Harassment in Custody - Transgender Halat Wins Her Case
The European Court of Human rights convicted the Turkish government for failing to carry out an effective investigation in the case of transgender woman Halat who was harassed by a police officer. The Pink Live Association called on the government to counteract human rights violations of transgender persons.
Militares que agrediram travesti em Alagoas são punidos
No dia 16 de agosto de 2009, em uma Parada Gay realizada na cidade de Penedo, fora veiculado amplamente na mídia a forma truculenta em que policiais militares do 11º BPM conduziram a uma viatura o travesti José Roberto da Silva, que com sinais aparentes de embriaguez, fazia strip-tease em via pública. No dia posterior a Corregedoria da PMAL, instaurou uma Sindicância para apurar os fatos e constatou o abuso por parte dos policiais envolvidos na ocorrência.
New step in recognising transgenders’ identity welcomed
The Malta Gay Rights Movement and aditus have welcomed an amendment to legislation that will eliminate one of the human rights violations currently taking place in respect of transgender persons.
The amendments will do away with the current practice of appointing a court expert to verify irreversible sex reassignment.
MGRM says proposed changes do not go far enough
The significant other
Please refer to me as a ‘she' when addressing me in your story,” says a transgender as she finished recounting her life story. The significance of that single word is striking considering how casually we use gender-specific pronouns without realising their significance, especially in the case of sexuality minorities.
RPF rounds up 25 eunuchs for harassing train passengers
The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has arrested 25 eunuchs for harassing and extorting money from travelers onboard trains connecting Ahmedabad to various places.
Rights group urges Govt to lift ban on event
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged the Government to rescind a police ban on the fourth annual Seksualiti Merdeka festival and protect all citizens from discrimination.
School board tackles homophobia
The Edmonton public school board is one step closer to passing Alberta’s first school policy that protects the rights of lesbian, gay and transsexual students in the district.
More Than 90 Percent Of American Catholics Back Transgender Rights
The majority of American Catholics disagree with the teachings of their bishops on sexual issues so often that it is a wonder that the news media continues to speak of the Catholic Church’s position on a given issue when what they really mean is the position of the Catholic hierarchy.
Medical Schools Neglect Gay and Gender Issues
The middle-aged patient with long dark hair made it very clear that this was not her first urinary tract infection. “It’s because when I urinate,” she said, “I need to use a catheter.” She opened the leather satchel on her lap and, to prove her point, pulled out a thin, red sterile length of tube covered in plastic.
[USA] [Commentary]
Nikki Araguz And Heather Delgado Battle in Houston Courtroom Tomorrow
Nikki Araguz and Heather Delgado face off again in a Houston courtroom in defense of Araguz's marriage to her late husband, fallen firefighter Thomas T. Araguz III.
Transgender student says she was suspended for using ladies' restroom
Two Fort Collins High School students say they don't feel welcome on campus because they say they're not allowed to use the restrooms they want. Both identify themselves as transgender.
Iowa College Allows Students to Share 'Gender-Neutral' Locker Rooms
Co-ed dormitories are being implemented in various universities around the country, but Grinnell College, a small, liberal arts college in Iowa, is taking that idea one step further by creating "gender-neutral" locker rooms, an idea propelled by transgender students who choose not to identify themselves as either male or female, the Des Moines Register reported.
College adds dorms, locker rooms to gender-neutral policy
The Massachusetts Transgender Suicide Prevention Working Group launches suicide prevention video series
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition and the Massachusetts Transgender Suicide Prevention Working Group have launched their new transgender suicide prevention video, Saving Our Lives. This video will premier on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011 at Samaritans, Inc.’s Boston office at 33 West Street as a part of Transgender Awareness Week.
Torso found in Detroit identified as missing transgender teen
The Wayne County Medical Examiner's office has confirmed the death of 19-year-old Shelley Hilliard, a transgender teen also known as Treasure, after her mother identified her torso this morning.
The teen, who was born Henry Hilliard, went missing in the early hours of Oct. 23 and was last seen on the 900 block of Longfellow on Detroit's west side.
The Medical Examiner's office received her torso later on Oct. 23, and Lyniece Nelson, Hilliard's mother, identified her this morning.
Detroit teen identified as burned homicide victim
Authorities: Torso belonged to transgendered woman
Detroit Police Search for Missing Trans Teen
Transgender Day of Remembrance
People who identified as either transgender or people of color were 2 times as likely to experience assault or discrimination as non-transgender white individuals.
Three Eagan Fraud Suspects Create Gender Confusion
Initial police reports said the suspects were women. As it turned out, they are transgendered men, according to the Dakota County District Court complaints.
St. Paul's Church to hold candlelight memorial for Day of Remembrance
The Candlelight Memorial and Vigil in honor of the 13th annual International Day of Remembrance will be Saturday, Nov. 19 at 4 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Teaneck.
