Activists celebrate 7th International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
LGBT campaigners are celebrating the seventh International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).
Transgender Europe: IDAHOT Press Release – 17th May, 2011
Travesti é agredida a pauladas em MS
Uma travesti de 28 anos, conhecida como Evelyn, foi agredida a pauladas no bairro Jardim Alvorado, município de Três Lagoas (MS).
Manifiestos y Comunicados en el Día Internacional Contra la Transfóbia y la Homofóbia en el Mundo
17 de mayo, día internacional contra la LGTBfobia. – Errespetuz
Semana contra la LGTBFobia en Madrid por Día Internacional, este lunes vigilia Plaza Vázquez de Mella
Lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011, Martes, 17 de mayo de 2011, Miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011, Viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011, Sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011
Prohíben la concentración contra la homofobia prevista mañana en Toledo
La Junta Electoral Provincial ha decidido prohibir la concentración prevista para mañana en Toledo por el Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales de Castilla-La Mancha ('Bolo Bolo') con motivo del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia.
[UK] [Commentary]
17 May: International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia
To mark this year’s International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe) has published its Rainbow Europe Map and Index in which it rates each European country’s laws and administrative practices according to 24 categories and ranks them on a scale between 17 (highest score: respect of human rights and full legal equality of LGBT people) and -7 (lowest score: gross violations of human rights and discrimination of LGBT people).
Transvestism is no longer a disease in Finland
The Institute for Health and Welfare will remove even sexual fetishism and sadomasochism from ICD
Certain diagnoses relating to sexual behaviour will be removed from the Finnish version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) next year.
The number of categories to be removed from the ICD is five, including transvestism, sexual fetishism, sadomasochism, and diverse sexual target disorders.
[Turkey] [VIA EMAIL]
Police Violence Against Trans Activists Still Goes Unpunished !!!
For Wide Circulation!
Today is May 17th, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia!.. This important date, following which activities are held to denounce discrimination, hate crimes, social exclusion and violence against LGBTs based on sexual orientation and gender identity MARKS also the 1st anniversary of the incident when 5 trans activists from Pembe Hayat were attacked and ill-treated by the police officers of Ankara Esat Police Station.
The violence used by the police officers against trans activists on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia [17.05.2010], clearly demonstrated that the Turkish Government continues to breach human rights of citizens on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
The complaints that were filed against the perpetrator police officers just after the incident, have not been taken into consideration by the relevant authorities. The prosecutor's office declared nolle prosequi [dismissed the proceeding of the file] and the file is under review at Ankara Sincan High Criminal Court.
In addition, the perpetrators filed complaints against the victims of violence with allegations; "insulting the police", "resisting the police" and "destroying the public goods", which are all without any clear evidence and the prosecutor's office opened a case against the trans victims. The prejudice and the impartial attitudes of the judicial authorities against the trans were proved by the actions of the prosecutor's office.
Judicial authorities does not need to turn the complaints of the victims into cases even though they have been provided with the video recordings and the photos of the incident, while they directly open cases against trans victims in the lack of legal arguments and evidences.
It cannot be accepted that trans victims of arbitrary fines, arrests and overt violence of police officers face transphobic attitudes while they are in search for their legal rights.
Following the meaning of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17th, we protest the humiliating ill-treatment and violence of police against trans and we demand judicial authorities to immediately review the complaints against the police officers and sentence the perpetrators.
Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği
Adres: Ataç 1 Sokak 3/8 Yenişehir, Çankaya, Ankara
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals want gov’t protection
THE Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) activists yesterday trooped to the House of Representatives to seek the passage of a long-delayed measure protecting human rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Hundreds rally for gay rights
Gay rights advocates rallied in Halifax on Tuesday to denounce homophobia, support transsexual and transgendered citizens and call on legislators to shore up human rights legislation.
[USA/International] [PR]
Hillary Rodham Clinton: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
In every part of the world, men and women are persecuted and attacked because of who they are or whom they love. Homophobia, transphobia and the brutal hostility associated with them are often rooted in a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). So to combat this terrible scourge and break the cycle of fear and violence, we must work together to
improve education and support those who stand up against laws that criminalize love and promote hate. As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia this May 17, let us resolve to redouble our efforts.
Police Seek Gender-Questionable Robbers
A man with a feminine voice and a possibly transgendered woman robbed Nordstrom inside WestFarms mall.
