Culpado de homicidio capturado em jundiaí
O procurado Júlio César Câmara, 30 anos, foi preso na manhã desta sexta-feira pela equipe de investigação do 6º Distrito Policial, na rodovia Vereador Geraldo Dias, em Jundiaí. Ele foi localizado com auxílio das câmeras de monitoramento da Guarda Municipal de Jundiaí, que flagraram seu veículo passando pelas proximidades do Terminal de Ônibus Urbano Vila Hortolândia. Ele estava foragido da penitenciária, onde cumpria pena pelo crime de homicídio doloso.
“Me via como uma travesti”, revela Thammy Miranda sobre antigo corpo
Filha da cantora Gretchen, a atriz Thammy Miranda foi a convidada do “Programa do Jô” desta última sexta-feira (24). No talk show, ela falou sobre a sua mudança de sexo, os motivos que a levaram à transformação e como se descobriu homossexual.
Life when you feel neither male nor female
Two teenagers speak to BBC Scotland about their experience of being non-binary, people who do not identify as male or female.
President Signs Gender Recognition Act
On July 22nd the Gender Recognition Act was signed into law by President Michael D. Higgins.
Irish President signs progressive Gender Recognition Act into law
Taiwan mother of transsexual man helps mainland parents learn to accept their kids
Not many people know the real name of "Mama Kuo." She has not been referred to by her real name for 11 years now. But she is respected just the same, and has a strong influence over many young people.
Rural Saskatchewan couple describes transgender love story
Five years ago, Brice Budd made the decision that would change forever his life and the life of his wife, Pat.
B.C. NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert brings back transgender rights bill
A B.C. NDP MLA is hoping that the fourth time will be the charm for his transgender rights legislation.
Right-Wing Senator Wonders Which Bathroom Trans Troops Will Use
Conservative Republican Senator Jim Inhofe expressed confusion about which bathroom transgender troops would use once the ban is lifted against transgender Americans serving openly in the military.
Horrifying Murder in Fresno Caught on Tape, Marks 11th Killing of a Trans Woman This Year
Local trans activists held a vigil Thursday night for K.c. Haggard, who was stabbed to death on the street in an altercation caught on a security camera.
Transgender activists in L.A. protest fatal stabbing of Fresno victim
Conflict arises between Fresno police, transgender activists over identification of murder victim
East Bay Teen Undergoes Fertility Treatment Before Transitioning to a Man
Nicole Carman is at a fertility center in the East Bay, the recent Pittsburg High School graduate is here to undergo egg retrieval, the surgical removal of eggs from her ovaries so they can be frozen and stored.
Bay Area Transgender Teen's Journey to Preserve the Dream of Being a Parent
Transgender Del. inmate embraces new name
“What’s in a name?” is a loaded question for Lakisha Lavette Short.
University of Iowa clinic sees demand for transgender care
Providers with the relatively new Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Clinic at the University of Iowa want to keep the waitlist for initial consults short.
Transgender community fighting for equality
Baltimore Pride celebrates 40 years this weekend, but those in the transgender community said they still face issues like discrimination and physical and sexual violence constantly.
March and rally for Baltimore Trans Uprising
Transgender identity: The next fight for equal rights
Christine Jorgensen, Caroline Cossey and the power of role models: Transgender in Pennsylvania
When PennLive asked transgender readers to share their experiences, one of the questions posed was: How old were you when you saw or heard about a transgender person for the first time? How did you first see or hear about transgender people?
Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston’s ‘bathroom bill,’ sets up ballot fight
The Texas Supreme Court gave Friday the Houston city council 30 days either to repeal a civil-rights ordinance allowing opposite-sex bathroom use or place it before the voters on the November ballot.
The Texas Supreme Court Just Upended Houston’s LGBT Protections
Texas Supreme Court says city must repeal HERO or put it on ballot
Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
City of Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) suspended
Man accused of attacking transgender woman at Seattle park
Police say a 28-year-old man harassed and assaulted a transgender woman Thursday in Seattle's Cal Anderson Park.
Police arrived at the Capitol Hill Park just before 4 p.m. after getting a call about an assault. Officers spoke to witnesses at the park, who said they saw a man harassing a transgender woman.
Adeus, Malva! Falece aos 99 anos a Travesti mais idosa do Mundo
Malva faleceu na semana passada, chilena que aos 17 anos cruzou a Cordilheira dos Andes para viver na Argentina em busca de liberdade. Ela manteve-se bem humorada em seus últimos dias de vida.
Em fim chegou ao final a vida de Malva , uma referência a mim, que como uma cidadã Travesti tenho a história dela, algo que gostaria que fosse semelhante na minha trajetória de vida também, ter o direito de viver por muitos anos, e morrer por idade e não em consequência da falta de direitos que a população de Travestis e Transexuais sofrem no Brasil e em muitas partes do mundo, principalmente nos países da America Latina.
Pidieron a los demás países avanzar en el mismo camino Argentina lidera la reivindicación de derechos de las personas trans
La Organización Mundial de la Salud destacó la ley de Identidad de Género de Argentina, que fue aprobada hace tres años. Eso permitió que más de 4.300 personas trans pudieran inscribir su documento de identidad con nombre y sexo a elección.
