Travestis lutam por respeito e oportunidade de emprego
“Meu nome é Rebeca”. “Mas você é menino e eu vou continuar lhe chamando de João”. O diálogo, curto, mas revelador, tem como cenário a cantina da Caern. Rebeca Brandão, de 31 anos – ou João Maria, como está grafado em sua carteira de identidade – tem olhos castanhos claros, cabelos grandes, formas femininas e dois nomes. O muro da Caern é um divisor. No local de trabalho, é chamado pelos colegas de João, apesar de não gostar muito do nome. Já para além dos domínios de sua profissão, não resta dúvidas: “Meu nome é Rebeca”, garante.
Cuando tu niña se siente chico, el drama de los adolescentes transexuales
En casa le llaman Jorge pero en el colegio volverá a ser Marta porque el temor al rechazo le impide hablar abiertamente de su verdadera identidad sexual. Es un drama contra el que lucha Ampgyl, la asociación de madres y padres con hijos adolescentes gays, lesbianas y transexuales.
La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía rinde homenaje a Sylvia Rivera en el noveno aniversario de su muerte
El 19 de febrero de 2002 se marchaba para siempre, tras una complicación con su cáncer de hígado, Sylvia Rivera, una de las fundadoras del STAR (Street Travesti Action Revolutionaries), un grupo dedicado a ayudar a las mujeres transexuales que vivían en la calle. Pero esta no es su más reseñable actividad en defensa de los derechos de las personas transexuales.
[South Africa]
Semenya wins first race in South Africa
South Africa's 800-metre world champion Caster Semenya on Saturday claimed her first competitive win on home soil since a sex-test ordeal that saw her barred from competition for almost a year.
'School' for eunuchs to give them lessons in nursing, computers
In a unique effort to bring eunuchs in social mainstream, a "school" has been specially set up for transgenders in the district which will also provide them vocational training.
Indian Video Activist Puts Transgender in Focus
Kalki Subramaniam's video project for transgender women in India began with her own scholarship in video making. Now she's assisting other transgender women to shoot their own video as a way of breaking out of poverty and abuse. (Photo)
Lending their voices
Edgy rockers and avant-garde artists converge in support of a community that faces discrimination daily.
Sister solidarity
EVEN popping into the convenience store down the road can be dangerous – if you are a transgender (Mak Nyah). That was what Muna* learnt last year when she went out to get the paper one morning.
Before she realised what was happening, she was surrounded by a group of men who claimed to be religious enforcement officers.
“They ordered me to hitch up my shirt and show them my bra. I was so shocked that I could only stare at them, so one of them pushed me face down to the ground and held my hands to my back while another pushed my shirt up and tugged my bra. The others only laughed,” Muna recalls.
[Canada] [Commentary]
Senate should do the right thing and kill the 'bathroom bill'
As of 10 days ago, Canada is a Senate vote away from giving males who believe — or claim to believe — they are females the constitutional right to use women's toilets, change rooms and showers.
[Commentary] Already Protected?
[USA] [Commentary]
Injustice at Every Turn -- Part VI: Public Accommodation
Previous "turns" have covered the basic data about who transpeople living in America are in Who we are -- by the numbers, Part I: Education, Part II: Employment, Part III: Health Care, Part IV: Family and Part V: Housing
New initiative highlights T-friendly businesses
A new project organized by Genderqueer Chicago and other groups is giving businesses a chance to show their commitment to respecting gender identity by signing a pledge that commits them to allowing gender-variant customers to use the bathroom of their choice.
[CO, USA] [Film]
At the movies: no regrets
Yesterday afternoon, I wandered into the Boulder International Film Festival showing of The Regretters, an interesting, subtle documentary about two Swedish men who underwent sexual reassignment surgeries to become female. While they were stuanchly different personalities, they both had one thing in common: they regretted their decision.
Massachusetts Governor signs order to protect transgender state workers
In a private ceremony this week, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) signed an executive order prohibiting discrimination of state employees based on gender identity or expression.
Mixed Emotions After Michigan School Moves to Gender-Neutral Prom Court
A Michigan high school's decision to allow a gender-neutral prom court this spring -- after denying a transgendered student the title of homecoming king last fall -- has angered and "disappointed" some current and former students.
Piden Correcto Uso Lenguaje En Tratamiento Ley Identidad Genero
El uso correcto del lenguaje durante el debate por la Ley de Identidad de Género, en especial en los medios de comunicación, será fundamental para evitar expresiones discriminatorias y para un buen entendimiento del tema, advirtieron los autores de la propuesta, que emitieron una guía respectiva.
