Intersexuais (ou hermafroditas) podem vir a ser reconhecidos pela lei portuguesa
A apresentação das propostas será feita nas próximas semanas, mesmo que a discussão fique para depois de Agosto. É esta a intenção do deputado José Soeiro relativamente a dois projectos de lei que o Bloco de Esquerda (BE) está a preparar sobre pessoas transgénero. O objectivo é o de reconhecer, pela primeira vez em Portugal, direitos das pessoas intersexuais e alterar a Lei da Identidade de Género, de 2011.
Pessoas trans e intersexo foram ao Parlamento explicar por que é preciso mudar a lei portuguesa
Audição sobre situação das pessoas trans e intersexo
ESQUERDA.NET | Audição Pública | Pessoas Trans e Intersexo
A audição parlamentar do Bloco de Esquerda sobre direitos trans e intersexos, que decorreu a 5 de Maio na Assembleia da República, foi uma ocasião histórica para o movimento trans e intersexos e todas as pessoas e colectivos que lutam pelo reconhecimento das identidades e expressões de género, e foi revelador do ânimo e empenho das novas gerações de activistas trans e intersexos que têm surgido nos anos recentes, posteriormente à aprovação da lei que hoje vigora. Dezenas de pessoas trans e intersexos tomaram pela primeira vez a palavra na Assembleia da República para, em nome próprio, denunciarem o policiamento do género a que são sujeitas por um sistema médico de visões estreitas e ultrapassadas, a inaceitável e errada classificação de "doença mental", o incumprimento evidente das boas práticas médicas internacionalmente reconhecidas - e consequentes arbitrariedades -, a pressão, dissuasão, infantilização e chantagem operadas por um sistema médico que exerce relações de poder a ponto de querer decidir pelas pessoas sobre os seus corpos e identidades, as operações à nascença de pessoas intersexos, o não-reconhecimento da diversidade das identidades de género, o desrespeito pela Lei actual por parte da Ordem dos Médicos e do Instituto do Notariado, além dos sérios obstáculos sociais, laborais ou de acesso à saúde enfrentados por estas comunidades. Com uma clara maioria de vozes a favor da despatologização das identidades trans e intersexos e da autodeterminação das pessoas trans e intersexos, está para breve, e será apresentado pelo BE ainda nesta legislatura, a apresentação de um Projecto-Lei inspirado nas leis argentina e de Malta, vistas como as mais avançadas do mundo.
Panteras Rosa
Participação de Eduarda Alice Santos e Lara Crespo do Grupo Transexual Portugal no Arquivo Queer da Lóbula
Arquivo Queer | Eduarda Alice Santos e Lara Crespo from Lóbula on Vimeo.
A perda da inocência
As pessoas são sacanas, más e frias. Mais cedo ou mais tarde, qualquer um de nós se apercebe disso. A divina trindade dos nossos dias é poder-sexo-dinheiro. Através de qualquer um destes pólos facilmente se obtém o outro e isso é o que importa. Aquela teoria, muito discutida aliás, de se nós nascemos inerentemente bons ou maus, não faz sentido num mundo, em que qualquer que seja a cultura ou sociedade, só há desrespeito e violações permanentes daquilo a que chamamos "direitos humanos".
"Essas pessoas estão me matando", diz jovem trans sobre polêmica do nome social
Causa de evasão, de constrangimento e desrespeito contínuo, a dificuldade de existir no ambiente escolar faz pessoas trans reagirem à tentativa da bancada evangélica de derrubar portaria do governo federal que prevê direitos como o uso do nome social e uso do banheiro do gênero de identidade
Medicina ABC comanda primeira cirurgia de troca de sexo
O Hospital Estadual Mário Covas, em Santo André, acaba de ser definido pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde como centro referenciado para realização de cirurgias de troca de sexo.
El número 2 de UPyD por Guadalajara, activista homosexual, plantea una Ley de Transexualidad
UPyD ha resaltado su compromiso con el colectivo de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales, Bisexuales e Intersexuales (LGTBI), incluyendo en su programa electoral una Ley Integral de Transexualidad para Castilla-La Mancha.