Culpado de homicidio capturado em jundiaí
O procurado Júlio César Câmara, 30 anos, foi preso na manhã desta sexta-feira pela equipe de investigação do 6º Distrito Policial, na rodovia Vereador Geraldo Dias, em Jundiaí. Ele foi localizado com auxílio das câmeras de monitoramento da Guarda Municipal de Jundiaí, que flagraram seu veículo passando pelas proximidades do Terminal de Ônibus Urbano Vila Hortolândia. Ele estava foragido da penitenciária, onde cumpria pena pelo crime de homicídio doloso.
“Me via como uma travesti”, revela Thammy Miranda sobre antigo corpo
Filha da cantora Gretchen, a atriz Thammy Miranda foi a convidada do “Programa do Jô” desta última sexta-feira (24). No talk show, ela falou sobre a sua mudança de sexo, os motivos que a levaram à transformação e como se descobriu homossexual.
Life when you feel neither male nor female
Two teenagers speak to BBC Scotland about their experience of being non-binary, people who do not identify as male or female.
President Signs Gender Recognition Act
On July 22nd the Gender Recognition Act was signed into law by President Michael D. Higgins.
Irish President signs progressive Gender Recognition Act into law
Taiwan mother of transsexual man helps mainland parents learn to accept their kids
Not many people know the real name of "Mama Kuo." She has not been referred to by her real name for 11 years now. But she is respected just the same, and has a strong influence over many young people.
Rural Saskatchewan couple describes transgender love story
Five years ago, Brice Budd made the decision that would change forever his life and the life of his wife, Pat.
B.C. NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert brings back transgender rights bill
A B.C. NDP MLA is hoping that the fourth time will be the charm for his transgender rights legislation.
Right-Wing Senator Wonders Which Bathroom Trans Troops Will Use
Conservative Republican Senator Jim Inhofe expressed confusion about which bathroom transgender troops would use once the ban is lifted against transgender Americans serving openly in the military.
Horrifying Murder in Fresno Caught on Tape, Marks 11th Killing of a Trans Woman This Year
Local trans activists held a vigil Thursday night for K.c. Haggard, who was stabbed to death on the street in an altercation caught on a security camera.
Transgender activists in L.A. protest fatal stabbing of Fresno victim
Conflict arises between Fresno police, transgender activists over identification of murder victim
East Bay Teen Undergoes Fertility Treatment Before Transitioning to a Man
Nicole Carman is at a fertility center in the East Bay, the recent Pittsburg High School graduate is here to undergo egg retrieval, the surgical removal of eggs from her ovaries so they can be frozen and stored.
Bay Area Transgender Teen's Journey to Preserve the Dream of Being a Parent
Transgender Del. inmate embraces new name
“What’s in a name?” is a loaded question for Lakisha Lavette Short.
University of Iowa clinic sees demand for transgender care
Providers with the relatively new Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Clinic at the University of Iowa want to keep the waitlist for initial consults short.
Transgender community fighting for equality
Baltimore Pride celebrates 40 years this weekend, but those in the transgender community said they still face issues like discrimination and physical and sexual violence constantly.
March and rally for Baltimore Trans Uprising
Transgender identity: The next fight for equal rights
Christine Jorgensen, Caroline Cossey and the power of role models: Transgender in Pennsylvania
When PennLive asked transgender readers to share their experiences, one of the questions posed was: How old were you when you saw or heard about a transgender person for the first time? How did you first see or hear about transgender people?
Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston’s ‘bathroom bill,’ sets up ballot fight
The Texas Supreme Court gave Friday the Houston city council 30 days either to repeal a civil-rights ordinance allowing opposite-sex bathroom use or place it before the voters on the November ballot.
The Texas Supreme Court Just Upended Houston’s LGBT Protections
Texas Supreme Court says city must repeal HERO or put it on ballot
Texas Supreme Court suspends Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
City of Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) suspended
Man accused of attacking transgender woman at Seattle park
Police say a 28-year-old man harassed and assaulted a transgender woman Thursday in Seattle's Cal Anderson Park.
Police arrived at the Capitol Hill Park just before 4 p.m. after getting a call about an assault. Officers spoke to witnesses at the park, who said they saw a man harassing a transgender woman.

Adeus, Malva! Falece aos 99 anos a Travesti mais idosa do Mundo
Malva faleceu na semana passada, chilena que aos 17 anos cruzou a Cordilheira dos Andes para viver na Argentina em busca de liberdade. Ela manteve-se bem humorada em seus últimos dias de vida.
Em fim chegou ao final a vida de Malva , uma referência a mim, que como uma cidadã Travesti tenho a história dela, algo que gostaria que fosse semelhante na minha trajetória de vida também, ter o direito de viver por muitos anos, e morrer por idade e não em consequência da falta de direitos que a população de Travestis e Transexuais sofrem no Brasil e em muitas partes do mundo, principalmente nos países da America Latina.
Pidieron a los demás países avanzar en el mismo camino Argentina lidera la reivindicación de derechos de las personas trans
La Organización Mundial de la Salud destacó la ley de Identidad de Género de Argentina, que fue aprobada hace tres años. Eso permitió que más de 4.300 personas trans pudieran inscribir su documento de identidad con nombre y sexo a elección.
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