A transformação de Lea T
A top transexual brasileira radicalizou ao fazer corte curtinho repicado e postou fotos do novo look no Instagram.
Lea T, Transgender Model, Joins Benetton Fashion Campaign
Transexual consegue na Justiça cirurgia para readequação sexual pelo SUS
Decisão foi concedida por juíza da Comarca de Juara (MT).
Transexual alegou que desde a infância tinha comportamento feminino.
Trans activists to protest 'hate speech' article outside Telegraph offices
Protest Transphobia, a trans-rights groups, to stage a demonstration against the newspaper's decision to re-publish an article 'abusive' to trans community
Transsexuels : vers une reconnaissance de l'identité de genre ?
Le Point.fr - Publié le 02/02/2013 à 18:53 - Modifié le 03/02/2013 à 15:28
Le changement d'état civil des transsexuels repose sur la preuve anatomique du changement de sexe. Un sénateur propose de supprimer cette condition.
First transgender person granted asylum in Denmark
In the autumn of last year transgender woman Fernanda Milán from Guatemala was refused asylum. But after protests from an asylum Initiative; the T-Refugee Project, and a number of individual campaigners, her case was reexamined by the Refugee Board. She was granted indefinite leave to remain in Denmark as an official refugee on the 26 November 2012, recognised under the UN Refugee Convention.
The T-Refugee Project is delighted that Fernanda Milán has now been granted asylum, but is angry that she was forced to go through lengthy and gruelling proceedings. Fernanda Milán was granted asylum on 26 November 2012, but did not want to publicise the news until now.
Stine Larsen, of the T-Refugee Project says:
“We are very relieved that our struggle, together with Fernanda, ended in her being granted asylum. But it has been a soul-destroying asylum process with an initial refusal which was then reversed just three days before her scheduled departure on 17 September 2012. Fernanda has needed time and space to recover from this ordeal. That's why we are only publicising the good news now.”
Fernanda Milán added:
“I am very grateful to all the people who have helped me to fight, because in the end I could not have done it on my own.”
Even before Fernanda was granted asylum, there were signs that the campaign by asylum activists was going to succeed. Following a request from campaigner Søren Laursen, the Refugee Board sent a letter stating that the Board will from now on consider persecution on the grounds of gender identity and sexuality relevant factors in any asylum case.
Søren Laursen believes that this case casts doubt on earlier refusals of asylum to trans people:
“Looking at the big picture, I am very pleased that there was so much focus on this case. As transgender asylum seekers are a highly overlooked group. There have only been a few trans cases before the Refugee Board the last twenty years, and they were all rejected. From what we know of them, I think there is reason to question those decisions. It is therefore very satisfying that there is now a case that has received a thorough examination and which has been successful.”
Fernanda at the forefront of the struggle
With the success of Fernanda Milán's asylum case, it has been determined that new policies in this area can permanently benefit transgender and LGB asylum seekers.
Stine Larsen says:
“Fernanda has been fighting from the front. She has been fighting for her own survival, but she has also fought for transgender asylum seekers who will come after her. We hope Fernanda's case means it will be easier for future transgender asylum seekers.”
Fernanda was granted asylum according to the UN convention on refugees, because the decision in this case emphasised that she was individually and specifically persecuted on the basis of her gender identity.
Fernanda Milán's own case afforded us a grim insight into Danish asylum policies. And she knows that asylum seekers can not necessarily count on fair treatment.
“UNHCR Refugee Convention status for other refugees is not necessarily guaranteed in the future, because I have been granted asylum. The Refugee Board's new policy was a step in the right direction, but I think it is important that activists hold them to it in future asylum cases,” says Fernanda Milán.
A victory for Danish activism
As well as being a victory for Fernanda Milán's case and for transgender refugees, the positive outcome is also a victory for activism in Denmark.
Stine Larsen says:
“I do not think the Refugee Board would have granted Fernanda asylum if neither Søren Laursen, eminent researchers and other groups and individuals hadn't argued for asylum for transgender, gay, lesbian and bisexual people who risk persecution in their countries of origin. I think the change in the Board's decision in Fernanda's case was due to the hard work of many different activists having put into the campaign.”
An international victory
The Refugee Board's policy change is also a victory for cooperation between activists across national borders. And it is a victory for international human rights bodies and groups like ILGA Europe and the UNHCR.
The T-Refugee Project believes that the other European countries that are lagging behind UN recommendations on asylum for gender and sexual minorities, ie. The UK and Ireland, should follow Denmark and change course, and extend their asylum criteria to include gender identity and sexual orientation.
