TGEU Legal Practitioners Seminar
On May 12 & 13 18 lawyers and legal experts from across Europe, who are taking trans-specific cases, met in Malta for the first time.
Mail, Telegraph, Sun, Mirror and Record admit wrong to mention transgender status of stag attack victim
Six national newspapers have acknowledged it was not relevant to state that a Cambridge academic who was attacked by a charging stag was transgender.
Stag attack victim Dr Kate Stone celebrates removal of trans references from newspaper articles
Six British papers forced to admit mistake to trans woman
Sunday People mocks Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst: ‘She’s a bloke
Newspaper the Sunday People has mocked Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst, claiming it is “nonsense” to refer to her as female because “she’s a bloke”.
Man jailed over blackmail threat to reveal transgender woman's background
A taxi passenger tried to profit from the chance find of a mobile phone by threatening to make public the owner’s transgender history.
But Jamie Devlin’s attempt to coerce the owner into paying £200 for the return of the phone landed him behind bars, after he fell for a police trap.
What is it like to be LGBTI in... Denmark?
Conchita Wurst triumphed in Copenhagen, but what does that say about the rest of the country?
En Suecia el activismo GLBTI ecuatoriano se fortalece
Incrementar la visibilidad de las organizaciones LGBTI y una movilización para asegurar los derechos de las personas con una orientación sexual o identidad de género diferentes, a nivel regional e internacional, es el objetivo que busca la Federación GLBTI Sueca que ha seleccionado cerca de 25 líderes a nivel mundial para este fortalecimiento.
Israel allows sex changes for 18-year-olds
Israel has lowered the minimum age to be approved for a sex change from 21 to 18.
Armed Groups in Ukraine Target Gays, Journalists, Minorities, and Anyone Who Speaks Up
Human rights violations, including killings, beatings, harassment of minorities, and abductions of journalists and activists, are escalating in Ukraine, according to a report released this weekend by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The growing tension, the report says, is fueled primarily by the DIY armed groups and self defense units that have sprung up around the country.
Court to Rule on Transgender Rights
Transgender women in Malaysia have filed a groundbreaking court case challenging a law that prohibits them from expressing their gender identity, Human Rights Watch said today. On May 22, 2014, the Putrajaya Court of Appeal is expected to hear a challenge to the constitutionality of the laws.
Enforced gendered school uniforms harming trans*, gender-diverse students
Strictly-enforced gender requirements for school uniforms are having a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of trans* and gender diverse students, according to leading advocacy organisations.
Victorian community comes together for IDAHOT
Community groups around the world are gearing up to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) on Saturday, May 17.
Discrimination case pits transgender rights against those of a religious school after teacher fired for changing gender
On the matter of whether it was discrimination, there’s no real debate.
Substitute teacher Jan Buterman was fired when she became a he over the summer of 2008.
TESA wanted different change to gender-identity act
The Trans Equality Society of Alberta thinks the wrong changes are being made to the future of the Vital Statistics Act.
State Working to Move Transgender Teen
For the second time in two weeks advocates rallied outside of DCF headquarters in Hartford calling on the state to release Jane Doe, 16, from York Correctional Facility in Niantic.
Jailed Conn. teen’s advocates concerned about isolation
Transgender woman accused of administering fatal black-market silicone injection surrenders to NOPD
A transgender woman surrendered to authorities Monday, nearly a week after New Orleans police announced she was wanted on a charge of negligent homicide in the death of another transgender woman who received botched black market silicone injections last year.
Lesbian Houston Mayor Promotes Ordinance to Allow Men in Women’s Restrooms
The Houston City Council is currently considering an ‘equal rights’ ordinance which would allow men and women to use restrooms and shower rooms designated for the opposite sex, as long as they identify with the opposite gender.
Press Release: Transgender Education Network of Texas Withdraws support for Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
Proposed Houston Equal Rights Ordinance contains discriminatory language
Destacan la importancia de la ley de Identidad de Género
A dos años de sancionada la Ley de Identidad de Género en el país, más de 6000 personas han accedido al real reconocimiento de su identidad; La normativa garantiza el derecho a la identidad a personas trans por medio de un simple trámite administrativo; En este marco, La Secretaría de Niñez, Familia y Discapacidad de la provincia celebra el segundo aniversario de la aprobación de esta ley
Celebran dos años de la ley de identidad de género pero demandan que se reglamente un artículo
Prostitution Is Argentina's Last Hurdle for the Equality of Trans People
For the last couple of years, Argentina has been the only country in the world where you can legally change your gender identity without any medical sign off, surgery or hormone treatment.
