Em memória de Gisberta Salce Júnior
Assinala-se no próximo dia 22 de Fevereiro o décimo aniversário do bárbaro e macabro assassinato de Gisberta Salce Júnior.
Quantas vezes matarão Gisberta? Depoimento de Sérgio Vitorino
"A morte de Gisberta representa o nosso fracasso político, individual e colectivo" Depoimento de Ana Cristina Santos
"A primeira Marcha do Orgulho no Porto só se fez por causa da Gisberta" Depoimento de Bruno Maia
"As pessoas trans continuam a não ter cuidados de saúde acessíveis e inclusivos" Depoimento de Sandra Saleiro
Amazig Grace Depoimento de José Soeiro
"A Gisberta era uma pessoa que sorria à vida" Depoimento de Roberta kinsky
"O que mais me chocou foi o que fizeram com uma pessoa" Depoimento de Vítor
"A Gisberta podia ser eu" Depoimento de Júlia Mendes Pereira
Aconselha-se vivamente a lerem os depoimentos onde (pelo menos até agora) as pessoas trans que na altura se mexeram foram senão total, pelo menos esmagadoramente ignoradas pelos comentadores, salvo honrosas excepções.
10 anos sem Gisberta, o que mudou
A 22 de Fevereiro de 2006 o país acordou com a notícia da morte de Gisberta Salce Junior, encontrada assassinada num poço depois de três dias de tortura. O crime de ódio alertou a sociedade que fingia ignorar a fragilidade das vidas de tantas pessoas trans, a quem era negado o direito à identidade, ao acesso ao trabalho e a cuidados de saúde, expondo-as à violência gratuita. 10 anos passaram, o que mudou entretanto? Dossier organizado por Joana Campos.
Sobre este(s) artigos, nomeadamente no referente à cronologia, foi questionado o apagamento da ªt e do GTP da dita cronologia em comentário, até agora sem resposta. Até ver, Joana Campos, ou deliberadamente ou por ignorância, apagou a existência da ªt e do Grupo Transexual Portugal
Gisberta, 10 anos depois: a diva transexual que acabou no fundo do poço
Gisberta, a transexual que gostava de Marilyn Monroe, acabou morta num poço depois de dias de agressões de 14 menores. Dez anos depois, família e amigos não a esquecem. E os jovens?
Transsexual assassinada na cidade de Maracanaú, Ceará
Uma mulher trans foi encontrada morta no Luzardo era conhecida apenas como Malu, colega informou que ela fazia programa no mesmo local onde foi encontrada morta e de acordo com ela, a vitima foi ameaçada por dois jovens com quem teve relações sexuais e por um cliente que tinha esfaqueado e roubado outra mulher trans na região no ano passado.
Brazilian trans woman shot to death
Duas travestis são encontradas mortas e queimadas em Porto Alegre
Corpos foram localizados na Estrada Martins Félix Berta na manhã desta sexta-feira
Identificados corpos encontrados em praça na Zona Norte de Porto Alegre
Two trans women murdered in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Por que homens procuram travestis?
Muitos parecem precisar de uma forma atenuada de sexo com outro homem. A ambiguidade dessa relação sugere muitas outras fantasias
Transexual é espancada por grupo de 20 pessoas na Rua Augusta, em São Paulo
Apesar dos indícios de transfobia apontados pela vítima, polícia registra o caso como “roubo a transeunte” e sequer cita no boletim de ocorrência o nome social da vítima e sua condição de trans
Trans woman attacked by 20 men, destroys her FFS
Os 20 que bateram em mulher transexual em SP são gays; e ninguém fala sobre isso
Brazilian trans woman was attacked by… 20 cis gay men, apparently
Travestis prostitutas sofrem os efeitos da crise
Luísa Marilac vai às ruas perguntar se economia anda mal por lá também e descobre que ainda tem homem que quer desconto porque finge que foi enganado!
