Killers of transgender people to get longer sentences
The Home Office has announced longer jail sentences for murders motivated by hostility to a transgender person.
Transgender and disabled murders to incur far harsher hate-crime penalty
Government launches first-ever action plan to advance transgender equality
For the first time, the UK government has launched an action plan to tackle the inequalities facing transgender people in society.
[Commentary] Government’s Transgender Action Plan published
Advancing transgender equality: a plan for action
Royaume-Uni: Un plan d’action gouvernemental pour l’égalité des trans’
Africa reacts to Obama's pro-gay rights foreign policy
Most of Africa's 54 nations ban homosexuality, so President Obama's promotion of gay rights as a human right draws quick ire from African governments.
No apologies over anti-gay marriage law –FG
The Federal Government, in response to President Barack Obama of the United States of America’s Presidential Memorandum directing “all federal agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) persons”, has said that as an independent nation, it has no apologies for laws that preserve her values and culture.
US Embassy denies attempting to foist homosexuality on countries
Malawi to review homosexuality ban
Malawi's government announced on Thursday that it will review a series of controversial laws, including a ban on homosexuality that has drawn widespread Western criticism.
Bangladesh to air transgender reality TV show
A Bangladeshi television channel said Thursday it was launching the country’s first reality show for transgender people in an effort to break down widespread suspicion of the country’s “hijra” community.
Crime branch sends team to MP to nab Sonia Masi killer
To hunt down the sharpshooter who killed eunuch Sonia De, the crime branch has sent a team to Madhya Pradesh.
The case for the third gender
A recent event in Mumbai set the ball rolling for a series of public hearings across different states for greater recognition and rights of transgenders in the country
[Hong Kong/China]
Trans rights setback
A Hong Kong court has confirmed a ban on transgender people marrying their opposite sex partners.
“Ms W” has been given an ID card and other documentation that recognises her as a woman, but the Hong Kong Government has refused to let her alter her birth certificate or marry her male partner.
CBCP wants anti-discrimination bill cleansed of provisions on gay rights
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is now training its guns on the anti-discrimination bill, saying the possible enactment of the bill into law would open the door for the legalization of same sex marriages.
Briffa to march in mayoral robes
Hobsons Bay City Council mayor-elect Tony Briffa will honour his promise to march in mayoral robes in next year’s Victorian Pride March, after wining the top job last week.
Kyle Sandilands caller: 'Kill the tranny'
‘Vile’ Kyle Sandilands is already under fire and hemorrhaging advertisers after his recent woman-bashing broadcast, but now Same Same can reveal a recent caller on his show advocated ‘killing a tranny’ as the show’s hosts sniggered.
Will Kyle Sandilands be sacked?
[Commentary] On 2Day FM: “Kill the Prostitute–a Tranny”
School district looks to next steps on LGBTQ policy
Edmonton Public Schools needs to develop the regulations to enforce its recently passed policy protecting sexual minorities, says board chair Dave Colburn.
Special rules for transsexual strip searches
Anyone who's had a sex-change operation - or just feels neither fully male nor fully female - has a special option available if pulled aside for a strip search by a border services officer (BSO).
Trans Employees Fight to Work in Georgia and Chicago
As one transgender woman wraps up a work discrimination case in Atlanta, another case opens for a transgender restaurant worker who was the subject of harassment and discrimination in Chicago.
Court ruling in trans case hailed as ‘hugely important’
LGBT advocates are hailing a federal appellate court ruling as a significant win for transgender rights and a means to provide recourse to others who face discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
New Study Explores Diversity Within Transgender Community
Last month, the Columbia University Press published The Lives of Transgender People, a book outlining the findings of a comprehensive survey on gender, development, and identity among transgender individuals in the United States.
Rights group: More US companies covering cost of reassignment surgery for transgender workers
The number of major U.S. companies covering the cost of gender reassignment surgery for transgender workers has more than doubled in the past year, according to a new scorecard compiled by the nation’s largest gay rights group.
