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sexta-feira, junho 20, 2008

Trans singer on trial for "insulting Turkishness"
A popular transgender Turkish singer went on trial Wednesday on charges of trying to turn the public against military service.
Transexual turca pode ser presa por declaração na TV
Não é só no Brasil que existe o forte atrito entre serviço militar e a comunidade LGBTI. Na Turquia, uma polêmica declaração da cantora transexual Bülent Ersoy tem abalado essa relação. Ela disse no programa de televisão “Pop Idol” que se tivesse filhos nunca os deixaria entrar para as Forças Armadas turcas. Isso é considerado crime no país porque lá o serviço militar é obrigatório a partir dos 20 anos.

Justiça absolve prefeitura que proibiu Parada Gay
Na tarde da última quarta-feira (18), a Corte do Distrito de Tverskoi considerou improcedente a ação reclamatória que a organização Moscow Pride movia contra a prefeitura de Moscou, por ter proibido a realização da Parada Gay da Rússia.

Governo do Kuwait ameaça novamente os gays do país
De acordo com o site britânico de notícias, Pink News, o governo do Kuwait está novamente tentando se ver livre dos cidadãos gays e transexuais do país. Prova disso é que o Comitê de Hábitos Sociais está organizando uma conferência nacional para definir os "hábitos e vícios sociais" considerados prejudiciais à sociedade kuwaitiana e determinar os modos mais eficientes de erradicá-los.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Black transwoman got beaten by cops and no one cared
Check out this video of a brutal police beating in a police station. A Memphis police officer didn't like the fact that Duanna Johnson, a black transwoman, didn't respond to the names "faggot" or "he/she," so he beat her with handcuffs and sprayed her with mace, and no one, not even the nurse who was sent out, helped her.
Alleged Police Abuse of Transgender Woman Being Investigated
The Human Rights Campaign on Wednesday called for a criminal investigation into the case of police brutality against a transgender woman in Memphis.
HRC Calls for Criminal Investigation in Case of Police Brutality Against a Transgender Woman
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, today called for a criminal investigation into the case of police brutality against a transgender woman. A newly released video out of Memphis, Tennessee clearly shows a police officer brutally abusing Duanna Johnson while she was held in the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center. Johnson is a transgender woman, and had been arrested on a charge of prostitution.
Transgender woman attacked by police officer in Memphis
One Memphis police officer has been fired and another is on non-enforcement status after a February attack on a transgender woman in the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center that has resulted in a $1.3 million dollar lawsuit.

Congress to hold first-ever hearing on transgender discrimination
The House Committee on Education and Labor is tentatively scheduled to hold a hearing on employment discrimination against transgender people on June 26 -- the first congressional hearing to focus primarily on transgender issues. The committee's subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) will hear testimony on the issue.

American Medical Association: Stop discriminating against transgender patients
The American Medical Association is calling on health insurers to cooperate with doctors in providing proper care to meet transgender patients' needs.

[USA] [News/Commentary]
Pseudo-science still tries to 'cure' LGBT people
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the official handbook of U.S. mental health workers. Created by and a registered trademark of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the DSM categorizes mental health conditions and the criteria for diagnosing them.

Boycott of HRC event grows
Calls to boycott this year's Human Rights Campaign gala dinner in San Francisco are growing louder as the national group's July 26 fundraiser grows nearer. The Washington, D.C.-based LGBT lobbyist organization upset many in the Bay Area's LGBT community last year when it backed passage of a federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act stripped of gender identity protections.