Cliente não paga programa, corta travesti e tem carro depredado no centro
Por volta das 4 horas desta quarta-feira (17), confusão envolvendo duas travestis, de 22 e 24 anos, e um cliente, de 21 anos, terminou na delegacia. O rapaz de 21 anos é acusado pelas vítimas de se recusar a pagar o programa e ainda feri-las com um estilete. O caso ocorreu no centro da Capital, na Avenida Calógeras, esquina com a Rua Quinze de Novembro.
Esfaqueada, travesti foge de atendimento do Samu em bicicleta
Esfaqueada pela segunda vez em pouco mais de duas semanas, uma travesti, identificada apenas como Nicole, recusou socorro do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu), fugindo dos profissionais em uma bicicleta, na madrugada desta quarta-feira, 17, no município de Tangará da Serra (244 km de Cuiabá). A Polícia Militar (PM) também foi acionada, mas encontrou no local apenas um homem, visivelmente embriagado, que não soube informar o que teria acontecido, ou para onde ela teria se deslocado.
Trans Beauty Queen Stripped of Title For Not Being ‘Trans Enough’
Last year 23 year old transgender woman Jai Dara Latto, from Walkerburn in Scotland, was crowned as the winner of the Miss Transgender UK competition. Now, however, she has been stripped of her title by the woman who runs Mis Transgender UK, Rachael Bailey, after claiming that Jai is not infact transgender.
Russia nationalizing treatment of gender and sexual orientation disorders
A new unheralded regulation is in the works to medically rehabilitate Russians suffering from gender dysphoria and sexual orientation dysfunction. This regulation would install one ‘sexologist’ per 250,000 residents, in existing reproductive centers. But there’s strong disagreement amongst advocacy groups over the intended purpose and scope of the regulation.
Meet India’s 1st trans police officer K. Prithika Yashini
K Prithika Yashini, 25, is the first transgender person to become a police official in India.
Tasmania considers amending Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Act for better inclusion of trans and intersex
Tasmania’s Anti Discrimination Commissioner Robin Banks is proposing a range of legislative changes that will allow trans and intersex people to register their gender as X if desired.
ACT to allow gender non-specific birth certificates
As part of the new laws, couples can choose between “parent 1” and “parent 2”, “mother” and “mother”, “father” and “father”, or “mother” and “father” on the birth certificate of their newborn.
All-gender washrooms coming to more Toronto schools: TDSB
The Toronto District School Board says it intends to open all-gender washrooms in public schools across the city in a bid to create a more inclusive environment for students.
Transgender people serving in US military report few mental, physical health problems
A new study shows that transgender active-duty U.S. military personnel report few lifetime mental and physical health problems. These findings challenge the current policy of excluding transgender persons from enlisting in the U.S. military or discharging them based on the presumption that they are unfit to serve due to their mental or physical health, according to the authors of the study published in Transgender Health, a new peer-reviewed open access journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available open access on the Transgender Health website.
Transgender People Need Safe and Dignified Access to Homeless Shelters
Critical action is needed to remove barriers to shelters for people who are homeless. Among this vulnerable population, transgender people face unrelenting difficulty finding safe accommodation because of their gender identity.
Caitlyn Jenner epitomises ‘third gender’ says legendary photographer
Annie Lebovitz has praised the former Olympian, who she photographed for Vanity Fair last year.
Laura Ingraham Attacks Transgender Non-Discrimination Protections
Ingraham: "The Only Hope" To Defeat Non-Discrimination Protections Is To "Piggy Back On The Success Of Muslims Getting Special Treatment" When They're "Offended"
Andreja Pejic Romper El Tabú Breaking the Taboo, so apropos
Trans super-model Andreja Pejic taboo-defying Marie Clare cover defied doubters who said she lost her uniqueness after transitioning. The @marieclaire_es byline on the cover accompanying her image Andreja Pejic Romper El Tabú Breaking the Taboo is just so apropos.
