20 anos depois - Lara Crespo
O Portugalgay.pt faz este ano 20 anos e lançou um desafio a algumas pessoas: pedimos que falassem do que viram mudar nestes 20 anos no que aos direitos humanos diz respeito.
História de Gisberta inspira curta-metragem que vai estrear no Brasil (com vídeo)
“A Gis”, curta-metragem sobre o assassinato de Gisberta Salce Júnior, vai estrear esta sexta-feira no Rio de Janeiro no âmbito do festival Curta Cinema do Rio. Depois, irá passar, ainda este mês de Novembro pelo Panorama Coisa de Cinema, em Salvador, e pelo Festival Mix Brasil, em São Paulo.
Universitária trans Ágatha Mont é alvo de transfobia em banheiro da faculdade em SP
A universitária Ágatha Mont, que é uma mulher trans de 26 anos, denuncia que vem sendo vítima de transfóbia ao ir ao banheiro feminino do Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, em São Paulo. O caso ganhou mídia pela matéria do G1.
Transsexual Alynda Leitte é assassinada e encontrada amarrada por familiares em Manaus
Alynda Leitte que estava prestes a completar 30 anos de idade, foi brutalmente assassinada na última segunda feira (7) e encontrada amarrada em sua própria casa por familiares. A equipe de reportagem do Portal Atualizado conversou com irmão da vítima.
Travesti é morta a facadas em Paragominas
O município de Paragominas, na região sudeste do Pará amanheceu nesta terça-feira (8), de forma sangrenta com a morte de um travesti.
Segundo informações colhidas, a vítima era conhecida como “Pitty” e foi morta a facadas, por volta das 5h30 da manhã, no bairro Nagibão.
A polícia já está realizando investigações para chegar nos responsáveis pelo delito.
Paragominas – Travesti assassinado a facadas no bairro Nagibão
Transexual potiguar morre em procedimento estético no Ceará
transexual potiguar Carla Couto, de 33 anos, natural de Lajes, morreu nesta segunda-feira, dia 7 de novembro.
Segundo informações, ela estava na capital do Ceará, Fortaleza, quando sofreu uma parada cardíaca durante procedimento estético. Carla Couto trabalhava como modelo para agências em Natal, Recife e Salvador.
U.N. appoints first-ever LGBT rights watchdog
The U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday announced it has appointed the U.N.’s first-ever independent expert who will specifically investigate anti-LGBT discrimination and violence around the world.
La familia de La Veneno cree que ha sido víctima de una agresión y no de un intento de suicidio
La vedette se encuentra en coma. Según las primeras investigaciones policiales, pudo tratarse de un gravísimo accidente tras ingerir tranquilizantes mezclados con alcohol.
Durante mucho tiempo ha sido considerada un juguete roto, pero La Veneno fue durante mucho tiempo una de las mujeres más buscadas y deseadas por cualquier evento que quisiese llamar la atención en la jet española.
La Veneno en coma tras ser encontrada en extrañas circunstancias
Muere La Veneno tras cuatro días en coma
TDOR 2016, justicia para Niurkel asesinada
El día que conmemora la memoria de las personas trans asesinadas por el odio y la transfobia, tendrá lugar como cada año el 20 de noviembre al momento del TDOR.
Es con una grande tristeza, que nosotros recibimos la muerte de una de las nuestras, Niurkeli a la edad de 33 años, una mujer trans de origen ecuatoriano y trabajadora sexual, a quien también llamábamos Niurka,.
Pre-op transgender woman who battered her lover sent to female jail because 'she'd get bullied in men's prison'
Natalie Kearney, 20, was sentenced to 20 months in prison for assaulting her 44-year-old boyfriend Michael Hollywood after she admitted cheating on him
'A hole in your chest where gender used to be': Being non-binary in the UK
Four people living in the UK explain what it's like to be non-binary
‘BBC using position to peddle harmful trans ideology’
A columnist for The Times has complained to the BBC for the ‘first time in her life’ after the broadcaster promoted radical gender ideology in the lives of children.
Female athlete who tried to murder sports boss was transgender and facing medals review
Champion runner Lauren Jeska admitted attempting to kill Ralph Knibbs
The government is fighting to prevent trans women from accessing their pensions
The UK government is fighting to prevent transgender women from collecting their state pension.
A series of court cases over the last few years have shown that government lawyers are fighting to deny equality for a group of trans women.
Mayor of London reforms gender options to recognise people who aren’t ‘male’ or ‘female’
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has confirmed that the city is preparing to reform City Hall’s gender options to recognise trans and intersex people.
Transgender hate crime - Lucy's story
As part of our Hate Crime Awareness campaign this week we are focusing on gender hate crime and specifically crime against someone for their gender including resentment of transgender people, transsexuals and transvestites.
20 transgender children from Southern Trust including South Tyrone convinced they are living in the wrong body
A total of 20 children in the Southern Trust area have been given support by the NHS because they believe they were born in the wrong body.
BBC ripped for promoting trans issue
The BBC is being criticized by a Christian group in England for being "an unquestioning mouthpiece" for the transsexual lobby.
Provision Of Trans Healthcare In Wales
On the 23rd of September 2016, the Welsh Government issued a Health Circular which updates General Practitioners and other primary care professionals on their roles and responsibilities in prescribing hormone therapy for trans adults.
Ecoutez-les: Four French trans people on law proposal for legal gender recognition
Today, we are launching a video on legal gender recognition and on the vote on the law on Justice in the XXI century in the Senate Laws Committee. Four trans people explain why the law will have a great impact on their daily lives.
Trans Man Faces Discrimination in Istanbul Gym
The famous gym chain MACFit’s Anadolu Hisarı branch in Beykoz, Istanbul was the scene of transphobic discrimination. Trans male Çağlar Hamza was first warned by the gym’s managers, where he was a member, by being told “You have a pink ID card, you cannot use the men’s changing room”, and then was forced to freeze his membership.
