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segunda-feira, julho 26, 2010

Festival Lisbon Unplugged contra preconceitos
Foi apresentado oficialmente aos media esta sexta-feira no Espaço Fábulas, o 1º festival desligado de preconceitos, que acontecerá a 10 e 11 de Setembro deste ano nas instalações do Instituto Superior de Agronomia na Tapada da Ajuda, Lisboa.
A ideia é unir várias vertentes (musical, artística, cultural e ecológica) num evento destinado a promover a diversidade com as várias vertentes interagindo entre si.

Petros becomes Patricia
A Swazi male teacher has become a woman after undergoing a sex change procedure.
Her name used to be Petros but she is now known as Patricia.
She is even dating a man.
She decided that she no longer wanted to be a man after discovering that she was trapped in a man’s body. (Photo)

Country Rejects AU Gay Group
Uganda has opposed the pending recognition of a South African gay rights group, Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL), as an official observer at all African Union conferences, and to contribute to the NGO's forum.

Workshop on transgenders held
Students from several city colleges on Friday learnt the art of film making and got insights into the life of transgenders at a technical workshop at Loyola College.

Trans protections for housing implemented
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has provided new guidance on the Fair Housing Act, instructing HUD staff that discrimination against transgender people can be addressed under the law’s existing ban on gender discrimination. The policy decision offers additional help to transgender people who experience discrimination.

Meet Josie, 9: No secret she's transgender
Wearing a khaki skirt and black tank top with a splash of heart-shaped rhinestones, 9-year-old Josie Romero skips across her family's living room, eager to show off her Great Dane, her little sister, and the birds in her backyard.
When asked about her necklace - a silver triangle on a black cord - she beams.
"This is a transgender symbol," she says of the circle that joins the symbols for male and female with a third symbol that combines the first two.
(Photo: Josie and her mother, Venessia Romero, put final touches on their pizza. Mom says she's just following Josie's lead. "Shedding our preconceived ideas of who our child ought to be" is a necesssary struggle, she says.)
Being 'out' and transgender - at the age of 9
Photo gallery: Josie Romero, transgender child

Coastal: Trans member denied, but still fighting
Discrimination is not new to country club-styled or private social communities. Jews faced this for decades, as well as African-Americans.
Now, there’s a new group to enter the arena.
At the Hanover Seaside Club it seems that transgender applicants are being treated the same. Rachael Gieschen, 69, whose grandfather co-founded this coastal club in 1898, was recently given the nay-nod with regard to her membership status.

Judge bars firefighter's widow from benefits
A judge Friday agreed to temporarily bar the allegedly transgendered widow of a Wharton firefighter from spending or collecting his death benefits.
State District Judge Randy Clapp ruled after hearing from Nikki Araguz that she received a check for $60,000 on Thursday, about a 10th of the total cash expected because of Thomas Araguz's July 4 death in an egg farm inferno.
When families attack!
Fundraiser for Fireman's widow Nikki Araguz Marriage Defense
It's Happened Before: Transgender Couple
Transgender widow talks in student video
Fallen Firefighter's Widow in Court
Exclusive: More from Transgender Widow
Wharton Firefighter's Assets Frozen
Firefighter Widow in Gender Case Barred from Benefits
Firefighter's widow barred from spending death benefits, has no access to $600,000 estate
Judge bars firefighter's widow from benefits
Judge bars fallen firefighter’s transgender widow from collecting, spending death benefits

[Commentary] Transgender widow put on trial
[Commentary] when is a widow not a widow
Nikki Araguz: What happened in court today

[Commentary] Disclosure, Trans Panic, and Ciscentric Narratives of Honesty
Press Release: Widow Braves Hostile Court Proceedings

[Commentary] Nikki Araguz Update 4-First Phyllabuster
[Commentary] Nikki Araguz Update 5 -Sounds Like Somebody's Bitter

Virginia Governor's Former In-Law Seeks Transgendered Rights
The issue of transgendered rights is hitting close to home for Virginia's governor.
His former brother-in-law identifies as a woman and is speaking out.
Robyn Deane told ABC 7 News reporter Greta Kreuz that she's struggled since she was a child with this and would probably have killed herself if she had to go on as a man. (Photo)

Mariposa ante las cámaras
Ser travesti pone a las personas en una condición vulnerable frente a diversos tipos de violencia, confirman especialistas y las propias víctimas.
Esa realidad ha pasado también a formar parte de las temáticas abordadas por audiovisuales de disímiles signos, como el documental Tacones cercanos, de la joven realizadora cubana Jessica Rodríguez, recién egresada de la Facultad de Medios Audiovisuales del Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA).

Primer planteo en busca de un DNI con otro nombre y otro sexo
Acudirán a la Justicia para modificar la documentación que rige actualmente en el país. Los involucrados nacieron varones pero se sienten mujeres desde chicas. Contaron que sufren carencias y humillaciones.
Parece una modelo. Altísima y elegante con su tapadito de jean ajustado al cuerpo, despreocupada de la estela de miradas y risas nerviosas que deja a su paso. Una melena colorada le cae sobre la espalda. Lleva las uñas larguísimas, pintadas de blanco, haciendo juego con la vincha que le sujeta el pelo. Claudinna GalaLeguizamón nació varón. Pero desde chica se sintió prisionera en un cuerpo equivocado. "Mi recuerdo más antiguo es el de un acto en el jardín de infantes. Yo le insistía a la maestra que quería ser mariposa. Y terminé en la psicóloga", relata. Agrega que está harta de que en la Facultad de Artes de la UNT, donde cursa el profesorado de Danzas Contemporáneas la llamen por su nombre de varón. "Cada vez que lo escucho siento humillación. Estoy cansada de las murmuraciones y las risitas a mis espaldas", dice entornando sus ojos verdes. Por eso, ella y Emilia Constanza Rodríguez, de igual condición, serán las primeras mujeres transgénero de Tucumán que presentarán una acción de amparo ante la Justicia para cambiar la identidad sexual en su documentación.