Prayer vigils and parties around the world for IDAHO
From United States to the Fiji Islands and Italy, LGBT associations unite against gay hate and discrimination
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission Recognizes International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
Statement from Jessica Stern, Acting Executive Director, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
On anti-homophobia day, UN calls for repeal of discriminatory laws
Marking International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, senior United Nations officials today drew attention to laws around the world which discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, and called for equality and the repeal of such laws.
Thorbjoern Jagland, the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, talked about LGBT people
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, has issued a broad statement on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, saying that there has been a lot of progress towards anti-discrimination in member states over the past 10-15 years. However, the Secretary General has warned politicians in some countries against exploiting LGBT issues in order to win more votes. Thorbjørn Jagland’s comments have come in the run-up to Human Rights Day.
Tarso institui Carteira de Nome Social para travestis e transexuais no RS
Documento com valor de identidade permitirá uso de nome social.
Em Pelotas, bandeira LGBT na Câmara marcou dia contra a homofobia.
Hate crime cases increase in Scotland
Hate crime cases rose by 14% over the last 12 months in Scotland, with just over 6,000 charges being reported.
Lost in Translation
The UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre and the Asia-Pacific Transgender Network APTN have published the report "Lost in Translation". It deals with transpeople, their rights and their HIV risk in the Asia-Pacific region.
Transgender persons are “Lost in Transition” on Human Rights and HIV Responses -- report
HIV may afflict almost half Asia-Pacific transgenders: UN
India's shunned transgenders struggle to survive
Seema, a husband and father of two, gets ready for another night of work on the streets of New Delhi, placing two halves of a yellow sponge ball into empty bra cups.
Homophobia and Transphobia Survey Summary
Oogachaga Counselling and Support have published the summary report about the effects of homophobia and transphobia on LGBTQ people in Singapore.
[Canada] [Commentary]
He, She, It -- Does It Really Matter What our Gender is on Passports?
Passport Canada is considering policy changes to the gender requirement on passports. This has already happened in Australia where a third gender X (indeterminate) has been added for transgendered people. In the wake of the Australian move, folks have raised a number of concerns from security implications to more hassles at the airport. Aside from the fact we've always done it like this, what's so helpful about identifying gender?
Barnett government backs transsexual's right for recognition
The Barnett government is backing a Perth transsexual's fight to be officially recognised as a woman after being denied a legal sex change.
The 31-year-old, whose name has been suppressed and is known as "A", was born male but has since undergone hormone treatment and surgery to appear female.
U.S. House approves Violence Against Women Act without LGBT protections
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to approve the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), but unlike the LGBT-inclusive Senate version, the House bill failed to address discrimination faced by LGBT victims of domestic violence.
Janet Mock Empowers Trans Women with #GirlsLikeUs Campaign
“My purpose at USC was to elevate the conversation, to urge a new generation of young LGBT leaders and allies to question what they truly mean when they say they’re fighting for equality,” says a passionate Janet Mock in reference to the keynote speech she delivered at the University of Southern California’s Lavender Celebration on April 29, 2012 as highlighted by Queer Women of Color Media.
[USA] [Commentary]
Transgender Rights Are A Feminist Issue
A consistent, and exceedingly fair critique of the feminist movement is that it is grounded in a certain white, liberal privilege that offers very little social and cultural change for populations that need it most. And maybe nowhere is that critique most on-point than the issue of transgender rights.
Remembering Brandy
A rally was held Sunday, May 13 in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to remember transgender murder victim Brandy Martell and to call for an end to violence against transgender people.
Officials investigate death of transgender SF woman
Marin County officials are investigating the death of a transgender San Francisco woman whose body was recently found in the San Francisco Bay.
The body of Marilyn Outlaw, 53, (seen at left) was recovered by the U.S. Coast Guard from the bay between Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge on April 14, Keith Boyd, assistant chief deputy coroner for Marin County, said in an interview today (Wednesday, May 16). Someone on a private sailboat had reported seeing her body floating in the water, Boyd said.
Transvestite prostitutes becoming more violent in Midtown
Residents in Midtown have been dealing with the problem of cross-dressing prostitutes for decades.
They say it is way past time to find a way to rid their streets of them.
Department of Civil Rights seeks stories as Elliot-Larsen considered
The push to amend the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act is on, and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights needs your help gathering information on instances of discrimination in the state.
Exclusive: John Lotter Death Row Interview
A New Year's Eve night 19 years ago changed the lives of several families forever.
The triple murder happened in a rural farmhouse near Humboldt, Nebraska.
By the stroke of midnight, three people were dead including Brandon Teena, also known as Teena Brandon -- a 21-year-old transgendered Nebraskan.
