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quinta-feira, agosto 21, 2008

Transgender Europe (TGEU) - Training for our Future

Hi friends. Transgender Europe is looking for a few young (at least in heart) trans people to take a leading role in activism in their own country. Are you fed up with a lack of support from your government? Fed up with missing or old-fashioned legislation? Are you tired of being forced to live in the closet? Or of living a dog's life? Forced out of work? Living a life on the street because you dare to be who you are? Yes? Maybe it is time to take action, and we want to help you.

Transgender Europe (TGEU), with the support of the UK's extremely successful activist organisation, Press for Change (PFC) and the International Lesbian and Gay Association of Europe (ILGA-Europe) , is now taking applications for a training project aimed at giving new activists the tools and support they need to get out and work change in their communities.

National teams, comprised of three activist candidates are invited to submit applications for the project. Just four (4) of these teams will be successful and asked to take part in the project at no cost to themselves.

The project has two parts:

1. You will be required to attend a four day training course in Manchester, UK, from Wednesday, October 1st, to Sunday, October 5th, 2008. There you will attend workshops and receive some formal training in, amongst other things, the following areas:

-- How to work with local and national governments as well as the European Union,
-- The impact of European Union law, cases and directives on trans lives,
-- The trans cases from the European Court of Human Rights,
-- Facts and figures: key research data on trans lives,
-- Practical activism: developing a public relations approach,
-- Recruiting other activists and developing their skills,
-- Strategic planning for successful change,
-- Design with impact: posters and leaflets for key issues,
-- Working within the international LGBTI community.

2. The activists will then, with the help of TGEU, organise a local training to take place not later than the end of 2008. The training from Manchester will be put to use at a national or regional event of one or two days duration, where an audience of potential trans activists will receive instruction to facilitate regional structures. We envision that the support we provide will enable you to prepare basic materials in your national language, to find an appropriate site for quality training and workshops, to make reservations for TGEU and PFC workshop leaders, to find and engage national NGO or government speakers. We will assist your team in creating publicity and locating the intended audience. Furthermore we will assist in the long term development of transgender organisations.
Your travel and accommodation costs will be met by TGEU. Training and activities are also free. We demand only your presence and unmitigated attention. You don't have to pay a thing: you need only put your training to use through your own projects in your local community.

So, if you think you and your fellow activists are up to it, come join the party. It will be well worth your time -- and may well be fun!

For these reasons we require that TEAMS OF THREE activists submit their applications together. Successful candidates will be selected by showing us evidence of their past activism, how well they know each other and the work they've done together before. The teams will need to show a reasonable level of English language – it will really help to speak some English, but teams can translate for members who can't speak English.

To Apply:

Complete the application form which you can obtain from Jane Thomas at
Attach an accompanying letter saying why your team should be chosen from the many teams applying.
These are to be completed and returned to by MONDAY, September 8th, 2008.

Navio da Greenpeace vem a Lisboa «salvar» os peixes

O quebra-gelo Artic Sunrise, que é um navio da Greenpeace, chega a Lisboa esta quinta-feira, mais precisamente ao cais de Alcântara, informa a Lusa.

Queer Lisboa 12 - 12º Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa
19 a 27 de Setembro de 2008 - Cinema São Jorge

A programação completa do Queer Lisboa 12, elenco do Júri Internacional, convidados oficiais e eventos paralelos, serão anunciados em Conferência de Imprensa a decorrer no dia 9 de Setembro, às 11h00, no Cinema São Jorge.

En Brasil ya operan gratis a quienes quieran cambiar de sexo
Desde hoy la intervención corre por cuenta del sistema público brasileño. El ministro de Salud, José Gómes Temporado, eligió seis hospitales universitarios para que realicen el proceso quirúrgico, que estará a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario integrado por psicólogos, endocrinólogos, psiquiatras, urólogos y ginecólogos. El sistema público de salud brasileño opera gratis desde hoy a las personas que quieran cambiar de sexo, informó el ministro de Salud, José Gómes Temporado.
SUS: Mudança de sexo terá acompanhamento psicológico
As cirurgias de mudança de sexo que serão realizadas na rede pública de saúde, anunciadas há dois meses pelo ministro da Saúde José Gomes Temporão, estabelece algumas diretrizes para que o serviço seja oferecido, entre elas a de se fazer um credenciamento das instituições interessadas e criar uma rede de atenção em que o paciente receba também assitência psicológica.

Primera denuncia por violencia en trabajo de una mujer transexual en Barcelona
Carmen Martínez presentó delante del inspector la documentación que acredita la discriminación por violencia en el trabajo de la empresa Cotesa S.A.

Sex change claims
A PRE-OP transsexual claims her career has been "destroyed" since she announced she wanted to become a woman.
Sophie Morris, 40, alleges she was sacked from her £23,000 job at the JTEKT factory in Resolven after she changed her gender from male to female.

Largest ever police contingent to march for gay pride
The world's largest ever police contingent to take part in a gay pride parade will be seen this Saturday during Manchester Pride.
Up to 300 officers and staff from forces across the country will lead the parade as Pride celebrates its 18th birthday.

Presentarán iniciativa sobre cambio de sexo
Luego de un fallido intento, diputados del PRD y del PAS acordaron presentar la iniciativa sobre la llamada concordancia sexogenérica, mediante la cual las personas transgénero y transexuales obtendrán un reconocimietno en materia jurídica, que les permitirá contar con todos sus derechos en su nueva apariencia, incluido el matrimonio por lo civil.
Ley de identidad sexogenérica, un logro más a medias
Sin embargo, si sale todo bien, como lo planean los asambleístas, de nuevo una reforma que pidió la diversidad sexual con base en sus necesidades, se queda con pendientes.
Hoy el proyecto presentado, por estrategia política, no incluye la posibilidad de que sea el Estado quien se encargue de los cambios quirúrgicos y de salud que las personas sometidas a este proceso requieren.
La iniciativa que dieron a conocer los diputados locales tiene sus ventajas en la parte jurídica pero olvida que la parte sanitaria, la más cara y por la que muchas personas trans sufren al ser víctimas de médicos incompetentes que a precios "baratos" las perjudican más que ayudarlas, se omite.

Job-Seeker Who Changed Her Gender Goes to Court
Diane Schroer, a 52-year-old former Army Special Forces commander, testified yesterday in federal court that she was "disappointed and dismayed" when an official at the Library of Congress rescinded a job offer even though she was the star candidate.
[Blog/News/Commentary] America in Transition: A Transgender Special Forces Colonel vs. the Library of Congress
Diane Schroer’s case against the Library of Congress went to trial on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in D.C. The basics of the case are pretty well known. As David, Schroer spent 25 years in the Army, and retired as a decorated full Colonel in the Special Forces. Her specialty at the end was counter-terrorism.

Man pleads guilty, but denies killing

Excerpt: Brian McGlothin, dressed in women's clothes, was shot in the head with an automatic rifle two days before Christmas. His body was found in the rear yard of a house in the 2700 block of Ruberg Avenue.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Blinded Me with Science: Devolution of the DSM
At the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Robert Spitzer, Chair of the DSM-III and DSM-IIIR Task Forces, defended the categories of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and paraphilias such as Transvestic Fetishism (TF) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) [1]. He declared the inherent pathology of gender identities that vary from assigned birth sex (...)