Allums to leave women's team
Shooting guard Kye Allums will not return to the court for the Colonials next season.
Allums, the first transgender basketball player in NCAA Division I history, will likely undergo the first steps in a gender reassignment surgery this summer.
Congressional briefing spotlights findings of Injustice at Every Turn
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) today sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on key findings from the Task Force and NCTE's groundbreaking new report, Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. The briefing was held on behalf of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.
Transgender Woman Says Employer Forced Her to Use Men's Bathroom
A transgender woman named Meggan Summerville (born Mark Summerville) from the Chicago suburbs filed two discrimination charges against the state of Illinois, saying that her employer prohibited her from using the women's restroom, even though she is entitled to using those facilities. (Photo)
Suburban Transwoman’s civil rights violated by her employer - IGA Statement [VIA EMAIL]
Ms. Megan Sommerville has filed two charges of discrimination, with the state, against the Aurora arts and crafts store, Hobby Lobby, where she has worked for a number of years.
Illinois Gender Advocates, IGA, applauds Miss Sommerville for having the determination to stand up for her rights. With out the courageous action of individuals like her, our rights are mere words on paper.
IGA also applauds the Illinois Department of Human Rights, and it’s Director, Mr. Rocco J. Claps, for their dedication to ensure the equal treatment of all the citizens of Illinois.
As Martin Luther King said; “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.
IGA stands ready to aid and support anyone who has been discriminated against due to their Gender Identity or Expression.
Trans Woman Sues Job in Bathroom Dispute
Transgender woman files suit against Aurora employer
McDonald's Suspect Indicted on Assault, Hate Crimes Charges
The grand jury for Baltimore County indicted Teonna Brown, 18, with five charges on Monday, May 16, including that of a hate crime, for the physical attack on Chrissy Polis, a transgender woman, at the Rosedale, Md., McDonald's on Monday, April 18.
Rosedale Woman Indicted In McDonald's Transgender Assault
McDonald’s attackers face hate crime charges in beating of transgender female
2 teens charged with hate crime, assault in beating of transgender
woman McDonald’s in Md.
Suspect in McDonald's attack to face hate crime charge
Jury charges teens with hate crimes in McDonald's beating attack
Woman Indicted On Hate Crime Charge In McDonald's Attack
Md. teens indicted in beating of trans woman
[Commentary] McDonalds Assailant Charged With Hate Crime
Fear of violence always on mind of transgender people
The video is disturbing on multiple levels. A woman and a teenage girl at a Baltimore area McDonald's beat a transgender woman while others stand by, doing nothing.
Transgender Employment Protections Pass Nevada Senate
After passing in the Nevada Assembly last month, a bill banning employment discrimination based on gender identity or expression was narrowly approved May 11 by the state’s Senate with an 11-10 vote, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports.
Esprit enjoys its freedom in Port Angeles
Billed as the “Pacific Northwest’s premiere transgender convention,” Esprit is in full swing this week, and the participants are happy to be back in Port Angeles.
Superar rechazo y burla, el reto de ser transexual
Persiste discriminación y rezago legislativo, a un año de aprobado el Día contra la Homofobia.
Agnes Torres es joven, tiene 28 años, es sicóloga por la Universidad Veracruzana (UV), goza de una impresionante fluidez para hablar e incluso físicamente es atractiva. Sin embargo, las puertas de cualquier trabajo —incluido el doméstico— están cerradas para ella. Jamás ha tenido un empleo.
Los crímenes de odio en contra de personas homosexuales, en la sombra
Los crímenes motivados por odio que se comenten en México hacia personas homosexuales, lesbianas y transgénero carecen de un registro oficial, pese a que el país ocupe el segundo lugar, por debajo de Brasil, con mayor número de casos de crímenes por homofobia en Latinoamérica, según un estudio de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal.
[El Salvador]
Comunidad transexual de El Salvador marcha en defensa de sus derechos
La comunidad transexual y transgénero de El Salvador, en busca de defender sus derechos, se pronunció este sábado en una colorida marcha en contra de la discriminación y solicitó al Congreso una ley que les permita adoptar nombres de mujer.
[Costa Rica]
Celebración del Día Nacional contra la Homofobia Minorías sexuales piden igualdad en derechos laborales
La comunidad LGBTI, integrada por lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexules, se reunió ayer con el fin de recolectar 5.000 firmas para impulsar un cambio en la legislación que garantice la igualdad de derechos laborales.