Trans Woman Attacked, Forced to Leave Istanbul Neighborhood
Kıvılcım Arat, LGBTI activist, was forced to leave her home of five years due to continuous attacks from a group of young men living in her neighborhood.
Lawyers back changes in UAE law allowing gender reassignment surgery
A transgender woman who wants to live as a man hopes a new law will allow him to have a sex-change operation.
UAE expert believes more sex change cases will follow
Huge fine for violating sex change, cloning law
Sex change and cloning are prohibited in the UAE under the updated Federal Medical Liability Law for 2016, said health officials on Sunday.
UAE sex correction case: Woman to be examined
28-year-old Emirati who wants to become a man will be allowed if requirement is proven
Inside the agony of gender variance in Botswana
Outside of the biological, social and cultural dynamics that produce girls and boys, is a growing intersex and transgender community. Mmegi Staffer BABOKI KAYAWE looks at the experiences of gender variant persons in Botswana
[South Africa]
Victory for transgender man in ID dispute
At first, Home Affairs officials required him to submit proof that he had changed from a woman to a man, then later informed him his documents went missing.
[South Africa]
Want a sex change in SA? Be prepared to wait 25 years
While an Emirati woman seeks permission from the courts in the United Arab Emirates to have that country’s first sex change operation‚ hundreds of people are faced with the prospect of having to wait for up to 25 years to get the surgery done in South Africa.
Afghanistan LGBT community living under threat of death
Homosexuality is a taboo subject in Afghanistan, rarely discussed in the media and widely condemned as immoral and un-Islamic. As a result there are no statistics indicating the size of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the country.
Pakistan’s Rights Body Urges Transgender Attack Inquiry
Surge in Violence Should Prompt Authorities to Act
How Women, Hijras And Others Will Suffer Because Of Modi’s Bold Move
At 8 p.m. on Nov 8 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that ₹500 and ₹1000 notes would cease to be legal tender at midnight. The point? To flush out black money, meaning any cash in circulation that has been acquired through less than fair means.
How a supercomputer helped give a Nepali trans activist a voice of her own
A new journalistic experiment is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to help give a trans activist a voice of her own.
States, UTs have to certify person as transgender: HC told
Certifying a person as a transgender is the responsibility of the state governments and Union territories, the Centre has told Delhi High Court.
Transgender woman dies in Chennai, she was found burnt outside a police station
Police had confiscated her vehicle, so where did she find fuel to immolate herself?
Transgender immolates self in front of police station
[South Korea]
Court upholds trans woman's military service exemption
The high court on Friday upheld a lower court’s decision that ruled against the Military Manpower Administration for canceling a military service immunity order for a person suffering from gender dysphoria.
Transgenders thrive as 'spirit wives'
Otherwise rejected by most of society, the country’s transgender women become ‘spirit wives’ who act as conduits for the spirits and can provide advice to worshippers on financial and marital matters.
Study Exposes Abuse of Trans Cambodians
Two weeks ago, a small group of transgender women were sitting on the riverfront in Siem Reap City when a group of police officers arrived and told them to get up and go away. It was an act of blatant discrimination, harassing them for being in a public space, but only routine.
Abuses prevalent for Cambodia's transgender women: study
Rights groups call for transgender protections
Human rights groups have called on the government to establish an anti-discrimination law in the wake of a report that unveiled widespread abuses committed against transgender women – a law observers say is long overdue.
Transgender rights takes step forward
Newly released research provides a framework for gender recognition law, but will it be enough, activists ask
[Hong Kong]
Outrage after two transgender women refused entry at Hong Kong International Airport
The pair, who were travelling to the city from Bangkok, were told they “did not satisfy the purpose of their holiday” to immigration officers
“Radical Form Of Mansplaining”: Victoria’s Ugly Debate On Transgender Rights
The Victorian government is trying to make it easier for transgender people to change the sex on their birth certificate – but the opposition isn’t keen.
SA to recognise transgender soon: Premier
A law that would allow transgender South Australians to have their gender formally recognised without undergoing surgery will eventually pass, Premier Jay Weatherill says.
SA parliament votes down change to Sexual Reassignment Act amidst claims the bill is a Trojan horse for gay marriage
Gender identity bill fails to pass South Australian Parliament
Transgender man to serve drug sentence in female jail
A transgender man who was caught harvesting a million-dollar cannabis crop has spent the past four months in a woman’s jail despite living as a male for more than a decade.
This Is What It’s Like To Have Your Transgender Kid Splashed Across The Media
Does the negative media attention on transgender kids infringe their human rights?
[New Zealand]
ITANZ: NZ can improve future for intersex children
The Executive Director of ITANZ (Intersex Awareness New Zealand) says during the 73rd Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, New Zealand representative Dr Patrick Tuohy made comments that seem to point to a confusion between intersex issues and transgender issues.
Pastor ordered to allow GSAs at 2 Edmonton-area schools responds through lawyer
'Like a toddler testing its parents' says mom, as defiance to new Alberta law continues
Education minister launches inquiry after school authority flouts law on gay-straight alliances
Edmonton-area Baptist schools defying LGBTQ rules face third-party inquiry
Parents force review of LGBTQ policy in Peace Wapiti school division
Voters near Grande Prairie have forced a rural school division to re-examine its policies designed to protect LGBTQ students.
Halifax trans football player says 'media attention' a reason for McDonald's firing
Kenny Cooley says he was caught off guard over decision after making headlines for suiting up with Halifax West Warriors.
Halifax LGBTQ group calls alleged firing of trans teen from McDonald's ‘discrimination,’ asks for apology
Vancouver woman sets sights on becoming first transgender MLA
'I've been the first trans person in many things in my life," says Morgane Oger, who hopes to run for the NDP
What to Do If You’re Trans and Live in America Now
Some things you can do before this next administration settles in
Transgender People Are Connecting With Lawyers On Twitter Using #TransLawHelp
Fueled by the anxiety of the election outcome, many in the trans community are attempting to get their legal documents and gender markers in order.
