25 de Abril sempre, hoje mais do que nunca
Governo do RS inaugura celas para travestis em presídio
Celas exclusivas para travestis são inauguradas em presídio no Rio Grande do Sul
Salvador recebe em maio simpósio sobre transexuais
Simpósio Nacional de Política para Transexuais será realizado em maio em Salvador
Governo do RS inaugura celas para travestis em presídio
Celas exclusivas para travestis são inauguradas em presídio no Rio Grande do Sul
Aluno do curso de drag queen mostrado pelo Fantástico é demitido
Professor de logística foi desligado da empresa no dia seguinte após a exibição da reportagem do Fantástico, da TV Globo.
Professora teria chamado aluna travesti de 'desprezível' no Paraná
A escola estadual Ivanete Martins, de Piraquara (PR), informou nesta quinta-feira que investiga uma suposta ofensa homófobica de uma professora de geografia contra uma estudante travesti. Rafaelly disse que foi ameaçada pela educadora, que teria dito que ela era inútil, desprezível e que deveria se envergonhar.
Valesca Popozuda ganha apertada de uma travesti em camarim
Valesca Popozuda recebeu, após o apresentação que fez no domingo, 22, no Rio de Janeiro, a visita de uma travesti no camarim da boate. Para checar as medidas da dançarina de funk, a fã apertou seu bumbum e seus seios. "Respeito o público GLS e tenho muitos fãs que me recebem com o maior carinho por onde passo", disse Valesca.
Transexual Titica, sensação do kuduro em Angola, é uma das atrações do Viradão Carioca
Oi, oi, oi, Titica, a rainha do kuduro em Angola, brevemente estará entre nós! A transexual, de 24 anos, rebolativa como uma popozuda, se apresentará dia 5 de maio, em Bangu, no Viradão Carioca, promovido pela TV Globo Rio.
Job threat for doctors who refuse sex swaps
Doctors who refuse to carry out sex swap operations will be struck off under new rules by regulatory chiefs.
Doctors 'forced to carry out sex-change ops' under rules meant to 'marginalise Christian medics'
18th-century Painting Appears to Portray Trans Person
The "Chevalier D'Eon," a 18th-century painting of a cross-dressing man, who may have identified as female at one point, recently sold to a British gallery.
Channel 4's 'My Transsexual Summer' cleared by Ofcom
Channel 4's My Transsexual Summer has been cleared by Ofcom after a man shown on the factual series complained that his privacy had been infringed and he had been made to look like he was "disgusted" with transgender people.
Danielle Chénier - CHanger le regard que l’on porte sur les trans
Un vendredi après-midi dans le nouveau quartier près du métro Rosemont, un petit café qui vient d’ouvrir. Danielle arrive à l’heure. Et si elle est prête à parler d’elle, nous commençons à parler de la journée trans du mois de mai et de ce qui se passera.
Presidential elections highlight trans voters’ rights gap
As the dust settles on the first round of the French Presidential election this morning, a sharp warning from France’s National Transgender Association (ANT), that discrimination by the French state means that trans citizens can no longer count on access to that most basic of Human Rights – the right to vote!
International Scientific Congress: Gender Normativity and its Effects on Childhood and Adolescence
24 - 29 septembre 2012 à Luxembourg - September 24th – 29th 2012 in Luxemburg
Congrès scientifique international - International Scientific Congress
The plenary sessions will be held in German, French and English with simultaneous interpreting into these three languages (please check the languages of the workshops).
For further information, please contact Transgender Luxembourg:
Warsaw discusses the needs of legal changes in the Polish gender recognition process
On April 21st, the „Gender under control” conference organized by Trans-Fuzja Foundation, with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation took place in Warsaw. The event was organized under official patronage of the Polish Human Rights Defender, prof. Irena Lipowicz.
Transgender woman in Turkey attacked
A transgender woman was beaten up by seven men outside her home in Istanbul last night
A transgender woman was attacked in the street outside her home in Istanbul last night when she took her dog out for a walk.
Michelle Demishevich told Gay Star News that in the early hours of Monday (today, 23 April) she and her dog were attacked by seven men for about five minutes, while neighbours just watched from their homes.
