Gay Rights Activists at UN: No More Bullying
Activists called on governments around the world to end homophobic bullying and violence, saying Thursday that gay rights are human rights that must be respected by all.
Summary: Horizon 2014: What LGBT Rights in the EU?
On 8 December 2011, the Intergroup on LGBT Rights held a public roundtable Horizon 2014: What LGBT Rights in the World? The event was attended by Members of the European Parliament, staff from the Parliament and Commission, as well as civil society. A panel of three speakers examined what the EU had accomplished so far for LGBT rights, and what could be expected by the end of the current European mandate in 2014.
Secretary General condemns persistent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population in Europe, 9 December 2011
Council of Europe Secretary General condemns persistent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population in many parts of Europe on the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights.
Condenados a pagar una multa por insultar a una transexual y a su novio
La magistrada del Juzgado de Instrucción número 3 de A Coruña impone a cada uno de los adolescentes una multa de 240 euros
"Los transexuales no accedemos ni a trabajos que no requieren cualificación"
Mar Cambrollé, presidenta de la Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía, asistió ayer a la presentación del estudio presentado por la Universidad de Málaga y desgranó las principales demandas del colectivo en una entrevista con Málaga Hoy.
Uno de cada tres transexuales vive con menos de 600 euros al mes
U.K. Man To Stand Trial For Trans Tube Killing
A man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter after admitting to pushing an attorney under a train will be tried for murder.
Man admits killing lawyer Sonia Burgess at King's Cross station
Lawyer who died under train lived as a woman
Transsexual 'pushed cross-dressing lawyer under Tube train'
Horror Of Cross-dressing Lawyer
Trans woman ‘pushed to death’ by friend
‘Trans equality’ teaching for 5-year-olds being considered
Schoolchildren as young as five may be taught about “transgender equality”, a Government document has disclosed.
AIDS Linked Conferences Stir Intense Debate Among Ethiopians
The ICASA 2011 conference that was held in Addis Ababa beginning last week brought with it an unprecedented dialogue on homosexuality in Ethiopia.
Tel Aviv 'gay park' becomes dangerous for LGBT community
Members of the gay community, who are often harassed at Gan Meir park, want security to be stepped up, and say the police aren't taking the problem as seriously as they should.
Existing laws 'let third sex get citizenship'
Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) has said that the existing laws do not restrict the issuance of citizenship to the sexual minorities in the country.
Pak SC directs EC to register transgenders as voters
Pakistan's Supreme Court on Monday directed the Election Commission to speed up the registration of transgender people as voters across the country and to complete the process as soon as possible.
[Viet Nam]
Society alienating gays and lesbians
Gay people in Viet Nam are struggling to overcome social prejudice and family opposition to live true to themselves and find happiness, heard a workshop held in Ha Noi last Friday.
Gay party to protest exclusion from anti-discrimination bill
A political party for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights is organizing a protest rally to express indignation at the Catholic Church's attempts to exclude them from being covered by a bill that penalizes discrimination.
Manila archdiocese links to transsexual porn site
Will the Archdiocese of Manila blame a typographical error for recommending a transsexual porn website to the Catholic faithful?
Hobsons Bay mayor's proud history
Born and bred in Altona, Cr Tony Briffa is visibly proud to don the robes and chain that denote him as Hobsons Bay’s new mayor.
The dangers of sex work in Canada
Every night Lexi Tronic risks her life at work.
If she gets beaten or raped, she feels she can’t call police to report the attack because – at least for now – Tronic is also a criminal.
Transgender patients outed by the health-care system
‘I will die of pneumonia before being called Mr. once more in the emergency room’
New HRC Poll Finds Vast Majority of Voters Support Employment Anti-Discrimination Laws
There’s more good news on the public opinion front. New polling released today by HRC in partnership with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, shows a strong majority of voters support employment anti-discrimination laws for LGBT Americans.
Majority Of Voters Support Protections For Gay Workers
Appalling Treatment of Transgender Asylum Seeker Draws Lawsuit
The appalling treatment of a transgender asylum seeker held in US detention has drawn a lawsuit from the ACLU.
The suit is against the federal government, local government and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and charges that they failed to protect Tanya Guzman-Martinez from sexual violence, assault and other mistreatment.
Pair in money-for-sex-change case likely to serve little time
Two people accused of stealing $45,000 from a Wal-Mart to pay for a sex change operation and a car were in court Monday.
Protesters Occupy HRC Store in S.F.
The Human Rights Campaign Action Center and Store in San Francisco’s Castro district was the site of a recent Occupy protest — but HRC officials say they share the movement’s concern about economic issues.