Lawyers Offer Free #TransLawHelp for ID Changes
Pence confirms once and for all that Trump will be an anti-LGBT president
That guidance protecting transgender students from discrimination would just go away.
AMERICA, 2018 mid-terms! We get to work NOW!
I stole this headline from Jenn Burleton. It’s really the only thing we can do. We can’t dwell on the what ifs, or whys — it’s wasted energy better spent on fixing our future — the 2018 mid-terms, for instance. We certainly don’t need the stress.
How ‘Transparent’ Changed Jeffrey Tambor and Judith Light
Jeffrey Tambor and Judith Light talk Season 3, their education on trans issues and rights, and how they talk to their friends about the progressive show.
Pro-Republican ad depicts little girl getting raped because of transgender equality
A horrific ad in support of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory depicts the rape of a little girl, in an attack on his Democratic opponent.
Transgender children need support from families, doctors, schools: report
“I’m really a girl on the inside.” “I should have been born in a different body.” “I wish I could be a boy.”
Trans murders rising alongside anti-trans rhetoric
An illustration used as part of a 1938 children's book Der Giftpilz (The Poisoned Mushroom) by Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher features a menacing-looking, burly caricature of a Jewish man confronting two young children, Else and Hans, who stare up at him in wonder as he uses a bag of caramels to entice them to come with him.
Cops Might Skate in Transgender Woman's Death
A federal judge threw out a slew of claims against the city of Berkeley and several police officers over the death of a transgender woman with schizophrenia who died while being arrested in 2013.
Berkeley sued in trans woman's death
Transgender man sues Dignity Health for not covering transition care
A transgender man who works for San Francisco-based Dignity Health is suing the Catholic-associated hospital chain for sex discrimination over its refusal to cover gender transformation treatments.
Mother of transgender teen suing Rady Children's
Rady Children's Hospital is being sued by the mother of a transgender teen who committed suicide- accusing the hospital of discriminating against her son.
Family Sues Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego for Discriminatory Treatment of Transgender Teenager
Transgender woman settles workers’ comp case against Big Bear Lake hospital
A transgender woman who sued Bear Valley Community Hospital in Big Bear Lake for discrimination and harassment has settled her workers’ compensation case.
Transgender homeless person hit with rock when he denies beer to couple in Redding
A transgender homeless person was hit in the head with a rock and called a derogatory name after a refusal to buy beer for others camping under a Redding bridge, police said.
Video shows when transgender victim was set on fire in Brady trial
On day two, prosecutors in the Terry Brady trial showed surveillance footage showing the moments a transgender woman was set on fire twice in a brutal murder that claimed the life of Yaz’min Shancez.
Jury finds Brady guilty of transgender woman's murder
Trans teen fights Jacksonville courts to keep out of abusive home
Ryan Stalvey, a transgender high school student from Jacksonville, Fla., is doing all the things a typical teen does as they start a new school year. He is getting new clothes and catching up with friends he hasn’t seen since last year, but Stalvey is also worrying about whether the state is going to force him to live in an abusive household.
Transgender Broward teen wins right to change birth record from F to M
A Tallahassee judge has ordered Florida health administrators to change the birth certificate of a Broward teenager from “female” to “male,” potentially ending a long-simmering dispute between the Department of Health and advocates for transgender children who want their permanent records to reflect their current reality.
Transgender woman finds hateful message written outside her home
Says Indiana needs hate crime law
Transgender woman harassed, seeks changes in state law
KU police investigate on-campus transgender harassment allegations
The University of Kansas Public Safety Office confirmed it is investigating allegations of harassment toward a transgender student on campus.
Henry Gleaves sentenced for killing transgender prostitute
A man convicted of manslaughter for killing a transgender prostitute in 2015 will serve the maximum sentence.
Transgender legal clinic opens
FreeState Justice will conduct a legal clinic twice a month at the offices of the GLBT Community Center (GLCCB), 2530 N. Charles St., 3rd Floor in Baltimore. The sessions occur on the Wednesday after the second and fourth Friday of each month from 3-5 p.m.
Vigil held for slain trans woman
About 50 people gathered at the Ynot Lot in the Station North area of Baltimore on Sept. 19 to pay tribute to Crystal Edmonds, an African-American transgender woman who was shot and killed the previous Friday in Northwest Baltimore. She was 32.
Will this Mississippi murder be the first federal hate crime with a transgender victim?
The day Josh Vallum killed Mercedes Williamson, he first saw her from the front porch of a friend’s house near Theodore, Alabama. She was walking down Dauphin Island Parkway in blue jean shorts, a pink tube top and pink flip-flops, her long, dirty-blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail.
Transgender babysitter takes plea deal for killing toddler
The evil babysitter facing trial for starving and beating to death a toddler took a plea deal in Manhattan court that will land her in prison for 22 years to life – as the tragic tot’s mother sobbed in the gallery.
Transgender woman sues library, insurance provider over surgery cost
A transgender woman who works for Hamilton County’s public library system is suing her employer and its insurer over a refusal to cover sex reassignment surgery.
Transgender library insurance dispute goes to court
Pine-Richland Alumni To Protest Transgender Bathroom Policy
A group of Pine-Richland school district alumni is planning to protest the district’s transgender bathroom policy at tonight’s school board meeting.
Trans inmate sues for transfer to women's prison
A transgender woman from Philadelphia who has spent the last four years in men’s prisons filed a federal lawsuit this week, alleging ongoing sexual harassment and abuse at the hands of corrections officers and other inmates.