(Photo: Michelle Demishevich, trans LGBT activist and her dog nina who were attacked last night in Istanbul)
‘Build rehab centers for transgender individuals’
Kuwait should set up rehabilitation centers to treat cases of gender identity disorder, helping prevent cross-dressers and transgendered people from being abused, a parliament member suggested.
Third gender resorting to begging, prostitution
The third gender in Rawalpindi are resorting to begging, and prostitution, after being hard pressed by spiralling inflation, as the people are no longer interested in hiring their services as singers and dancers to add colour to their happy occasions like weddings and circumcision ritual of a newly born boy.
Moscow legislature to approve ban on sex propaganda to kids
The speaker of the Moscow City Duma has promised that the Russian capital will have its own law against propaganda relating to any form of sexual relations with those below the age of consent.
Moscow Wants to Make Anti-Sex Law Federal
Transsexual talent finds the freedom to accept herself
The following is the second part of a two-part story of how Japanese transsexual TV personality Ai Haruna, 39, suffered from and overcame gender identity disorder.
After the operation, Haruna continued to work at the "newhalfs" (transsexuals and male transvestites) club. When she turned 20, opportunities to appear on impersonation TV programs suddenly increased. One day, she was scouted by a Tokyo entertainment agency. She then left her hometown in Osaka Prefecture for Tokyo.
Ensure transgender people's rights
Speakers at a view exchange meeting here yesterday stressed the need for ensuring fundamental rights especially the health, social and legal rights of the transgender people for uplifting their living and livelihood condition.
Malay Network lead 7 NGOs in rally against LGBTs
The Malaysian Malay Network Organisation (JMM) led seven Malay non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in a peaceful rally against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals (LGBTs) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Sports Centre Stadium in Serdang near here, today.
3,000 turn up at anti-gay protest
Thousands scream for hate at anti-LGBT rally in Malaysia
'Ambiga not fit to lead Bersih'
THREAT TO SOCIETY: Her involvement with LGBT disqualifies her
Ambiga Sreenevasan is not fit to lead Bersih because of her alleged involvement in activities related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT), said former Pas deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa.
Ambiga not fit to lead, says senior PAS leader
Homophobic academic center director tells LGBT community to "resist politisation of LGBT issue"
The politicisation of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issue should be resisted as it could affect faith of the future generation, said Fiqh Contemporary Studies Centre chairman Nasharudin Mat Isa.
LGBTs observes civil rights march
Complacency would be the word that least describes the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBT) community in Cebu.
Cebu Anti-Discrimination Ordinance pushed
Cebu City may be the first city in the country to have a policy against the discrimination of minority sectors of the society with the proposed Anti-Discrimination Ordinance.
LGBTI aged care on government agenda
The Australian Government will include LGBTI people as a special needs group under the Aged Care Act, and will allocate $2.5m over the next five years for LGBTI training of the aged care workforce, in an announcement greatly welcomed by the likes of ACON and the National LGBTI Health Alliance.
1re exposition internationale de photographies sur les transsexuel(le)s présentée au Québec
Après avoir été présentée en première à Paris en 2011, l’exposition Trans Égéria sera déployée pour la première fois sur le continent nord-américain cet été à travers différentes villes du Québec. Cette exposition, créée par le curateur Frédéric Fontan à la Reflexgallery de Paris et adaptée par l’ATQ et Frederic Fontan au contexte québécois, rend hommage à plusieurs personnalités trans qui ont marqué l’histoire internationale.
Transgender man fights hysterectomy bill
Jessiah MacDonald says surgery should be covered by provincial medical plan
A transgender man in Nova Scotia has filed a human rights complaint after he was handed a $3,400 bill for a hysterectomy that he claims was medically necessary.
Hysterectomy bill subject of transgender complaint
Transgender man fights hysterectomy bill
Transgender N.S. man files human rights complaint over hysterectomy bill
(Photo: Jessiah MacDonald has filed a human rights complaint arguing he shouldn't have to pay for a hysterectomy.)