'Mx' Could Be Oxford English Dictionary's First Trans-Affirming Honorific
But some worry that its possibly confusing pronunciation could hamper the term's continued usage.
Italian Supreme Court on Forced Divorce
The Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) has ruled on April 21, 2015 that imposing divorce on a married couple as a consequence of legal gender recognition of one of the partners is unconstitutional.
LGBTI protest against hate crimes in Turkey’s Aegean province
A group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) protesters marched on May 3 in Turkey’s Aegean province of İzmir, after four transgender women were recently the targets of violence.
Israeli HMO refusing to pay for some sex-change surgeries, in contravention of law
Meuhedet health insurance provider balks at funding female-to-male op that currently can only be done abroad, deems it 'elective surgery.'
Over 1,000 Transgenders Tie the Knot at Koothandavar Festival in Koovagam
The thali-tying ceremony of the transgenders was held on Tuesday, the 17th day of the annual Koovagam Koothandavar festival which draws to a close on Wednesday, with nearly a 1,000 transgenders taking part in the function.
Trans Indian’s US visa put on hold
A trans health official from India has had her visa put on hold due to the sex listed on her passport.
Amruta Alpesh Soni is intending to travel to a trans health conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she is to speak on trans people living with HIV in India.
US consulate puts transgender's visa on hold
Ontario sex ed curriculum protested by hundreds at Northwood school
By teaching concepts of sexual orientation, gender identity early, Ontario joins ranks of 3 other provinces
5 things to know about Ontario’s new sex-ed curriculum
Hillary Clinton makes transgender immigrants a campaign issue
Transgender immigrant detainees are officially a campaign issue.
VICTORY: Trans Youth Must Be Respected in Federal Job Training Program
Today, the US Department of Labor issued a new policy applying to the 125 Job Corps Centers around the country on ensuring equal access for transgender students. Job Corps, established in 1964, provides free education and job training to people between the ages of 16 and 24, helping an estimated 60,000 youth annually.
Christian developer behind ‘Kill the F*ggot’ game promises next release will be even more offensive
Online gaming website Steam has pulled a controversial video game after users complained about its content which promoted violence against gays and transgender people, Gay Star News reports.
Gaming Site Bans Controversial Online Game Based on Killing Gay, Trans People
Gay and transgender murder video game pulled from gaming website Steam after complaints
U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to N.J. ban on gay conversion therapy
The Supreme Court has turned away a challenge to New Jersey’s ban on so-called gay conversion therapy for patients under 18 years old.
High court rejects inmate’s appeal for sex-change surgery
The US Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from a convicted murderer from Massachusetts who sought taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery, a ruling that her supporters said would end her decades-long effort to change her gender while in prison.
US Supreme Court: No state funding of sex-change operation
U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Hear Case Concerning Medical Care of Transgender Woman in Prison
Hot Springs passes LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance
The Hot Springs Board of Directors has passed an ordinance that would prohibit the city and its vendors from discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Guatemalan Trans Woman Released After Harrowing Six Months in Immigration Detention
Nicoll Hernández-Polanco's experiences of sexual assault and solitary confinement are a prime example of how the immigration system mistreats trans women, say advocates.
Ladies In The Streets: Before Stonewall, Transgender Uprising Changed Lives
It was after the bars had closed and well into the pre-dawn hours of an August morning in 1966 when San Francisco cops were in Gene Compton's cafeteria again. They were arresting drag queens, trans women and gay hustlers who had been sitting for hours, eating and gossiping and coming down from their highs with the help of 60-cent cups of coffee.
Capital Trans Pride Celebration Will Happen On May 16
Mark it on your calendars: D.C.'s annual Trans Pride celebration will take place on Saturday, May 16th.
Incarcerated Delaware Trans Man Gets Help in Fight for Name Change
Kai Short, already joined by the ACLU, got support this week from Delaware's governor in his ongoing pursuit of a legal name change.
