"Preconceitos e discriminação são a minha história de vida"
Júlia Pereira pode tornar-se a primeira deputada transexual em Portugal. A bloquista conta como lutou pela sua identidade e que perdeu trabalhos por ter feito a transição para aquilo que é: mulher.
Precisamos falar sobre transexualidade
A transexual Renata Peron estava na praça da República, em 2007, quando foi agredida por nove rapazes. Os resultados dessa agressão estão presentes até hoje: um dos golpes fez com que perdesse um rim. Diariamente, ela precisa beber três litros de água, não consumir carne, além de outros cuidados.
'Nunca tive pretensão em ser mulher. Sou homem!', afirma Rogéria
A atriz fala sobre sua entrada em Babilônia e desabafa: 'entrei para somar, não para julgar'. Ela também dá detalhes sobre o clima entre atores e produção nos bastidores da gravação da novela da Rede Globo
Travestis fazem pose na cadeia após roubarem 'cliente' em Jundiaí
Homem parou para contratar programa; foi roubado e agredido, diz Guarda.
Grupo foi encontrado em hotel com os pertences da vítima.
Third Party Intervention in Three French Sterilisation Cases
TGEU, together with ILGA-Europe and Amnesty International, submitted a Third Party Intervention to the European Court of Human Rights in three cases against France concerning forced sterilisation in legal gender recognition (Niçot v France, Garçon v France, AP v France) on July 24, 2015.
Joint Statement: recent attacks on LGBTI people in Turkey
IGLYO, ILGA-Europe, ICRSE, SWAN & TGEU have written to the Turkish government to express their grave concern about the lack of a political response over recent attacks, discriminatory treatment and incitement to violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Turkey.
India statistics include trans people for first time
Report finds 16 transgender people died of suicide last year, though activists say the real number is much higher
[New Zealand]
Palm. North toilets to go gender neutral
Palmerston North City Council is leading the way on gender neutral toilets – its staff are researching appropriate signage for facilities throughout the city.
Trans pledge undermined by tactics, says Pride ex-director
Focus on trans support not resignations, says Vancouver parade coordinator
Positive transitions fill Transgender Project
When Gayle Roberts decided to transition from male to female back in 1995, she feared she would lose her job as a high-school physics teacher.
NCTE Welcomes Sincere "I Am Cait" Debut
This past weekend, Caitlyn Jenner's long-awaited documentary series I Am Cait premiered on E! network. Part of an eight-hour long television series, I Am Cait chronicles Caitlyn Jenner's gender transition and her struggle for acceptance.
Drag pageant rules excluding ‘pre-op’ transgender contestants met with confusion, condemnation
Promoters say new rule extends inclusion, is not discriminatory
A chat with the US army’s openly-trans* soldier Shane Ortega
Last week, news about Shane Ortega, the US army’s first openly-trans* soldier made waves on the internet.
Was the victim in brutal Fresno killing a transgender woman? ‘We may never know.’
In the early-morning hours of Thursday, a person in a tan SUV beckoned Kenton Craig Haggard over to the vehicle. Wearing a knee-length dress and a white cardigan, Haggard crossed the street.
Transgender murder in California leaves community fearful and angry
Teen arrested in connection with the death of trans woman India Clarke
A man has been arrested in connection with the death of trans woman India Clarke.
Last Wednesday morning, India Clarke joined the list as at least the 11th trans woman in the US to be murdered this year.
Now Keith Lamayne Gaillard, an 18-year-old, has been booked on charges of first-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a violent criminal.
India Clarke: Arrest made in connection with murder of Tampa transgender woman
Man wanted for questioning in India Clarke's murder arrested
Competing trans legal events set to take place in Chicago
In order to provide individuals with a cost-effective alternative to the National LGBT Bar Association's Lavender Law Conference—Transgender Law Institute, a number of attorneys who work on trans legal issues got together and created the first-ever Trans Law Symposium. Both events will take place Aug. 7, just blocks away from each other.