Com look 'black power', Cher prestigia filho transexual em premiação LGBT
Cher esteve neste sábado, 21, no prêmio Glaad Media Awards para prestigiar o filho, Chaz Bono. O transexual foi homenageado por seu documentário "Becoming Chaz". Glaad a sigla da organização americana Gays and Lesbians Alliance Against Defamation (Aliança de gays e lésbicas contra a difamação)
Chaz Bono, Josh Hutcherson honored at GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles
Cher makes surprise appearance at GLAAD Awards in LA
[Commentary] Transsexual Advocates To Hold Education Rally Outside GLAAD Awards To Counter GLAAD Appropriating Transsexulism
[Commentary] My Response to Love’s “Transsexual” Rally
Cher Surprises Chaz Bono At GLAAD Media Awards
Obama Endorses Gay-Inclusive Anti-Bullying Bills
President Barack Obama on Friday endorsed two gay-inclusive anti-bullying bills: the Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA) and the Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA).
Obama Touts List Of 40 Gay Rights Achievements
Obama releases timeline of ‘three years of progress’ for LGBT Americans
Less than 20 turn out for D.C. ‘worldwide’ LGBT march
Saying they were unwavering in their commitment to LGBT equality, a contingent of 14 LGBT activists and their straight supporters held a rally across the street from the U.S. Capitol early Saturday afternoon as part of a series of Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights marches in the U.S. and abroad.
Gender identity and children who struggle with it
Gender nonconformity is a new term for many of us, but for some families it’s an issue that has gone unrecognized for too long.
Chicago youth break Day of Silence with event downtown
After remaining silent for the entire school day as part of the Day of Silence, an event created by the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) sixteen years ago to draw attention to the silence felt by marginalized, harassed, and isolated queer students, Chicago area youth gathered at the Thompson Center to break the silence together.
Spectrum hosts Louisiana Queer Conference
About 135 LGBT college students and allies came to campus Saturday for Spectrum’s second Louisiana Queer Conference.
Cape advocate educates about transgender isues
When Alejandro Marcel moved to Cape Cod two years ago, he had a lot of experience educating people about how to treat transgender people respectfully. But Marcel was caught off-guard at a physician's office when he was turned away at the front desk.
Revés jurídico al segundo asesino de Agnes Torres
El Juzgado Séptimo de Distrito propinó un severo revés a Marco Antonio Berra Spezzia, uno de los cuatro presuntos homicidas de la activista, Agnes Torres, al negarle la suspensión definitiva que pidió dentro de su amparo 522 / 2012, contra las acciones emprendidas por parte de la Procuraduría General de Justicia de Puebla.
Asesino de Agnes Torres pierde amparo
Informe de ILGA incluirá reflexión por asesinatos de Agnes y Zamudio
Por primera vez la Asociación Internacional de Lesbianas y Gays presentará el próximo 17 de mayo su reporte anual sobre homofobia de forma simultánea en distintos países, incluido México.
Miss Gay Nicaragua
La comunidad gay de Matagalpa y Jinotega participará el próximo sábado 28 de abril en el evento de Miss Gay Nicaragua, que se efectuará en la Sala Mayor del Teatro Nacional Rubén Darío.
Protestan en Nicaragua por exclusión de diversidad sexual en Código Familia
Decenas de personas, en su mayoría homosexuales, protestaron hoy a las afueras del parlamento nicaragüense contra el nuevo Código de Familia, cuyo primer capitulo fue aprobado este jueves y que, según los manifestantes, lesiona sus derechos y no reivindica la diversidad sexual ante la ley.
Activistas LGBTI protestan frente al Parlamento nicaragüense por nuevo Código de la Familia
Asesinan transgenerista en Maicao
El asesinato a bala del transgenerista Jairo Antonio Villa Márquez en Maicao, prendió las alarmas entre los miembros de de la comunidad LGTBI en el municipio fronterizo.
Las transgeneristas de Medellín piden igualdad en derechos laborales
Presunta discriminación en selecciones de personal contra esta población quedó en evidencia.
Michelle Valencia, la primera presentadora transgenerista en la historia de la televisión
Es complejo saber donde está él, dónde ella: en la niña soberbia y rutilante de cosmética que enfrenta el verdugo silente de una potente cámara. O en el hombrecito que a fuerza de despedirse a gritos del tren equivocado se ha quedado terco en algunas de sus cuerdas vocales, cuando desperdiga como piedras rodantes sus palabras.
Diversidad sexual e identidad, temas que despertaron interés
Ante medio centenar de personas, Lohana Berkins desarrolló por unas dos horas una interesante charla sobre diversidad sexual e identidad de género. Varias veces interrumpida por aplausos, la travesti reconocida en el país por su lucha por los derechos de las minorías sexuales encantó a los presentes.
