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domingo, novembro 17, 2013

238 Trans People Murdered Worldwide In The Past Year
The Transgender Murder Monitoring Project reveals the greatest number of killings took place in countries with some of the most progressive LGBTI rights laws.

The things they never tell you about being trans
1. You don’t owe strangers an explanation.

Kenyan gay rights group denied registration, goes to court
Kenya’s National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) has gone to court after being refused registration seven times on the grounds that homosexuality is a crime in Kenya and that the group’s name is “unacceptable.”

Tamil Nadu: Congress MLA bats for quota for transgenders
A Congress MLA made an appeal in the Tamil Nadu Assembly for providing a 'small reservation' for transgenders in education and jobs in the state.

Myanmar joins transgender pageants
Twenty-five contestants from 17 countries, including Myanmar, are to compete in Pattaya for the crown of Miss International Queen on Friday, the ninth such pageant since 2004, organisers said.

Bid to grant transgender marriage rights defeated in Legco
Legco motion also called for gender recognition law to deal with sex reassignment legal issues

Reigning Miss Universe Says Trans Women Should Have Beauty Pageants of Their Own
The recently crowned winner of the Miss Universe Pageant says trans woman should not be allowed to compete for the title because the contest is 'made for women.'

11 Transgender Stars Weigh In on Trans Images in Entertainment (Exclusive)
In honor of Transgender Awareness Week, GLAAD and TheWrap partner to bring you these takes on representations in TV and Film

Lou Reed's inspiration was a transsexual. Don't let pop historians write her out of the story
One of the best websites you'll ever visit is Dangerous Minds, run by Richard Metzger – a man with an encyclopedic knowledge of trash culture. Unsurprisingly, he's blogged on Lou Reed. And, unsurprisingly, he's come up with something that few of us would otherwise know about Mr Wild Side.

Parents Rally Outside LAUSD Offices Over Transgender Bathroom Bill
A Southland coalition of parents, students, and nonprofit and faith groups gathered outside the Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters in downtown L.A. Wednesday as part of a referendum effort to overturn a controversial bill that critics say promotes unisex bathrooms at public schools.

City-Funded Transgender Center Closes Its Doors
A plague of financial trouble caught up with Transgender Health Empowerment (T.H.E.) in the District this week.

New Orleans police looking for Dallas drag queen Armani Nicole Davenport
New Orleans police are trying to reach Armani Nicole Davenport as a person of interest in a case involving negligent injuring of a person and accusations of practicing medicine without a license.
Transsexual pageant queen wanted for illegal silicone injections
Transsexual Pageant Queen Wanted For Illegal Silicone Injections

Should This Inmate Get a State-Financed Sex Change Operation?
The warden wouldn’t allow Michelle Kosilek to buy cosmetics, so she made them in her cell. For liquid foundation, she blended pulverized chalk—pink, yellow, and white—with Eucerin lotion. For lipstick, she melted Chapstick in the metal top of a gallon jug, then added red ink, and, as an emulsifier, Vaseline. For nail polish, she combined liquid floor wax with ink from a Sharpie and painted on the mixture with the built-in brush applicator from a Wite-Out bottle. Her eyeliner was a black grease pencil.

New York Trans Rights Coalition Meeting
This past Saturday, the New York Trans Rights Coalition met in Albany to strategize about the advancement of civil rights and justice for transgender New Yorkers and the ongoing campaign to pass the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA).

‘Reviven’ muertos para exigir respeto a la diversidad sexual en NL
Por segunda ocasión en la semana, la comunidad LGBT (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, y transexuales) protestó al exterior del Congreso del Estado para solicitar a los diputados que las iniciativas de Ley contra la Discriminación y el Matrimonio Civil Igualitario se debatan en el próximo período de sesiones.

Murió una luchadora por la diversidad sexual en Varela
Marilyn Blascetta fue una luchadora de una de las batallas culturales. La batalla por la identidad de género. Transexual por opción supo ganarse fama de eximia consejera entre las más jóvenes de la comunidad a quienes les supo explicar, con paciencia y mucho amor, los tormentos que tuvo que soportar para ser lo que quería ser antes de los nuevos tiempos de estos años.