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sábado, junho 19, 2010

Travesti emociona Congresso Nacional com texto sobre as trans
Keila Simpson emociona Congresso Nacional com dramatização de texto sobre travestis

Roqueiros britânicos lançam clipe cheio de trans montadérrimas
Roqueiros do Foals colocam machões para brigar com trans em seu mais novo clipe

Presidente do Malauí não quer defesa de direitos gays
Bingu wa Mutharika pede fim da pressão pelos direitos homossexuais no Malauí

[New Zealand]
WINZ making 'every effort' to help trans group
Work and Income is expressing disappointment at the implication it has not been responsive to the needs of a group of transgender ex-street workers in south Auckland.
Former sex workers granted benefits

Transgender bill near final approval
A bill to protect transsexual Canadians from hate and discrimination could have an adverse impact on religious freedom if it passes says a legal expert.
NDP MP Bill Siksay's private member's bill C-389 adds "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the identifiable groups in the Criminal Code.
"It's an open avenue for difficulties with the Catholic Church and other faiths," said REAL Women of Canada national vice president Gwen Landolt, a former Crown prosecutor and an expert on religious freedom issues.

Transexuais dos EUA poderão trocar de gênero nos passaportes sem cirurgia
No mês do Orgulho LGBT, governo dos EUA libera passaportes com nova identidade para transexuais

Daughter of Beatty and Bening to Transition to Man
Tabloid newspaper the National Enquirer has dropped a bombshell, reporting that the eldest daughter of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, 18-year-old Kathlyn, is determined to transition, and plans to become a young man. She will assume the name Stephen to go along with her change of gender, the article said.
Warren Beatty's child 'living as a trans man'
Beatty's daughter 'plans sex change'
From she to he: Warren Beatty's daughter Kathlyn plans sex change to become Stephen

San Francisco grants reprieve to jobs program for transgender people
Mayor Gavin Newsom restores funding for initiative aiding group whose unemployment and poverty rates are twice the state average.

Tiffany Woods helps transgender women
Tiffany Woods left her office in Fremont one day last week to meet with a 17-year-old boy who identifies as a girl and has been rejected by her family.
Woods is working with the youth to help her finish high school, set goals, think about a job and understand that she is not alone.
(Photo: Mike Kepka/The Chronicle - Tiffany Woods runs TransVision, the only health and resource center for transgender women in Alameda County.)

Girls Night Out
Transgender beauties vie for the crown
As the contestants in Molokai’s Ultimate Diva Pageant proved, some girls just want to have fun.
Around 200 people crowded the tent at Hotel Molokai on Saturday night for the second annual transgender beauty pageant.
After four categories – Delicious Diva Wear, Swimwear, Talent and Evening Wear – Anastacia Colby-Deszanaro of Wailea, Maui was crowned Queen Diva.

Maine Court Favorable Ruling on Trans Bathroom Use
On May 27, the Maine Superior Court, Androscoggin County, ruled on a case involving a claim of unlawful public accommodation discrimination by a transgender person.
In this case, the public accommodation involved was the bathroom of a Denny's restaurant in Auburn, Maine.
Denny's Under Fire for Discrimination

Board member to seek clear transgender protection in DART non-discrimination policy
With encouragement from Mayor Tom Leppert's office, Dallas Area Rapid Transit board member William Tsao of Dallas said Friday that he plans to insist that the transit agency's proposed non-discrimination policy be reworded to make clear it provides protections for transgendered employees.

Man pleads not guilty to hate crime in transgender beating
A man charged with a hate crime for the bus stop beating of a transgender woman pleaded not guilty to the charge on Thursday.
Daniel Patrick Woodward is charged with malicious harassment in connection with the incident at the bus stop at NW Market St. and 15th Ave. NW on May 30.