Agradecimento ao movimento LGBTQIA* Português
Na sequência do nosso comunicado, vimos por este meio agradecer todo o apoio que nos foi dado e que nos chegou como resposta ao nosso apelo. Não existem palavras suficientes para demonstrar o quão importantes foram todas as mensagens de apoio que recebemos e para agradecer a mobilização das associações, coletivos e ativistas em nome individual que subscreveram a nossa petição e ofereceram apoio de várias outras formas, por compreenderem que o nosso intuito sempre foi a criação de um espaço mais seguro, e não um ataque inconsequente ao movimento LGBTQIA* português.
Desde o primeiro momento estivemos disponíveis para esclarecer as nossas intenções com o comunicado e a petição que lançámos,embora consideremos que elas estivessem claramente expostas nos textos que divulgámos. Portanto, repudiamos quaisquer teorias ou acusações de má fé da nossa parte que tenham surgido desde que esta situação veio a público.
Apesar das críticas das quais fomos alvo, sentimos que uma parte significativa do movimento se encontra com o coração e a cabeça no sítio certo e, por isso, queremos mais uma vez reforçar o profundo agradecimento ao apoio que recebemos desde o primeiro instante. Sem esse apoio, teria sido impossível agir perante esta situação, assim como será impossível agir perante situações semelhantes no futuro se não formos, na nossa totalidade, entidades responsáveis no que toca à segurança social de todxs.
Relativamente às marchas, gostaríamos de informar que sentimos que são agora um espaço mais seguro, devido ao afastamento da pessoa visada no nosso comunicado inicial. Um espaço mais seguro não apenas para quem faz parte da organização das mesmas, mas para todxs xs que procuram apoio nesses espaços para as suas lutas diárias e pessoais.
Reiteramos aqui que não fazemos parte da organização de nenhuma das marchas. Esclarecemos que Mafalda Gomes não participa da organização de nenhuma marcha desde 2009 e que Isabel Martinez se afastou da organização da Marcha do Orgulho LGBT no Porto em fevereiro deste ano, quando informou oficialmente a organização da mesma da situação de violência doméstica da qual foi vítima.
Tendo em consideração a resposta positiva ao nosso apelo, é nosso dever deixar-vos aqui um segundo apelo. Pedimos a todxs que participem nas marchas de Coimbra, Lisboa, Braga e Porto. É com especial motivação que este ano marchamos e pedimos que marchem connosco, dado que todas as marchas escolheram o repúdio à violência e ao silenciamento como tema central. Tal como dissemos anteriormente, não temos qualquer tipo de dúvida no que toca à importância da marchas relativamente ao seu impacto na nossa sociedade e, precisamente por isso, gostaríamos de apelar a todxs que participem na mesmas com todo o vosso apoio e ferocidade, lado a lado connosco, se assim se proporcionar, para que juntxs possamos tornar estes espaços não apenas mais seguros, mas reivindicativos, como sempre se propuseram a ser!
Lembramos que as marchas estão a chegar. Por isso, deixamos aqui as suas datas:
17 de maio: 6ª Marcha contra a Homofobia e a Transfobia ~ Coimbra, com o lema “Contra a violência homofóbica e transfóbica”
20 de junho: 16º Marcha do Orgulho LGBT de Lisboa, com o lema “Contra a violência, ergue a tua voz! Quebra o silêncio, junta-te a nós!”
27 de junho: III Marcha pelos Direitos LGBT – Braga, com o lema “Não à violência transfóbica”
4 de julho: 10ª Marcha do Orgulho LGBT no Porto (lema ainda não foi divulgado)
Esperemos contar com o vosso apoio igualmente nesses dias!
Isabel Martinez e Mafalda Gomes
Polícia prende travesti e marido que extorquiam clientes após programas sexuais
Casal filmava as relações e cobrava preço maior que o combinado para não divulgar imagens
Taxista é preso suspeito de matar travesti após ser roubado em Goiânia
Câmeras flagraram discussão dos dois antes de atropelamento; veja vídeo.
