Travesti é morto com tiro no tórax
Um travesti foi morto na noite deste domingo (dia 24) no bairro Jardim Paraíso, em Rio Preto. A vítima foi atingida por um tiro na região do tórax e chegou a ser socorrida, mas não resistiu.
Brazil: the slaughter continues
Travesti é esfaqueado em disputa por “ponto” no bairro de Lourdes
Um travesti foi esfaqueado por outros nove travestis na noite desta terça-feira (26), no cruzamento da avenida Leopoldino de Oliveira com a avenida Niza Marques Guaritá. A possível motivação da briga seria a disputa de ponto para programas no bairro. A Polícia Militar (PM) foi acionada e prendeu os nove acusados de envolvimento no crime.
Rights in Transition Making Legal Recognition for Transgender People a Global Priority
Bhumika Shrestha, a transgender woman in Nepal, holds her citizenship certificate, which listed her as male in 2011. Nepal legally recognized a third gender category beginning in 2007, but it took Shrestha and other activists and transgender citizens until 2015 to push for recognition on documents.
Trans people to get free travel passes
Free annual travel passes are being given away to transgender people, in an attempt to raise awareness of transphobia among the public.
Free Madrid metro passes for transgender people
Madrid metro sparks row with free passes for transsexuals
Jeremy Clarkson comments about trans people are 'damaging', says Stonewall
Ex-Top Gear presenter has been criticised for Sunday Times column that accuses couple of ‘poisoning the mind of a child’ by letting their son live as a girl
German party says schools should teach trans children to accept their 'biological gender'
Eurosceptic party AfD also doesn't consider holding back marriage equality to be discriminating against LGBTI people
How one controversial Tel Aviv clinic is helping transgender youth
The Channel 2 network recently received an unusual complaint: A viewer of the reality show "Big Brother" claimed that her feelings were hurt when a participant was shown putting on tefillin, small boxes containing Torah verses worn by observant Jews during weekday prayer. For the viewer, the problem was that this participant, Michael Elroy, is transgender — a man who was born a woman and changed his gender. Even though Judaism does not forbid women from putting on tefillin, most of the Orthodox public holds that this deed is reserved for men only. And so, according to the complainant, Channel 2 “enabled a woman to ridicule Jewish values and the holy books.”
Transgenders: Our fight will not stop till Sec 36A repealed
Section 36A is aimed at controlling the ‘objectionable activities’ of ‘eunuchs’.
[New Zealand]
Flatmates defend their ad for 'No heterosexuals': We just don't want to live with you'
A group of transgender flatmates living in Wellington has defended their Trade Me listing for wanting "no heterosexuals" in their advertisement.
Trademe advert highlights trans housing discrimination
[New Zealand]
Bullied, trans people end up on the streets
A spokesperson from Lifewise says feedback from frontline staff tells them that about 1-1.5% of clients identify as transgender and the organisation is currently working with seven people who identify as transgender.
Cheers and fears as WSD trustees debate landmark transgender policy
Amid fears of discrimination against heterosexuals, predictions of lawsuits and the perils of schools keeping secrets from parents, Winnipeg School Division’s pioneering transgender policy is off and running.
Many Transgender Ontarians Not Comfortable With Doctors
A study led by researchers at Western University has found about half of transgender Ontarians who have a family doctor are not comfortable discussing transgender-related health issues with them.
Canada’s Michelle Dumaresq upbeat about IOC change for transgender athletes heading into Rio 2016 Olympics
A couple years back, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights tracked down Michelle Dumaresq to request a jersey from her career as a professional mountain biker.
Who’s Afraid of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms?
In the middle of taking the bar exam at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, in New York City, along with thousands of aspiring lawyers, I had to go to the bathroom. The enormous line for the women’s restroom looked like it would take at least a half hour. There was no line for the men’s restroom. I walked in, passed my male counterparts at a row of urinals, used one of several empty stalls, then returned to my desk. I felt that my decision to forgo the women’s bathroom made a difference to my passing the exam, and that the much longer wait for women than men during an all-important test for entry to the legal profession was obviously unfair.
Trans Youth and Adults are Under Attack: Help Needed to Stop Bullies in State Legislatures Now
Our community is under attack.
Gender Identity vs. Catholic Identity Face-Off After Title IX Expansions
The federal government’s reinterpretation of Title IX to include ‘gender identity’ is generating concern on Catholic campuses.
Bill O'Reilly Wonders Whether Transgender Voters Will Get A "Special Booth"
DAVID SPADE (GUEST): I think like my mom said when you are younger, you are Democrat. When you get older you get Republican. I don't know why she said that. She said that when you get money and in the beginning you are saying "I want to help the world" and then when you get older you try to think it through and say "I have money, where is it going? Is it going to the right places" and blah blah blah. Republicans get a bad rap. I don't know where I fall. I think it's hard to pick such a clear side when there is transgender now and people don't even like to say male or female.
Speaking up for equal access to shelters
Over 1500 people have joined the National Center for Transgender Equality to urge the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to ensure that all trans people can access safe shelters when they need it.
North Carolina native to create statue paying tribute to transgender victims of violence
North Carolina State University’s School of Design alumnus Heath Satow has been hired to create a new statue to pay tribute to transgender victims of violence.
StoryCorps: A transgender pioneer reflects on her path to activism
In the 1960s, the Tenderloin was a center for the LGBT community in San Francisco. But even there, they faced discrimination and harassment, often from the police. Felicia Elizondo first came to the Tenderloin from San Jose as a teenager in 1963. It was there that she took part in the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot in 1966, one of the first transgender riots in the country.
