Transfofa em Blog

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quarta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2011


Cinco anos depois do assassinato de Gilberta Salce Júnior, no Porto, e quando a Assembleia da República acaba de aprovar legislação que, pela primeira vez, reconhece a existência e os direitos das pessoas transexuais ao facilitar os procedimentos de mudança de nome no Registo Cívil, as Panteras Rosa - Frente de Combate à LesBiGayTransfobia, vêm convidar os órgãos de comunicação social para uma acção no dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2011, pelas 11h, na Av. Fernão Magalhães, à chegar ao Campo 24 de Agosto, em frente ao Heavens Gotic Bar, o mesmo local onde o corpo de Gisberta foi encontrado sem vida.

O acontecimento trágico que não esquecemos, tornou-se um símbolo internacional da luta contra a discriminação e pela autonomia das pessoas transexuais. Comemorá-lo, mais do que uma homenagem à vítima, é continuar uma luta que foi recentemente reconhecida pela maioria dos deputadas e deputados na Assembleia da República, uma luta do conjunto do movimento LGBT e das pessoas transgénero em particular. Uma luta pela dignidade e pelos direitos humanos.

Na ocasião será divulgada uma carta aos órgãos municipais da cidade no sentido da sua intervenção para que o exemplo da Gisberta e das condições trágicas da sua morte não mais possam ser esquecidas na cidade do Porto.

Contando com a vossa presença. recebam os melhores cumprimentos

Porto, 21 de Fevereiro de 20011

Irina Castro (Panteras Rosa)

UN shuns ILGA again
The Non-Governmental Organizations Committee of the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on Feb. 4 again rejected a request for consultative status from the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association aka ILGA.

Travesti arranca coração e olhos ao companheiro
Fábio confessa crime em tribunal mas diz que "não tinha intenção de matar"
Travesti confessa morte de amante

Trocando de nome Presidente português é obrigado a assinar lei pró-transexuais
Até a próxima quinta-feira 25 o presidente português Cavaco Silva terá de promulgar a Lei de Identidade de Gênero no país. A lei foi aprovada pelo Parlamento em 26 de novembro e vetada pelo presidente em 06 de janeiro.

Fight against prejudice on transgenderism
In her blog, Eduarda Santos - a portuguese advocate for transgender rights - points several examples [pt] of transphobic prejudice by the mainstream media.

Num apartamento no centro de São Paulo Mantinha travestis em cativeiro para prostituição
A polícia de São Paulo (Brasil) libertou seis rapazes que eram mantidos em cativeiro num apartamento no centro velho da cidade e forçados a prostituir-se. O dono do apartamento foi preso em flagrante.

Transgenders asked to explore self-employment avenues
The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) secretary K. Sailaja has called upon the transgenders to explore self-employment avenues like manufacturing of eco-friendly cloth bags to eke out a livelihood and serve the cause of environment protection.

Transgender group wants end to violent raids
A group of transgendered individuals is asking the Jakarta Public Order Agency not to use violence during their frequent raids.
The Communication Forum for Indonesian Transgendered Persons met with agency head Effendi Anas on Tuesday. The group said public order officers often violated human rights during their raids.
Transvestites Urge Satpol PP to Refrain From Violence

[New Zealand]
Gender bias claim in dog death case
A transsexual accused of leaving her dog to die of heat exhaustion in a car says she is being discriminated against because of her sexuality.
Annabell Quor, 74, yesterday pleaded not guilty in the district court to a charge of reckless ill-treatment of an animal after her 10-year-old pomeranian, Midgy, died at The Palms shopping centre rooftop car park just before Christmas.
The SPCA has brought the charge.

[Canada] [Letters to the Editor]
Rights are rights
Pat Grasmeyer asks why transgender people should be given specific rights under the charter and answers the question by giving two examples of discriminatory practices against gays, which she describes as taking the rights away of the individuals who are doing the discriminating.

America’s biggest firms pay for transgender treatment
Some of America’s biggest firms offer their employees medical insurance to cover gender reassignment.
Companies including Coca Cola, American Express and Yahoo! would prefer to pay out rather than lose valuable employees.
More US companies covering transgender surgery
Want a sex change? Work for Coke: How America's biggest corporations are paying for transgender surgeries

Newly published paper outlines how physicians practice habits can affect their ability to treat LGBT patients
Noting that a patient's level of comfort and trust significantly impacts the type of medical care provided and received, a newly published paper outlines ways that physicians can examine how their own beliefs and practice habits affect their ability to treat lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) patients. The paper, which appears in the current issue of The Health Care Manager, outlines several minor but effective changes physicians can make to establish an office environment that is comfortable to all patients.

[USA] [Commentary]
My son, the pink boy
Moms ask if my "feminine" son is gay. Strangers tell me I'm being too permissive. Here's what they don't understand

[USA] [Commentary]
Transgender Law Center & EQCA: Gender Non-Discrimination Act Introduced In California
This is an example of what lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community activism -- that is fully inclusive of the T in LGBT -- looks like. From the Transgender Law Center press release Gender Non-Discrimination Act Introduced to California Assembly:

School ends Kye Allums' season. Athlete's mother claims school squelching opportunities
George Washington University has shut down Kye Allums' season due to concussion-related symptoms. Now his mother, Rolanda DelaMartinez, is speaking out.
Allums' Mother Says Son Prevented from Playing
Mother of transgender player Kye Allums alleges son prevented from playing

Family presses school on policy
A Deltona 8-year-old has been yanking out his eyelashes and hair lately, sort of a stress reflex like nail biting.
The third-grader has struggled to stop, even wearing a lucky charm necklace he convinced himself would help until the bubble-gum-machine jewelry fell apart.
"He said it was something that would help him get through the day," his mother explained.
The child is a girl biologically but feels purely male. It's been a struggle for him and his parents, who decided in 2009 to grant the child's wish to be raised as a boy, complete with a boy's name, haircut and clothes.

[IL, USA] [Commentary]
Shedding light on the meaning of transgender
Equal rights for the community have been a long time coming. What you can do to help

Transgender woman, 25, found asphyxiated in vacant building
City police say a 25-year-old transgender woman was found dead in a vacant building in Central Park Heights over the weekend, a death which the medical examiner's office said was caused by asphyxiation. (Photo)
Transgender victim struggled for acceptance

Investigan si homosexual asesinado era hondureño
Un hombre, al parecer hondureño y con indumentaria y características homosexuales, fue hallado muerto sobre sembradíos de carrizos en el rancho La Cuchilla, muy cerca de la comunidad Lo de Juárez, a 10 minutos al norte de la ciudad, según informe de periódico mexicano

Una lucha a favor de los suyos
Por ahora, su nombre es Javier Gómez Bastida. Quizá en unos meses se llamará diferente, porque este abogado es transexual y está en proceso de cambiar su acta de nacimiento para poder presentarse con un nombre femenino. No tiene prisa, sabe que llevará tiempo. Ahora tiene una urgencia. Su atención está enfocada a ser una pieza que ayude a combatir la discriminación a los homosexuales en México.