Transsexual reveals how he’s spent £200,000 in 12 years transforming himself into a real-life Barbie… thanks to a few rich boyfriends
A transsexual spent £200,000 in 12 years transforming himself from a fresh-faced boy into a real life Barbie doll.
Jason Torres, who now goes by the name Nicole Sanders, has had countless surgeries from nose jobs to breast implants and brow lifts in a quest to be like the iconic blonde.
Nicole even had controversial silicone injections in her buttocks, thighs and hips to create the feminine curves of Barbie and hide the boyish frame of her previous life.
The Right Goes Wild: Conservatives Condemn Obama Administration For Treating Gay People As Human
Conservatives are not happy about the Obama administration’s new effort to promote LGBT freedom across the globe, trumpeted by State Sec. Hillary Clinton in an historic speech to the United Nations yesterday. Most opponents of the new plan have couched their comments in the assumption that homosexuality is wrong and not something we should “export,” directly contradicting Clinton’s point that “being gay is not a Western invention; it is a human reality.”
Perry blasts Obama over pro-LGBT int’l initiatives
LGBT Activists From Around the World React to Clinton’s Speech
DC Trans Coalition Hosts Town Hall
Health care and housing discrimination among greatest concerns
Man Sentenced in D.C. Shooting of Trans Woman
A Washington, D.C., man has been sentenced to eight years in prison for shooting a transgender woman in September.
8 years for D.C. man in shooting of transgender woman
Willard Sentenced to Eight Years
City official fired after sex change fired again
A city official who was fired after her plans to have a sex change became public has been fired again from her post as city manager for Lake Worth.
Mayor Triolo: Lake Worth residents wanted big change
Lake Worth city manager Susan Stanton fired in a 3-2 vote
Former Lake Worth city manager reflects on her accomplishments, hopes to stay in South Florida
'Vendetta' Behind Firing Of Transsexual City Manager?
[Commentary] Lake Worth's firing of Stanton is a bad thing, done badly
Mystery Mailer Sent Transphobic Flyer to Voters in Georgia
Atlanta School Board candidate Angela Brown once made a supportive statement about a transgendered student.
Now, an unknown culprit has sent out a mailer about candidate Brown claiming that she cannot be trusted around children.
Former employee won’t stand for being called ‘sir’
Because the 24-year-old has cropped hair and said she feels naked without a baseball cap, assumptions are made about her sexual orientation and gender identity at first glance.
Attention turning to equal rights fight
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been hailed as a hero by gay and lesbian New Yorkers for helping to push through a historic marriage equality law.
More charges filed against SCI-Pittsburgh prison guard
Allegheny County Assistant District Attorney John Pittman filed 11 additional charges today against suspended SCI-Pittsburgh guard Harry Nicoletti, pushing the number of counts, including sexual assault, indecent assault and related offenses, to 103.
Dominicanos dispuestos a votar en contra a los que den marcha atrás a los agravantes
El gobernador Luis Fortuño se expresó ayer en contra de que se enmiende el Código Penal de la forma en que pretendía el Senado, pero aun así, el portavoz del Comité, José Rodríguez, advirtió que la comunidad dominicana estará atenta a lo que pueda suceder y, de ser necesario, cerca de las elecciones se haría un llamado a rechazar en las urnas a los candidatos que hayan respaldado la versión de la Cámara alta y de su presidente, Thomas Rivera Schatz.
Justicia desmiente a Thomas Rivera Schatz
(Comunicado) Ricky Martin: Codigo Penal de Puerto Rico
Activista culpa a Wanda Rolón y a religiosos de promover la violencia contra comunidades LGBTT
[Editorial] No a las enmiendas del código penal
HRC Condemns Efforts to Remove Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity from Puerto Rico Hate Crime Law
Somoza aboga por los agravantes excluidos
[Press Release] Rep. Gutierrez calls for Federal Task Force to investigate and prosecute hate crimes in Puerto Rico
Código Penal no será aprobado en la Extraordinaria
[Latin America/Caribbean]
Organización Panamericana de la Salud: Peligra derecho a salud mujeres, niños y LBGTI en 11 países
América Central y el Caribe muestran "niveles considerables" de estigma, discriminación y violencia contra mujeres, niños, adolescentes y personas lesbianas, homosexuales, transexuales, bisexuales e intersexuales, concluyó la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) en un informe difundido el jueves.