LA LGBT Center Creates Transgender Youth Fund with Holly Woodlawn Donation
Before she died early last month, internationally acclaimed cabaret performer and Andy Warhol muse Holly Woodlawn had decided to leave a legacy of support for at-risk LGBT young people. Shortly after her death on Dec. 6, her estate reached out to the Los Angeles LGBT Center—the nation’s largest provider of services for LGBT youth—to jointly establish the Holly Woodlawn Memorial Fund for Transgender Youth with seed money of $25,000.
Southington school board considers policy for transgender students
The Board of Education is considering a policy for transgender students that would increase privacy, allow access to locker rooms and bathrooms, and require teachers to address transgender students by their chosen names.
DeKalb County schools await state policies for transgender students
School districts 424,427,428 have general policies affording students freedom from discrimination based on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation
Transgendered community upset at proposed bathroom bill
Illinois Bill Would Limit Transgender Bathroom Access
Seven transgender women have been murdered in Detroit since 2011. The harm runs far deeper than the headlines
At 10:21 A.M. on a smotheringly humid July morning this past summer, a woman on Detroit's west side dialed 9-1-1.
Six minutes later, a second call came through. The message was more or less the same: A lady, who appeared to be naked, was lying in the intersection of McGraw and 25th Street. She was possibly moving. Maybe hit by a car.
Nova Classical Academy approves interim gender inclusion guidance
At its board meeting on Monday evening, Nova Classical Academy board of directors approved guidance to staff on gender inclusion at the public charter school. The guidance, which is an interim measure until the board approves an official policy, states that gender non-conforming students should be protected from bullying, that gender non-conforming students can wear the uniform that matches their gender, and that students will be able to use the “single sex facility” that aligns with their gender.
“Kill this legislation, or we will see you in court,” LGBT group speaks out against new proposals
Today, the nation's largest LGBT civil rights organization accused our state of going after LGBT families with over two-dozen proposed new laws.
Local transgender woman sues U-Haul for discrimination
A transgender woman who claims a Gresham U-Haul employee discriminated against her by refusing to rent her a van is now suing the company for $75,000.
Dakota Midday: HB1008 With ACLU's Libby Skarin
South Dakota ACLU Policy Director Libby Skarin joins Dakota Midday for a conversation about House Bill 1008, a bill to "restrict access to certain restrooms and locker rooms in public schools."
Transgender Restroom Policy Fix Passes Committee
Transgender bathroom bill moves ahead in Pierre
Transgender bathroom bill advances in Pierre
SD Civil Rights Advocates Oppose Bills Aimed at Transgender Students
Proposed religious freedom bill defended by Virginia GOP House and Senate members
GOP House and Senate members gathered at the Capitol today to support several proposed bills which aim to protect religious freedoms in the Commonwealth.
Va. Senate committee approves two anti-discrimination bills
ACLU: Gloucester transgender lawsuit comes at critical time
The appeal filed by the 16-year-old transgender student who is suing Gloucester County schools over its restroom use policy will have crucial consequences, according to Joshua Block, senior staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union.
Va. transgender student’s case could have national implications
4th Circuit to hear Virginia transgender student’s appeal
4th Circuit to hear transgender student lawsuit
Transgender woman files suit against Peoples Bank for allegedly denying her service
A transgender woman has filed a civil lawsuit against her bank, saying they denied her service over the phone because she sounds like a man.
Legislator explains why she's blocking transgender bathroom opposition bill
Washington state Rep. Laurie Jinkins disagrees with a proposed bill that would limit the state's transgender bathroom policy, but she told KIRO Radio's Jason Rantz that's not why she's blocking it from being heard by the Legislature. At least, not the only reason.
ICYMI: The State Rep Behind the Transgender Bathroom Bill Faces Questions About His Military Record
Senate committee to consider bill to repeal gender-identity bathroom access
Se graduó en la universidad el primer homosexual zapoteco asumido como mujer
Amaranta Gómez Regalado oriunda de la ciudad de Juchitán, es el primer zapoteca homosexual asumido como mujer que se graduó de una Universidad, al defender su tesis de licenciatura en Antropología con el tema, Guendaranaxhii: la comunidad muxhe del Istmo de Tehuantepec y su relación erótica- afectiva.
Nicaragua’s Red Odetrans media campaign goes viral
Red Odetrans, a Nicaraguan trans advocacy organization media campaign “Somos iguales a vos” (“We are just like you”) has found success in the media, traditional and digital. The campaign has been particularly effective in universities helping people to visualize the different aspects of trans women in Nicaragua.
Indígenas, pobres y homosexuales
El libro ‘La Madonna de Sorata’, del boliviano Edson Hurtado, reúne crónicas estremecedoras sobre el terrible destino que depara a aquellos que tienen una sexualidad heterodoxa en una comunidad indígena
Murdered Argentinian trans woman identified as Bella Inostroza
A trans woman was found dead in a rural drain in the Roca neighborhood about 1500 meters south of Route 22 has been identified by family as Bella Inostroza, 40 years old.
Dirigente trans, coordinadora en el ministerio de Bullrich
Patricia Bullrich, nombró a Mara Pérez Reynoso, vicepresidenta de Unión PRO Diversidad, como Coordinadora Nacional de Diversidad.
Primera transexual nombrada como jefa de dependencia del Gobierno argentino
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