Transexual assassinada é filha de político
[Malta] [Commentary]
Partitocracy and Malta’s loony left party
[USA] [Commentary]
Ten years later: Hate Knows No Age
Head Case - Meet the T in LGBT
Children of LGBT parents are typically harassed in school. A new report proves need for anti-bullying policies
Transexual assassinada é filha de político
Família não foi até agora avisada. É preciso que o corpo seja identificado.
O consulado brasileiro em Portugal ainda não foi formalmente notificado pelas autoridades portuguesas da morte da transexual cujo corpo foi encontrado na quinta-feira de manhã, pelo que ainda não estabeleceu quaisquer contactos com a respectiva família.
O consulado brasileiro em Portugal ainda não foi formalmente notificado pelas autoridades portuguesas da morte da transexual cujo corpo foi encontrado na quinta-feira de manhã, pelo que ainda não estabeleceu quaisquer contactos com a respectiva família.
[Malta] [Commentary]
Partitocracy and Malta’s loony left party
Excerpt: Predictably, Alternattiva gave the petition promoted by the Malta Gay Rights Movement a warmer reception. Among other things, this petition called for State (read "taxpayer") funding for transgender hormone treatment, and amending the Criminal Code to ensure that anyone who in good conscience and in accordance with Natural Law considers the homosexual act intrinsically disordered – and publicly says so – could end up facing criminal prosecution charges.
[USA] [Commentary]
Ten years later: Hate Knows No Age
I0's been a decade since Matthew Shepard was found tethered to a fence in rural Wyoming. His death at the hands of two men who pretended to be gay only so that they could rob, beat and kill him sparked national outrage among the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and our straight allies who found their acts despicable.
Head Case - Meet the T in LGBT
A 2007 study indicates that one in 500 people is transgendered, a larger number than previously thought. Little by little, transgendered people are making some headway toward wider recognition in the 21st century. Recent media coverage on shows such as the Sundance Channel's series Transgeneration, a Barbara Walters special focusing on transgendered children, Ugly Betty, and the new show on Logo called Transamerican Love Story have continued to bring the topic into the mainstream. There is, however, still much work to be done.
Children of LGBT parents are typically harassed in school. A new report proves need for anti-bullying policies
Current estimates indicate there are more than seven million LGBT parents with school-age children in the United States.
A new report called: Involved, Invisible, Ignored: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Parents and Their Children in Our Nation's K-12 Schools, examines and highlights the school experiences of LGBT - headed families - using results from surveys of LGBT parents of children in K-12 schools and of secondary students who have LGBT parents.
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