Travestis heterosexuales, una realidad invisibilizada: Cecash
No todos los hombres que se visten de mujer son homosexuales; muchos tienen novia, esposa, hijos, familia: se trata de una realidad invisibilizada por el mito del “travesti gay”, aseguró Víctor Velasco Morales, director del Centro de Capacitación y Apoyo Sexológico Humanista (Cecash), durante la presentación del libro “Vestidas para educar. Notas acerca del travestismo heterosexual”, en el Centro Cultural José Martí.
Denuncian en el Congreso atropellos de autoridades contra homosexuales
A través del Comité Diversidad Sexual, A.C., el activista César Méndez Barbosa, denunció en el Congreso del estado los atropellos cometidos por el presidente de comunidad de San Hipólito Chimalpa, Librado Muñoz Muñoz, contra el conocido antro “Queens”, y ser uno de los principales responsables del cierre del lugar de manera arbitraria, así como de fomentar la homofobia.
La movida gay en Concepción del Uruguay gana intensidad y apertura
Homosexuales, trans y travestis van haciéndose su lugar en la sociedad uruguayense a pesar de los muchos prejuicios que aún subsisten. Hay más conciencia en pos de una mayor tolerancia
Transexuales denuncian a la Policía y Serenazgo de Lima por agresión
Con frases como “la prostitución callejera no es delito” y “nos tratan como los afro descendientes del siglo XXI”, los travestis, transgéneros y transexuales exigen trato digno e igualitario.
Jaime Gajardo se excusa por declaraciones contra travestis
El dirigente Jaime Gajardo expresó que “a la hora de referirme a un tema -que nos tiene tan preocupados como profesores y sociedad-, empleé una referencia del todo equivoca que no contribuye a los cambios culturales que se deben promover por el irrestricto respeto a la dignidad".
Mendoza tendrá su primera marcha de orgullo LGBT
Se hará por primera vez en esta provincia la Marcha del Orgullo Gay para celebrar lo conseguido por las miniorías sexuales y peticionar por más derechos. Será este miércoles.
Marcha del orgullo gay copó el centro de Mendoza
Lesbianas, gays, trans y bisexuales pasearon su orgullo por el centro
El centro mendocino se vistió de colores en la primera "Marcha del Orgullo Gay"
[Opinion] Llega la marcha del orgullo gay a las calles de Mendoza
Olmedo ahora quiere cupos en cargos públicos para gays, lesbianas y trans
"La lucha por los derechos de las personas con una sexualidad diferente se ha convertido en un arma política", dijo el diputado de la "cola cerrada y la mente abierta".
ALUDIS Salta rechaza la propuesta de Olmedo por cupo para candidatos LGTT
Ahora Olmedo pidió un cupo para homosexuales en el Congreso Nacional
El consejal Rody Humano cambia su nombre a Romina Alexandra Humano
Rody Humano busca una nueva identidad.
El concejal transexual de Bella Vista (una de las ciudades del interior de Tucumán), elegido por el Frente para la Victoria, inició los tramites correspondientes para cambiarse el nombre y pasará a llamarse Romina Alexandra Humano.
La transexual que podrá llevar uniforme de policía femenino
Desde la semana pasada, la transexual Angie Beatriz Álvarez, de 40 años, puede llevar puesto el uniforme femenino y usar el baño de mujeres en el trabajo.
En Rosario, un bombero transexual podrá utilizar uniforme femenino
Es uno de los derechos a los que podrá acceder tras una resolución del Ministerio de Seguridad. En diálogo con Infobae.com, Angie Beatriz Álvarez contó que en su trabajo fue bien aceptada. "Mis compañeros me tratan bien. Incluso soy a la única a la que le compran torta el día del cumpleaños", dijo
Killers of transgender people to get longer sentences
The Home Office has announced longer jail sentences for murders motivated by hostility to a transgender person.