Calif. instructs employers to allow trans workers bathroom access
The California agency charged with enforcing the state’s civil rights law on Wednesday made public new guidance to make clear employers are required to allow trans workers to use restroom facilities consistent with their gender identity.
Male Student Told To Remove Elsa Fancy Dress Costume For ‘Violating Gender Norms’
A 13 year old boy was forced to remove his fancy dress costume when his school principal deemed that it violated gender norms.
Board splits on transgender bathroom policy
Sarasota County schools will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to allow transgender students to use the restroom that best matches their gender identities or to require them to use the restroom corresponding to their gender at birth.
Sarasota County School Board hesitant to get involved with transgender bathroom issue
Transgender woman files suit against former employer
A transgender woman is suing a security company after she said she was fired following her transition.
Iowa Senate panel OKs bill on crimes against transgender people
A Senate panel has advanced a bill that would make it a hate crime in Iowa to commit an offense against a person because that person identifies as transgender.
Kentucky lawmakers not ready to vote on civil rights for sexual orientation and gender identity
House Bill 155 would extend Civil Rights Act to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Kentuckians
House Judiciary Committee gives supporters 15 minutes to speak but will not act on bill
Sponsor: ‘People feel like they’re taking a political hit to vote for fairness’
NSAA gender proposal clears small hurdle
A proposal to require high school students to participate in sports according to the gender on their birth certificates passed a small hurdle Wednesday, but its ultimate success is far from guaranteed.
Harlem Rallies in Support of Trans Woman Assaulted on D Train
As arctic air descended on New York the evening of February 12, a crowd numbering several dozen gathered at the corner of 125th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue to show support for Jennifer Louise Lopez, a transgender rights activist who was assaulted by another woman shouting anti-trans slurs on the uptown D train two weeks earlier.
Kingston Board of Education panel will tackle transgender issues
The Board of Education’s Policy Committee is expected to soon consider anti-discrimination guidelines to address transgender and gender identification issues in city schools.
S. Dakota is first state to pass bill restricting transgender students’ bathroom use
The South Dakota state legislature on Tuesday passed a bill that would require public school students to use the bathroom, shower and locker room that correspond to their biological sex.
Dangerous anti-trans bill passes through South Dakota legislature, sitting on Governor's desk
Transgender Law Center condemns South Dakota bill targeting transgender youth
South Dakota legislature sends anti-trans bill to governor
South Dakota Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bill' Heads to Governor
Bill requires transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond to biological sex
White House, S.D. Chamber weigh in on anti-trans bill
Transgender bathroom bill puts South Dakota in the national spotlight
Bathroom Bill: Students, Administrators Weigh In
South Dakota 'bathroom bill' opens up conversation about transgender rights (+video)
South Dakota Gov. to Get Trans Folks' Input on 'Bathroom Bill'
South Dakota governor to meet with trans students
Governor Daugaard's office calls meeting refusal "a mistake"
S. Dakota's transgender school bathroom bill could impact families in the Valley
Lambda Legal Warns South Carolina School District that Transgender Student Suspension Could Lead to Lawsuit
Tennessee Senate OKs bill allowing therapists to reject clients based on religious beliefs
Tennessee senators today approved a controversial bill that allows counselors and therapists to refuse to treat would-be patients on grounds they violate the professionals' "sincerely held religious belief."
Independent Investigation Debunks The Anti-LGBT "Bathroom Predator" Myth
An independent investigation debunked the right-wing myth that non-discrimination protections for transgender people threaten women's safety, citing officials from states that have had such protections for years without incident.
Group Launches Website to Put Anti-Trans Discrimination to a Statewide Vote
"Just Want Privacy," a campaign dedicated to repealing the state Human Rights Commission's rule allowing transgender people to use the sex-segregated bathroom that aligns with their gender identity, is preparing to put anti-trans discrimination to a vote.
Man tests new transgender protections by undressing in women's locker room
In the early evening of Feb. 8, a man walked into the women’s locker room at the Evans Pool and took his shirt off.
