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segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008

El SAS absorbe cambios de sexo de toda España
En el Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) hay una lista de espera muy especial que no existe en otras comunidades autónomas. Es la que conforma el centenar largo de pacientes transexuales que aguardan una media de dos años para cambiar de sexo, y poco más de un año para otro tipo de cirugías menores. En esta "alta" lista de espera, según reconocen los propios profesionales, no sólo figuran andaluces sino ciudadanos del resto del país que vienen a la Unidad de Trastornos de Identidad de Género (UTIG) del Hospital Regional Carlos Haya de Málaga.

«No puedes ser negro y marica»
Colombia, tras Afganistán e Irak, es el tercer país del mundo en número de refugiados, más de 552.000. Ihliana Palacios (28 años), es una de ellos. Huyó de su tierra perseguida porque no es ni hombre ni mujer. «Yo decidí lo que quería ser». Su padre le dijo «no puedes ser negro y marica». Y ella eligió. «Todavía es difícil hablar de tercer género.

Autoriza SEP folios del Instituto creado por mujer "trans"
La profesora transexual Claudia Rena en compañía de su esposa Alouette Lafont, obtuvieron los números de folio de trámite para la incorporación de su Instituto a la Secretaría de Educación Pública, ampliando con ello su oferta educativa con una licenciatura, dos maestrías y dos especialidades en diseño y arquitectura.

Born in Iran - in the wrong body
Sex changes are legal in Iran, but the transgendered struggle for cultural acceptance

Woman interrupted
School caretaker Martine Stonehouse is Toronto's transsexual Norma Rae.
While her transformation from man to woman is a dramatic tale in itself – interrupted by the sudden delisting of the surgical procedure – the story of her journey, from being an outcast with only one friend and never a date, to an activist and leader, is inspirational, too.
Her experience has elevated the profile of this city's tiny transgendered population and illuminated the human rights transgressions against those who are different in our society.

Transgender woman wants to compete at Olympics
A transgender woman from Canada is attempting to become the first transitioned athlete to compete in the Olympic Games, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Co.

He’s Pregnant. You’re Speechless.
WHEN Thomas Beatie gives birth in the next few weeks to a baby girl, the blessed event will mark both a personal milestone and a strange and wondrous crossroads in the evolution of American pop culture.

Dealing with Merrimack dad’s transformation
Being transgender has a dramatic impact on one's life, part of which is predictable and part of which is unforeseen. These effects are shared by the person's family, who may feel that trust is shattered and their lives have been flipped upside down. Some go through a kind of grieving process. In some circumstances,with time, couples are willing and able to stay together, even though their relationship has changed drastically. Others never recover from the perceived deceit, and families split apart. When children are involved, things can get even more complicated.
Families handle their transgender members differently, as The Telegraph explores today in its series. This is the Cannon family's story.

Mom accepts transgender Manchester tween
In the first grade, 6-year-old Nicholas stood up one day and told his teacher he had something important to say.
Not just to her. But to the whole class.
"My name is Nicholas, but I want to be called Nikki because I'm really a girl," he told his classmates at Parker-Varney School in Manchester.