Transgender and disabled murders to incur far harsher hate-crime penalty
Government launches first-ever action plan to advance transgender equality
For the first time, the UK government has launched an action plan to tackle the inequalities facing transgender people in society.
[Commentary] Government’s Transgender Action Plan published
Advancing transgender equality: a plan for action
Royaume-Uni: Un plan d’action gouvernemental pour l’égalité des trans’
Africa reacts to Obama's pro-gay rights foreign policy
Most of Africa's 54 nations ban homosexuality, so President Obama's promotion of gay rights as a human right draws quick ire from African governments.
No apologies over anti-gay marriage law –FG
The Federal Government, in response to President Barack Obama of the United States of America’s Presidential Memorandum directing “all federal agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) persons”, has said that as an independent nation, it has no apologies for laws that preserve her values and culture.
US Embassy denies attempting to foist homosexuality on countries
Malawi to review homosexuality ban
Malawi's government announced on Thursday that it will review a series of controversial laws, including a ban on homosexuality that has drawn widespread Western criticism.
Bangladesh to air transgender reality TV show
A Bangladeshi television channel said Thursday it was launching the country’s first reality show for transgender people in an effort to break down widespread suspicion of the country’s “hijra” community.
Crime branch sends team to MP to nab Sonia Masi killer
To hunt down the sharpshooter who killed eunuch Sonia De, the crime branch has sent a team to Madhya Pradesh.
The case for the third gender
A recent event in Mumbai set the ball rolling for a series of public hearings across different states for greater recognition and rights of transgenders in the country
[Hong Kong/China]
Trans rights setback
A Hong Kong court has confirmed a ban on transgender people marrying their opposite sex partners.
“Ms W” has been given an ID card and other documentation that recognises her as a woman, but the Hong Kong Government has refused to let her alter her birth certificate or marry her male partner.
CBCP wants anti-discrimination bill cleansed of provisions on gay rights
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is now training its guns on the anti-discrimination bill, saying the possible enactment of the bill into law would open the door for the legalization of same sex marriages.
Briffa to march in mayoral robes
Hobsons Bay City Council mayor-elect Tony Briffa will honour his promise to march in mayoral robes in next year’s Victorian Pride March, after wining the top job last week.
Kyle Sandilands caller: 'Kill the tranny'
‘Vile’ Kyle Sandilands is already under fire and hemorrhaging advertisers after his recent woman-bashing broadcast, but now Same Same can reveal a recent caller on his show advocated ‘killing a tranny’ as the show’s hosts sniggered.
Will Kyle Sandilands be sacked?
[Commentary] On 2Day FM: “Kill the Prostitute–a Tranny”
School district looks to next steps on LGBTQ policy
Edmonton Public Schools needs to develop the regulations to enforce its recently passed policy protecting sexual minorities, says board chair Dave Colburn.
Special rules for transsexual strip searches
Anyone who's had a sex-change operation - or just feels neither fully male nor fully female - has a special option available if pulled aside for a strip search by a border services officer (BSO).
Trans Employees Fight to Work in Georgia and Chicago
As one transgender woman wraps up a work discrimination case in Atlanta, another case opens for a transgender restaurant worker who was the subject of harassment and discrimination in Chicago.
Court ruling in trans case hailed as ‘hugely important’
LGBT advocates are hailing a federal appellate court ruling as a significant win for transgender rights and a means to provide recourse to others who face discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
New Study Explores Diversity Within Transgender Community
Last month, the Columbia University Press published The Lives of Transgender People, a book outlining the findings of a comprehensive survey on gender, development, and identity among transgender individuals in the United States.
Rights group: More US companies covering cost of reassignment surgery for transgender workers
The number of major U.S. companies covering the cost of gender reassignment surgery for transgender workers has more than doubled in the past year, according to a new scorecard compiled by the nation’s largest gay rights group.