Some Transgender Protesters Leave Occupy Wall Street Over Safety Concerns
While police and protesters disagree on the severity of the crimes that have occurred, there’s no disputing that some folks are leaving New York’s Occupy Wall Street live-in at Zuccotti Park over safety concerns. The New York Times’ Todd Heisler reports that despite a formidable security team and a plainclothes police presence, assaults at OWS have increased, though protesters blame some of that activity on homeless residents who’ve moved into the area.
[NY, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Medicaid should not pay for gender changes
Are our politicians losing their ever-loving minds?
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the article in the Watertown Daily Times entitled, “Medicaid may pay for sex changes.”
Washington student's courage earns reward
When Emmett Patterson came out about his sexual orientation during his sophomore year at Trinity High School in Washington, he said he felt an "immediate relief."
As time went on, however, that relief began to wane, because something still didn't feel right.
"It didn't matter who I was attracted to — I just did not feel comfortable in my own skin," said Patterson, 17, of Washington in Washington County. "There's no word to describe what it feels like to wake up every day not feeling like yourself."
Patterson spent time trying to figure out the problem. This past summer, the answer came: Patterson, who until then was a lesbian named Emily, came to the realization that he was transgender. He adopted the name Emmett before going back to Trinity for his senior year.
Diversity Speaker Enlightens Audience on Transgender Lifestyle
Everyone has a sexual orientation and a gender identity. This is one of the facts that Executive Director of Gender Education and high school librarian Debra Davis wanted to get across to the crowd of about thirty during the Reading Rainbows: An Evening with Debra Davis the Transgender Librarian. She said that many people accept sexual orientation and gender identity as synonymous, however Davis told the attendees the difference.
Transgender Awareness Month events
The third annual ‘Beyond the Binary’ gender conference, to be held Nov. 12 at Westminster College, is expanding and attracting queers and allies from around the region.
Igreja Católica abençoa concurso transexual no México
Diversidade é isso: no México, a cidade de Juchitan de Zaragoza tem como uma de suas maiores tradições um festival de beleza transexual. O evento recebe até a benção da Igreja Católica! A homossexualidade e a transexualidade são muito bem aceitas na cultura local. O evento ocorre em novembro.
Presenta el OBCUD LGBT propuesta a Ministerio de Educación
El Observatorio Cubano de los Derechos LGBT (OBCUD LGBT) presentó ante el Ministerio de Educación un conjunto de propuestas para que el tema de la diversidad sexual sea incluido dentro de los currículos educativos.
Harassment in Custody - Transgender Halat Wins Her Case
The European Court of Human rights convicted the Turkish government for failing to carry out an effective investigation in the case of transgender woman Halat who was harassed by a police officer. The Pink Live Association called on the government to counteract human rights violations of transgender persons.
Militares que agrediram travesti em Alagoas são punidos
No dia 16 de agosto de 2009, em uma Parada Gay realizada na cidade de Penedo, fora veiculado amplamente na mídia a forma truculenta em que policiais militares do 11º BPM conduziram a uma viatura o travesti José Roberto da Silva, que com sinais aparentes de embriaguez, fazia strip-tease em via pública. No dia posterior a Corregedoria da PMAL, instaurou uma Sindicância para apurar os fatos e constatou o abuso por parte dos policiais envolvidos na ocorrência.
New step in recognising transgenders’ identity welcomed
The Malta Gay Rights Movement and aditus have welcomed an amendment to legislation that will eliminate one of the human rights violations currently taking place in respect of transgender persons.
The amendments will do away with the current practice of appointing a court expert to verify irreversible sex reassignment.
MGRM says proposed changes do not go far enough
The significant other
Please refer to me as a ‘she' when addressing me in your story,” says a transgender as she finished recounting her life story. The significance of that single word is striking considering how casually we use gender-specific pronouns without realising their significance, especially in the case of sexuality minorities.
RPF rounds up 25 eunuchs for harassing train passengers
The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has arrested 25 eunuchs for harassing and extorting money from travelers onboard trains connecting Ahmedabad to various places.
Rights group urges Govt to lift ban on event
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged the Government to rescind a police ban on the fourth annual Seksualiti Merdeka festival and protect all citizens from discrimination.
School board tackles homophobia
The Edmonton public school board is one step closer to passing Alberta’s first school policy that protects the rights of lesbian, gay and transsexual students in the district.
More Than 90 Percent Of American Catholics Back Transgender Rights
The majority of American Catholics disagree with the teachings of their bishops on sexual issues so often that it is a wonder that the news media continues to speak of the Catholic Church’s position on a given issue when what they really mean is the position of the Catholic hierarchy.
Medical Schools Neglect Gay and Gender Issues
The middle-aged patient with long dark hair made it very clear that this was not her first urinary tract infection. “It’s because when I urinate,” she said, “I need to use a catheter.” She opened the leather satchel on her lap and, to prove her point, pulled out a thin, red sterile length of tube covered in plastic.