Trans woman’s truck set ablaze, spray painted “TRUMP”
A Tennessean Transgender woman’s truck was set on fire while she and her three-year-old watched. The woman, identified by the Tennessean by the pseudonym Elle to protect her identity said that she heard a car door close and went outside to check. Seeing nothing she went back into her home but a half later she heard a horn honk and saw her truck fully engulfed.
Cookeville transgender veteran's truck painted 'Trump,' lit on fire
Transgender Vet Says Trump Supporter Torched Her Truck
Texas Trans Pioneer Linda Phillips Passes Away
Was sad to hear the news via Gordene MacKenzie's Facebook page that pioneering Texas trans woman Linda Phillips has passed away suddenly at age 81 on Monday.
Linda Phillips had been crossdressing since age 3, and had the epiphany that she was trans,and transitioned later in her life. She married Cynthia on January 10, 1958 in Dallas.
Bulverde transgender pioneer passes away
[Linda's in the white cowboy hat]
Parents Pull Transgender Child From School Amid Bullying Accusations
Cannon Elementary school in Grapevine is the latest battleground in the national debate over transgender bathrooms.
Autopsy Report: Slain transgender woman stabbed 24 times
An autopsy report by the County medical examiner's office concludes a transgender woman "died of stab wounds of face and torso with injuries of lung and carotid artery. The manner of death is homicide."
Would-be blood donor claims he was turned away because of gender identity
A Richmond man says he was turned away from donating blood to Virginia Blood Services after staffers learned he’s transgender.
VAVP community alert: Noony Norwood
On November 6th, the Virginia Anti-Violence Project (VAVP) learned that 30-year-old Richmond, VA, resident Noony Norwood was killed on the southside of Richmond. Noony, who identified as a transgender woman of color, was shot on Saturday, November 5th and died the next morning. The Virginia Anti-Violence Project would like to express its sincerest condolences to Noony’s family, friends, and community. VAVP is deeply saddened to hear of another homicide of someone who identifies within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities.
Family seeks justice for transgender woman killed in southside shooting
En la Marcha por la Familia nadie acertó a explicar qué es la "ideología de género"
El gigantesco mecate pasó por el ojo de la aguja pero nadie, en la Marcha por la Familia, acertó a explicar qué es eso que tanto los preocupa: la ideología de género.
Tens Of Thousands March To Undo Marriage Equality In Mexico
La Iglesia mexicana saca a la ultraderecha de las catacumbas en su ofensiva antigay
Mil 500 personas han cambiado su identidad de género en CDMX
Al menos mil 500 personas han realizado un cambio de identidad de género en la Ciudad de México, informó Manuel Granados Covarrubias, consejero Jurídico y de Servicios Legales.
'Homofobia estadística' impide avanzar en temas LGBT y 'trans': Clark
En la República Mexicana hay "homofobia estadística", pues existen datos sobre el nivel de pobreza, la cantidad de indígenas, los niveles de desigualdad social, de vendedores ambulantes, pero jamás se ha logrado uno que sea específicamente de diversidad sexual o la comunidad LGTB, y menos crímenes de odio hacia la comunidad.
The transgender family where the father gave birth
Meet one of South America's most high-profile transgender families.
Ministerio Público pidió adecuar foto de la cédula con la identidad de género
Esta iniciativa beneficiará a personas de la comunidad sexo diversa
Cárcel por extorsionar a integrantes de la comunidad LGBTI
Cinco supuestos integrantes de una banda dedicada a extorsionar a miembros de la Comunidad LGBTI, fueron cobijados con medida de aseguramiento intramuros, por el Juzgado 31 Penal Municipal, con funciones de control de garantías, que acogió la petición de la Fiscalía General de la Nación.
Uruguay presenta datos preliminares del primer censo de población transexual
El Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de Uruguay (Mides) presentó hoy en Montevideo datos preliminares del primer censo realizado en el país sobre la población transexual, cuyo número asciende a 853 personas, en el marco de intercambio de políticas públicas y diversidad sexual.
Baños mixtos y varones con polleras en el Iava
Los alumnos del liceo Iava de Montevideo realizaron una “jornada de polleras” donde los varones y mujeres concurrieron con estas prendas a la vez que habilitaron “baños mixtos”, o sea para que fueran usados por ambos sexos.
"Las trans tienen hecha carne la visibilidad"
Entrevista a Marcelo Otero Díaz, activista por los derechos diversidad sexual desde de las primeras marchas, fundador del Colectivo Ovejas Negras, y a quien consideramos un informante clave para dilucidar las tareas y desafíos del movimiento por la diversidad sexual. Los orígenes del movimiento, su necesidad de “salir del clóset” y la idea de una diversidad sexual viste de la lucha de clases, las primeras marchas con las trans adelante y el resto “a cara cubierta”, el VIH, la población trans como el sector más vulnerable…
"No pueden detener a la gente por vestirse como les venga en gana"
Colectivos cusqueños se manifiestan tras detención y presunta golpiza a turistas transexuales.
Un partido ganado: la historia de la transexual que fue fichada en la asociación de hockey
Jessica Millamán, jugadora transexual de hockey, consiguió que la ficharan en la asociación de Chubut.
A Stark Animated Short Sheds Light on Trans Discrimination in Argentina
Argentina’s trans community, as is the case in many countries, faces an extraordinary amount of discrimination, from education and employment opportunities to violence. Animator Virginia Gilles, writer Stephanie Santoro and sound designer Thomas Corley decided to put some facts about the community’s Argentine experience into stark relief in an experimental short, which features hypnotic animation, motion graphics, music, and voiceover.
Presentan un proyecto de ley de reparación histórica para personas trans
En el marco de la campaña #ReconocerEsReparar, el día jueves 6 de octubre se realizará el acto de presentación del proyecto de ley “Régimen reparatorio para víctimas de violencia institucional por motivos de identidad de género”.