Hawaii legislature approves bill allowing birth certificate gender changes
The Hawaii Legislature passed a bill that would make it easier for transgender people to change their gender on their birth certificates, joining a growing number of states to make the change.
Senate passes state employee classification reform
Democrats bring up employment discrimination protections
Transgender woman denied application to Smith in 2013 speaks out on admissions policy change
In fall 2012, Calliope Wong applied to Smith College. She received a crushing notice from the school the following March.
LGBT activists rally for GENDA, 'gay cure' ban
As the U.S. Supreme Court heard a landmark case on same-sex marriage last week, LGBT activists held a large rally in Albany to call for passage of the Gender Non-Discrimination Act and a bill prohibiting the use of conversion therapy on minors.
Parents no-show at Wilson transgender mtg
A letter was sent home Friday to parents of Wilson High School students, informing them that one of their teachers would be transitioning from a woman to a man.
Man indicted on murder charges in transgender woman's death
A man has been indicted on murder charges in the death of a transgender woman.
Carlton Ray Champion, Jr., 21, of Longview, was indicted April 23 for the murder of Ty Lee Underwood, 24. Champion was arrested on Jan. 29 by Tyler police on a probation violation.
Parents outraged over Fairfax ‘gender identity’ policy
Concerned parents are trying to block a vote by the Fairfax County Public School Board — which oversees the largest public school system in Virginia — to include “gender identity” in its nondiscrimination policy.
Fairfax County School Board Plans To Put Transgender Teachers in the Classroom
Religious Right Activists: Ban Transgender Teachers
Christian Activist: Transgender People Shouldn't Teach School
Movilh convoca marcha para mejorar el proyecto de identidad de género
La movilización también será un llamado al Ministerio de Educación para que implemente medidas que disminuyan los abusos contra la comunidad LGTB.
Desde un “inocente” piropo hasta un agresivo agarrón, quienes atraviesan la feminización se enfrentan en disyuntivas que derivan entre la satisfacción y el miedo.
Intersexuais (ou hermafroditas) podem vir a ser reconhecidos pela lei portuguesa
A apresentação das propostas será feita nas próximas semanas, mesmo que a discussão fique para depois de Agosto. É esta a intenção do deputado José Soeiro relativamente a dois projectos de lei que o Bloco de Esquerda (BE) está a preparar sobre pessoas transgénero. O objectivo é o de reconhecer, pela primeira vez em Portugal, direitos das pessoas intersexuais e alterar a Lei da Identidade de Género, de 2011.
Pessoas trans e intersexo foram ao Parlamento explicar por que é preciso mudar a lei portuguesa
Audição sobre situação das pessoas trans e intersexo
ESQUERDA.NET | Audição Pública | Pessoas Trans e Intersexo
A audição parlamentar do Bloco de Esquerda sobre direitos trans e intersexos, que decorreu a 5 de Maio na Assembleia da República, foi uma ocasião histórica para o movimento trans e intersexos e todas as pessoas e colectivos que lutam pelo reconhecimento das identidades e expressões de género, e foi revelador do ânimo e empenho das novas gerações de activistas trans e intersexos que têm surgido nos anos recentes, posteriormente à aprovação da lei que hoje vigora. Dezenas de pessoas trans e intersexos tomaram pela primeira vez a palavra na Assembleia da República para, em nome próprio, denunciarem o policiamento do género a que são sujeitas por um sistema médico de visões estreitas e ultrapassadas, a inaceitável e errada classificação de "doença mental", o incumprimento evidente das boas práticas médicas internacionalmente reconhecidas - e consequentes arbitrariedades -, a pressão, dissuasão, infantilização e chantagem operadas por um sistema médico que exerce relações de poder a ponto de querer decidir pelas pessoas sobre os seus corpos e identidades, as operações à nascença de pessoas intersexos, o não-reconhecimento da diversidade das identidades de género, o desrespeito pela Lei actual por parte da Ordem dos Médicos e do Instituto do Notariado, além dos sérios obstáculos sociais, laborais ou de acesso à saúde enfrentados por estas comunidades. Com uma clara maioria de vozes a favor da despatologização das identidades trans e intersexos e da autodeterminação das pessoas trans e intersexos, está para breve, e será apresentado pelo BE ainda nesta legislatura, a apresentação de um Projecto-Lei inspirado nas leis argentina e de Malta, vistas como as mais avançadas do mundo.