“Now we hope that Fernanda Milán’s case in Denmark will mean that the UK and Ireland also realise that persecution on the grounds of gender identity and sexuality are valid grounds for seeking asylum. We will keep closely watching what happens in the two countries in the future,” said Stine Larsen.
Natacha Kennedy, a campaigner for trans rights in the UK said: “Fernanda's case shows clearly that activism works. Trans activists in the UK are particularly pleased with this result. Many trans people and trans allies supported Fernanda with action in the UK. Now the UK government needs to clarify its position on trans refugees.”
Fernanda's future
Life is difficult for asylum seekers in Denmark. And transgender asylum seekers are some of the most marginalised. Fernanda Milán once said that encountering Denmark was the worst 'blind date' ever. Now she has been granted asylum and is going to live her life in Denmark.
”I have been a transgender person all my life. And I have been fighting against prejudice as long as I remember. I had to flee from Guatemala because I was fighting for human rights. Now I have the chance to live my life as a woman and an activist. Now I want to keep on the fight for a better world, where everybody can educate, work, create families and live a dignifying life regardless of their gender identity,” finish Fernanda Milán.
University of Madras presents Vetri Award to dancer Narthaki Nataraj
University of Madras presented its Vetri Award, for performers from marginalised communities in society, to Kalaimamani Narthaki Nataraj, a transgender and renowned Bharatanatyam dancer, on Monday.
Study reveals discrimination against LGBT people in Burma
Police use law that criminalizes gay sex to abuse and blackmail LGBT people
IKEA Transgender Ad Criticized
Transgender rights groups in Thailand are protesting the characterization of a transgender woman in an IKEA ad.
Vietnamese intersex woman 'deeply shocked' at decision to revoke gender recognition
Pham Le Quynh Tram says she will appeal authorities' decision to revoke legal recognition of her female gender
[South Korea]
Special feature: Transgender students suffer discrimination in silence
Lack of education and consultation means that the internet is the only place where sexual minorities can interact comfortably
[French Polynesia]
Call to end discrimination of Tahiti transvestites
The French debate about the same sex marriage law has led to renewed calls for an end to discriminiation of French Polynesia’s transvestites, or raerae.
Transgender group’s visit to coffee shop revealing
After a recent meeting of a newly formed support group for transgender people, some members decided to go for a coffee at a local shop.
“It was no big deal — the group just thought they might go for a coffee together after the meeting,” said Madonna Doucet, co-ordinator for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) education in Cape Breton.
‘We’re Done Hiding’: A First Lingerie Line For Transgender Women
If the images above seem completely ordinary to you, then Chrysalis Lingerie has done its job.
The first collection from this new NYC label represents something of a breakthrough in alternative fashions: the perfectly-named Chrysalis is the first lingerie line designed for, and by, transgender women.
For the estimated 30,000 American adults who identify as transgender, this is no small milestone.
Press Release: Transsexual and transgender women denied access to shelters as temperatures drop in Montréal
As temperatures drop to extreme lows, transsexual and transgender women in Montréal continue to be turned away from many homeless women’s shelters. Over the past week of bitter cold, ASTT(e)Q, a local trans health project of CACTUS Montréal, has witnessed several of our members be denied shelter on the grounds of being trans. While such refusals are frequently justified by administrative regulations, members of ASTT(e)Q believe that these exclusive practices are rooted in discriminatory attitudes towards trans people.
Days after his historic inaugural speech, Obama addresses national conference for LGBT equality
'Change has always come from ordinary Americans who sit in or stand up or marched to demand it'
Senators Reintroduce Legislation to Address Discrimination in Jury Service
Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) have reintroduced bipartisan legislation to prohibit discrimination against LGBT people in a fundamental part of American citizenship – serving on juries in federal court.
Our Shameful War On Prostitution
In Louisiana some women arrested for prostitution have been charged under a 200-year-old statute prohibiting “crimes against nature.” Those charged—disproportionately black women and transgender women—end up on the state sex-offender registry.
The War on Sex Workers
Family to memorialize slain trans woman
The stepfather and sister of a transgender woman stabbed to death at a Northeast D.C. bus stop last February are inviting members of the LGBT community to participate in a memorial remembrance for Deoni Jones on Saturday, Feb. 2, to commemorate the anniversary of her death.
Pinellas shelters fine-tune their policies to better serve transgendered people
Mingling with other homeless women in the female pod at Pinellas Safe Harbor, Tracy Abel was settling in for the night when trouble began.
Police ask public's help in solving French Quarter robbery and beating
Excerpt: The first suspect -- featured in the above surveillance footage -- was described as a transgendered male with brown skin who's slightly under 6 feet and in his mid-20s to early 30s.