Após abordar vítima, idoso recusou programa e teve corrente de ouro levada.
Treinador de academia é preso acusado de matar garotas de programa; ele beijava no rosto antes de matá-las
Um treinador de academias de Curitiba foi preso acusado de matar três garotas de programa nas últimas semanas pela Divisão de Homicídios e Proteção à Pessoa (DHPP). O professor de crossfit de duas academias da cidade, Alexandre Lopes de Pádua Arsênio, 31 anos, foi apresentado à imprensa na manhã desta terça-feira (28). Ele confessou que, após a relação sexual, dava um mata-leão – golpe no pescoço – das vítimas, mas alegou que a intenção era apenas o desmaio para que pudesse roubá-las.
Zoe O'Connell: Liberal Democrat candidate explains why being transgender and polyamorous isn't a big deal
The MP hopeful has attracted the attention of the tabloid press ahead of the General Election
What transgender people want you to know about pronouns
"For all intents and purposes, I am a woman," said Bruce Jenner. But most articles about the ABC interview use male pronouns.
Gender identity: the other sex
The Transgender day of Rememberance is marked annually on November 20. It is a day to memorialise those who have been killed as a result oftransphobia-which is the hatred or fear of transgender and gender non-conforming people. This is first of a three-part series into the lives of the Kenyan transgender society.
Gender identity: The other sex, part 2
Gender Identity: The other sex, part 3
‘Baby’ on board: Transgender looks to edge out rivals in LG polls
With a hatred for corruption and steely determination to help the downtrodden, transgender community member Pervez Khan, known as Baby, has re-entered the fray of grass-root politics.
She is one of three candidates contesting two general councillor seats reserved for women in neighbourhood council Shumail City-1, Haripur. Although women form 52% of the population in Haripur, localised politics is very challenging for them. However, none of this deters Baby.
Outrage over former Premier’s support for allegedly transphobic cartoon
Outrage over former Premier Denis Napthine's support for allegedly transphobic cartoon.
FORMER Victorian premier Denis Napthine’s support for a cartoon published in the Herald Sun that has been condemned as transphobic has attracted wide criticism from political and community figures.
The cartoon, a response by cartoonist Mark Knight to comparisons between current Victorian Labor premier Daniel Andrews and former Labor premier Joan Kirner, depicts a woman on a park bench reading a newspaper about US celebrity Bruce Jenner.
Why an Ottawa trans man’s arrest could lead to police training
‘It’s never pretty, any degree of force used by police,’ says Inspector John McGetrick
Transgender rights: Parliament Hill protest demo planned for April 28
A toilet on the lawn in front of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa?
There may be more than one on Tuesday afternoon (April 28) when a rally takes place against a controversial Senate amendment to Bill C-279.
Facebook Bans Disabled Trans Woman of Colour for Not Appearing Feminine Enough
If you follow social justice activism, then you may be fortunate enough to already be familiar with Kylie Brooks. Brooks is an activist, whose lived experience is as a black Deaf and disabled trans woman. Brooks routinely combines her stunning intersectional life experiences with brilliance and energy, sharing her thoughts and experiences online, tirelessly educating others about important issues.
Meet the trans woman whose gay parents reject her identity
'I feel like they've gone through their struggle. They should be helping me through mine.'
When Bey came out as trans to her dads, she hoped they would accept her for who she really is.
But the 22-year-old was shocked to discover that, despite both parents struggling to come out as gay when they were younger, they refused to accept her coming out as trans.
Wendy Williams, queen of fame whores, calls Bruce Jenner a fame whore
I have never understood Wendy Williams, or her appeal. She’s loud and classless and from what I can tell, has the IQ of a fire hydrant. Now she’s also a hypocritical kettle calling Bruce Jenner a pot.
