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sexta-feira, janeiro 02, 2015

Mais de 40 tiraram Cédula de Nome Social em 2014 no AM, aponta SSP
Secretaria informou que 43 travestis e transexuais obtiveram documento.
'Não digo que é uma vitória, e sim uma conquista', declarou travesti, ao G1.

Quatro travestis brigam por causa de dívida e uma é morta na BR-163
Uma briga envolvendo quatro travestis terminou com a morte de uma por volta de 1h30 de hoje (1º) na BR-163 em Coxim, a 260 quilômetros de Campo Grande. A autora do crime foi presa pela Polícia Militar.
Possível acerto de contas entre travestis termina em morte em MS

Lab-Grown Vaginas Implanted Successfully In 4 Teenagers
Ever since scientists grew a human bladder in a laboratory in 1996, researchers have continued to develop more complex organs. Beating human hearts have also been grown in the lab and infected with disease to test various drugs. As a result of these medical advancements, people have had their lives changed for the better.

Concerns lead El Paso County jail to segregate transgender inmate
A transgender inmate was recently separated from the general female population at the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center after a complaint was filed about her, the Sheriff's Office confirmed Wednesday.

Jovem transexual faz pedido comovente antes de pôr termo à vida
Leelah Alcorn era uma adolescente transexual norte-americana que quis deixar uma mensagem importante antes de acabar com a própria vida.
Leelah agendou uma mensagem no Tumblr para que fosse publicada no dia a seguir à sua morte, ocorrida a 28 de Dezembro.

Leelah Alcorn’s Transgender Suicide Sparks ‘Leelah’s Law’ Petition To Ban Conversion Therapy
Leelah Alcorn, the 17-year-old transgender teen who committed suicide on Sunday morning in Kings Mill, Ohio, has prompted advocates to petition for “Leelah’s Law” – a bill to ban conversion therapy in the U.S. The petition on by the Transgender Human Rights Institute has more than 88,000 supporters.
Dan Savage lashes out at parents of Leelah Alcorn, trans teen who killed herself
Leelah Alcorn: Vigils across Tri-state remember Kings Mills transgender teen
Candlelight vigil planned in Toledo for transgender youth
Leelah Alcorn: Teen suicide galvanizes LGBT community to push for acceptance of transgenders
Leelah Alcorn's mother tells her side of transgender daughter's story to CNN
Laws Proposed to Protect Trans Youth As Leelah Alcorn's Death Rallies Thousands
Leelah Alcorn’s mother refuses to use female pronouns: ‘He was a good boy’