Piden que los agravantes en los crímenes de odio incluya a los veteranos
La activista del movimiento Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Transgénero y Transexual (LGBTT) Ada Conde sostuvo hoy que el Código Penal de Puerto Rico debe responder a los débiles, a las minorías, a los que no pueden consentir, a los marginados, “a todos y todas que de una manera u otra son las víctimas escogidas de almas y mentes que no tienen un sólo ápice de dignidad, principio ni moral”.
Nuevo round por Código Penal
Liza tira al medio a José Emilio González por el Código Penal
Defienden permanencia de agravantes en el CP
Senador penepé lanza un dardo a la Cámara
Transgender Case Tests Marriage Laws
A Dallas couple legally tied the knot more than a decade ago. But the fight over same-sex marriage is making their separation very complicated.
Denuncian maltrato a transexuales en el centro de Lima
La Asociación Civil Ángel Azul (Lima) denunció hoy que continúa la persecución y el maltrato hacia trans (travestis, transgéneros y transexuales) por parte de efectivos de la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP) y el Serenazgo de Lima.
El Colectivo LGBT de Posadas espera que la ley de Identidad de Género sea sancionada antes de Julio
Así lo consignó su referente, Laura Bronzino, quien destacó la importancia de la ley, porque agilizará los trámites de cambio de género en el documento nacional de identidad. De todas maneras, Bronzino recomendó iniciar los trámites antes que sea sancionada la ley, para sentar un precedente de demanda de la norma en la provincia. No obstante, Bronzino consideró que la discriminación no cesará a partir de la nueva norma
Hallan desnudo y muerto a un policía homosexual
El cuerpo desnudo y degollado de un policía fue hallado este martes en el interior de un auto, estacionado en el cámping del departamento de Chimbas, en el Gran San Juan.
Hallan a travesti asesinado
Los primeros indicios que se piensan es que el crimen fue pasional. El hecho sucedió en un edificio ubicado en Viamonte al 1600, de la Capital Federal.
Calle Solís: noches de descontrol, travestis, motos y algo más
El trayecto entre avenida Belgrano y Aguirre adquiere cada noche la imagen de una verdadera zona roja. Más allá de la prostitución, el área congrega tribus de motoqueros que tornan peligroso el tránsito.
"Como organización estamos totalmente en contra de todo este tipo de cosas"
Gay Rights Activists at UN: No More Bullying
Activists called on governments around the world to end homophobic bullying and violence, saying Thursday that gay rights are human rights that must be respected by all.
Summary: Horizon 2014: What LGBT Rights in the EU?
On 8 December 2011, the Intergroup on LGBT Rights held a public roundtable Horizon 2014: What LGBT Rights in the World? The event was attended by Members of the European Parliament, staff from the Parliament and Commission, as well as civil society. A panel of three speakers examined what the EU had accomplished so far for LGBT rights, and what could be expected by the end of the current European mandate in 2014.
Secretary General condemns persistent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population in Europe, 9 December 2011
Council of Europe Secretary General condemns persistent discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population in many parts of Europe on the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights.
Condenados a pagar una multa por insultar a una transexual y a su novio
La magistrada del Juzgado de Instrucción número 3 de A Coruña impone a cada uno de los adolescentes una multa de 240 euros
"Los transexuales no accedemos ni a trabajos que no requieren cualificación"
Mar Cambrollé, presidenta de la Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía, asistió ayer a la presentación del estudio presentado por la Universidad de Málaga y desgranó las principales demandas del colectivo en una entrevista con Málaga Hoy.
Uno de cada tres transexuales vive con menos de 600 euros al mes
U.K. Man To Stand Trial For Trans Tube Killing
A man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter after admitting to pushing an attorney under a train will be tried for murder.
Man admits killing lawyer Sonia Burgess at King's Cross station
Lawyer who died under train lived as a woman
Transsexual 'pushed cross-dressing lawyer under Tube train'
Horror Of Cross-dressing Lawyer
Trans woman ‘pushed to death’ by friend
‘Trans equality’ teaching for 5-year-olds being considered
Schoolchildren as young as five may be taught about “transgender equality”, a Government document has disclosed.
AIDS Linked Conferences Stir Intense Debate Among Ethiopians
The ICASA 2011 conference that was held in Addis Ababa beginning last week brought with it an unprecedented dialogue on homosexuality in Ethiopia.
Tel Aviv 'gay park' becomes dangerous for LGBT community
Members of the gay community, who are often harassed at Gan Meir park, want security to be stepped up, and say the police aren't taking the problem as seriously as they should.
Existing laws 'let third sex get citizenship'
Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) has said that the existing laws do not restrict the issuance of citizenship to the sexual minorities in the country.