Conmemorarán día Internacional de la homofobia
Organizaciones de homosexuales a nivel mundial conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Homofobia, con el que se buscan crear conciencia de igualdad.
En Guatemala, la Organización Panamericana de Mercadeo Social (PASMO) está coordinando algunas actividades conmemorativas para defender los derechos humanos de los transexuales, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales.
'Ahora soy una mujer completa, mi imagen y documentos revelan eso'
Profesión: Médica Cargo: Sexóloga Médica con especialidad en sexología Es médica con especialidad en sexología. Su cambio de identidad (nombre y sexo) es el primero del país, porque es una de las pocas transexuales profesionales. La resolución del Juzgado Sexto de Instrucción en lo Civil, de abril del 2011, declara probada la demanda de cambio de nombre y sexo. Dispone que en la ejecución de sentencia se proceda, a través del Registro Civil Sala Provincias, al cambio de forma definitiva. El fundamento jurídico que se utilizó son las Declaraciones Sobre Orientación Sexual e Identidad.
Declaran día contra la homofobia
El 17 de mayo fue declarado como el “Día de la lucha contra la Homofobia y Transfobia” en el municipio de La Paz, de acuerdo con una ordenanza municipal aprobada por el Concejo.
TLGB piden al Ejecutivo declaratoria del día de lucha contra la homofobia
Detienen a miembros de banda acusada de matar a tres transexuales en un mes
La policía científica de Venezuela informó hoy la detención de una banda de transexuales que, en menos de un mes, asesinó a otras tres personas de la misma comunidad sexual que se dedicaban a la prostitución en una céntrica calle de Caracas.
Esclarecen homicidios de transexuales en Caracas
Mañana, marcha contra la homofobia en Cartagena
En rechazo a las brotes y abusos homofóbicos que se registran en cualquier parte del mundo, incluido Colombia, la población LGBTI (Lesbianas, Gay, Bisexual, Travesti e Intersexual ) de Cartagena extiende una invitación a la ciudadanía a fin de que acompañe una marcha prevista para este martes 17 de mayo en conmemoración a esta fecha y en rechazo a las personas que aún juzgan y condenan la diferencia sexual como sucede en Uganda.
Cartagena marcha hoy contra la homofobia
Activists celebrate 7th International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
LGBT campaigners are celebrating the seventh International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).
Transgender Europe: IDAHOT Press Release – 17th May, 2011
Travesti é agredida a pauladas em MS
Uma travesti de 28 anos, conhecida como Evelyn, foi agredida a pauladas no bairro Jardim Alvorado, município de Três Lagoas (MS).
Manifiestos y Comunicados en el Día Internacional Contra la Transfóbia y la Homofóbia en el Mundo
17 de mayo, día internacional contra la LGTBfobia. – Errespetuz
Semana contra la LGTBFobia en Madrid por Día Internacional, este lunes vigilia Plaza Vázquez de Mella
Lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011, Martes, 17 de mayo de 2011, Miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011, Viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011, Sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011
Prohíben la concentración contra la homofobia prevista mañana en Toledo
La Junta Electoral Provincial ha decidido prohibir la concentración prevista para mañana en Toledo por el Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales de Castilla-La Mancha ('Bolo Bolo') con motivo del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia.
[UK] [Commentary]
17 May: International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia
To mark this year’s International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA-Europe) has published its Rainbow Europe Map and Index in which it rates each European country’s laws and administrative practices according to 24 categories and ranks them on a scale between 17 (highest score: respect of human rights and full legal equality of LGBT people) and -7 (lowest score: gross violations of human rights and discrimination of LGBT people).
Transvestism is no longer a disease in Finland
The Institute for Health and Welfare will remove even sexual fetishism and sadomasochism from ICD
Certain diagnoses relating to sexual behaviour will be removed from the Finnish version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) next year.
The number of categories to be removed from the ICD is five, including transvestism, sexual fetishism, sadomasochism, and diverse sexual target disorders.
[Turkey] [VIA EMAIL]
Police Violence Against Trans Activists Still Goes Unpunished !!!
For Wide Circulation!
Today is May 17th, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia!.. This important date, following which activities are held to denounce discrimination, hate crimes, social exclusion and violence against LGBTs based on sexual orientation and gender identity MARKS also the 1st anniversary of the incident when 5 trans activists from Pembe Hayat were attacked and ill-treated by the police officers of Ankara Esat Police Station.
