Patriarca da Igreja Ortodoxa na Bulgária pede proibição de parada gay
Argentina cria a primeira cooperativa trans do mundo
Brasil afora
Mix roda o País e traz para você quais Estados lembrarão do Dia Mundial do Orgulho Gay
Mix roda o País e traz para você quais Estados lembrarão do Dia Mundial do Orgulho Gay
Patriarca da Igreja Ortodoxa na Bulgária pede proibição de parada gay
O patriarca da Igreja Ortodoxa búlgara, Maxim, enviou hoje uma carta ao prefeito de Sófia, Boyko Borissov, reivindicando a proibição da Parada do Orgulho Gay prevista para amanhã no Iuzhen Park, um dos maiores parques da capital da Bulgária.
Argentina cria a primeira cooperativa trans do mundo
A marginalidade a que estão submetidas travestis e transexuais em todo o mundo pode, em partes, ser explicada pelo fato de que apenas uma faixa muito pequena delas consegue trabalhos que não estejam relacionados à prostituição. Por esta razão, a Associação de Luta pela Identidade Travesti-Transexual da Argentina inaugura, a partir desta sexta-feira (27), a primeira Cooperativa de Trabalho do mundo composta por travestis e transexuais.
[USA] [PR]
ACLU Applauds First-Ever Congressional Hearing on Gender Identity in the Workplace
The American Civil Liberties Union today applauded the House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Heath, Employment, Labor, and Pensions for holding the first-ever congressional hearing on transgender issues and gender identity discrimination in the workplace. Chaired by Representative Robert Andrews (D-NJ), the committee heard from retired Army Colonel and ACLU client Diane Schroer. The ACLU is currently representing Schroer in a Title VII sex discrimination lawsuit against the Library of Congress.
Transgenders air their plight on Capitol Hill
After getting hired as a national security analyst with the Library of Congress, David Schroer took his new boss out to lunch to share some news: On his first day of work, he planned to show up as Diane.
[Blog/Commentary] A Congressional First
At Pam's blog, Autumn Sandeen gives her reaction to the historic hearing by the House Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on the topic of workplace discrimination against the transgendered -- the first hearing of its kind in Congressional history.
Transgender Woman Barred From Women's Restroom At Gym
Controversy surrounds a local gym that told a transgender who is undergoing treatment to become a woman she cannot use the women's bathroom.
Three protest treatment of transgenders at club
Excerpt: Her name and appearance identifies her as a woman, but her identification lists her as a man, and she said she doesn't plan on having the necessary surgery to complete her transformation from male to female.
ACLU Applauds First-Ever Congressional Hearing on Gender Identity in the Workplace
The American Civil Liberties Union today applauded the House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Heath, Employment, Labor, and Pensions for holding the first-ever congressional hearing on transgender issues and gender identity discrimination in the workplace. Chaired by Representative Robert Andrews (D-NJ), the committee heard from retired Army Colonel and ACLU client Diane Schroer. The ACLU is currently representing Schroer in a Title VII sex discrimination lawsuit against the Library of Congress.
Transgenders air their plight on Capitol Hill
After getting hired as a national security analyst with the Library of Congress, David Schroer took his new boss out to lunch to share some news: On his first day of work, he planned to show up as Diane.
[Blog/Commentary] A Congressional First
At Pam's blog, Autumn Sandeen gives her reaction to the historic hearing by the House Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on the topic of workplace discrimination against the transgendered -- the first hearing of its kind in Congressional history.
Transgender Woman Barred From Women's Restroom At Gym
Controversy surrounds a local gym that told a transgender who is undergoing treatment to become a woman she cannot use the women's bathroom.
Three protest treatment of transgenders at club
Excerpt: Her name and appearance identifies her as a woman, but her identification lists her as a man, and she said she doesn't plan on having the necessary surgery to complete her transformation from male to female.
Transgender Sierra Broussard, right, and supporters Faye Robinson, center, and Caralee Carpenter, left, all of Appleton, walk along College Avenue in front of Park Central in downtown Appleton Thursday evening. Post-Crescent photo by M.P. King
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