Transgender Scholar Reacts To Bruce Jenner Interview
Laverne Cox to Janet Mock on Bruce Jenner: "Visibility matters when it can save lives and influence the changes of hearts and minds"
Fischer: Bruce Jenner On ‘Suicide Train’
Bruce Jenner interview sparks gender identity conversations
Valley transgender community reacts to Bruce Jenner's decision
Transgender TV journalist: ‘We’re not all trans-Jenner’
Transgender woman from Mississippi reacts to Bruce Jenner interview
Bruce Jenner 'playing at being a woman' says star
Couldn't find stronger icon than Bruce Jenner, transgender activist says
Transgender actor Scott Turner Schofield lands 'The Bold and the Beautiful' role
He’s A new daytime star who was born a she.
The Daily News exclusively learned the latest transgender person to make a splash in the world of mainstream television is Scott Turner Schofield, who has joined the cast of CBS’ long-running soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful” and will make his first appearance May 8 — bringing a real-life verve to an already controversial storyline.
Transgender inmate’s sex-change surgery must proceed, judge rules
A federal judge ordered California prison officials Monday to proceed with sex-reassignment surgery for a transgender inmate who has lived as a woman in a men’s prison for two decades, rejecting the state’s request for a stay while it appeals the precedent-setting order.
Black Trans woman Sadaisha Shimmers jailed as a male after asking to speak to Hillary Clinton
The police are out of control.
Police booked Sadaisha Shimmers as male despite her DL indicating female and strip-searched repeatedly by male guards.
Shimmers posted on youtube that on the 1st of April she requested to speak to Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Ellen Degeneres show. That request was followed up by a violent assault by police the next day.
BREAKING: Florida's Trans Bathroom Bill Dies
It's the final flush for Florida's proposed bill to restrict public bathrooms by "biological sex."
Gender identity can be a conflict within
For a lot of people, it is a difficult to understand. Experts say some kids as young as two or three know their bodies are the wrong gender. ABC7 Anchor Jeff Butera spoke with a transgender woman and found out the road to transitioning is not an easy one.
Transgender woman talks about growing up in Hawaii
So what's life like for transgender people in the islands?
Lou. transgender women discuss emotional struggles with transitioning
Graham said when she looks back on her early childhood, even then, she thought she was a girl.
City ponders gender identity protection in housing
Bill would modify fair housing law
MN House passes legislation barring transgender inclusion in schools
The Minnesota House of Representatives passed an omnibus bill on Saturday that includes a provision that would repeal transgender-inclusive policies in Minneapolis and St. Paul school districts, and prevent future districts from implementing their own.
Santa Fe gender-neutral bathroom proposal passes first hurdle
Santa Fe's proposal to require public gender neutral bathrooms has passed its first hurdle.
‘Killed myself. Sorry.': Transgender game developer jumps off bridge after online abuse
“Guess I am dead. Killed myself. Sorry.”
Those were Rachel Bryk’s last words, posted in a posthumous Twitter message to 222 followers at midnight Thursday.
Developer Rachel Byrk Commits Suicide After Months of Cyber Bullying
Push to pass transgender non-discrimination bill in NYS
There's a renewed push to have an anti-discrimination bill passed in New York State. It's called GENDA, or the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, and it would make it illegal for people to be discriminated against because they're transgender.
Texas bill threatens bathroom rights of transgendered people
Transgender advocates are upset about a bill that would make it a crime in Texas for a transgender person to use a bathroom based on their gender identity.
Transgender activists hope Austin rally helps spread their message
Clutching a picture of her 9-year-old son Benjamin, a tearful Ann Elder said Monday that she had loved and cared for the adopted child for years before she truly got to know him.
Transgender Texans bring concerns to the Capitol
Homofobia y Transfobia presente en Yucatán: CNDH
“Contrario a lo que dicen algunas autoridades ministeriales, sí existen delitos cometidos con motivaciones homofóbicas o transfóbicas”, afirmó Ricardo Hernández Forcada, director del Programa de VIH y Derecho Humanos de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) quien presentó hoy en la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY) el informe especial sobre las violaciones a los derechos humanos y los delitos cometidos por homofobia.
Polícia prende travesti e marido que extorquiam clientes após programas sexuais
Casal filmava as relações e cobrava preço maior que o combinado para não divulgar imagens
Taxista é preso suspeito de matar travesti após ser roubado em Goiânia
Câmeras flagraram discussão dos dois antes de atropelamento; veja vídeo.