Pak SC directs EC to register transgenders as voters
Pakistan's Supreme Court on Monday directed the Election Commission to speed up the registration of transgender people as voters across the country and to complete the process as soon as possible.
[Viet Nam]
Society alienating gays and lesbians
Gay people in Viet Nam are struggling to overcome social prejudice and family opposition to live true to themselves and find happiness, heard a workshop held in Ha Noi last Friday.
Gay party to protest exclusion from anti-discrimination bill
A political party for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights is organizing a protest rally to express indignation at the Catholic Church's attempts to exclude them from being covered by a bill that penalizes discrimination.
Manila archdiocese links to transsexual porn site
Will the Archdiocese of Manila blame a typographical error for recommending a transsexual porn website to the Catholic faithful?
Hobsons Bay mayor's proud history
Born and bred in Altona, Cr Tony Briffa is visibly proud to don the robes and chain that denote him as Hobsons Bay’s new mayor.
The dangers of sex work in Canada
Every night Lexi Tronic risks her life at work.
If she gets beaten or raped, she feels she can’t call police to report the attack because – at least for now – Tronic is also a criminal.
Transgender patients outed by the health-care system
‘I will die of pneumonia before being called Mr. once more in the emergency room’
New HRC Poll Finds Vast Majority of Voters Support Employment Anti-Discrimination Laws
There’s more good news on the public opinion front. New polling released today by HRC in partnership with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, shows a strong majority of voters support employment anti-discrimination laws for LGBT Americans.
Majority Of Voters Support Protections For Gay Workers
Appalling Treatment of Transgender Asylum Seeker Draws Lawsuit
The appalling treatment of a transgender asylum seeker held in US detention has drawn a lawsuit from the ACLU.
The suit is against the federal government, local government and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and charges that they failed to protect Tanya Guzman-Martinez from sexual violence, assault and other mistreatment.
Pair in money-for-sex-change case likely to serve little time
Two people accused of stealing $45,000 from a Wal-Mart to pay for a sex change operation and a car were in court Monday.
Protesters Occupy HRC Store in S.F.
The Human Rights Campaign Action Center and Store in San Francisco’s Castro district was the site of a recent Occupy protest — but HRC officials say they share the movement’s concern about economic issues.
Piden que los agravantes en los crímenes de odio incluya a los veteranos
La activista del movimiento Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Transgénero y Transexual (LGBTT) Ada Conde sostuvo hoy que el Código Penal de Puerto Rico debe responder a los débiles, a las minorías, a los que no pueden consentir, a los marginados, “a todos y todas que de una manera u otra son las víctimas escogidas de almas y mentes que no tienen un sólo ápice de dignidad, principio ni moral”.
Nuevo round por Código Penal
Liza tira al medio a José Emilio González por el Código Penal
Defienden permanencia de agravantes en el CP
Senador penepé lanza un dardo a la Cámara
Transgender Case Tests Marriage Laws
A Dallas couple legally tied the knot more than a decade ago. But the fight over same-sex marriage is making their separation very complicated.
Denuncian maltrato a transexuales en el centro de Lima
La Asociación Civil Ángel Azul (Lima) denunció hoy que continúa la persecución y el maltrato hacia trans (travestis, transgéneros y transexuales) por parte de efectivos de la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP) y el Serenazgo de Lima.
El Colectivo LGBT de Posadas espera que la ley de Identidad de Género sea sancionada antes de Julio
Así lo consignó su referente, Laura Bronzino, quien destacó la importancia de la ley, porque agilizará los trámites de cambio de género en el documento nacional de identidad. De todas maneras, Bronzino recomendó iniciar los trámites antes que sea sancionada la ley, para sentar un precedente de demanda de la norma en la provincia. No obstante, Bronzino consideró que la discriminación no cesará a partir de la nueva norma

Hallan desnudo y muerto a un policía homosexual
El cuerpo desnudo y degollado de un policía fue hallado este martes en el interior de un auto, estacionado en el cámping del departamento de Chimbas, en el Gran San Juan.

Hallan a travesti asesinado
Los primeros indicios que se piensan es que el crimen fue pasional. El hecho sucedió en un edificio ubicado en Viamonte al 1600, de la Capital Federal.
Calle Solís: noches de descontrol, travestis, motos y algo más
El trayecto entre avenida Belgrano y Aguirre adquiere cada noche la imagen de una verdadera zona roja. Más allá de la prostitución, el área congrega tribus de motoqueros que tornan peligroso el tránsito.
"Como organización estamos totalmente en contra de todo este tipo de cosas"
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