BREAKING: Non-discrimination bill passes in Va. Senate
The Virginia Senate on Friday approved a bill that would ban anti-LGBT discrimination against state employees.
The 24-16 vote came four days after the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee narrowly approved Senate Bill 701.
Virginia Senate approves LGBT protections bill for state employees
Will Virginia Lawmakers Stop Discrimination Against LGBT Employees?
Names in change: Students struggle to switch gender pronouns
Western sophomore Logan Brouelette had a panic attack while at home Jan. 13. Stuck in a “catatonic state,” Brouelette was paralyzed with the fear he could never fix his body to reflect who he is.
Five suspects now charged with killing missing transgender rapper
Five suspect now face murder charges in the disappearance case of Ebony (Evon) Young.
Search resumes for body of murdered transgender rapper
Realizarán la primera marcha gay en Puerto Escondido
Con la participación de más de 100 integrantes, la comunidad Lésbico- Gay de la costa Oaxaqueña realizará la Primer Marcha por el Marcha del Orgullo Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual y Transgénero de la Costa de Oaxaca, en donde dentro de sus principales demandas estará el alto a la homofobia a la que son sometidos por la sociedad.
[Costa Rica]
Las Amazonas se tiran al ruedo
Por lo general cuando las familias o los amigos asisten a las corridas de toros están acostumbrados a ver hombres de pelo en pecho con jeans y camiseta, pero hoy, cuando vean las corridas de las 9 p.m., se llevarán una sorpresa porque las amazonas se tirarán al ruedo.
Ven discriminación y transfobia en disposiciones del Sistema Penitenciario
Una circular emitida por la Subdirección Operativa del SP, el 3 de octubre anterior, ordenó a los directores y subdirectores de centros carcelarios que “por antecedentes relacionados a fuga, los privados de libertad homosexuales y lesbianas debían vestir de acuerdo a su género natural”,
Janet, la única transexual de la administración pública
Se llama Janet Becerra y es la única transexual que trabaja en la Administración Pública provincial como empleada de planta permanente. Cumple con su labor en el cementerio municipal. Dice que nunca la discriminaron, que es una más del grupo. Incluso sus compañeros de trabajo la fueron a ver a Rapsodia.
A transformação de Lea T
A top transexual brasileira radicalizou ao fazer corte curtinho repicado e postou fotos do novo look no Instagram.
Lea T, Transgender Model, Joins Benetton Fashion Campaign
Transexual consegue na Justiça cirurgia para readequação sexual pelo SUS
Decisão foi concedida por juíza da Comarca de Juara (MT).
Transexual alegou que desde a infância tinha comportamento feminino.
Trans activists to protest 'hate speech' article outside Telegraph offices
Protest Transphobia, a trans-rights groups, to stage a demonstration against the newspaper's decision to re-publish an article 'abusive' to trans community
Transsexuels : vers une reconnaissance de l'identité de genre ?
Le Point.fr - Publié le 02/02/2013 à 18:53 - Modifié le 03/02/2013 à 15:28
Le changement d'état civil des transsexuels repose sur la preuve anatomique du changement de sexe. Un sénateur propose de supprimer cette condition.
First transgender person granted asylum in Denmark
In the autumn of last year transgender woman Fernanda Milán from Guatemala was refused asylum. But after protests from an asylum Initiative; the T-Refugee Project, and a number of individual campaigners, her case was reexamined by the Refugee Board. She was granted indefinite leave to remain in Denmark as an official refugee on the 26 November 2012, recognised under the UN Refugee Convention.
The T-Refugee Project is delighted that Fernanda Milán has now been granted asylum, but is angry that she was forced to go through lengthy and gruelling proceedings. Fernanda Milán was granted asylum on 26 November 2012, but did not want to publicise the news until now.
Stine Larsen, of the T-Refugee Project says:
“We are very relieved that our struggle, together with Fernanda, ended in her being granted asylum. But it has been a soul-destroying asylum process with an initial refusal which was then reversed just three days before her scheduled departure on 17 September 2012. Fernanda has needed time and space to recover from this ordeal. That's why we are only publicising the good news now.”
Fernanda Milán added:
“I am very grateful to all the people who have helped me to fight, because in the end I could not have done it on my own.”
Even before Fernanda was granted asylum, there were signs that the campaign by asylum activists was going to succeed. Following a request from campaigner Søren Laursen, the Refugee Board sent a letter stating that the Board will from now on consider persecution on the grounds of gender identity and sexuality relevant factors in any asylum case.