New Question Surfaces for Transgender Leaders in Boy Scouts
Now that the Boy Scouts of America has voted to end its ban on gay adults, another question of sexual identity comes from Jane White, a St. Louisan that is transgender. Will she be able to rejoin the scouts?
Omaha deejay accused of punching transgender woman charged with hate crime
An Omaha deejay has been charged with a hate crime after he was accused of storming into a women’s restroom at an Omaha bar and assaulting a transgender woman.
Transgender woman scores small victory in NM
With the gaining popularity of Caitlyn Jenner and the eminent lift of the ban on transgender people in the military, there have been a lot of wins for the transgender community. But there was one win in New Mexico that didn’t grab the headlines.
Texas Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Allowing Houston Voters Chance to Repeal City’s Pro-LGBT Ordinance
Houston’s lesbian mayor put her pro-homosexuality politics above the rule of law.
Judge: City must count signatures in anti-gay activist's petition
Houston We Have a Problem! Four Things You Need to Know about the Suspension of HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance)
A federal judge said being transgender is a mental disorder. Here's why he's wrong
A federal judge on Monday dismissed a key legal argument that could allow a transgender teen to use the bathroom at his school that corresponds with his gender identity, telling the boy's attorneys that they now face an "uphill battle," BuzzFeed's Dominic Holden reported.
Judge drops part of transgender nondiscrimination lawsuit
Federal judge dismisses Title IX claim in trans student’s lawsuit
Mujeres Transexuales piden a la Iglesia acabar con la discriminación
Mujeres transexuales exhortaron a la cúpula católica a poner fin a la violencia y la discriminación, así como a los crímenes de odio en "nombre de dios". En una manifestación realizada a las afueras de las oficinas de la Arquidiócesis de México ubicadas en Durango #90, colonia Roma.
Mutilan y asesinan a una mujer transexual en Argentina
La Policía de la provincia argentina de Córdoba (centro) investiga el asesinato de una mujer transexual, que fue encontrada sin vida en una obra en construcción con signos de abuso sexual y de tortura, informó hoy la Federación Argentina de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans (Falgbt).
Masacraron a golpes y castraron a una travesti
"Preconceitos e discriminação são a minha história de vida"
Júlia Pereira pode tornar-se a primeira deputada transexual em Portugal. A bloquista conta como lutou pela sua identidade e que perdeu trabalhos por ter feito a transição para aquilo que é: mulher.
Precisamos falar sobre transexualidade
A transexual Renata Peron estava na praça da República, em 2007, quando foi agredida por nove rapazes. Os resultados dessa agressão estão presentes até hoje: um dos golpes fez com que perdesse um rim. Diariamente, ela precisa beber três litros de água, não consumir carne, além de outros cuidados.
'Nunca tive pretensão em ser mulher. Sou homem!', afirma Rogéria
A atriz fala sobre sua entrada em Babilônia e desabafa: 'entrei para somar, não para julgar'. Ela também dá detalhes sobre o clima entre atores e produção nos bastidores da gravação da novela da Rede Globo
Travestis fazem pose na cadeia após roubarem 'cliente' em Jundiaí
Homem parou para contratar programa; foi roubado e agredido, diz Guarda.
Grupo foi encontrado em hotel com os pertences da vítima.
Third Party Intervention in Three French Sterilisation Cases
TGEU, together with ILGA-Europe and Amnesty International, submitted a Third Party Intervention to the European Court of Human Rights in three cases against France concerning forced sterilisation in legal gender recognition (Niçot v France, Garçon v France, AP v France) on July 24, 2015.
Joint Statement: recent attacks on LGBTI people in Turkey
IGLYO, ILGA-Europe, ICRSE, SWAN & TGEU have written to the Turkish government to express their grave concern about the lack of a political response over recent attacks, discriminatory treatment and incitement to violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Turkey.
India statistics include trans people for first time
Report finds 16 transgender people died of suicide last year, though activists say the real number is much higher
[New Zealand]
Palm. North toilets to go gender neutral
Palmerston North City Council is leading the way on gender neutral toilets – its staff are researching appropriate signage for facilities throughout the city.