The violence used by the police officers against trans activists on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia [17.05.2010], clearly demonstrated that the Turkish Government continues to breach human rights of citizens on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
The complaints that were filed against the perpetrator police officers just after the incident, have not been taken into consideration by the relevant authorities. The prosecutor's office declared nolle prosequi [dismissed the proceeding of the file] and the file is under review at Ankara Sincan High Criminal Court.
In addition, the perpetrators filed complaints against the victims of violence with allegations; "insulting the police", "resisting the police" and "destroying the public goods", which are all without any clear evidence and the prosecutor's office opened a case against the trans victims. The prejudice and the impartial attitudes of the judicial authorities against the trans were proved by the actions of the prosecutor's office.
Judicial authorities does not need to turn the complaints of the victims into cases even though they have been provided with the video recordings and the photos of the incident, while they directly open cases against trans victims in the lack of legal arguments and evidences.
It cannot be accepted that trans victims of arbitrary fines, arrests and overt violence of police officers face transphobic attitudes while they are in search for their legal rights.
Following the meaning of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17th, we protest the humiliating ill-treatment and violence of police against trans and we demand judicial authorities to immediately review the complaints against the police officers and sentence the perpetrators.
Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanışma Derneği
Adres: Ataç 1 Sokak 3/8 Yenişehir, Çankaya, Ankara
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals want gov’t protection
THE Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) activists yesterday trooped to the House of Representatives to seek the passage of a long-delayed measure protecting human rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Hundreds rally for gay rights
Gay rights advocates rallied in Halifax on Tuesday to denounce homophobia, support transsexual and transgendered citizens and call on legislators to shore up human rights legislation.
[USA/International] [PR]
Hillary Rodham Clinton: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
In every part of the world, men and women are persecuted and attacked because of who they are or whom they love. Homophobia, transphobia and the brutal hostility associated with them are often rooted in a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). So to combat this terrible scourge and break the cycle of fear and violence, we must work together to
improve education and support those who stand up against laws that criminalize love and promote hate. As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia this May 17, let us resolve to redouble our efforts.
Police Seek Gender-Questionable Robbers
A man with a feminine voice and a possibly transgendered woman robbed Nordstrom inside WestFarms mall.
Allums to leave women's team
Shooting guard Kye Allums will not return to the court for the Colonials next season.
Allums, the first transgender basketball player in NCAA Division I history, will likely undergo the first steps in a gender reassignment surgery this summer.
Congressional briefing spotlights findings of Injustice at Every Turn
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) today sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing on key findings from the Task Force and NCTE's groundbreaking new report, Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. The briefing was held on behalf of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.

Transgender Woman Says Employer Forced Her to Use Men's Bathroom
A transgender woman named Meggan Summerville (born Mark Summerville) from the Chicago suburbs filed two discrimination charges against the state of Illinois, saying that her employer prohibited her from using the women's restroom, even though she is entitled to using those facilities. (Photo)
Suburban Transwoman’s civil rights violated by her employer - IGA Statement [VIA EMAIL]
Ms. Megan Sommerville has filed two charges of discrimination, with the state, against the Aurora arts and crafts store, Hobby Lobby, where she has worked for a number of years.
Illinois Gender Advocates, IGA, applauds Miss Sommerville for having the determination to stand up for her rights. With out the courageous action of individuals like her, our rights are mere words on paper.
IGA also applauds the Illinois Department of Human Rights, and it’s Director, Mr. Rocco J. Claps, for their dedication to ensure the equal treatment of all the citizens of Illinois.
As Martin Luther King said; “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.
IGA stands ready to aid and support anyone who has been discriminated against due to their Gender Identity or Expression.
Trans Woman Sues Job in Bathroom Dispute
Transgender woman files suit against Aurora employer
McDonald's Suspect Indicted on Assault, Hate Crimes Charges
The grand jury for Baltimore County indicted Teonna Brown, 18, with five charges on Monday, May 16, including that of a hate crime, for the physical attack on Chrissy Polis, a transgender woman, at the Rosedale, Md., McDonald's on Monday, April 18.
Rosedale Woman Indicted In McDonald's Transgender Assault
McDonald’s attackers face hate crime charges in beating of transgender female
2 teens charged with hate crime, assault in beating of transgender
woman McDonald’s in Md.