The man convicted of the murders, John Lotter, still sits on death row.
Petition: New York Times ‘sexualised trans woman’s death’
Hundreds of people have signed a petition to the New York Times saying it ‘sexualised’ the death of a transgender woman in a report this weekend.
[Commentary] NY Times to LGBT Community: 'That Will Be All There Is From Us'
Transgender Performer Lorena Escalera Mourned After Fatal Bushwick Fire
Hutchinson City Council Approves Amended Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
The city council in Hutchinson passed a measure that will add sexual orientation to the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance. The measure was amended and does not include transgender persons and only applies to employment termination and housing eviction
Transgender teen allowed in boys’ graduate procession after TV station steps in
A Las Vegas high school student, who came out as transgender male to family and friends last year, will be able to walk in his high school graduation ceremony with the rest of his male classmates after a local television station interceded with school officials.
'Black Madam' faces bum jabs trial
A woman who calls herself the "Black Madam" has been ordered to stand trial in Philadelphia over allegations she administered illegal buttocks injections.
Dancer: $1,000 buttocks enhancement damaged lungs
”Black Madam” Held For Trial, Accused of Injuring Woman With Butt-Enhancing Silicone
"Black Madam" to Go to Trial for Butt Injections
Black Madam held for trial for illegal butt injection
[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Sex-Offender Status Complicates Transgender Woman's Dallas Hospital Bathroom-Usage Citation
A transgender woman was cited a few weeks ago for using the women's restroom at Dallas' Parkland Hospital. Reports conflict on the actual timing, but at one point Paula Witherspoon showed authorities a note from her doctor that supposedly "proved she was female." Other reports, however, called it just a "letter of transgender rights." Either way, she was cited by police and released.
Marcha Comunidad Lésbico Gay en Chilpancingo
Representantes de la Comunidad Lésbico Gay de Chilpancingo se manifestaron en el monumento a las banderas, para reclamar el esclarecimiento del asesinato cometido en agravio de quien fuera su principal dirigente, Quetzalcoatl Leija Herrera.
Gais denuncian 75 crímenes en Honduras
Una representación de la comunidad lésbica, gay y transexual se plantó ayer frente a la sede del Ministerio Público exigiendo justicia por 75 miembros de esta diversidad sexual asesinados.
Marcha de diversidad sexual exige "Alto a la Violencia"
Decenas de personas marcharon este jueves por la Avenida Bolívar, para demandar a los diputados ante la Asamblea Nacional, un castigo a quienes, motivados por la intolerancia, agreden a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT). Igualmente, demandaron reincoporar a esta comunidad en el Código de Familia, así como la promoción de políticas públicas que protejan sus Derechos Humanos.
Las declaraciones de Marisela en contra de los transexuales en Miss Universo, la nominó al huevo
En los próximos días se activará la alarma homofóbica. Gente, prepárense, pues esos dimes y diretes van a tener buco ají chombo.
Déjeme decirles que ya están escogidos los 10 nombres nominados al Huevo Rosa 2012. ¿Qué?
Sí, este año Jenna Talackova, participante al Miss Universo Canadá, hizo que Marisela Moreno fuera una de las aspirantes a este reconocimiento de Diversidad Sexual, organizado por la Asociación de Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panamá. ¿Cómo?
4 transexuales lograron cambiar de identidad en sus documentos
“¡Se hizo justicia! Ahora soy una mujer desde todo punto de vista; para mí es un comienzo nuevo, volví a nacer pero esta vez como lo que siempre debí haber sido: una mujer”, dice Lucía Antonella Navía Canaza, quien hasta hace un año se llamaba Wilfredo.
Landmark laws protecting LGBTI rights passed in Argentina and Chile
Freedom House applauds the approval of two landmark laws in Argentina and Chile this week, which protect and advance the rights of minorities, in particular Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.
Buscan garantizar por ley la diversidad sexual en las escuelas
Es un proyecto de diputados socialistas, de la UCR, el GEN y la CC. El fin es promover la presencia de personas homosexuales o trans en los colegios, asesorar a los docentes e incorporar estos contenidos a la currícula,
Victory for Transgender Equality in Argentina!
With two major US LGBT victories already under our belt this month, including Obama’s announcement and the EEOC ruling, the historic news just keeps rolling in! The Argentinean Senate has approved a law that makes it much easier for trans people to live authentically and access life-saving, medically necessary healthcare.