Panteras Rosa
Participação de Eduarda Alice Santos e Lara Crespo do Grupo Transexual Portugal no Arquivo Queer da Lóbula
A perda da inocência
As pessoas são sacanas, más e frias. Mais cedo ou mais tarde, qualquer um de nós se apercebe disso. A divina trindade dos nossos dias é poder-sexo-dinheiro. Através de qualquer um destes pólos facilmente se obtém o outro e isso é o que importa. Aquela teoria, muito discutida aliás, de se nós nascemos inerentemente bons ou maus, não faz sentido num mundo, em que qualquer que seja a cultura ou sociedade, só há desrespeito e violações permanentes daquilo a que chamamos "direitos humanos".
"Essas pessoas estão me matando", diz jovem trans sobre polêmica do nome social
Causa de evasão, de constrangimento e desrespeito contínuo, a dificuldade de existir no ambiente escolar faz pessoas trans reagirem à tentativa da bancada evangélica de derrubar portaria do governo federal que prevê direitos como o uso do nome social e uso do banheiro do gênero de identidade
Medicina ABC comanda primeira cirurgia de troca de sexo
O Hospital Estadual Mário Covas, em Santo André, acaba de ser definido pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde como centro referenciado para realização de cirurgias de troca de sexo.
El número 2 de UPyD por Guadalajara, activista homosexual, plantea una Ley de Transexualidad
UPyD ha resaltado su compromiso con el colectivo de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales, Bisexuales e Intersexuales (LGTBI), incluyendo en su programa electoral una Ley Integral de Transexualidad para Castilla-La Mancha.
'Mx' Could Be Oxford English Dictionary's First Trans-Affirming Honorific
But some worry that its possibly confusing pronunciation could hamper the term's continued usage.
Italian Supreme Court on Forced Divorce
The Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) has ruled on April 21, 2015 that imposing divorce on a married couple as a consequence of legal gender recognition of one of the partners is unconstitutional.
LGBTI protest against hate crimes in Turkey’s Aegean province
A group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) protesters marched on May 3 in Turkey’s Aegean province of İzmir, after four transgender women were recently the targets of violence.
Israeli HMO refusing to pay for some sex-change surgeries, in contravention of law
Meuhedet health insurance provider balks at funding female-to-male op that currently can only be done abroad, deems it 'elective surgery.'
Over 1,000 Transgenders Tie the Knot at Koothandavar Festival in Koovagam
The thali-tying ceremony of the transgenders was held on Tuesday, the 17th day of the annual Koovagam Koothandavar festival which draws to a close on Wednesday, with nearly a 1,000 transgenders taking part in the function.
Trans Indian’s US visa put on hold
A trans health official from India has had her visa put on hold due to the sex listed on her passport.
Amruta Alpesh Soni is intending to travel to a trans health conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she is to speak on trans people living with HIV in India.
US consulate puts transgender's visa on hold
Ontario sex ed curriculum protested by hundreds at Northwood school
By teaching concepts of sexual orientation, gender identity early, Ontario joins ranks of 3 other provinces
5 things to know about Ontario’s new sex-ed curriculum
Hillary Clinton makes transgender immigrants a campaign issue
Transgender immigrant detainees are officially a campaign issue.
VICTORY: Trans Youth Must Be Respected in Federal Job Training Program
Today, the US Department of Labor issued a new policy applying to the 125 Job Corps Centers around the country on ensuring equal access for transgender students. Job Corps, established in 1964, provides free education and job training to people between the ages of 16 and 24, helping an estimated 60,000 youth annually.