Após abordar vítima, idoso recusou programa e teve corrente de ouro levada.
Treinador de academia é preso acusado de matar garotas de programa; ele beijava no rosto antes de matá-las
Um treinador de academias de Curitiba foi preso acusado de matar três garotas de programa nas últimas semanas pela Divisão de Homicídios e Proteção à Pessoa (DHPP). O professor de crossfit de duas academias da cidade, Alexandre Lopes de Pádua Arsênio, 31 anos, foi apresentado à imprensa na manhã desta terça-feira (28). Ele confessou que, após a relação sexual, dava um mata-leão – golpe no pescoço – das vítimas, mas alegou que a intenção era apenas o desmaio para que pudesse roubá-las.
Zoe O'Connell: Liberal Democrat candidate explains why being transgender and polyamorous isn't a big deal
The MP hopeful has attracted the attention of the tabloid press ahead of the General Election
What transgender people want you to know about pronouns
"For all intents and purposes, I am a woman," said Bruce Jenner. But most articles about the ABC interview use male pronouns.
Gender identity: the other sex
The Transgender day of Rememberance is marked annually on November 20. It is a day to memorialise those who have been killed as a result oftransphobia-which is the hatred or fear of transgender and gender non-conforming people. This is first of a three-part series into the lives of the Kenyan transgender society.
Gender identity: The other sex, part 2
Gender Identity: The other sex, part 3
‘Baby’ on board: Transgender looks to edge out rivals in LG polls
With a hatred for corruption and steely determination to help the downtrodden, transgender community member Pervez Khan, known as Baby, has re-entered the fray of grass-root politics.
She is one of three candidates contesting two general councillor seats reserved for women in neighbourhood council Shumail City-1, Haripur. Although women form 52% of the population in Haripur, localised politics is very challenging for them. However, none of this deters Baby.

Outrage over former Premier’s support for allegedly transphobic cartoon
Outrage over former Premier Denis Napthine's support for allegedly transphobic cartoon.
FORMER Victorian premier Denis Napthine’s support for a cartoon published in the Herald Sun that has been condemned as transphobic has attracted wide criticism from political and community figures.
The cartoon, a response by cartoonist Mark Knight to comparisons between current Victorian Labor premier Daniel Andrews and former Labor premier Joan Kirner, depicts a woman on a park bench reading a newspaper about US celebrity Bruce Jenner.
Why an Ottawa trans man’s arrest could lead to police training
‘It’s never pretty, any degree of force used by police,’ says Inspector John McGetrick
Transgender rights: Parliament Hill protest demo planned for April 28
A toilet on the lawn in front of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa?
There may be more than one on Tuesday afternoon (April 28) when a rally takes place against a controversial Senate amendment to Bill C-279.
Facebook Bans Disabled Trans Woman of Colour for Not Appearing Feminine Enough
If you follow social justice activism, then you may be fortunate enough to already be familiar with Kylie Brooks. Brooks is an activist, whose lived experience is as a black Deaf and disabled trans woman. Brooks routinely combines her stunning intersectional life experiences with brilliance and energy, sharing her thoughts and experiences online, tirelessly educating others about important issues.

Meet the trans woman whose gay parents reject her identity
'I feel like they've gone through their struggle. They should be helping me through mine.'
When Bey came out as trans to her dads, she hoped they would accept her for who she really is.
But the 22-year-old was shocked to discover that, despite both parents struggling to come out as gay when they were younger, they refused to accept her coming out as trans.
Wendy Williams, queen of fame whores, calls Bruce Jenner a fame whore
I have never understood Wendy Williams, or her appeal. She’s loud and classless and from what I can tell, has the IQ of a fire hydrant. Now she’s also a hypocritical kettle calling Bruce Jenner a pot.