20 anos depois - Lara Crespo
O Portugalgay.pt faz este ano 20 anos e lançou um desafio a algumas pessoas: pedimos que falassem do que viram mudar nestes 20 anos no que aos direitos humanos diz respeito.
História de Gisberta inspira curta-metragem que vai estrear no Brasil (com vídeo)
“A Gis”, curta-metragem sobre o assassinato de Gisberta Salce Júnior, vai estrear esta sexta-feira no Rio de Janeiro no âmbito do festival Curta Cinema do Rio. Depois, irá passar, ainda este mês de Novembro pelo Panorama Coisa de Cinema, em Salvador, e pelo Festival Mix Brasil, em São Paulo.
Universitária trans Ágatha Mont é alvo de transfobia em banheiro da faculdade em SP
A universitária Ágatha Mont, que é uma mulher trans de 26 anos, denuncia que vem sendo vítima de transfóbia ao ir ao banheiro feminino do Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, em São Paulo. O caso ganhou mídia pela matéria do G1.

Transsexual Alynda Leitte é assassinada e encontrada amarrada por familiares em Manaus
Alynda Leitte que estava prestes a completar 30 anos de idade, foi brutalmente assassinada na última segunda feira (7) e encontrada amarrada em sua própria casa por familiares. A equipe de reportagem do Portal Atualizado conversou com irmão da vítima.

Travesti é morta a facadas em Paragominas
O município de Paragominas, na região sudeste do Pará amanheceu nesta terça-feira (8), de forma sangrenta com a morte de um travesti.
Segundo informações colhidas, a vítima era conhecida como “Pitty” e foi morta a facadas, por volta das 5h30 da manhã, no bairro Nagibão.
A polícia já está realizando investigações para chegar nos responsáveis pelo delito.
Paragominas – Travesti assassinado a facadas no bairro Nagibão

Transexual potiguar morre em procedimento estético no Ceará
transexual potiguar Carla Couto, de 33 anos, natural de Lajes, morreu nesta segunda-feira, dia 7 de novembro.
Segundo informações, ela estava na capital do Ceará, Fortaleza, quando sofreu uma parada cardíaca durante procedimento estético. Carla Couto trabalhava como modelo para agências em Natal, Recife e Salvador.
U.N. appoints first-ever LGBT rights watchdog
The U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday announced it has appointed the U.N.’s first-ever independent expert who will specifically investigate anti-LGBT discrimination and violence around the world.

La familia de La Veneno cree que ha sido víctima de una agresión y no de un intento de suicidio
La vedette se encuentra en coma. Según las primeras investigaciones policiales, pudo tratarse de un gravísimo accidente tras ingerir tranquilizantes mezclados con alcohol.
Durante mucho tiempo ha sido considerada un juguete roto, pero La Veneno fue durante mucho tiempo una de las mujeres más buscadas y deseadas por cualquier evento que quisiese llamar la atención en la jet española.
La Veneno en coma tras ser encontrada en extrañas circunstancias
Muere La Veneno tras cuatro días en coma

TDOR 2016, justicia para Niurkel asesinada
El día que conmemora la memoria de las personas trans asesinadas por el odio y la transfobia, tendrá lugar como cada año el 20 de noviembre al momento del TDOR.
Es con una grande tristeza, que nosotros recibimos la muerte de una de las nuestras, Niurkeli a la edad de 33 años, una mujer trans de origen ecuatoriano y trabajadora sexual, a quien también llamábamos Niurka,.
Pre-op transgender woman who battered her lover sent to female jail because 'she'd get bullied in men's prison'
Natalie Kearney, 20, was sentenced to 20 months in prison for assaulting her 44-year-old boyfriend Michael Hollywood after she admitted cheating on him
'A hole in your chest where gender used to be': Being non-binary in the UK
Four people living in the UK explain what it's like to be non-binary
‘BBC using position to peddle harmful trans ideology’
A columnist for The Times has complained to the BBC for the ‘first time in her life’ after the broadcaster promoted radical gender ideology in the lives of children.
Female athlete who tried to murder sports boss was transgender and facing medals review
Champion runner Lauren Jeska admitted attempting to kill Ralph Knibbs
The government is fighting to prevent trans women from accessing their pensions
The UK government is fighting to prevent transgender women from collecting their state pension.
A series of court cases over the last few years have shown that government lawyers are fighting to deny equality for a group of trans women.
Mayor of London reforms gender options to recognise people who aren’t ‘male’ or ‘female’
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has confirmed that the city is preparing to reform City Hall’s gender options to recognise trans and intersex people.
Transgender hate crime - Lucy's story
As part of our Hate Crime Awareness campaign this week we are focusing on gender hate crime and specifically crime against someone for their gender including resentment of transgender people, transsexuals and transvestites.
20 transgender children from Southern Trust including South Tyrone convinced they are living in the wrong body
A total of 20 children in the Southern Trust area have been given support by the NHS because they believe they were born in the wrong body.
BBC ripped for promoting trans issue
The BBC is being criticized by a Christian group in England for being "an unquestioning mouthpiece" for the transsexual lobby.
Provision Of Trans Healthcare In Wales
On the 23rd of September 2016, the Welsh Government issued a Health Circular which updates General Practitioners and other primary care professionals on their roles and responsibilities in prescribing hormone therapy for trans adults.
Ecoutez-les: Four French trans people on law proposal for legal gender recognition
Today, we are launching a video on legal gender recognition and on the vote on the law on Justice in the XXI century in the Senate Laws Committee. Four trans people explain why the law will have a great impact on their daily lives.
Trans Man Faces Discrimination in Istanbul Gym
The famous gym chain MACFit’s Anadolu Hisarı branch in Beykoz, Istanbul was the scene of transphobic discrimination. Trans male Çağlar Hamza was first warned by the gym’s managers, where he was a member, by being told “You have a pink ID card, you cannot use the men’s changing room”, and then was forced to freeze his membership.