Transsexual reveals how he’s spent £200,000 in 12 years transforming himself into a real-life Barbie… thanks to a few rich boyfriends
A transsexual spent £200,000 in 12 years transforming himself from a fresh-faced boy into a real life Barbie doll.
Jason Torres, who now goes by the name Nicole Sanders, has had countless surgeries from nose jobs to breast implants and brow lifts in a quest to be like the iconic blonde.
Nicole even had controversial silicone injections in her buttocks, thighs and hips to create the feminine curves of Barbie and hide the boyish frame of her previous life.
The Right Goes Wild: Conservatives Condemn Obama Administration For Treating Gay People As Human
Conservatives are not happy about the Obama administration’s new effort to promote LGBT freedom across the globe, trumpeted by State Sec. Hillary Clinton in an historic speech to the United Nations yesterday. Most opponents of the new plan have couched their comments in the assumption that homosexuality is wrong and not something we should “export,” directly contradicting Clinton’s point that “being gay is not a Western invention; it is a human reality.”
Perry blasts Obama over pro-LGBT int’l initiatives
LGBT Activists From Around the World React to Clinton’s Speech
DC Trans Coalition Hosts Town Hall
Health care and housing discrimination among greatest concerns
Man Sentenced in D.C. Shooting of Trans Woman
A Washington, D.C., man has been sentenced to eight years in prison for shooting a transgender woman in September.
8 years for D.C. man in shooting of transgender woman
Willard Sentenced to Eight Years
City official fired after sex change fired again
A city official who was fired after her plans to have a sex change became public has been fired again from her post as city manager for Lake Worth.
Mayor Triolo: Lake Worth residents wanted big change
Lake Worth city manager Susan Stanton fired in a 3-2 vote
Former Lake Worth city manager reflects on her accomplishments, hopes to stay in South Florida
'Vendetta' Behind Firing Of Transsexual City Manager?
[Commentary] Lake Worth's firing of Stanton is a bad thing, done badly
Mystery Mailer Sent Transphobic Flyer to Voters in Georgia
Atlanta School Board candidate Angela Brown once made a supportive statement about a transgendered student.
Now, an unknown culprit has sent out a mailer about candidate Brown claiming that she cannot be trusted around children.
Former employee won’t stand for being called ‘sir’
Because the 24-year-old has cropped hair and said she feels naked without a baseball cap, assumptions are made about her sexual orientation and gender identity at first glance.
Attention turning to equal rights fight
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been hailed as a hero by gay and lesbian New Yorkers for helping to push through a historic marriage equality law.
More charges filed against SCI-Pittsburgh prison guard
Allegheny County Assistant District Attorney John Pittman filed 11 additional charges today against suspended SCI-Pittsburgh guard Harry Nicoletti, pushing the number of counts, including sexual assault, indecent assault and related offenses, to 103.
Dominicanos dispuestos a votar en contra a los que den marcha atrás a los agravantes
El gobernador Luis Fortuño se expresó ayer en contra de que se enmiende el Código Penal de la forma en que pretendía el Senado, pero aun así, el portavoz del Comité, José Rodríguez, advirtió que la comunidad dominicana estará atenta a lo que pueda suceder y, de ser necesario, cerca de las elecciones se haría un llamado a rechazar en las urnas a los candidatos que hayan respaldado la versión de la Cámara alta y de su presidente, Thomas Rivera Schatz.
Justicia desmiente a Thomas Rivera Schatz
(Comunicado) Ricky Martin: Codigo Penal de Puerto Rico
Activista culpa a Wanda Rolón y a religiosos de promover la violencia contra comunidades LGBTT
[Editorial] No a las enmiendas del código penal
HRC Condemns Efforts to Remove Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity from Puerto Rico Hate Crime Law
Somoza aboga por los agravantes excluidos
[Press Release] Rep. Gutierrez calls for Federal Task Force to investigate and prosecute hate crimes in Puerto Rico
Código Penal no será aprobado en la Extraordinaria
[Latin America/Caribbean]
Organización Panamericana de la Salud: Peligra derecho a salud mujeres, niños y LBGTI en 11 países
América Central y el Caribe muestran "niveles considerables" de estigma, discriminación y violencia contra mujeres, niños, adolescentes y personas lesbianas, homosexuales, transexuales, bisexuales e intersexuales, concluyó la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) en un informe difundido el jueves.
