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segunda-feira, abril 07, 2014

Andrej Pejic Discusses Jewelry, Gender Identity & How She's Following in Naomi's Footsteps
The supermodel launched a jewelry line with Sam H Snyder to benefit the Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBT youth

The Director Of 'The Matrix' Came Out As Transgender For One Reason And One Reason Only
Working in Hollywood, I've heard a lot of cliché, self-involved, and stereotypical public speeches from successful filmmakers about their paths. Lana Wachowski, director of the "Matrix" movies, completely moved me. Mostly because of WHY she decided to break her silence and tell it.

Victory: Social Security Admin Clarifies Benefits Applications for Trans People and their Spouses
NCTE thanks the Social Security Administration for issuing updated guidance that will simplify benefits applications for many transgender people and their spouses, and better ensure correct eligibility determinations.

Transgender rights activist encourages students to create social change
Students do not have to be policy or law professionals to become full-time social advocates, transgender rights activist Andy Bowen told students Tuesday.

U changes preferred name policy
Students’ preferred names will be included on all databases after a software upgrade in 2015.

Una modelo expresa que es transexual en un emotivo discurso
Geena Rocero es una supermodelo filipina residente en Estados Unidos que reconoce tener suerte con el apoyo que le da su familia, pero es consciente de que no en todos los casos es así.

Travesti de 17 años murió luego de ser masacrado por su conviviente
El supuesto estudiante Julio Jesús Huamán Cañari (21) fue detenido la tarde del viernes acusado de haber provocado la muerte de su pareja homosexual C.F.Y.C. (17), a la que propinó una brutal golpiza a escasos metros de la Municipalidad del Rímac.