Em memória de Gisberta Salce Júnior
Assinala-se no próximo dia 22 de Fevereiro o décimo aniversário do bárbaro e macabro assassinato de Gisberta Salce Júnior.
Quantas vezes matarão Gisberta? Depoimento de Sérgio Vitorino
"A morte de Gisberta representa o nosso fracasso político, individual e colectivo" Depoimento de Ana Cristina Santos
"A primeira Marcha do Orgulho no Porto só se fez por causa da Gisberta" Depoimento de Bruno Maia
"As pessoas trans continuam a não ter cuidados de saúde acessíveis e inclusivos" Depoimento de Sandra Saleiro
Amazig Grace Depoimento de José Soeiro
"A Gisberta era uma pessoa que sorria à vida" Depoimento de Roberta kinsky
"O que mais me chocou foi o que fizeram com uma pessoa" Depoimento de Vítor
"A Gisberta podia ser eu" Depoimento de Júlia Mendes Pereira
Aconselha-se vivamente a lerem os depoimentos onde (pelo menos até agora) as pessoas trans que na altura se mexeram foram senão total, pelo menos esmagadoramente ignoradas pelos comentadores, salvo honrosas excepções.
10 anos sem Gisberta, o que mudou
A 22 de Fevereiro de 2006 o país acordou com a notícia da morte de Gisberta Salce Junior, encontrada assassinada num poço depois de três dias de tortura. O crime de ódio alertou a sociedade que fingia ignorar a fragilidade das vidas de tantas pessoas trans, a quem era negado o direito à identidade, ao acesso ao trabalho e a cuidados de saúde, expondo-as à violência gratuita. 10 anos passaram, o que mudou entretanto? Dossier organizado por Joana Campos.
Sobre este(s) artigos, nomeadamente no referente à cronologia, foi questionado o apagamento da ªt e do GTP da dita cronologia em comentário, até agora sem resposta. Até ver, Joana Campos, ou deliberadamente ou por ignorância, apagou a existência da ªt e do Grupo Transexual Portugal
Gisberta, 10 anos depois: a diva transexual que acabou no fundo do poço
Gisberta, a transexual que gostava de Marilyn Monroe, acabou morta num poço depois de dias de agressões de 14 menores. Dez anos depois, família e amigos não a esquecem. E os jovens?

Transsexual assassinada na cidade de Maracanaú, Ceará
Uma mulher trans foi encontrada morta no Luzardo era conhecida apenas como Malu, colega informou que ela fazia programa no mesmo local onde foi encontrada morta e de acordo com ela, a vitima foi ameaçada por dois jovens com quem teve relações sexuais e por um cliente que tinha esfaqueado e roubado outra mulher trans na região no ano passado.
Brazilian trans woman shot to death

Duas travestis são encontradas mortas e queimadas em Porto Alegre
Corpos foram localizados na Estrada Martins Félix Berta na manhã desta sexta-feira
Identificados corpos encontrados em praça na Zona Norte de Porto Alegre
Two trans women murdered in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Por que homens procuram travestis?
Muitos parecem precisar de uma forma atenuada de sexo com outro homem. A ambiguidade dessa relação sugere muitas outras fantasias

Transexual é espancada por grupo de 20 pessoas na Rua Augusta, em São Paulo
Apesar dos indícios de transfobia apontados pela vítima, polícia registra o caso como “roubo a transeunte” e sequer cita no boletim de ocorrência o nome social da vítima e sua condição de trans
Trans woman attacked by 20 men, destroys her FFS
Os 20 que bateram em mulher transexual em SP são gays; e ninguém fala sobre isso
Brazilian trans woman was attacked by… 20 cis gay men, apparently
Travestis prostitutas sofrem os efeitos da crise
Luísa Marilac vai às ruas perguntar se economia anda mal por lá também e descobre que ainda tem homem que quer desconto porque finge que foi enganado!