Médicos rechazan por “aberrante” la ley de “identidad de género”
Argentina Adopts Landmark Legislation in Recognition of Gender Identity
Sorprendió la Iglesia con declaración que avala la muerte digna
Laura Bronzino: "Que haya leyes no quiere decir que esten aceptados los derechos"
Prayer vigils and parties around the world for IDAHO
From United States to the Fiji Islands and Italy, LGBT associations unite against gay hate and discrimination
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission Recognizes International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
Statement from Jessica Stern, Acting Executive Director, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
On anti-homophobia day, UN calls for repeal of discriminatory laws
Marking International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, senior United Nations officials today drew attention to laws around the world which discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, and called for equality and the repeal of such laws.
Thorbjoern Jagland, the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, talked about LGBT people
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, has issued a broad statement on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, saying that there has been a lot of progress towards anti-discrimination in member states over the past 10-15 years. However, the Secretary General has warned politicians in some countries against exploiting LGBT issues in order to win more votes. Thorbjørn Jagland’s comments have come in the run-up to Human Rights Day.
Tarso institui Carteira de Nome Social para travestis e transexuais no RS
Documento com valor de identidade permitirá uso de nome social.
Em Pelotas, bandeira LGBT na Câmara marcou dia contra a homofobia.
Hate crime cases increase in Scotland
Hate crime cases rose by 14% over the last 12 months in Scotland, with just over 6,000 charges being reported.
Lost in Translation
The UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre and the Asia-Pacific Transgender Network APTN have published the report "Lost in Translation". It deals with transpeople, their rights and their HIV risk in the Asia-Pacific region.
Transgender persons are “Lost in Transition” on Human Rights and HIV Responses -- report
HIV may afflict almost half Asia-Pacific transgenders: UN
India's shunned transgenders struggle to survive
Seema, a husband and father of two, gets ready for another night of work on the streets of New Delhi, placing two halves of a yellow sponge ball into empty bra cups.
Homophobia and Transphobia Survey Summary
Oogachaga Counselling and Support have published the summary report about the effects of homophobia and transphobia on LGBTQ people in Singapore.
[Canada] [Commentary]
He, She, It -- Does It Really Matter What our Gender is on Passports?
Passport Canada is considering policy changes to the gender requirement on passports. This has already happened in Australia where a third gender X (indeterminate) has been added for transgendered people. In the wake of the Australian move, folks have raised a number of concerns from security implications to more hassles at the airport. Aside from the fact we've always done it like this, what's so helpful about identifying gender?
Barnett government backs transsexual's right for recognition
The Barnett government is backing a Perth transsexual's fight to be officially recognised as a woman after being denied a legal sex change.
The 31-year-old, whose name has been suppressed and is known as "A", was born male but has since undergone hormone treatment and surgery to appear female.
U.S. House approves Violence Against Women Act without LGBT protections
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to approve the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), but unlike the LGBT-inclusive Senate version, the House bill failed to address discrimination faced by LGBT victims of domestic violence.
Janet Mock Empowers Trans Women with #GirlsLikeUs Campaign
“My purpose at USC was to elevate the conversation, to urge a new generation of young LGBT leaders and allies to question what they truly mean when they say they’re fighting for equality,” says a passionate Janet Mock in reference to the keynote speech she delivered at the University of Southern California’s Lavender Celebration on April 29, 2012 as highlighted by Queer Women of Color Media.
[USA] [Commentary]
Transgender Rights Are A Feminist Issue
A consistent, and exceedingly fair critique of the feminist movement is that it is grounded in a certain white, liberal privilege that offers very little social and cultural change for populations that need it most. And maybe nowhere is that critique most on-point than the issue of transgender rights.
Remembering Brandy
A rally was held Sunday, May 13 in Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall to remember transgender murder victim Brandy Martell and to call for an end to violence against transgender people.

Officials investigate death of transgender SF woman
Marin County officials are investigating the death of a transgender San Francisco woman whose body was recently found in the San Francisco Bay.
The body of Marilyn Outlaw, 53, (seen at left) was recovered by the U.S. Coast Guard from the bay between Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge on April 14, Keith Boyd, assistant chief deputy coroner for Marin County, said in an interview today (Wednesday, May 16). Someone on a private sailboat had reported seeing her body floating in the water, Boyd said.
Transvestite prostitutes becoming more violent in Midtown
Residents in Midtown have been dealing with the problem of cross-dressing prostitutes for decades.
They say it is way past time to find a way to rid their streets of them.
Department of Civil Rights seeks stories as Elliot-Larsen considered
The push to amend the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act is on, and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights needs your help gathering information on instances of discrimination in the state.
Exclusive: John Lotter Death Row Interview
A New Year's Eve night 19 years ago changed the lives of several families forever.
The triple murder happened in a rural farmhouse near Humboldt, Nebraska.
By the stroke of midnight, three people were dead including Brandon Teena, also known as Teena Brandon -- a 21-year-old transgendered Nebraskan.