Governo do RS inaugura celas para travestis em presídio
Celas exclusivas para travestis são inauguradas em presídio no Rio Grande do Sul
Salvador recebe em maio simpósio sobre transexuais
Simpósio Nacional de Política para Transexuais será realizado em maio em Salvador
Governo do RS inaugura celas para travestis em presídio
Celas exclusivas para travestis são inauguradas em presídio no Rio Grande do Sul
Aluno do curso de drag queen mostrado pelo Fantástico é demitido
Professor de logística foi desligado da empresa no dia seguinte após a exibição da reportagem do Fantástico, da TV Globo.
Professora teria chamado aluna travesti de 'desprezível' no Paraná
A escola estadual Ivanete Martins, de Piraquara (PR), informou nesta quinta-feira que investiga uma suposta ofensa homófobica de uma professora de geografia contra uma estudante travesti. Rafaelly disse que foi ameaçada pela educadora, que teria dito que ela era inútil, desprezível e que deveria se envergonhar.

Valesca Popozuda ganha apertada de uma travesti em camarim
Valesca Popozuda recebeu, após o apresentação que fez no domingo, 22, no Rio de Janeiro, a visita de uma travesti no camarim da boate. Para checar as medidas da dançarina de funk, a fã apertou seu bumbum e seus seios. "Respeito o público GLS e tenho muitos fãs que me recebem com o maior carinho por onde passo", disse Valesca.
Transexual Titica, sensação do kuduro em Angola, é uma das atrações do Viradão Carioca
Oi, oi, oi, Titica, a rainha do kuduro em Angola, brevemente estará entre nós! A transexual, de 24 anos, rebolativa como uma popozuda, se apresentará dia 5 de maio, em Bangu, no Viradão Carioca, promovido pela TV Globo Rio.
Job threat for doctors who refuse sex swaps
Doctors who refuse to carry out sex swap operations will be struck off under new rules by regulatory chiefs.
Doctors 'forced to carry out sex-change ops' under rules meant to 'marginalise Christian medics'
18th-century Painting Appears to Portray Trans Person
The "Chevalier D'Eon," a 18th-century painting of a cross-dressing man, who may have identified as female at one point, recently sold to a British gallery.
Channel 4's 'My Transsexual Summer' cleared by Ofcom
Channel 4's My Transsexual Summer has been cleared by Ofcom after a man shown on the factual series complained that his privacy had been infringed and he had been made to look like he was "disgusted" with transgender people.
Danielle Chénier - CHanger le regard que l’on porte sur les trans
Un vendredi après-midi dans le nouveau quartier près du métro Rosemont, un petit café qui vient d’ouvrir. Danielle arrive à l’heure. Et si elle est prête à parler d’elle, nous commençons à parler de la journée trans du mois de mai et de ce qui se passera.
Presidential elections highlight trans voters’ rights gap
As the dust settles on the first round of the French Presidential election this morning, a sharp warning from France’s National Transgender Association (ANT), that discrimination by the French state means that trans citizens can no longer count on access to that most basic of Human Rights – the right to vote!
International Scientific Congress: Gender Normativity and its Effects on Childhood and Adolescence
24 - 29 septembre 2012 à Luxembourg - September 24th – 29th 2012 in Luxemburg
Congrès scientifique international - International Scientific Congress
The plenary sessions will be held in German, French and English with simultaneous interpreting into these three languages (please check the languages of the workshops).
For further information, please contact Transgender Luxembourg:
Warsaw discusses the needs of legal changes in the Polish gender recognition process
On April 21st, the „Gender under control” conference organized by Trans-Fuzja Foundation, with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation took place in Warsaw. The event was organized under official patronage of the Polish Human Rights Defender, prof. Irena Lipowicz.

Transgender woman in Turkey attacked
A transgender woman was beaten up by seven men outside her home in Istanbul last night
A transgender woman was attacked in the street outside her home in Istanbul last night when she took her dog out for a walk.
Michelle Demishevich told Gay Star News that in the early hours of Monday (today, 23 April) she and her dog were attacked by seven men for about five minutes, while neighbours just watched from their homes.
(Photo: Michelle Demishevich, trans LGBT activist and her dog nina who were attacked last night in Istanbul)
‘Build rehab centers for transgender individuals’
Kuwait should set up rehabilitation centers to treat cases of gender identity disorder, helping prevent cross-dressers and transgendered people from being abused, a parliament member suggested.