Cliente não paga programa, corta travesti e tem carro depredado no centro
Por volta das 4 horas desta quarta-feira (17), confusão envolvendo duas travestis, de 22 e 24 anos, e um cliente, de 21 anos, terminou na delegacia. O rapaz de 21 anos é acusado pelas vítimas de se recusar a pagar o programa e ainda feri-las com um estilete. O caso ocorreu no centro da Capital, na Avenida Calógeras, esquina com a Rua Quinze de Novembro.
Esfaqueada, travesti foge de atendimento do Samu em bicicleta
Esfaqueada pela segunda vez em pouco mais de duas semanas, uma travesti, identificada apenas como Nicole, recusou socorro do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu), fugindo dos profissionais em uma bicicleta, na madrugada desta quarta-feira, 17, no município de Tangará da Serra (244 km de Cuiabá). A Polícia Militar (PM) também foi acionada, mas encontrou no local apenas um homem, visivelmente embriagado, que não soube informar o que teria acontecido, ou para onde ela teria se deslocado.
Trans Beauty Queen Stripped of Title For Not Being ‘Trans Enough’
Last year 23 year old transgender woman Jai Dara Latto, from Walkerburn in Scotland, was crowned as the winner of the Miss Transgender UK competition. Now, however, she has been stripped of her title by the woman who runs Mis Transgender UK, Rachael Bailey, after claiming that Jai is not infact transgender.
Russia nationalizing treatment of gender and sexual orientation disorders
A new unheralded regulation is in the works to medically rehabilitate Russians suffering from gender dysphoria and sexual orientation dysfunction. This regulation would install one ‘sexologist’ per 250,000 residents, in existing reproductive centers. But there’s strong disagreement amongst advocacy groups over the intended purpose and scope of the regulation.
Meet India’s 1st trans police officer K. Prithika Yashini
K Prithika Yashini, 25, is the first transgender person to become a police official in India.
Tasmania considers amending Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Act for better inclusion of trans and intersex
Tasmania’s Anti Discrimination Commissioner Robin Banks is proposing a range of legislative changes that will allow trans and intersex people to register their gender as X if desired.
ACT to allow gender non-specific birth certificates
As part of the new laws, couples can choose between “parent 1” and “parent 2”, “mother” and “mother”, “father” and “father”, or “mother” and “father” on the birth certificate of their newborn.
All-gender washrooms coming to more Toronto schools: TDSB
The Toronto District School Board says it intends to open all-gender washrooms in public schools across the city in a bid to create a more inclusive environment for students.
Transgender people serving in US military report few mental, physical health problems
A new study shows that transgender active-duty U.S. military personnel report few lifetime mental and physical health problems. These findings challenge the current policy of excluding transgender persons from enlisting in the U.S. military or discharging them based on the presumption that they are unfit to serve due to their mental or physical health, according to the authors of the study published in Transgender Health, a new peer-reviewed open access journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available open access on the Transgender Health website.
Transgender People Need Safe and Dignified Access to Homeless Shelters
Critical action is needed to remove barriers to shelters for people who are homeless. Among this vulnerable population, transgender people face unrelenting difficulty finding safe accommodation because of their gender identity.
Caitlyn Jenner epitomises ‘third gender’ says legendary photographer
Annie Lebovitz has praised the former Olympian, who she photographed for Vanity Fair last year.
Laura Ingraham Attacks Transgender Non-Discrimination Protections
Ingraham: "The Only Hope" To Defeat Non-Discrimination Protections Is To "Piggy Back On The Success Of Muslims Getting Special Treatment" When They're "Offended"
Andreja Pejic Romper El Tabú Breaking the Taboo, so apropos
Trans super-model Andreja Pejic taboo-defying Marie Clare cover defied doubters who said she lost her uniqueness after transitioning. The @marieclaire_es byline on the cover accompanying her image Andreja Pejic Romper El Tabú Breaking the Taboo is just so apropos.