Suspect in McDonald's attack to face hate crime charge
Jury charges teens with hate crimes in McDonald's beating attack
Woman Indicted On Hate Crime Charge In McDonald's Attack
Md. teens indicted in beating of trans woman
[Commentary] McDonalds Assailant Charged With Hate Crime
Fear of violence always on mind of transgender people
The video is disturbing on multiple levels. A woman and a teenage girl at a Baltimore area McDonald's beat a transgender woman while others stand by, doing nothing.
Transgender Employment Protections Pass Nevada Senate
After passing in the Nevada Assembly last month, a bill banning employment discrimination based on gender identity or expression was narrowly approved May 11 by the state’s Senate with an 11-10 vote, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports.
Esprit enjoys its freedom in Port Angeles
Billed as the “Pacific Northwest’s premiere transgender convention,” Esprit is in full swing this week, and the participants are happy to be back in Port Angeles.
Superar rechazo y burla, el reto de ser transexual
Persiste discriminación y rezago legislativo, a un año de aprobado el Día contra la Homofobia.
Agnes Torres es joven, tiene 28 años, es sicóloga por la Universidad Veracruzana (UV), goza de una impresionante fluidez para hablar e incluso físicamente es atractiva. Sin embargo, las puertas de cualquier trabajo —incluido el doméstico— están cerradas para ella. Jamás ha tenido un empleo.
Los crímenes de odio en contra de personas homosexuales, en la sombra
Los crímenes motivados por odio que se comenten en México hacia personas homosexuales, lesbianas y transgénero carecen de un registro oficial, pese a que el país ocupe el segundo lugar, por debajo de Brasil, con mayor número de casos de crímenes por homofobia en Latinoamérica, según un estudio de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal.
[El Salvador]
Comunidad transexual de El Salvador marcha en defensa de sus derechos
La comunidad transexual y transgénero de El Salvador, en busca de defender sus derechos, se pronunció este sábado en una colorida marcha en contra de la discriminación y solicitó al Congreso una ley que les permita adoptar nombres de mujer.
[Costa Rica]
Celebración del Día Nacional contra la Homofobia Minorías sexuales piden igualdad en derechos laborales
La comunidad LGBTI, integrada por lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexules, se reunió ayer con el fin de recolectar 5.000 firmas para impulsar un cambio en la legislación que garantice la igualdad de derechos laborales.
Conmemorarán día Internacional de la homofobia
Organizaciones de homosexuales a nivel mundial conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Homofobia, con el que se buscan crear conciencia de igualdad.
En Guatemala, la Organización Panamericana de Mercadeo Social (PASMO) está coordinando algunas actividades conmemorativas para defender los derechos humanos de los transexuales, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales.
'Ahora soy una mujer completa, mi imagen y documentos revelan eso'
Profesión: Médica Cargo: Sexóloga Médica con especialidad en sexología Es médica con especialidad en sexología. Su cambio de identidad (nombre y sexo) es el primero del país, porque es una de las pocas transexuales profesionales. La resolución del Juzgado Sexto de Instrucción en lo Civil, de abril del 2011, declara probada la demanda de cambio de nombre y sexo. Dispone que en la ejecución de sentencia se proceda, a través del Registro Civil Sala Provincias, al cambio de forma definitiva. El fundamento jurídico que se utilizó son las Declaraciones Sobre Orientación Sexual e Identidad.
Declaran día contra la homofobia
El 17 de mayo fue declarado como el “Día de la lucha contra la Homofobia y Transfobia” en el municipio de La Paz, de acuerdo con una ordenanza municipal aprobada por el Concejo.
TLGB piden al Ejecutivo declaratoria del día de lucha contra la homofobia
Detienen a miembros de banda acusada de matar a tres transexuales en un mes
La policía científica de Venezuela informó hoy la detención de una banda de transexuales que, en menos de un mes, asesinó a otras tres personas de la misma comunidad sexual que se dedicaban a la prostitución en una céntrica calle de Caracas.
Esclarecen homicidios de transexuales en Caracas
Mañana, marcha contra la homofobia en Cartagena
En rechazo a las brotes y abusos homofóbicos que se registran en cualquier parte del mundo, incluido Colombia, la población LGBTI (Lesbianas, Gay, Bisexual, Travesti e Intersexual ) de Cartagena extiende una invitación a la ciudadanía a fin de que acompañe una marcha prevista para este martes 17 de mayo en conmemoración a esta fecha y en rechazo a las personas que aún juzgan y condenan la diferencia sexual como sucede en Uganda.
Cartagena marcha hoy contra la homofobia
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