Søren Laursen believes that this case casts doubt on earlier refusals of asylum to trans people:
“Looking at the big picture, I am very pleased that there was so much focus on this case. As transgender asylum seekers are a highly overlooked group. There have only been a few trans cases before the Refugee Board the last twenty years, and they were all rejected. From what we know of them, I think there is reason to question those decisions. It is therefore very satisfying that there is now a case that has received a thorough examination and which has been successful.”
Fernanda at the forefront of the struggle
With the success of Fernanda Milán's asylum case, it has been determined that new policies in this area can permanently benefit transgender and LGB asylum seekers.
Stine Larsen says:
“Fernanda has been fighting from the front. She has been fighting for her own survival, but she has also fought for transgender asylum seekers who will come after her. We hope Fernanda's case means it will be easier for future transgender asylum seekers.”
Fernanda was granted asylum according to the UN convention on refugees, because the decision in this case emphasised that she was individually and specifically persecuted on the basis of her gender identity.
Fernanda Milán's own case afforded us a grim insight into Danish asylum policies. And she knows that asylum seekers can not necessarily count on fair treatment.
“UNHCR Refugee Convention status for other refugees is not necessarily guaranteed in the future, because I have been granted asylum. The Refugee Board's new policy was a step in the right direction, but I think it is important that activists hold them to it in future asylum cases,” says Fernanda Milán.
A victory for Danish activism
As well as being a victory for Fernanda Milán's case and for transgender refugees, the positive outcome is also a victory for activism in Denmark.
Stine Larsen says:
“I do not think the Refugee Board would have granted Fernanda asylum if neither Søren Laursen, eminent researchers and other groups and individuals hadn't argued for asylum for transgender, gay, lesbian and bisexual people who risk persecution in their countries of origin. I think the change in the Board's decision in Fernanda's case was due to the hard work of many different activists having put into the campaign.”
An international victory
The Refugee Board's policy change is also a victory for cooperation between activists across national borders. And it is a victory for international human rights bodies and groups like ILGA Europe and the UNHCR.
The T-Refugee Project believes that the other European countries that are lagging behind UN recommendations on asylum for gender and sexual minorities, ie. The UK and Ireland, should follow Denmark and change course, and extend their asylum criteria to include gender identity and sexual orientation.
“Now we hope that Fernanda Milán’s case in Denmark will mean that the UK and Ireland also realise that persecution on the grounds of gender identity and sexuality are valid grounds for seeking asylum. We will keep closely watching what happens in the two countries in the future,” said Stine Larsen.
Natacha Kennedy, a campaigner for trans rights in the UK said: “Fernanda's case shows clearly that activism works. Trans activists in the UK are particularly pleased with this result. Many trans people and trans allies supported Fernanda with action in the UK. Now the UK government needs to clarify its position on trans refugees.”
Fernanda's future
Life is difficult for asylum seekers in Denmark. And transgender asylum seekers are some of the most marginalised. Fernanda Milán once said that encountering Denmark was the worst 'blind date' ever. Now she has been granted asylum and is going to live her life in Denmark.
”I have been a transgender person all my life. And I have been fighting against prejudice as long as I remember. I had to flee from Guatemala because I was fighting for human rights. Now I have the chance to live my life as a woman and an activist. Now I want to keep on the fight for a better world, where everybody can educate, work, create families and live a dignifying life regardless of their gender identity,” finish Fernanda Milán.
University of Madras presents Vetri Award to dancer Narthaki Nataraj
University of Madras presented its Vetri Award, for performers from marginalised communities in society, to Kalaimamani Narthaki Nataraj, a transgender and renowned Bharatanatyam dancer, on Monday.
Study reveals discrimination against LGBT people in Burma
Police use law that criminalizes gay sex to abuse and blackmail LGBT people
IKEA Transgender Ad Criticized
Transgender rights groups in Thailand are protesting the characterization of a transgender woman in an IKEA ad.
Vietnamese intersex woman 'deeply shocked' at decision to revoke gender recognition
Pham Le Quynh Tram says she will appeal authorities' decision to revoke legal recognition of her female gender
[South Korea]
Special feature: Transgender students suffer discrimination in silence
Lack of education and consultation means that the internet is the only place where sexual minorities can interact comfortably
[French Polynesia]
Call to end discrimination of Tahiti transvestites
The French debate about the same sex marriage law has led to renewed calls for an end to discriminiation of French Polynesia’s transvestites, or raerae.
Transgender group’s visit to coffee shop revealing
After a recent meeting of a newly formed support group for transgender people, some members decided to go for a coffee at a local shop.