The man convicted of the murders, John Lotter, still sits on death row.
Petition: New York Times ‘sexualised trans woman’s death’
Hundreds of people have signed a petition to the New York Times saying it ‘sexualised’ the death of a transgender woman in a report this weekend.
[Commentary] NY Times to LGBT Community: 'That Will Be All There Is From Us'
Transgender Performer Lorena Escalera Mourned After Fatal Bushwick Fire
Hutchinson City Council Approves Amended Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
The city council in Hutchinson passed a measure that will add sexual orientation to the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance. The measure was amended and does not include transgender persons and only applies to employment termination and housing eviction
Transgender teen allowed in boys’ graduate procession after TV station steps in
A Las Vegas high school student, who came out as transgender male to family and friends last year, will be able to walk in his high school graduation ceremony with the rest of his male classmates after a local television station interceded with school officials.
'Black Madam' faces bum jabs trial
A woman who calls herself the "Black Madam" has been ordered to stand trial in Philadelphia over allegations she administered illegal buttocks injections.
Dancer: $1,000 buttocks enhancement damaged lungs
”Black Madam” Held For Trial, Accused of Injuring Woman With Butt-Enhancing Silicone
"Black Madam" to Go to Trial for Butt Injections
Black Madam held for trial for illegal butt injection
[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Sex-Offender Status Complicates Transgender Woman's Dallas Hospital Bathroom-Usage Citation
A transgender woman was cited a few weeks ago for using the women's restroom at Dallas' Parkland Hospital. Reports conflict on the actual timing, but at one point Paula Witherspoon showed authorities a note from her doctor that supposedly "proved she was female." Other reports, however, called it just a "letter of transgender rights." Either way, she was cited by police and released.
Marcha Comunidad Lésbico Gay en Chilpancingo
Representantes de la Comunidad Lésbico Gay de Chilpancingo se manifestaron en el monumento a las banderas, para reclamar el esclarecimiento del asesinato cometido en agravio de quien fuera su principal dirigente, Quetzalcoatl Leija Herrera.
Gais denuncian 75 crímenes en Honduras
Una representación de la comunidad lésbica, gay y transexual se plantó ayer frente a la sede del Ministerio Público exigiendo justicia por 75 miembros de esta diversidad sexual asesinados.
Marcha de diversidad sexual exige "Alto a la Violencia"
Decenas de personas marcharon este jueves por la Avenida Bolívar, para demandar a los diputados ante la Asamblea Nacional, un castigo a quienes, motivados por la intolerancia, agreden a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT). Igualmente, demandaron reincoporar a esta comunidad en el Código de Familia, así como la promoción de políticas públicas que protejan sus Derechos Humanos.
Las declaraciones de Marisela en contra de los transexuales en Miss Universo, la nominó al huevo
En los próximos días se activará la alarma homofóbica. Gente, prepárense, pues esos dimes y diretes van a tener buco ají chombo.
Déjeme decirles que ya están escogidos los 10 nombres nominados al Huevo Rosa 2012. ¿Qué?
Sí, este año Jenna Talackova, participante al Miss Universo Canadá, hizo que Marisela Moreno fuera una de las aspirantes a este reconocimiento de Diversidad Sexual, organizado por la Asociación de Hombres y Mujeres Nuevos de Panamá. ¿Cómo?
4 transexuales lograron cambiar de identidad en sus documentos
“¡Se hizo justicia! Ahora soy una mujer desde todo punto de vista; para mí es un comienzo nuevo, volví a nacer pero esta vez como lo que siempre debí haber sido: una mujer”, dice Lucía Antonella Navía Canaza, quien hasta hace un año se llamaba Wilfredo.
Landmark laws protecting LGBTI rights passed in Argentina and Chile
Freedom House applauds the approval of two landmark laws in Argentina and Chile this week, which protect and advance the rights of minorities, in particular Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.
Buscan garantizar por ley la diversidad sexual en las escuelas
Es un proyecto de diputados socialistas, de la UCR, el GEN y la CC. El fin es promover la presencia de personas homosexuales o trans en los colegios, asesorar a los docentes e incorporar estos contenidos a la currícula,
Victory for Transgender Equality in Argentina!
With two major US LGBT victories already under our belt this month, including Obama’s announcement and the EEOC ruling, the historic news just keeps rolling in! The Argentinean Senate has approved a law that makes it much easier for trans people to live authentically and access life-saving, medically necessary healthcare.
Médicos rechazan por “aberrante” la ley de “identidad de género”
Argentina Adopts Landmark Legislation in Recognition of Gender Identity
Sorprendió la Iglesia con declaración que avala la muerte digna
Laura Bronzino: "Que haya leyes no quiere decir que esten aceptados los derechos"
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