Trans Woman Attacked, Forced to Leave Istanbul Neighborhood
Kıvılcım Arat, LGBTI activist, was forced to leave her home of five years due to continuous attacks from a group of young men living in her neighborhood.
Lawyers back changes in UAE law allowing gender reassignment surgery
A transgender woman who wants to live as a man hopes a new law will allow him to have a sex-change operation.
UAE expert believes more sex change cases will follow
Huge fine for violating sex change, cloning law
Sex change and cloning are prohibited in the UAE under the updated Federal Medical Liability Law for 2016, said health officials on Sunday.
UAE sex correction case: Woman to be examined
28-year-old Emirati who wants to become a man will be allowed if requirement is proven
Inside the agony of gender variance in Botswana
Outside of the biological, social and cultural dynamics that produce girls and boys, is a growing intersex and transgender community. Mmegi Staffer BABOKI KAYAWE looks at the experiences of gender variant persons in Botswana
[South Africa]
Victory for transgender man in ID dispute
At first, Home Affairs officials required him to submit proof that he had changed from a woman to a man, then later informed him his documents went missing.
[South Africa]
Want a sex change in SA? Be prepared to wait 25 years
While an Emirati woman seeks permission from the courts in the United Arab Emirates to have that country’s first sex change operation‚ hundreds of people are faced with the prospect of having to wait for up to 25 years to get the surgery done in South Africa.
Afghanistan LGBT community living under threat of death
Homosexuality is a taboo subject in Afghanistan, rarely discussed in the media and widely condemned as immoral and un-Islamic. As a result there are no statistics indicating the size of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the country.
Pakistan’s Rights Body Urges Transgender Attack Inquiry
Surge in Violence Should Prompt Authorities to Act
How Women, Hijras And Others Will Suffer Because Of Modi’s Bold Move
At 8 p.m. on Nov 8 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that ₹500 and ₹1000 notes would cease to be legal tender at midnight. The point? To flush out black money, meaning any cash in circulation that has been acquired through less than fair means.
How a supercomputer helped give a Nepali trans activist a voice of her own
A new journalistic experiment is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to help give a trans activist a voice of her own.
States, UTs have to certify person as transgender: HC told
Certifying a person as a transgender is the responsibility of the state governments and Union territories, the Centre has told Delhi High Court.

Transgender woman dies in Chennai, she was found burnt outside a police station
Police had confiscated her vehicle, so where did she find fuel to immolate herself?
Transgender immolates self in front of police station
[South Korea]
Court upholds trans woman's military service exemption
The high court on Friday upheld a lower court’s decision that ruled against the Military Manpower Administration for canceling a military service immunity order for a person suffering from gender dysphoria.
Transgenders thrive as 'spirit wives'
Otherwise rejected by most of society, the country’s transgender women become ‘spirit wives’ who act as conduits for the spirits and can provide advice to worshippers on financial and marital matters.
Study Exposes Abuse of Trans Cambodians
Two weeks ago, a small group of transgender women were sitting on the riverfront in Siem Reap City when a group of police officers arrived and told them to get up and go away. It was an act of blatant discrimination, harassing them for being in a public space, but only routine.
Abuses prevalent for Cambodia's transgender women: study
Rights groups call for transgender protections
Human rights groups have called on the government to establish an anti-discrimination law in the wake of a report that unveiled widespread abuses committed against transgender women – a law observers say is long overdue.
Transgender rights takes step forward
Newly released research provides a framework for gender recognition law, but will it be enough, activists ask
[Hong Kong]
Outrage after two transgender women refused entry at Hong Kong International Airport
The pair, who were travelling to the city from Bangkok, were told they “did not satisfy the purpose of their holiday” to immigration officers
“Radical Form Of Mansplaining”: Victoria’s Ugly Debate On Transgender Rights
The Victorian government is trying to make it easier for transgender people to change the sex on their birth certificate – but the opposition isn’t keen.
SA to recognise transgender soon: Premier
A law that would allow transgender South Australians to have their gender formally recognised without undergoing surgery will eventually pass, Premier Jay Weatherill says.
SA parliament votes down change to Sexual Reassignment Act amidst claims the bill is a Trojan horse for gay marriage
Gender identity bill fails to pass South Australian Parliament
Transgender man to serve drug sentence in female jail
A transgender man who was caught harvesting a million-dollar cannabis crop has spent the past four months in a woman’s jail despite living as a male for more than a decade.
This Is What It’s Like To Have Your Transgender Kid Splashed Across The Media
Does the negative media attention on transgender kids infringe their human rights?
[New Zealand]
ITANZ: NZ can improve future for intersex children
The Executive Director of ITANZ (Intersex Awareness New Zealand) says during the 73rd Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, New Zealand representative Dr Patrick Tuohy made comments that seem to point to a confusion between intersex issues and transgender issues.
Pastor ordered to allow GSAs at 2 Edmonton-area schools responds through lawyer
'Like a toddler testing its parents' says mom, as defiance to new Alberta law continues
Education minister launches inquiry after school authority flouts law on gay-straight alliances
Edmonton-area Baptist schools defying LGBTQ rules face third-party inquiry
Parents force review of LGBTQ policy in Peace Wapiti school division
Voters near Grande Prairie have forced a rural school division to re-examine its policies designed to protect LGBTQ students.
Halifax trans football player says 'media attention' a reason for McDonald's firing
Kenny Cooley says he was caught off guard over decision after making headlines for suiting up with Halifax West Warriors.