“It was no big deal — the group just thought they might go for a coffee together after the meeting,” said Madonna Doucet, co-ordinator for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) education in Cape Breton.
‘We’re Done Hiding’: A First Lingerie Line For Transgender Women
If the images above seem completely ordinary to you, then Chrysalis Lingerie has done its job.
The first collection from this new NYC label represents something of a breakthrough in alternative fashions: the perfectly-named Chrysalis is the first lingerie line designed for, and by, transgender women.
For the estimated 30,000 American adults who identify as transgender, this is no small milestone.
Press Release: Transsexual and transgender women denied access to shelters as temperatures drop in Montréal
As temperatures drop to extreme lows, transsexual and transgender women in Montréal continue to be turned away from many homeless women’s shelters. Over the past week of bitter cold, ASTT(e)Q, a local trans health project of CACTUS Montréal, has witnessed several of our members be denied shelter on the grounds of being trans. While such refusals are frequently justified by administrative regulations, members of ASTT(e)Q believe that these exclusive practices are rooted in discriminatory attitudes towards trans people.
Days after his historic inaugural speech, Obama addresses national conference for LGBT equality
'Change has always come from ordinary Americans who sit in or stand up or marched to demand it'
Senators Reintroduce Legislation to Address Discrimination in Jury Service
Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) have reintroduced bipartisan legislation to prohibit discrimination against LGBT people in a fundamental part of American citizenship – serving on juries in federal court.
Our Shameful War On Prostitution
In Louisiana some women arrested for prostitution have been charged under a 200-year-old statute prohibiting “crimes against nature.” Those charged—disproportionately black women and transgender women—end up on the state sex-offender registry.
The War on Sex Workers
Family to memorialize slain trans woman
The stepfather and sister of a transgender woman stabbed to death at a Northeast D.C. bus stop last February are inviting members of the LGBT community to participate in a memorial remembrance for Deoni Jones on Saturday, Feb. 2, to commemorate the anniversary of her death.
Pinellas shelters fine-tune their policies to better serve transgendered people
Mingling with other homeless women in the female pod at Pinellas Safe Harbor, Tracy Abel was settling in for the night when trouble began.
Police ask public's help in solving French Quarter robbery and beating
Excerpt: The first suspect -- featured in the above surveillance footage -- was described as a transgendered male with brown skin who's slightly under 6 feet and in his mid-20s to early 30s.
BREAKING: Non-discrimination bill passes in Va. Senate
The Virginia Senate on Friday approved a bill that would ban anti-LGBT discrimination against state employees.
The 24-16 vote came four days after the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee narrowly approved Senate Bill 701.
Virginia Senate approves LGBT protections bill for state employees
Will Virginia Lawmakers Stop Discrimination Against LGBT Employees?
Names in change: Students struggle to switch gender pronouns
Western sophomore Logan Brouelette had a panic attack while at home Jan. 13. Stuck in a “catatonic state,” Brouelette was paralyzed with the fear he could never fix his body to reflect who he is.
Five suspects now charged with killing missing transgender rapper
Five suspect now face murder charges in the disappearance case of Ebony (Evon) Young.
Search resumes for body of murdered transgender rapper
Realizarán la primera marcha gay en Puerto Escondido
Con la participación de más de 100 integrantes, la comunidad Lésbico- Gay de la costa Oaxaqueña realizará la Primer Marcha por el Marcha del Orgullo Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual y Transgénero de la Costa de Oaxaca, en donde dentro de sus principales demandas estará el alto a la homofobia a la que son sometidos por la sociedad.
[Costa Rica]
Las Amazonas se tiran al ruedo
Por lo general cuando las familias o los amigos asisten a las corridas de toros están acostumbrados a ver hombres de pelo en pecho con jeans y camiseta, pero hoy, cuando vean las corridas de las 9 p.m., se llevarán una sorpresa porque las amazonas se tirarán al ruedo.
Ven discriminación y transfobia en disposiciones del Sistema Penitenciario
Una circular emitida por la Subdirección Operativa del SP, el 3 de octubre anterior, ordenó a los directores y subdirectores de centros carcelarios que “por antecedentes relacionados a fuga, los privados de libertad homosexuales y lesbianas debían vestir de acuerdo a su género natural”,

Janet, la única transexual de la administración pública
Se llama Janet Becerra y es la única transexual que trabaja en la Administración Pública provincial como empleada de planta permanente. Cumple con su labor en el cementerio municipal. Dice que nunca la discriminaron, que es una más del grupo. Incluso sus compañeros de trabajo la fueron a ver a Rapsodia.
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