Travestis lutam por respeito e oportunidade de emprego
“Meu nome é Rebeca”. “Mas você é menino e eu vou continuar lhe chamando de João”. O diálogo, curto, mas revelador, tem como cenário a cantina da Caern. Rebeca Brandão, de 31 anos – ou João Maria, como está grafado em sua carteira de identidade – tem olhos castanhos claros, cabelos grandes, formas femininas e dois nomes. O muro da Caern é um divisor. No local de trabalho, é chamado pelos colegas de João, apesar de não gostar muito do nome. Já para além dos domínios de sua profissão, não resta dúvidas: “Meu nome é Rebeca”, garante.
Cuando tu niña se siente chico, el drama de los adolescentes transexuales
En casa le llaman Jorge pero en el colegio volverá a ser Marta porque el temor al rechazo le impide hablar abiertamente de su verdadera identidad sexual. Es un drama contra el que lucha Ampgyl, la asociación de madres y padres con hijos adolescentes gays, lesbianas y transexuales.
La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía rinde homenaje a Sylvia Rivera en el noveno aniversario de su muerte
El 19 de febrero de 2002 se marchaba para siempre, tras una complicación con su cáncer de hígado, Sylvia Rivera, una de las fundadoras del STAR (Street Travesti Action Revolutionaries), un grupo dedicado a ayudar a las mujeres transexuales que vivían en la calle. Pero esta no es su más reseñable actividad en defensa de los derechos de las personas transexuales.
[South Africa]
Semenya wins first race in South Africa
South Africa's 800-metre world champion Caster Semenya on Saturday claimed her first competitive win on home soil since a sex-test ordeal that saw her barred from competition for almost a year.
'School' for eunuchs to give them lessons in nursing, computers
In a unique effort to bring eunuchs in social mainstream, a "school" has been specially set up for transgenders in the district which will also provide them vocational training.
Indian Video Activist Puts Transgender in Focus
Kalki Subramaniam's video project for transgender women in India began with her own scholarship in video making. Now she's assisting other transgender women to shoot their own video as a way of breaking out of poverty and abuse. (Photo)
Lending their voices
Edgy rockers and avant-garde artists converge in support of a community that faces discrimination daily.
Sister solidarity
EVEN popping into the convenience store down the road can be dangerous – if you are a transgender (Mak Nyah). That was what Muna* learnt last year when she went out to get the paper one morning.
Before she realised what was happening, she was surrounded by a group of men who claimed to be religious enforcement officers.
“They ordered me to hitch up my shirt and show them my bra. I was so shocked that I could only stare at them, so one of them pushed me face down to the ground and held my hands to my back while another pushed my shirt up and tugged my bra. The others only laughed,” Muna recalls.
[Canada] [Commentary]
Senate should do the right thing and kill the 'bathroom bill'
As of 10 days ago, Canada is a Senate vote away from giving males who believe — or claim to believe — they are females the constitutional right to use women's toilets, change rooms and showers.
[Commentary] Already Protected?
[USA] [Commentary]
Injustice at Every Turn -- Part VI: Public Accommodation
Previous "turns" have covered the basic data about who transpeople living in America are in Who we are -- by the numbers, Part I: Education, Part II: Employment, Part III: Health Care, Part IV: Family and Part V: Housing
New initiative highlights T-friendly businesses
A new project organized by Genderqueer Chicago and other groups is giving businesses a chance to show their commitment to respecting gender identity by signing a pledge that commits them to allowing gender-variant customers to use the bathroom of their choice.
[CO, USA] [Film]
At the movies: no regrets
Yesterday afternoon, I wandered into the Boulder International Film Festival showing of The Regretters, an interesting, subtle documentary about two Swedish men who underwent sexual reassignment surgeries to become female. While they were stuanchly different personalities, they both had one thing in common: they regretted their decision.
Massachusetts Governor signs order to protect transgender state workers
In a private ceremony this week, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) signed an executive order prohibiting discrimination of state employees based on gender identity or expression.
Mixed Emotions After Michigan School Moves to Gender-Neutral Prom Court
A Michigan high school's decision to allow a gender-neutral prom court this spring -- after denying a transgendered student the title of homecoming king last fall -- has angered and "disappointed" some current and former students.
Piden Correcto Uso Lenguaje En Tratamiento Ley Identidad Genero
El uso correcto del lenguaje durante el debate por la Ley de Identidad de Género, en especial en los medios de comunicación, será fundamental para evitar expresiones discriminatorias y para un buen entendimiento del tema, advirtieron los autores de la propuesta, que emitieron una guía respectiva.
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