Christian developer behind ‘Kill the F*ggot’ game promises next release will be even more offensive
Online gaming website Steam has pulled a controversial video game after users complained about its content which promoted violence against gays and transgender people, Gay Star News reports.
Gaming Site Bans Controversial Online Game Based on Killing Gay, Trans People
Gay and transgender murder video game pulled from gaming website Steam after complaints
U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to N.J. ban on gay conversion therapy
The Supreme Court has turned away a challenge to New Jersey’s ban on so-called gay conversion therapy for patients under 18 years old.
High court rejects inmate’s appeal for sex-change surgery
The US Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from a convicted murderer from Massachusetts who sought taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery, a ruling that her supporters said would end her decades-long effort to change her gender while in prison.
US Supreme Court: No state funding of sex-change operation
U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Hear Case Concerning Medical Care of Transgender Woman in Prison
Hot Springs passes LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance
The Hot Springs Board of Directors has passed an ordinance that would prohibit the city and its vendors from discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Guatemalan Trans Woman Released After Harrowing Six Months in Immigration Detention
Nicoll Hernández-Polanco's experiences of sexual assault and solitary confinement are a prime example of how the immigration system mistreats trans women, say advocates.
Ladies In The Streets: Before Stonewall, Transgender Uprising Changed Lives
It was after the bars had closed and well into the pre-dawn hours of an August morning in 1966 when San Francisco cops were in Gene Compton's cafeteria again. They were arresting drag queens, trans women and gay hustlers who had been sitting for hours, eating and gossiping and coming down from their highs with the help of 60-cent cups of coffee.
Capital Trans Pride Celebration Will Happen On May 16
Mark it on your calendars: D.C.'s annual Trans Pride celebration will take place on Saturday, May 16th.
Incarcerated Delaware Trans Man Gets Help in Fight for Name Change
Kai Short, already joined by the ACLU, got support this week from Delaware's governor in his ongoing pursuit of a legal name change.
Hawaii legislature approves bill allowing birth certificate gender changes
The Hawaii Legislature passed a bill that would make it easier for transgender people to change their gender on their birth certificates, joining a growing number of states to make the change.
Senate passes state employee classification reform
Democrats bring up employment discrimination protections
Transgender woman denied application to Smith in 2013 speaks out on admissions policy change
In fall 2012, Calliope Wong applied to Smith College. She received a crushing notice from the school the following March.
LGBT activists rally for GENDA, 'gay cure' ban
As the U.S. Supreme Court heard a landmark case on same-sex marriage last week, LGBT activists held a large rally in Albany to call for passage of the Gender Non-Discrimination Act and a bill prohibiting the use of conversion therapy on minors.
Parents no-show at Wilson transgender mtg
A letter was sent home Friday to parents of Wilson High School students, informing them that one of their teachers would be transitioning from a woman to a man.
Man indicted on murder charges in transgender woman's death
A man has been indicted on murder charges in the death of a transgender woman.
Carlton Ray Champion, Jr., 21, of Longview, was indicted April 23 for the murder of Ty Lee Underwood, 24. Champion was arrested on Jan. 29 by Tyler police on a probation violation.
Parents outraged over Fairfax ‘gender identity’ policy
Concerned parents are trying to block a vote by the Fairfax County Public School Board — which oversees the largest public school system in Virginia — to include “gender identity” in its nondiscrimination policy.
Fairfax County School Board Plans To Put Transgender Teachers in the Classroom
Religious Right Activists: Ban Transgender Teachers
Christian Activist: Transgender People Shouldn't Teach School
Movilh convoca marcha para mejorar el proyecto de identidad de género
La movilización también será un llamado al Ministerio de Educación para que implemente medidas que disminuyan los abusos contra la comunidad LGTB.
Desde un “inocente” piropo hasta un agresivo agarrón, quienes atraviesan la feminización se enfrentan en disyuntivas que derivan entre la satisfacción y el miedo.
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