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quarta-feira, março 21, 2007

UK choose Scooch but drag in vogue at 2007 Eurovision
The Ukraine has announced it will be represented at this year's Eurovision Song Contest by drag artist Verka Serdyuchka.
In February the Danes chose drag act DQ to represent them at the competition. BBC viewers chose band Scooch by a phone vote on Saturday night.

Sanremo - Indagini per ferimento transessuali
Indagini in corso a Sanremo per la misteriosa sparatoria avvenuta nella notte tra sabato e domenica in via Cavallotti. Due transessuali sono stati raggiunti da alcuni colpi di arma da fuoco alle gambe. I due hanno riportato solo ferite non gravi. Gli inquirenti pensano ad un regolamento di conti nell'ambito dello sfruttamento della prostituzione.

Métamorphoses biennoises
Série d'événements artistiques et festifs autour de l'identité de genre, Transformer 2 s'est ouvert samedi dernier à Bienne. Une démarche passionnante, unique en Europe, et un programme plein de surprises sont à découvrir jusqu'au 2 avril.

An attempt to engender love for the third gender
Members of sexual minority – lesbians, homosexuals, gays, hijras (eunuchs) and transgenders – living in North Karnataka have, for the first time, come out openly to fight for their rights. Around 500 members from various districts of the region gathered here on Sunday and took out a rally to create an awareness among the people on "how they are made to lead a `sub-human existence' due to society's prejudice against them".

[China] Jin Xing, from army colonel to revolutionary dance star
China's most famous and successful choreographer Jin Xing, strides into the dance hall self-assured, fashionably dressed and a little out of breath.

[FL, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Today's Letters: Commission right on Stanton
Largo City Manager Steve Stanton's firing is not a matter of discrimination.
Florida lops off city manager
According to a March 11 article in the St. Petersburg Times, Steve Stanton, Largo city manager, was forcibly relieved of his position because he decided to become a woman.
Like no one else, they know
In Largo City Manager Steve Stanton, members of a support group of transgender men see themselves.
On a Saturday night, in a Pinellas Park church, 17 people sat in a circle. All had been born female.
Now they go by Shawn, Nick and Josh. They talk about how long they've been taking "T" - testosterone - to deepen their voices and help grow the hair they spent years shaving.
Recent Firings Serve as a Reminder of the Employment Struggles Unjustly and Sometimes Illegally Faced by Transsexuals
Steven Stanton -- a confirmed transsexual and the city manager of Largo, Florida -- was recently put on administrative leave, pending being fired by the City Commission. News of his preparation for sex-reassignment surgery had sparked a vigorous, mostly negative response from Largo residents - ranging from nasty e-mails sent to City Commissioners, to eggs thrown at Stanton's car.

MDCH Warns of Illegal Cosmetic Silicone Injections
The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), in conjunction with the Detroit Poison Control Center, is urging people to become educated on the immediate and long-term life threatening risks of liquid silicone injections, a practice known as "pumping".

Transsexuals want equal coverage
Gerri Cannon, a transsexual from Merrimack, said it's unfair she's been unable to get hormone treatment in preparation for, and after, surgery that changes her from male to female.

SF Police Investigate Apparent Transgender Murder
San Francisco Homicide inspectors are looking into the apparent murder of a 30-year-old transgender person whose body was found naked early Friday morning on a sidewalk in an industrial area of the city's Potrero Hill district.