Trans pledge undermined by tactics, says Pride ex-director
Focus on trans support not resignations, says Vancouver parade coordinator
Positive transitions fill Transgender Project
When Gayle Roberts decided to transition from male to female back in 1995, she feared she would lose her job as a high-school physics teacher.
NCTE Welcomes Sincere "I Am Cait" Debut
This past weekend, Caitlyn Jenner's long-awaited documentary series I Am Cait premiered on E! network. Part of an eight-hour long television series, I Am Cait chronicles Caitlyn Jenner's gender transition and her struggle for acceptance.
Drag pageant rules excluding ‘pre-op’ transgender contestants met with confusion, condemnation
Promoters say new rule extends inclusion, is not discriminatory
A chat with the US army’s openly-trans* soldier Shane Ortega
Last week, news about Shane Ortega, the US army’s first openly-trans* soldier made waves on the internet.
Was the victim in brutal Fresno killing a transgender woman? ‘We may never know.’
In the early-morning hours of Thursday, a person in a tan SUV beckoned Kenton Craig Haggard over to the vehicle. Wearing a knee-length dress and a white cardigan, Haggard crossed the street.
Transgender murder in California leaves community fearful and angry
Teen arrested in connection with the death of trans woman India Clarke
A man has been arrested in connection with the death of trans woman India Clarke.
Last Wednesday morning, India Clarke joined the list as at least the 11th trans woman in the US to be murdered this year.
Now Keith Lamayne Gaillard, an 18-year-old, has been booked on charges of first-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a violent criminal.
India Clarke: Arrest made in connection with murder of Tampa transgender woman
Man wanted for questioning in India Clarke's murder arrested
Competing trans legal events set to take place in Chicago
In order to provide individuals with a cost-effective alternative to the National LGBT Bar Association's Lavender Law Conference—Transgender Law Institute, a number of attorneys who work on trans legal issues got together and created the first-ever Trans Law Symposium. Both events will take place Aug. 7, just blocks away from each other.
New Question Surfaces for Transgender Leaders in Boy Scouts
Now that the Boy Scouts of America has voted to end its ban on gay adults, another question of sexual identity comes from Jane White, a St. Louisan that is transgender. Will she be able to rejoin the scouts?
Omaha deejay accused of punching transgender woman charged with hate crime
An Omaha deejay has been charged with a hate crime after he was accused of storming into a women’s restroom at an Omaha bar and assaulting a transgender woman.
Transgender woman scores small victory in NM
With the gaining popularity of Caitlyn Jenner and the eminent lift of the ban on transgender people in the military, there have been a lot of wins for the transgender community. But there was one win in New Mexico that didn’t grab the headlines.
Texas Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Allowing Houston Voters Chance to Repeal City’s Pro-LGBT Ordinance
Houston’s lesbian mayor put her pro-homosexuality politics above the rule of law.
Judge: City must count signatures in anti-gay activist's petition
Houston We Have a Problem! Four Things You Need to Know about the Suspension of HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance)
A federal judge said being transgender is a mental disorder. Here's why he's wrong
A federal judge on Monday dismissed a key legal argument that could allow a transgender teen to use the bathroom at his school that corresponds with his gender identity, telling the boy's attorneys that they now face an "uphill battle," BuzzFeed's Dominic Holden reported.
Judge drops part of transgender nondiscrimination lawsuit
Federal judge dismisses Title IX claim in trans student’s lawsuit
Mujeres Transexuales piden a la Iglesia acabar con la discriminación
Mujeres transexuales exhortaron a la cúpula católica a poner fin a la violencia y la discriminación, así como a los crímenes de odio en "nombre de dios". En una manifestación realizada a las afueras de las oficinas de la Arquidiócesis de México ubicadas en Durango #90, colonia Roma.

Mutilan y asesinan a una mujer transexual en Argentina
La Policía de la provincia argentina de Córdoba (centro) investiga el asesinato de una mujer transexual, que fue encontrada sin vida en una obra en construcción con signos de abuso sexual y de tortura, informó hoy la Federación Argentina de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans (Falgbt).
Masacraron a golpes y castraron a una travesti
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