TGEU Legal Practitioners Seminar
On May 12 & 13 18 lawyers and legal experts from across Europe, who are taking trans-specific cases, met in Malta for the first time.
Mail, Telegraph, Sun, Mirror and Record admit wrong to mention transgender status of stag attack victim
Six national newspapers have acknowledged it was not relevant to state that a Cambridge academic who was attacked by a charging stag was transgender.
Stag attack victim Dr Kate Stone celebrates removal of trans references from newspaper articles
Six British papers forced to admit mistake to trans woman
Sunday People mocks Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst: ‘She’s a bloke
Newspaper the Sunday People has mocked Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst, claiming it is “nonsense” to refer to her as female because “she’s a bloke”.
Man jailed over blackmail threat to reveal transgender woman's background
A taxi passenger tried to profit from the chance find of a mobile phone by threatening to make public the owner’s transgender history.
But Jamie Devlin’s attempt to coerce the owner into paying £200 for the return of the phone landed him behind bars, after he fell for a police trap.
What is it like to be LGBTI in... Denmark?
Conchita Wurst triumphed in Copenhagen, but what does that say about the rest of the country?
En Suecia el activismo GLBTI ecuatoriano se fortalece
Incrementar la visibilidad de las organizaciones LGBTI y una movilización para asegurar los derechos de las personas con una orientación sexual o identidad de género diferentes, a nivel regional e internacional, es el objetivo que busca la Federación GLBTI Sueca que ha seleccionado cerca de 25 líderes a nivel mundial para este fortalecimiento.
Israel allows sex changes for 18-year-olds
Israel has lowered the minimum age to be approved for a sex change from 21 to 18.
Armed Groups in Ukraine Target Gays, Journalists, Minorities, and Anyone Who Speaks Up
Human rights violations, including killings, beatings, harassment of minorities, and abductions of journalists and activists, are escalating in Ukraine, according to a report released this weekend by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The growing tension, the report says, is fueled primarily by the DIY armed groups and self defense units that have sprung up around the country.
Court to Rule on Transgender Rights
Transgender women in Malaysia have filed a groundbreaking court case challenging a law that prohibits them from expressing their gender identity, Human Rights Watch said today. On May 22, 2014, the Putrajaya Court of Appeal is expected to hear a challenge to the constitutionality of the laws.
Enforced gendered school uniforms harming trans*, gender-diverse students
Strictly-enforced gender requirements for school uniforms are having a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of trans* and gender diverse students, according to leading advocacy organisations.
Victorian community comes together for IDAHOT
Community groups around the world are gearing up to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) on Saturday, May 17.
Discrimination case pits transgender rights against those of a religious school after teacher fired for changing gender
On the matter of whether it was discrimination, there’s no real debate.
Substitute teacher Jan Buterman was fired when she became a he over the summer of 2008.
TESA wanted different change to gender-identity act
The Trans Equality Society of Alberta thinks the wrong changes are being made to the future of the Vital Statistics Act.
State Working to Move Transgender Teen
For the second time in two weeks advocates rallied outside of DCF headquarters in Hartford calling on the state to release Jane Doe, 16, from York Correctional Facility in Niantic.
Jailed Conn. teen’s advocates concerned about isolation
Transgender woman accused of administering fatal black-market silicone injection surrenders to NOPD
A transgender woman surrendered to authorities Monday, nearly a week after New Orleans police announced she was wanted on a charge of negligent homicide in the death of another transgender woman who received botched black market silicone injections last year.
Lesbian Houston Mayor Promotes Ordinance to Allow Men in Women’s Restrooms
The Houston City Council is currently considering an ‘equal rights’ ordinance which would allow men and women to use restrooms and shower rooms designated for the opposite sex, as long as they identify with the opposite gender.
Press Release: Transgender Education Network of Texas Withdraws support for Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
Proposed Houston Equal Rights Ordinance contains discriminatory language
Destacan la importancia de la ley de Identidad de Género
A dos años de sancionada la Ley de Identidad de Género en el país, más de 6000 personas han accedido al real reconocimiento de su identidad; La normativa garantiza el derecho a la identidad a personas trans por medio de un simple trámite administrativo; En este marco, La Secretaría de Niñez, Familia y Discapacidad de la provincia celebra el segundo aniversario de la aprobación de esta ley
Celebran dos años de la ley de identidad de género pero demandan que se reglamente un artículo
Prostitution Is Argentina's Last Hurdle for the Equality of Trans People
For the last couple of years, Argentina has been the only country in the world where you can legally change your gender identity without any medical sign off, surgery or hormone treatment.
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