Transgender Scholar Reacts To Bruce Jenner Interview
Laverne Cox to Janet Mock on Bruce Jenner: "Visibility matters when it can save lives and influence the changes of hearts and minds"
Fischer: Bruce Jenner On ‘Suicide Train’
Bruce Jenner interview sparks gender identity conversations
Valley transgender community reacts to Bruce Jenner's decision
Transgender TV journalist: ‘We’re not all trans-Jenner’
Transgender woman from Mississippi reacts to Bruce Jenner interview
Bruce Jenner 'playing at being a woman' says star
Couldn't find stronger icon than Bruce Jenner, transgender activist says
Transgender actor Scott Turner Schofield lands 'The Bold and the Beautiful' role
He’s A new daytime star who was born a she.
The Daily News exclusively learned the latest transgender person to make a splash in the world of mainstream television is Scott Turner Schofield, who has joined the cast of CBS’ long-running soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful” and will make his first appearance May 8 — bringing a real-life verve to an already controversial storyline.
Transgender inmate’s sex-change surgery must proceed, judge rules
A federal judge ordered California prison officials Monday to proceed with sex-reassignment surgery for a transgender inmate who has lived as a woman in a men’s prison for two decades, rejecting the state’s request for a stay while it appeals the precedent-setting order.
Black Trans woman Sadaisha Shimmers jailed as a male after asking to speak to Hillary Clinton
The police are out of control.
Police booked Sadaisha Shimmers as male despite her DL indicating female and strip-searched repeatedly by male guards.
Shimmers posted on youtube that on the 1st of April she requested to speak to Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Ellen Degeneres show. That request was followed up by a violent assault by police the next day.
BREAKING: Florida's Trans Bathroom Bill Dies
It's the final flush for Florida's proposed bill to restrict public bathrooms by "biological sex."
Gender identity can be a conflict within
For a lot of people, it is a difficult to understand. Experts say some kids as young as two or three know their bodies are the wrong gender. ABC7 Anchor Jeff Butera spoke with a transgender woman and found out the road to transitioning is not an easy one.
Transgender woman talks about growing up in Hawaii
So what's life like for transgender people in the islands?
Lou. transgender women discuss emotional struggles with transitioning
Graham said when she looks back on her early childhood, even then, she thought she was a girl.
City ponders gender identity protection in housing
Bill would modify fair housing law
MN House passes legislation barring transgender inclusion in schools
The Minnesota House of Representatives passed an omnibus bill on Saturday that includes a provision that would repeal transgender-inclusive policies in Minneapolis and St. Paul school districts, and prevent future districts from implementing their own.
Santa Fe gender-neutral bathroom proposal passes first hurdle
Santa Fe's proposal to require public gender neutral bathrooms has passed its first hurdle.
‘Killed myself. Sorry.': Transgender game developer jumps off bridge after online abuse
“Guess I am dead. Killed myself. Sorry.”
Those were Rachel Bryk’s last words, posted in a posthumous Twitter message to 222 followers at midnight Thursday.
Developer Rachel Byrk Commits Suicide After Months of Cyber Bullying
Push to pass transgender non-discrimination bill in NYS
There's a renewed push to have an anti-discrimination bill passed in New York State. It's called GENDA, or the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, and it would make it illegal for people to be discriminated against because they're transgender.
Texas bill threatens bathroom rights of transgendered people
Transgender advocates are upset about a bill that would make it a crime in Texas for a transgender person to use a bathroom based on their gender identity.
Transgender activists hope Austin rally helps spread their message
Clutching a picture of her 9-year-old son Benjamin, a tearful Ann Elder said Monday that she had loved and cared for the adopted child for years before she truly got to know him.
Transgender Texans bring concerns to the Capitol
Homofobia y Transfobia presente en Yucatán: CNDH
“Contrario a lo que dicen algunas autoridades ministeriales, sí existen delitos cometidos con motivaciones homofóbicas o transfóbicas”, afirmó Ricardo Hernández Forcada, director del Programa de VIH y Derecho Humanos de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) quien presentó hoy en la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY) el informe especial sobre las violaciones a los derechos humanos y los delitos cometidos por homofobia.
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