Third gender resorting to begging, prostitution
The third gender in Rawalpindi are resorting to begging, and prostitution, after being hard pressed by spiralling inflation, as the people are no longer interested in hiring their services as singers and dancers to add colour to their happy occasions like weddings and circumcision ritual of a newly born boy.
Moscow legislature to approve ban on sex propaganda to kids
The speaker of the Moscow City Duma has promised that the Russian capital will have its own law against propaganda relating to any form of sexual relations with those below the age of consent.
Moscow Wants to Make Anti-Sex Law Federal

Transsexual talent finds the freedom to accept herself
The following is the second part of a two-part story of how Japanese transsexual TV personality Ai Haruna, 39, suffered from and overcame gender identity disorder.
After the operation, Haruna continued to work at the "newhalfs" (transsexuals and male transvestites) club. When she turned 20, opportunities to appear on impersonation TV programs suddenly increased. One day, she was scouted by a Tokyo entertainment agency. She then left her hometown in Osaka Prefecture for Tokyo.
Ensure transgender people's rights
Speakers at a view exchange meeting here yesterday stressed the need for ensuring fundamental rights especially the health, social and legal rights of the transgender people for uplifting their living and livelihood condition.
Malay Network lead 7 NGOs in rally against LGBTs
The Malaysian Malay Network Organisation (JMM) led seven Malay non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in a peaceful rally against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals (LGBTs) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Sports Centre Stadium in Serdang near here, today.
3,000 turn up at anti-gay protest
Thousands scream for hate at anti-LGBT rally in Malaysia
'Ambiga not fit to lead Bersih'
THREAT TO SOCIETY: Her involvement with LGBT disqualifies her
Ambiga Sreenevasan is not fit to lead Bersih because of her alleged involvement in activities related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT), said former Pas deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa.
Ambiga not fit to lead, says senior PAS leader
Homophobic academic center director tells LGBT community to "resist politisation of LGBT issue"
The politicisation of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issue should be resisted as it could affect faith of the future generation, said Fiqh Contemporary Studies Centre chairman Nasharudin Mat Isa.
LGBTs observes civil rights march
Complacency would be the word that least describes the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBT) community in Cebu.
Cebu Anti-Discrimination Ordinance pushed
Cebu City may be the first city in the country to have a policy against the discrimination of minority sectors of the society with the proposed Anti-Discrimination Ordinance.
LGBTI aged care on government agenda
The Australian Government will include LGBTI people as a special needs group under the Aged Care Act, and will allocate $2.5m over the next five years for LGBTI training of the aged care workforce, in an announcement greatly welcomed by the likes of ACON and the National LGBTI Health Alliance.
1re exposition internationale de photographies sur les transsexuel(le)s présentée au Québec
Après avoir été présentée en première à Paris en 2011, l’exposition Trans Égéria sera déployée pour la première fois sur le continent nord-américain cet été à travers différentes villes du Québec. Cette exposition, créée par le curateur Frédéric Fontan à la Reflexgallery de Paris et adaptée par l’ATQ et Frederic Fontan au contexte québécois, rend hommage à plusieurs personnalités trans qui ont marqué l’histoire internationale.

Transgender man fights hysterectomy bill
Jessiah MacDonald says surgery should be covered by provincial medical plan
A transgender man in Nova Scotia has filed a human rights complaint after he was handed a $3,400 bill for a hysterectomy that he claims was medically necessary.
Hysterectomy bill subject of transgender complaint
Transgender man fights hysterectomy bill
Transgender N.S. man files human rights complaint over hysterectomy bill
(Photo: Jessiah MacDonald has filed a human rights complaint arguing he shouldn't have to pay for a hysterectomy.)

Com look 'black power', Cher prestigia filho transexual em premiação LGBT
Cher esteve neste sábado, 21, no prêmio Glaad Media Awards para prestigiar o filho, Chaz Bono. O transexual foi homenageado por seu documentário "Becoming Chaz". Glaad a sigla da organização americana Gays and Lesbians Alliance Against Defamation (Aliança de gays e lésbicas contra a difamação)
Chaz Bono, Josh Hutcherson honored at GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles
Cher makes surprise appearance at GLAAD Awards in LA
[Commentary] Transsexual Advocates To Hold Education Rally Outside GLAAD Awards To Counter GLAAD Appropriating Transsexulism
[Commentary] My Response to Love’s “Transsexual” Rally
Cher Surprises Chaz Bono At GLAAD Media Awards
Obama Endorses Gay-Inclusive Anti-Bullying Bills
President Barack Obama on Friday endorsed two gay-inclusive anti-bullying bills: the Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA) and the Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA).
