montevideo, Bogotá, Asunción, Sao Paulo y Rosario (Argentina) se reunieron hoy en Montevideo con el fin de intercambiar programas de integración para la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gais, bisexuales y transexuales) y "generar redes" entre las cinco ciudades americanas.
Jessica Millamán estuvo diez horas demorada en Aeroparque: "me molestó el maltrato"
La jugadora trans de hóckey del club Germinal de Rawson, Jéssica Millamán manifestó lo que vivió durante las diez horas que estuvo demorada en Aeroparque de Capital Federal cuando le encontraron medio "porro" de marihuana. "Un poco tuvo que ver con que hoy estoy en todas las portadas", apuntó.
Tras una "requisa extrema" demoraron a Jessica en Aeroparque

María Virginia “Vicky” Castro, ex activista de ATTTA de 31 años, fue encontrada muerta en su casa de Jesús María. Una muerte que más allá de las causas impone pensar en el abandono de persona, que sigue siendo un destino trans.
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