[USA] [Commentary]
Nikki Araguz And Heather Delgado Battle in Houston Courtroom Tomorrow
Nikki Araguz and Heather Delgado face off again in a Houston courtroom in defense of Araguz's marriage to her late husband, fallen firefighter Thomas T. Araguz III.
Transgender student says she was suspended for using ladies' restroom
Two Fort Collins High School students say they don't feel welcome on campus because they say they're not allowed to use the restrooms they want. Both identify themselves as transgender.
Iowa College Allows Students to Share 'Gender-Neutral' Locker Rooms
Co-ed dormitories are being implemented in various universities around the country, but Grinnell College, a small, liberal arts college in Iowa, is taking that idea one step further by creating "gender-neutral" locker rooms, an idea propelled by transgender students who choose not to identify themselves as either male or female, the Des Moines Register reported.
College adds dorms, locker rooms to gender-neutral policy
The Massachusetts Transgender Suicide Prevention Working Group launches suicide prevention video series
The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition and the Massachusetts Transgender Suicide Prevention Working Group have launched their new transgender suicide prevention video, Saving Our Lives. This video will premier on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011 at Samaritans, Inc.’s Boston office at 33 West Street as a part of Transgender Awareness Week.
Torso found in Detroit identified as missing transgender teen
The Wayne County Medical Examiner's office has confirmed the death of 19-year-old Shelley Hilliard, a transgender teen also known as Treasure, after her mother identified her torso this morning.
The teen, who was born Henry Hilliard, went missing in the early hours of Oct. 23 and was last seen on the 900 block of Longfellow on Detroit's west side.
The Medical Examiner's office received her torso later on Oct. 23, and Lyniece Nelson, Hilliard's mother, identified her this morning.
Detroit teen identified as burned homicide victim
Authorities: Torso belonged to transgendered woman
Detroit Police Search for Missing Trans Teen
Transgender Day of Remembrance
People who identified as either transgender or people of color were 2 times as likely to experience assault or discrimination as non-transgender white individuals.
Three Eagan Fraud Suspects Create Gender Confusion
Initial police reports said the suspects were women. As it turned out, they are transgendered men, according to the Dakota County District Court complaints.
St. Paul's Church to hold candlelight memorial for Day of Remembrance
The Candlelight Memorial and Vigil in honor of the 13th annual International Day of Remembrance will be Saturday, Nov. 19 at 4 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Teaneck.
Some Transgender Protesters Leave Occupy Wall Street Over Safety Concerns
While police and protesters disagree on the severity of the crimes that have occurred, there’s no disputing that some folks are leaving New York’s Occupy Wall Street live-in at Zuccotti Park over safety concerns. The New York Times’ Todd Heisler reports that despite a formidable security team and a plainclothes police presence, assaults at OWS have increased, though protesters blame some of that activity on homeless residents who’ve moved into the area.
[NY, USA] [Letters to the Editor]
Medicaid should not pay for gender changes
Are our politicians losing their ever-loving minds?
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the article in the Watertown Daily Times entitled, “Medicaid may pay for sex changes.”
Washington student's courage earns reward
When Emmett Patterson came out about his sexual orientation during his sophomore year at Trinity High School in Washington, he said he felt an "immediate relief."
As time went on, however, that relief began to wane, because something still didn't feel right.
"It didn't matter who I was attracted to — I just did not feel comfortable in my own skin," said Patterson, 17, of Washington in Washington County. "There's no word to describe what it feels like to wake up every day not feeling like yourself."
Patterson spent time trying to figure out the problem. This past summer, the answer came: Patterson, who until then was a lesbian named Emily, came to the realization that he was transgender. He adopted the name Emmett before going back to Trinity for his senior year.
Diversity Speaker Enlightens Audience on Transgender Lifestyle
Everyone has a sexual orientation and a gender identity. This is one of the facts that Executive Director of Gender Education and high school librarian Debra Davis wanted to get across to the crowd of about thirty during the Reading Rainbows: An Evening with Debra Davis the Transgender Librarian. She said that many people accept sexual orientation and gender identity as synonymous, however Davis told the attendees the difference.
Transgender Awareness Month events
The third annual ‘Beyond the Binary’ gender conference, to be held Nov. 12 at Westminster College, is expanding and attracting queers and allies from around the region.
Igreja Católica abençoa concurso transexual no México
Diversidade é isso: no México, a cidade de Juchitan de Zaragoza tem como uma de suas maiores tradições um festival de beleza transexual. O evento recebe até a benção da Igreja Católica! A homossexualidade e a transexualidade são muito bem aceitas na cultura local. O evento ocorre em novembro.
Presenta el OBCUD LGBT propuesta a Ministerio de Educación
El Observatorio Cubano de los Derechos LGBT (OBCUD LGBT) presentó ante el Ministerio de Educación un conjunto de propuestas para que el tema de la diversidad sexual sea incluido dentro de los currículos educativos.
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