Halifax LGBTQ group calls alleged firing of trans teen from McDonald's ‘discrimination,’ asks for apology
Vancouver woman sets sights on becoming first transgender MLA
'I've been the first trans person in many things in my life," says Morgane Oger, who hopes to run for the NDP
What to Do If You’re Trans and Live in America Now
Some things you can do before this next administration settles in
Transgender People Are Connecting With Lawyers On Twitter Using #TransLawHelp
Fueled by the anxiety of the election outcome, many in the trans community are attempting to get their legal documents and gender markers in order.
Lawyers Offer Free #TransLawHelp for ID Changes
Pence confirms once and for all that Trump will be an anti-LGBT president
That guidance protecting transgender students from discrimination would just go away.
AMERICA, 2018 mid-terms! We get to work NOW!
I stole this headline from Jenn Burleton. It’s really the only thing we can do. We can’t dwell on the what ifs, or whys — it’s wasted energy better spent on fixing our future — the 2018 mid-terms, for instance. We certainly don’t need the stress.
How ‘Transparent’ Changed Jeffrey Tambor and Judith Light
Jeffrey Tambor and Judith Light talk Season 3, their education on trans issues and rights, and how they talk to their friends about the progressive show.
Pro-Republican ad depicts little girl getting raped because of transgender equality
A horrific ad in support of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory depicts the rape of a little girl, in an attack on his Democratic opponent.
Transgender children need support from families, doctors, schools: report
“I’m really a girl on the inside.” “I should have been born in a different body.” “I wish I could be a boy.”
Trans murders rising alongside anti-trans rhetoric
An illustration used as part of a 1938 children's book Der Giftpilz (The Poisoned Mushroom) by Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher features a menacing-looking, burly caricature of a Jewish man confronting two young children, Else and Hans, who stare up at him in wonder as he uses a bag of caramels to entice them to come with him.
Cops Might Skate in Transgender Woman's Death
A federal judge threw out a slew of claims against the city of Berkeley and several police officers over the death of a transgender woman with schizophrenia who died while being arrested in 2013.
Berkeley sued in trans woman's death
Transgender man sues Dignity Health for not covering transition care
A transgender man who works for San Francisco-based Dignity Health is suing the Catholic-associated hospital chain for sex discrimination over its refusal to cover gender transformation treatments.
Mother of transgender teen suing Rady Children's
Rady Children's Hospital is being sued by the mother of a transgender teen who committed suicide- accusing the hospital of discriminating against her son.
Family Sues Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego for Discriminatory Treatment of Transgender Teenager
Transgender woman settles workers’ comp case against Big Bear Lake hospital
A transgender woman who sued Bear Valley Community Hospital in Big Bear Lake for discrimination and harassment has settled her workers’ compensation case.
Transgender homeless person hit with rock when he denies beer to couple in Redding
A transgender homeless person was hit in the head with a rock and called a derogatory name after a refusal to buy beer for others camping under a Redding bridge, police said.
Video shows when transgender victim was set on fire in Brady trial
On day two, prosecutors in the Terry Brady trial showed surveillance footage showing the moments a transgender woman was set on fire twice in a brutal murder that claimed the life of Yaz’min Shancez.
Jury finds Brady guilty of transgender woman's murder
Trans teen fights Jacksonville courts to keep out of abusive home
Ryan Stalvey, a transgender high school student from Jacksonville, Fla., is doing all the things a typical teen does as they start a new school year. He is getting new clothes and catching up with friends he hasn’t seen since last year, but Stalvey is also worrying about whether the state is going to force him to live in an abusive household.
Transgender Broward teen wins right to change birth record from F to M
A Tallahassee judge has ordered Florida health administrators to change the birth certificate of a Broward teenager from “female” to “male,” potentially ending a long-simmering dispute between the Department of Health and advocates for transgender children who want their permanent records to reflect their current reality.
Transgender woman finds hateful message written outside her home
Says Indiana needs hate crime law
Transgender woman harassed, seeks changes in state law
KU police investigate on-campus transgender harassment allegations
The University of Kansas Public Safety Office confirmed it is investigating allegations of harassment toward a transgender student on campus.
Henry Gleaves sentenced for killing transgender prostitute
A man convicted of manslaughter for killing a transgender prostitute in 2015 will serve the maximum sentence.
Transgender legal clinic opens
FreeState Justice will conduct a legal clinic twice a month at the offices of the GLBT Community Center (GLCCB), 2530 N. Charles St., 3rd Floor in Baltimore. The sessions occur on the Wednesday after the second and fourth Friday of each month from 3-5 p.m.
Vigil held for slain trans woman
About 50 people gathered at the Ynot Lot in the Station North area of Baltimore on Sept. 19 to pay tribute to Crystal Edmonds, an African-American transgender woman who was shot and killed the previous Friday in Northwest Baltimore. She was 32.
Will this Mississippi murder be the first federal hate crime with a transgender victim?
The day Josh Vallum killed Mercedes Williamson, he first saw her from the front porch of a friend’s house near Theodore, Alabama. She was walking down Dauphin Island Parkway in blue jean shorts, a pink tube top and pink flip-flops, her long, dirty-blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail.
Transgender babysitter takes plea deal for killing toddler
The evil babysitter facing trial for starving and beating to death a toddler took a plea deal in Manhattan court that will land her in prison for 22 years to life – as the tragic tot’s mother sobbed in the gallery.
Transgender woman sues library, insurance provider over surgery cost
A transgender woman who works for Hamilton County’s public library system is suing her employer and its insurer over a refusal to cover sex reassignment surgery.
Transgender library insurance dispute goes to court
Pine-Richland Alumni To Protest Transgender Bathroom Policy
A group of Pine-Richland school district alumni is planning to protest the district’s transgender bathroom policy at tonight’s school board meeting.
Trans inmate sues for transfer to women's prison
A transgender woman from Philadelphia who has spent the last four years in men’s prisons filed a federal lawsuit this week, alleging ongoing sexual harassment and abuse at the hands of corrections officers and other inmates.
