Transfofa em Blog

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sexta-feira, abril 06, 2007

A Câmara de Lisboa vai mandar retirar um cartaz do grupo humorístico Gato Fedorento colocado «ilegalmente» esta noite no Marquês de Pombal, que satiriza outro cartaz contra a imigração colocado pelo Partido Nacional Renovador (PNR). (Parece que o facto do cartaz do PNR ser anticonstitucional importa menos que uma licença camarária...)

First transsexual in Madrid to request change in identity
A Spanish activist campaigning for transsexual rights said she had become the first person in the Spanish capital to request a legal change of name and sex under new laws passed last month.

Art and the he-shes
A MANCHESTER artist hopes to enlighten people about the so-called "he she" community that exists in Pakistan's cultural capital of Lahore.
Qasim Riza Shaheen spent two years getting to know the khusras of the city - a group of men who see themselves as women.

La subversion des genres

Laure Murat choisit d'ordonner les théories et discours tenus entre 1835 et 1939 en France, Allemagne et Angleterre, à propos du «troisième sexe ».

Trans. Come Regina, signora manager che gestisce con successo un locale che si chiama Priscilla, omaggio alla protagonista dell'omonimo film cult, a Torre del Lago. Come Luxuria, che dimestiere fa l'attrice e pure la deputata.

Degrado al "Degrado": fra trans e prostitute, altro che Vallettopoli!
Non si può dire che a Roma non ci sia vita notturna, ragazzi. Diciamocelo (scherzandoci su): noi a Vallettopoli gli facciamo un baffo. Solo che a volte si esagera. Capita così che un locale "culto" della comunità transessuale romana come il "Degrado" venga chiuso a seguito di una indagine contro la prostituzione svolta dal Reparto Territoriale dei Carabinieri nella notte fra il 30 e il 31 marzo.

The men of the house
They were born women but chose to be men, guardians of property, wealth and family honour. The price of their power? Celibacy. Antonia Young on the virgins upholding an ancient Albanian tradition

[Singapore] [Blog Commentary]
a rare sight.
Woohoo! i saw trannies for the first time in my life. i know its like pathetic 'cos i guess all you people have seen em.. i've seen gays at changi thou.. but trannies???? its like WAZAAAAAAAAAwhoaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa. From far the three of them looked damn sexy; low cut tops, mini skirts, heels and all. They looked like some typical girl band. like bardot? HAHAHA. As they drew nearer, i overheard their conversation.

Paper Dolls: Filipino Trannies in Israel
Gay Israeli filmmaker Tomer Heymann's remarkable documentary Paper Dolls, now out on DVD, examines the fascinating subculture of Filipino transsexuals working as caretakers for elderly Orthodox Jews in Israel.

[USA] [Blog Commentary]
Chill Out On Labeling Women You Don't Like Trannies

TransGriot Note: I had a LOT to say about this topic. My April TransGriot newspaper column was also devoted to the subject as well.
I'm getting annoyed with people who use the term 'tranny' as a pejorative to insult female celebrities.

Gay Trans Man Collaborates With Feminist Mom
“Perception,” trans man Aaron Raz Link remarks, “is in the eye of the beholder. It legitimately belongs to them,” he says of his new book What Becomes You, an unusual trans memoir, which offers both Link’s perspective and the perspective of his mother, renown feminist scholar and poet Hilda Raz. “We’re all unreliable narrators,” Link argues. “Which is, ultimately, what the book is about. Both art and family teach a larger vision, a shared vision, of identity.”

A trial judge's decision to switch custody of two young boys from their mother, who supports her older son's apparent desire to dress and act as a girl, to their father, who rejects the idea that hisson is transsexual, has been upheld by an Ohio appeals court.

'Voices' fights sexual violence
Excerpt: The event also addressed violence pertaining to transgender individuals. Four in 10 transgender people will suffer from some sort of violence, said keynote speaker Savannah Garmon, a physics graduate student.
Photo: PHOTO: Studio Arts freshman Lauren Dickens, left, and Tiffanie Lanmon, a journalism and sociology junior, participate in the Take Back the Night rally and candlelight vigil Wednesday evening. Media Credit: Megan Shelby

[FL,USA] [News/Commentary]
You might have just missed this incredible news story. About a month ago during all of the hype of Anna Nicole's demise and the imploding of Brittney Spears, Largo, Florida's City Manager Steve Stanton, decided to inform the world of his plans to pursue a sex change and become a woman.

Trans Rocker a Little Bit Country

“Suffice to say, if Keith Richards was a tranny that got together with Merle Haggard, I’d be their love child,” declares trans rock ingénue Shawna Virago. “Only a lot better looking.”

Pam I Am
Transgender woman steps into political spotlight hoping for council seat.
After four years of living her life as a woman, Pam Bennett will be Aurora's first transgender woman to run for City Council.
Photo: Shannon Davidson/Aurora Sentinel & Daily Sun - Pam Bennett looks around her family home making sure all lights are off before returning to work April 3.