Travestis heterosexuales, una realidad invisibilizada: Cecash
No todos los hombres que se visten de mujer son homosexuales; muchos tienen novia, esposa, hijos, familia: se trata de una realidad invisibilizada por el mito del “travesti gay”, aseguró Víctor Velasco Morales, director del Centro de Capacitación y Apoyo Sexológico Humanista (Cecash), durante la presentación del libro “Vestidas para educar. Notas acerca del travestismo heterosexual”, en el Centro Cultural José Martí.
Denuncian en el Congreso atropellos de autoridades contra homosexuales
A través del Comité Diversidad Sexual, A.C., el activista César Méndez Barbosa, denunció en el Congreso del estado los atropellos cometidos por el presidente de comunidad de San Hipólito Chimalpa, Librado Muñoz Muñoz, contra el conocido antro “Queens”, y ser uno de los principales responsables del cierre del lugar de manera arbitraria, así como de fomentar la homofobia.
La movida gay en Concepción del Uruguay gana intensidad y apertura
Homosexuales, trans y travestis van haciéndose su lugar en la sociedad uruguayense a pesar de los muchos prejuicios que aún subsisten. Hay más conciencia en pos de una mayor tolerancia
Transexuales denuncian a la Policía y Serenazgo de Lima por agresión
Con frases como “la prostitución callejera no es delito” y “nos tratan como los afro descendientes del siglo XXI”, los travestis, transgéneros y transexuales exigen trato digno e igualitario.
Jaime Gajardo se excusa por declaraciones contra travestis
El dirigente Jaime Gajardo expresó que “a la hora de referirme a un tema -que nos tiene tan preocupados como profesores y sociedad-, empleé una referencia del todo equivoca que no contribuye a los cambios culturales que se deben promover por el irrestricto respeto a la dignidad".
Mendoza tendrá su primera marcha de orgullo LGBT
Se hará por primera vez en esta provincia la Marcha del Orgullo Gay para celebrar lo conseguido por las miniorías sexuales y peticionar por más derechos. Será este miércoles.
Marcha del orgullo gay copó el centro de Mendoza
Lesbianas, gays, trans y bisexuales pasearon su orgullo por el centro
El centro mendocino se vistió de colores en la primera "Marcha del Orgullo Gay"
[Opinion] Llega la marcha del orgullo gay a las calles de Mendoza
Olmedo ahora quiere cupos en cargos públicos para gays, lesbianas y trans
"La lucha por los derechos de las personas con una sexualidad diferente se ha convertido en un arma política", dijo el diputado de la "cola cerrada y la mente abierta".
ALUDIS Salta rechaza la propuesta de Olmedo por cupo para candidatos LGTT
Ahora Olmedo pidió un cupo para homosexuales en el Congreso Nacional

El consejal Rody Humano cambia su nombre a Romina Alexandra Humano
Rody Humano busca una nueva identidad.
El concejal transexual de Bella Vista (una de las ciudades del interior de Tucumán), elegido por el Frente para la Victoria, inició los tramites correspondientes para cambiarse el nombre y pasará a llamarse Romina Alexandra Humano.

La transexual que podrá llevar uniforme de policía femenino
Desde la semana pasada, la transexual Angie Beatriz Álvarez, de 40 años, puede llevar puesto el uniforme femenino y usar el baño de mujeres en el trabajo.
En Rosario, un bombero transexual podrá utilizar uniforme femenino
Es uno de los derechos a los que podrá acceder tras una resolución del Ministerio de Seguridad. En diálogo con Infobae.com, Angie Beatriz Álvarez contó que en su trabajo fue bien aceptada. "Mis compañeros me tratan bien. Incluso soy a la única a la que le compran torta el día del cumpleaños", dijo
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