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terça-feira, agosto 16, 2011

Transexual é espancada em Porto Alegre após se envolver em acidente de trânsito
A médica transsexual Fernanda Campos, de 43 anos, deve prestar depoimento na tarde de hoje, 15 de agosto. Durante a manhã desta segunda-feira ela passou por exames no Departamento Médico Legal. Ela foi agredida na madrugada do último domingo, 14 de agosto, após de um acidente de trânsito.
Transexual foi espancada por três homens em briga de trânsito

More Finns applying for gender reassignment treatment
Younger people applying for surgery
“At school my friends asked me if I’m a transvestite, because I dressed in men’s clothing. I said that I’m not. As I see it, a transvestite dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex now and then. I wanted to be a man all the time”, says Thomas, who is undergoing gender reassignment treatment.
Thomas, 18, is a trans man, who is in the process of fixing his gender from female to male.

Casal abatido por desejar casar
Kamran, um homem de 28 anos e a sua companheira transexual Wajahat de 21 anos foram abatidos a tiro em Orangi Town no Domingo.

Eunuchs face tougher times
It appears that problems for eunuchs and transgenders have increased with the amendment to the Karnataka Police Act.

Mumbai's eunuchs get dignity as I-Day gift
A social organisation here marked Independence Day Monday a bit differently -- by launching a unique project to provide dignified employment to eunuchs and wean them away from their life of beggary and sex trade.

Adi Senikau Pageant renamed
The Adi Senikau Pageant - a show that features the transgender community - has been renamed at this year's Vodafone Fiji Hibiscus Festival.

NDP plans to re-introduce bill to change Canadian Human Rights Act
In the upcoming session of Parliament, the NDP will move to re-introduce a bill to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to protect transgendered or transsexual citizens.

FOTOS: Realizan marcha contra homofobia en el DF
Manifestantes marcharon contra los crímenes de odio por homofobia por la muerte de Cristian Sanchez Venancio
Marchan gays y lesbianas en defensa de sus derechos

First 'gay' wedding celebrated in Cuba
Braving drizzling rain and people's prejudices, a Cuban man and transgender woman tied the knot here in what has been described as the first "gay marriage" on the Communist-ruled island.
Gay man, transgender woman marry in first LGBT wedding in Cuba
Transgender Woman and Gay Man Marry in Cuba
Trans woman and gay man wed in Cuba
Fidel Castro's Birthday Present: A Big Transsexual Wedding

[Commentary] Wendy and Ignacio Overcome Great Odds to Marry in Cuba

Exigen esclarecer 51 muertes de homosexuales
En lo que va del año, al menos siete miembros de la comunidad lésbica, gay, transgénero y bisexual han sido asesinados en varias zonas de Honduras.

Travestis y transexuales recibirán capacitación para cuidar adultos mayores
Un grupo de personas trans será capacitado por primera vez por el Programa Nacional de Cuidados Domiciliarios, para asistir a adultos mayores con dificultades y ampliar el campo laboral de esa población.

Los que son NN para el estado
El jueves comienza el debate de los diferentes proyectos en las comisiones de la Cámara de Diputados. "Es una muy buena noticia", afirmó Esteban Paulón, presidente de la Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans.
Se inicia en Diputados el debate sobre Ley de Identidad de Género