Obama Touts List Of 40 Gay Rights Achievements
Obama releases timeline of ‘three years of progress’ for LGBT Americans

Less than 20 turn out for D.C. ‘worldwide’ LGBT march
Saying they were unwavering in their commitment to LGBT equality, a contingent of 14 LGBT activists and their straight supporters held a rally across the street from the U.S. Capitol early Saturday afternoon as part of a series of Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights marches in the U.S. and abroad.
Gender identity and children who struggle with it
Gender nonconformity is a new term for many of us, but for some families it’s an issue that has gone unrecognized for too long.
Chicago youth break Day of Silence with event downtown
After remaining silent for the entire school day as part of the Day of Silence, an event created by the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) sixteen years ago to draw attention to the silence felt by marginalized, harassed, and isolated queer students, Chicago area youth gathered at the Thompson Center to break the silence together.
Spectrum hosts Louisiana Queer Conference
About 135 LGBT college students and allies came to campus Saturday for Spectrum’s second Louisiana Queer Conference.
Cape advocate educates about transgender isues
When Alejandro Marcel moved to Cape Cod two years ago, he had a lot of experience educating people about how to treat transgender people respectfully. But Marcel was caught off-guard at a physician's office when he was turned away at the front desk.
Revés jurídico al segundo asesino de Agnes Torres
El Juzgado Séptimo de Distrito propinó un severo revés a Marco Antonio Berra Spezzia, uno de los cuatro presuntos homicidas de la activista, Agnes Torres, al negarle la suspensión definitiva que pidió dentro de su amparo 522 / 2012, contra las acciones emprendidas por parte de la Procuraduría General de Justicia de Puebla.
Asesino de Agnes Torres pierde amparo
Informe de ILGA incluirá reflexión por asesinatos de Agnes y Zamudio
Por primera vez la Asociación Internacional de Lesbianas y Gays presentará el próximo 17 de mayo su reporte anual sobre homofobia de forma simultánea en distintos países, incluido México.
Miss Gay Nicaragua
La comunidad gay de Matagalpa y Jinotega participará el próximo sábado 28 de abril en el evento de Miss Gay Nicaragua, que se efectuará en la Sala Mayor del Teatro Nacional Rubén Darío.
Protestan en Nicaragua por exclusión de diversidad sexual en Código Familia
Decenas de personas, en su mayoría homosexuales, protestaron hoy a las afueras del parlamento nicaragüense contra el nuevo Código de Familia, cuyo primer capitulo fue aprobado este jueves y que, según los manifestantes, lesiona sus derechos y no reivindica la diversidad sexual ante la ley.
Activistas LGBTI protestan frente al Parlamento nicaragüense por nuevo Código de la Familia

Asesinan transgenerista en Maicao
El asesinato a bala del transgenerista Jairo Antonio Villa Márquez en Maicao, prendió las alarmas entre los miembros de de la comunidad LGTBI en el municipio fronterizo.
Las transgeneristas de Medellín piden igualdad en derechos laborales
Presunta discriminación en selecciones de personal contra esta población quedó en evidencia.

Michelle Valencia, la primera presentadora transgenerista en la historia de la televisión
Es complejo saber donde está él, dónde ella: en la niña soberbia y rutilante de cosmética que enfrenta el verdugo silente de una potente cámara. O en el hombrecito que a fuerza de despedirse a gritos del tren equivocado se ha quedado terco en algunas de sus cuerdas vocales, cuando desperdiga como piedras rodantes sus palabras.
Diversidad sexual e identidad, temas que despertaron interés
Ante medio centenar de personas, Lohana Berkins desarrolló por unas dos horas una interesante charla sobre diversidad sexual e identidad de género. Varias veces interrumpida por aplausos, la travesti reconocida en el país por su lucha por los derechos de las minorías sexuales encantó a los presentes.
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