Trans woman’s truck set ablaze, spray painted “TRUMP”
A Tennessean Transgender woman’s truck was set on fire while she and her three-year-old watched. The woman, identified by the Tennessean by the pseudonym Elle to protect her identity said that she heard a car door close and went outside to check. Seeing nothing she went back into her home but a half later she heard a horn honk and saw her truck fully engulfed.
Cookeville transgender veteran's truck painted 'Trump,' lit on fire
Transgender Vet Says Trump Supporter Torched Her Truck

Texas Trans Pioneer Linda Phillips Passes Away
Was sad to hear the news via Gordene MacKenzie's Facebook page that pioneering Texas trans woman Linda Phillips has passed away suddenly at age 81 on Monday.
Linda Phillips had been crossdressing since age 3, and had the epiphany that she was trans,and transitioned later in her life. She married Cynthia on January 10, 1958 in Dallas.
Bulverde transgender pioneer passes away
[Linda's in the white cowboy hat]
Parents Pull Transgender Child From School Amid Bullying Accusations
Cannon Elementary school in Grapevine is the latest battleground in the national debate over transgender bathrooms.
Autopsy Report: Slain transgender woman stabbed 24 times
An autopsy report by the County medical examiner's office concludes a transgender woman "died of stab wounds of face and torso with injuries of lung and carotid artery. The manner of death is homicide."
Would-be blood donor claims he was turned away because of gender identity
A Richmond man says he was turned away from donating blood to Virginia Blood Services after staffers learned he’s transgender.

VAVP community alert: Noony Norwood
On November 6th, the Virginia Anti-Violence Project (VAVP) learned that 30-year-old Richmond, VA, resident Noony Norwood was killed on the southside of Richmond. Noony, who identified as a transgender woman of color, was shot on Saturday, November 5th and died the next morning. The Virginia Anti-Violence Project would like to express its sincerest condolences to Noony’s family, friends, and community. VAVP is deeply saddened to hear of another homicide of someone who identifies within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities.
Family seeks justice for transgender woman killed in southside shooting
En la Marcha por la Familia nadie acertó a explicar qué es la "ideología de género"
El gigantesco mecate pasó por el ojo de la aguja pero nadie, en la Marcha por la Familia, acertó a explicar qué es eso que tanto los preocupa: la ideología de género.
Tens Of Thousands March To Undo Marriage Equality In Mexico
La Iglesia mexicana saca a la ultraderecha de las catacumbas en su ofensiva antigay
Mil 500 personas han cambiado su identidad de género en CDMX
Al menos mil 500 personas han realizado un cambio de identidad de género en la Ciudad de México, informó Manuel Granados Covarrubias, consejero Jurídico y de Servicios Legales.
'Homofobia estadística' impide avanzar en temas LGBT y 'trans': Clark
En la República Mexicana hay "homofobia estadística", pues existen datos sobre el nivel de pobreza, la cantidad de indígenas, los niveles de desigualdad social, de vendedores ambulantes, pero jamás se ha logrado uno que sea específicamente de diversidad sexual o la comunidad LGTB, y menos crímenes de odio hacia la comunidad.
The transgender family where the father gave birth
Meet one of South America's most high-profile transgender families.
Ministerio Público pidió adecuar foto de la cédula con la identidad de género
Esta iniciativa beneficiará a personas de la comunidad sexo diversa
Cárcel por extorsionar a integrantes de la comunidad LGBTI
Cinco supuestos integrantes de una banda dedicada a extorsionar a miembros de la Comunidad LGBTI, fueron cobijados con medida de aseguramiento intramuros, por el Juzgado 31 Penal Municipal, con funciones de control de garantías, que acogió la petición de la Fiscalía General de la Nación.
Uruguay presenta datos preliminares del primer censo de población transexual
El Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de Uruguay (Mides) presentó hoy en Montevideo datos preliminares del primer censo realizado en el país sobre la población transexual, cuyo número asciende a 853 personas, en el marco de intercambio de políticas públicas y diversidad sexual.
Baños mixtos y varones con polleras en el Iava
Los alumnos del liceo Iava de Montevideo realizaron una “jornada de polleras” donde los varones y mujeres concurrieron con estas prendas a la vez que habilitaron “baños mixtos”, o sea para que fueran usados por ambos sexos.
"Las trans tienen hecha carne la visibilidad"
Entrevista a Marcelo Otero Díaz, activista por los derechos diversidad sexual desde de las primeras marchas, fundador del Colectivo Ovejas Negras, y a quien consideramos un informante clave para dilucidar las tareas y desafíos del movimiento por la diversidad sexual. Los orígenes del movimiento, su necesidad de “salir del clóset” y la idea de una diversidad sexual viste de la lucha de clases, las primeras marchas con las trans adelante y el resto “a cara cubierta”, el VIH, la población trans como el sector más vulnerable…
"No pueden detener a la gente por vestirse como les venga en gana"
Colectivos cusqueños se manifiestan tras detención y presunta golpiza a turistas transexuales.
Un partido ganado: la historia de la transexual que fue fichada en la asociación de hockey
Jessica Millamán, jugadora transexual de hockey, consiguió que la ficharan en la asociación de Chubut.
A Stark Animated Short Sheds Light on Trans Discrimination in Argentina
Argentina’s trans community, as is the case in many countries, faces an extraordinary amount of discrimination, from education and employment opportunities to violence. Animator Virginia Gilles, writer Stephanie Santoro and sound designer Thomas Corley decided to put some facts about the community’s Argentine experience into stark relief in an experimental short, which features hypnotic animation, motion graphics, music, and voiceover.
Presentan un proyecto de ley de reparación histórica para personas trans
En el marco de la campaña #ReconocerEsReparar, el día jueves 6 de octubre se realizará el acto de presentación del proyecto de ley “Régimen reparatorio para víctimas de violencia institucional por motivos de identidad de género”.
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