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sábado, abril 07, 2007

UEEH - Universidades de Verão Euromediterrâneas das Homossexualidade
Durante uma semana algumas centenas de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, trans, queers e intersexos de todos os géneros, sexos, idades, origens e nacionalidades encontrar-se-ão na Escola de Belas Artes de Marselha em Luminy.

1re demande de changement d'état civil pour une transsexuelle espagnole
Une militante socialiste transsexuelle a été la première à déposer à Madrid une demande de changement d'état civil après la récente entrée en vigueur d'une loi en ce sens.

[Sweden] [News/Science]
Swedish team announces successful womb transplants in sheep
Swedish researchers announced on Wednesday that they had successfully carried out womb transplants on four sheep, which subsequently became pregnant. They say the success of the operations brings the prospect of human uterus transplants one step closer.

Transgender Murders in Chile Increasing
At approximately 8 a.m. on the morning of March 16, authorities discovered the lifeless body of a transgender prostitute on the outskirts of Santiago. Family members later identified her as 54-year-old Michelle Carrasco — or "Chela," as her friends called her.

Apuñalan a una travesti en Neuquén
Un travesti fue atacado ayer a la madrugada en la zona de Bajo de esta capital, y a pesar de las graves heridas que sufrió, pudo ser estabilizado por los médicos del hospital Castro Rendón donde permanece internado.

Excerpt: I want to talk about two deaths in particular this month: one a homicide, the other an unfortunate accident. Both dealt with transgender people. Ruby Ordenana – also known as Ruby Rodriguez — was a 27-year-old transgender woman living in the San Francisco Bay Area.

[CA,USA] [Blogs/Events]
Transgender Day Of Empowerment
TDOR is an important day set aside to annually memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. TDOE, on the other end of the spectrum, is a day set aside for transpeople (like me) and our significant others, friends, families, and allies to celebrate transgender history and future, as well as our transseniors and our transyouth.

A coda to the Stanton story
After the house lights came up Wednesday night, a woman at the back of the theater raised her hand and said it's ironic that we're seeing this film in Largo.