Calif. instructs employers to allow trans workers bathroom access
The California agency charged with enforcing the state’s civil rights law on Wednesday made public new guidance to make clear employers are required to allow trans workers to use restroom facilities consistent with their gender identity.
Male Student Told To Remove Elsa Fancy Dress Costume For ‘Violating Gender Norms’
A 13 year old boy was forced to remove his fancy dress costume when his school principal deemed that it violated gender norms.
Board splits on transgender bathroom policy
Sarasota County schools will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to allow transgender students to use the restroom that best matches their gender identities or to require them to use the restroom corresponding to their gender at birth.
Sarasota County School Board hesitant to get involved with transgender bathroom issue
Transgender woman files suit against former employer
A transgender woman is suing a security company after she said she was fired following her transition.
Iowa Senate panel OKs bill on crimes against transgender people
A Senate panel has advanced a bill that would make it a hate crime in Iowa to commit an offense against a person because that person identifies as transgender.
Kentucky lawmakers not ready to vote on civil rights for sexual orientation and gender identity
House Bill 155 would extend Civil Rights Act to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Kentuckians
House Judiciary Committee gives supporters 15 minutes to speak but will not act on bill
Sponsor: ‘People feel like they’re taking a political hit to vote for fairness’
NSAA gender proposal clears small hurdle
A proposal to require high school students to participate in sports according to the gender on their birth certificates passed a small hurdle Wednesday, but its ultimate success is far from guaranteed.
Harlem Rallies in Support of Trans Woman Assaulted on D Train
As arctic air descended on New York the evening of February 12, a crowd numbering several dozen gathered at the corner of 125th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue to show support for Jennifer Louise Lopez, a transgender rights activist who was assaulted by another woman shouting anti-trans slurs on the uptown D train two weeks earlier.
Kingston Board of Education panel will tackle transgender issues
The Board of Education’s Policy Committee is expected to soon consider anti-discrimination guidelines to address transgender and gender identification issues in city schools.
S. Dakota is first state to pass bill restricting transgender students’ bathroom use
The South Dakota state legislature on Tuesday passed a bill that would require public school students to use the bathroom, shower and locker room that correspond to their biological sex.
Dangerous anti-trans bill passes through South Dakota legislature, sitting on Governor's desk
Transgender Law Center condemns South Dakota bill targeting transgender youth
South Dakota legislature sends anti-trans bill to governor
South Dakota Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bill' Heads to Governor
Bill requires transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond to biological sex
White House, S.D. Chamber weigh in on anti-trans bill
Transgender bathroom bill puts South Dakota in the national spotlight
Bathroom Bill: Students, Administrators Weigh In
South Dakota 'bathroom bill' opens up conversation about transgender rights (+video)
South Dakota Gov. to Get Trans Folks' Input on 'Bathroom Bill'
South Dakota governor to meet with trans students
Governor Daugaard's office calls meeting refusal "a mistake"
S. Dakota's transgender school bathroom bill could impact families in the Valley
Lambda Legal Warns South Carolina School District that Transgender Student Suspension Could Lead to Lawsuit
Tennessee Senate OKs bill allowing therapists to reject clients based on religious beliefs
Tennessee senators today approved a controversial bill that allows counselors and therapists to refuse to treat would-be patients on grounds they violate the professionals' "sincerely held religious belief."
Independent Investigation Debunks The Anti-LGBT "Bathroom Predator" Myth
An independent investigation debunked the right-wing myth that non-discrimination protections for transgender people threaten women's safety, citing officials from states that have had such protections for years without incident.
Group Launches Website to Put Anti-Trans Discrimination to a Statewide Vote
"Just Want Privacy," a campaign dedicated to repealing the state Human Rights Commission's rule allowing transgender people to use the sex-segregated bathroom that aligns with their gender identity, is preparing to put anti-trans discrimination to a vote.
Man tests new transgender protections by undressing in women's locker room
In the early evening of Feb. 8, a man walked into the women’s locker room at the Evans Pool and took his shirt off.
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